Hello, I’m Dr. Debbie Drake and welcome back to our Advanced Training module for the QXCI Biofeedback practitioners. I would like to spend the next hour educating you about a topic that is very prevalent right now. A topic that has great concern for parents, teachers and society alike and that is the explosion of learning disabilities and autism in our society. It is important to recognize there is one piece of physiology that makes us all very nervous. It is when our children aren’t behaving and developing as we expect them to. This can lead to tremendous social effects, mental and emotional effects, family stress, school stress. It also can possibly affect you financially if you have to pay for unusual schooling for a child who has difficulty. Generally speaking, it disappoints people because of lack of keeping up to one’s expectation as to what “normal” is. We have to remember there have to be some physiological reasons why we are seeing 5-fold increases in the elements in our society and in our schools and one of the more powerful studies recently, which analyses whether measles vaccine have any impairments on the global increase in autism does not show a direct link in statistical studies. However, there have been so many parents who are worried about measles vaccine as a common denominator at the point where their child deteriorated that I thought I would look into this further. Amazingly, after studying autism with a very astute mother and intensely looking over her child with the QXCI, we were able to discover the fascinating fact that seems to make more sense to put the entire piece of the puzzle together.
Autism as we know is an inability to speak well, communicate and bond, as well as a lack of bonding hormone from the oxytocin pineal gland and the exhausted adrenal gland often in children who are unable to manage tolerating sulphur. However, when we mix in the contrasting knowledge that the measles vaccine is merely the identical frequency to the frequency to tyrosine, which is the main ingredient in the production of adrenalin, thyroid hormone and oxytocin, which may offer some clue as to why some children are very susceptible to autism after a vaccine. I understand it in this way, if a person is full of gut dysbiosis , whether perhaps pinworms or roundworms in the gut lining which already have depleted the tyrosine receptors in the gut lymph nodes, the institution of another vaccine on top of a previously perhaps unrecognized ill child could introduce the frequency of anti-tyrosine receptors and lost the ability for tyrosine to be absorbed into the lymph nodes to heal these chronic infections. The chronic infections thereafter stimulate the auto immune cascade, which is sulphur dependent and children with the pathway problems are very commonly seen in autism, don’t have enough sulphur to shut off the auto-immune cascade. The auto-immune cascade happens to live with its gene TNFAlpha, which stimulates the cascade against an invader. This TNFAlpha molecule lives on chromosome 6 beside the Celiac gene and it is possible that while we have chronic infections in the gut, the damaged tyrosine receptors in our lymph nodes, thyroid, adrenal and oxitosis, that concomitant addition of then Celiac acquired anti-bodies because of chronic gut infections can glue up the nervous system and prevent transmission of data across nerves that are responsible for learning, language and memory, etc.
So let’s not be too over zealous about necessarily blaming the vaccine in and of itself, as much as blaming the fact that a chronically exhausted gut with chronic leaky gut syndrome, possibly genetic influences or factors and possibly the introduction of a damaging frequency to the system through vaccination to impair one’s defense mechanism may impair the learning and impair the development of multiple glandular systems within the autistic children.
Autistic children tend to have unusual features or behaviors that indicate tyrosine deficiency. For instance, they tend to rock back and forth or jiggle briefly. They tend to roll their eyes up and look above the person where normal eye contact would have them looking level at you. Children with autism have very exquisite tenderness to any touch and they can’t stand to be hugged or touched because of the exquisite sensitivity of their skin. In addition, the strange and unusual vitamin deficiencies, especially zinc deficiency, magnesium deficiency can make their tongue be so exquisitely sensitive, any new taste or texture make them become the pickiest eaters on the planet. They cannot tolerate any new texture in the mouth and have a very difficult time re-introducing new substances in their bodies. In addition, they also have hyper-acoustic hearing as if their body is able to hear everything as an amplitude, so they often run around with hands on their ears or could be seen even putting their head in the refrigerator at a grocery store because they are trying to drown out the high pitched sound they are hearing from hyper-acoustic inflamed ear nerves from gluten antibodies, tyrosine receptors in the ear, all inflamed and having an over extenuated switchboard hearing and sensing too much about the world. Unfortunately, on top of all of this, because of the lack of nutrition and picking eating, they are missing transfer pathways so they can’t detoxify metal poisonings and infections. Many of these children end up getting demineralized. So, the demineralized body then with no minerals to activate enzymes, which are the cleaning organs, then we have a problem of we can’t clean up ourselves and get stuck in this pattern.
In addition, we find that many of the children with Autism have an opening vibratory score on their SOC score of high stress levels as well as extremely high resonance frequencing pattern. As you may recall, the resonance frequency pattern of most children is somewhat less that 15,000 hz and the five autistic children I’ve recently seen were all vibrating at a frequency level of 100-500, and in one case, 800 million hz. So this would indicate that because these children are literally out of their bodies, they may have spiritual superimposition entities from infection that are taking over their mental processes and may be making them distracted. In some cases, maybe even making them feel that they can talk to or be distracted by the spiritual realm. Many Autistic children, for instance, have been seen giggling at something that looked like they were playing with something else in the room and the only possible reason to explain this is that they may be vibrating at the frequency level of 800 million which is similar to the spiritual realm and because of this high vibratory level, may be able to see ghosts or spiritual presences that maybe we are unaware of. Of course, this could be very distracting to one’s processes of thought focus.
So you have to remember that it is not an independent single factor usually but a multiplicity of nutritional, emotional, enzymatic, hormonal and even extra spiritual levels and therefore the QXCI machine is one of the most revolutionary instruments that I have found in order to take such a holistic multifactorial approach, but in a non-invasive and non-threatening and, in fact, a somewhat fun way for children. Indeed, I have been receiving incredible results and encouragement by what I’ve seen. So much so that I’ve started filming Autistic children while I do the QXCI because I am amazed at the dramatic amount of improvement that can be made in a short sitting.
Hello, I’m Dr. Debbie Drake and welcome back to our Advanced Training module for the QXCI Biofeedback practitioners. I would like to spend the next hour educating you about a topic that is very prevalent right now. A topic that has great concern for parents, teachers and society alike and that is the explosion of learning disabilities and autism in our society. It is important to recognize there is one piece of physiology that makes us all very nervous. It is when our children aren’t behaving and developing as we expect them to. This can lead to tremendous social effects, mental and emotional effects, family stress, school stress. It also can possibly affect you financially if you have to pay for unusual schooling for a child who has difficulty. Generally speaking, it disappoints people because of lack of keeping up to one’s expectation as to what “normal” is. We have to remember there have to be some physiological reasons why we are seeing 5-fold increases in the elements in our society and in our schools and one of the more powerful studies recently, which analyses whether measles vaccine have any impairments on the global increase in autism does not show a direct link in statistical studies. However, there have been so many parents who are worried about measles vaccine as a common denominator at the point where their child deteriorated that I thought I would look into this further. Amazingly, after studying autism with a very astute mother and intensely looking over her child with the QXCI, we were able to discover the fascinating fact that seems to make more sense to put the entire piece of the puzzle together.
Autism as we know is an inability to speak well, communicate and bond, as well as a lack of bonding hormone from the oxytocin pineal gland and the exhausted adrenal gland often in children who are unable to manage tolerating sulphur. However, when we mix in the contrasting knowledge that the measles vaccine is merely the identical frequency to the frequency to tyrosine, which is the main ingredient in the production of adrenalin, thyroid hormone and oxytocin, which may offer some clue as to why some children are very susceptible to autism after a vaccine. I understand it in this way, if a person is full of gut dysbiosis , whether perhaps pinworms or roundworms in the gut lining which already have depleted the tyrosine receptors in the gut lymph nodes, the institution of another vaccine on top of a previously perhaps unrecognized ill child could introduce the frequency of anti-tyrosine receptors and lost the ability for tyrosine to be absorbed into the lymph nodes to heal these chronic infections. The chronic infections thereafter stimulate the auto immune cascade, which is sulphur dependent and children with the pathway problems are very commonly seen in autism, don’t have enough sulphur to shut off the auto-immune cascade. The auto-immune cascade happens to live with its gene TNFAlpha, which stimulates the cascade against an invader. This TNFAlpha molecule lives on chromosome 6 beside the Celiac gene and it is possible that while we have chronic infections in the gut, the damaged tyrosine receptors in our lymph nodes, thyroid, adrenal and oxitosis, that concomitant addition of then Celiac acquired anti-bodies because of chronic gut infections can glue up the nervous system and prevent transmission of data across nerves that are responsible for learning, language and memory, etc.
So let’s not be too over zealous about necessarily blaming the vaccine in and of itself, as much as blaming the fact that a chronically exhausted gut with chronic leaky gut syndrome, possibly genetic influences or factors and possibly the introduction of a damaging frequency to the system through vaccination to impair one’s defense mechanism may impair the learning and impair the development of multiple glandular systems within the autistic children.
Autistic children tend to have unusual features or behaviors that indicate tyrosine deficiency. For instance, they tend to rock back and forth or jiggle briefly. They tend to roll their eyes up and look above the person where normal eye contact would have them looking level at you. Children with autism have very exquisite tenderness to any touch and they can’t stand to be hugged or touched because of the exquisite sensitivity of their skin. In addition, the strange and unusual vitamin deficiencies, especially zinc deficiency, magnesium deficiency can make their tongue be so exquisitely sensitive, any new taste or texture make them become the pickiest eaters on the planet. They cannot tolerate any new texture in the mouth and have a very difficult time re-introducing new substances in their bodies. In addition, they also have hyper-acoustic hearing as if their body is able to hear everything as an amplitude, so they often run around with hands on their ears or could be seen even putting their head in the refrigerator at a grocery store because they are trying to drown out the high pitched sound they are hearing from hyper-acoustic inflamed ear nerves from gluten antibodies, tyrosine receptors in the ear, all inflamed and having an over extenuated switchboard hearing and sensing too much about the world. Unfortunately, on top of all of this, because of the lack of nutrition and picking eating, they are missing transfer pathways so they can’t detoxify metal poisonings and infections. Many of these children end up getting demineralized. So, the demineralized body then with no minerals to activate enzymes, which are the cleaning organs, then we have a problem of we can’t clean up ourselves and get stuck in this pattern.
In addition, we find that many of the children with Autism have an opening vibratory score on their SOC score of high stress levels as well as extremely high resonance frequencing pattern. As you may recall, the resonance frequency pattern of most children is somewhat less that 15,000 hz and the five autistic children I’ve recently seen were all vibrating at a frequency level of 100-500, and in one case, 800 million hz. So this would indicate that because these children are literally out of their bodies, they may have spiritual superimposition entities from infection that are taking over their mental processes and may be making them distracted. In some cases, maybe even making them feel that they can talk to or be distracted by the spiritual realm. Many Autistic children, for instance, have been seen giggling at something that looked like they were playing with something else in the room and the only possible reason to explain this is that they may be vibrating at the frequency level of 800 million which is similar to the spiritual realm and because of this high vibratory level, may be able to see ghosts or spiritual presences that maybe we are unaware of. Of course, this could be very distracting to one’s processes of thought focus.
So you have to remember that it is not an independent single factor usually but a multiplicity of nutritional, emotional, enzymatic, hormonal and even extra spiritual levels and therefore the QXCI machine is one of the most revolutionary instruments that I have found in order to take such a holistic multifactorial approach, but in a non-invasive and non-threatening and, in fact, a somewhat fun way for children. Indeed, I have been receiving incredible results and encouragement by what I’ve seen. So much so that I’ve started filming Autistic children while I do the QXCI because I am amazed at the dramatic amount of improvement that can be made in a short sitting.