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Smoking Protocol?

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  • Smoking Protocol?

    I had someone ask me today if I knew of a stop smoking protocol for the EPFX.

    I do not. If anyone is aware of one, or has any helpful ideas, I would appreciate hearing them.


    PATHS For Healing
    Energetic Science Ministries
    Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

    ESM Forum Support Link

  • #2
    Dear Kevin
    This is Juan from Spain .I΄ve been using the Quantum Scio for more than 3 years and Yes there is an antismoking program that you can buy to your distribuitor or Budapest (don΄t forget to get the codes to activate it) (it even has a few free demo sesions available ).
    I have not use it, but for what I know, It does work , for any of your patients that want to stop smoking in 2-3 sesions

    In service and with love
    Juan Manuel Castellano Alvarado


    • #3

      Thank you! I forgot all about the auxiliary quit smoking software for the EPFX.

      I appreciate you reminding me about it.


      PATHS For Healing
      Energetic Science Ministries
      Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

      ESM Forum Support Link


      • #4
        Smoking protocol

        I got this from a friend..
        Stop Smoking - have the client bring in their last cigarette butt in a glass bottle with water in it. Place on the test tray with lid off. Go into Allergy desensitisation and invert allergen. Increase time to 20 and start desensitisation. This has worked wonders
        2.Test Page
        Treatments (top middle of page – pull down menu)
        Stimulate Reaction / Duplicate Remedy
        Last smoked cigarette in a glass vial on top of QX test plate
        Invert From Test Tray
        Load to Tray or Zap

        3.Test Page – Program – Homeopathic activation
        same protocol as 2

        4.BioFeedBack Page
        BioFeedBack (top left - pull down menu)
        Addiction Release Therapy - Click and drag top left/bottom right edge of picture to fill screen

        (to stop program at top of page – check for % rectified –top right)

        5.Therapy Page - Mental NLP InterFace
        Click Addiction – type in 1 or 2 symptoms - Start NLP Interface

        6. Spinal Page/ NLP (bottom left) Same as 5

        7. Test Page - Programs – (top left-pull down menu)
        NLP Emotional Growth Same as 5

        8. Test Page – top right - Disease Dictionary – load dictionary
        Click Addiction – Click Electroacupuncture + Bioresonance
        Set timer for 1-3 minutes - Auto treat –

        9. Test Page – Programs - EEG ECG – Brain Wave Pattern Therapy


        • #5
          another smoking protocol

          Here's another smoking protocol I got from a friend...

          The best way is to get a self-hypnosis anti-smoking DVD (Ebay) hypnotherapy works in one session as a rule.

          Ask the smoker how many they HONESTLY smoke daily.

          Draw a chart for a month (30 days) to give to the client to follow.

          If they smoke 30 a day design the chart to reduce by one per day. Give times when they CAN smoke. Like any addiction you must reduce the craving slowly, although hypnotherapy does it in one.

          It is important that they know they will have withdrawal signs and symptoms and need to take supplements to support these.

          Because smoking stimulates cortisol (fight/flight hormone), and produces a feeling of calm, a diet to counteract this also helps. Wheat and carbohydrates reduce cortisol so remove from the diet if possible. Carbohydrates also reduce DHEA, the master hormone.

          Homeopathic activation from your programme (program) is required for the following; it will do an auto search for the dilution and potency:

          Nicotine, smoking, addiction, Vitamin C, Anti-Smoking I, Anti-Smoking II, Lung Liquescence, Hygly (hypoglycemia); Heart, Lung homeopathic, endorphins, Endorphin homeopathic, Crystallized Cell Salts, Substance Abuse


          2 x DHEA daily, do not take after 5pm (optional)
          1 x Chromium Picolinate 200mg (to reduce hypoglycaemia)
          1 x B vitamin complex supplement
          1 x pantothenic acid 500mg (for adrenal support)
          2 x Vitamin C, one am and one pm x 500mg
          1 x 1,000 calcium with vitamin D and magnesium
          Optional vitamin A and E

          Book your sessions every 8 days with your client - they need your encouragement

          NB anti-smoking patches/chewing gum give nicotine to the client, which defeats the object of getting them off it. These can continue the addiction and should be avoided.

          As an alternative oral stimulation: let them chew liquorice root sticks.

          DO NOT BE JUDGEMENTAL in your attitude.

          For homeopathic treatment we offer Anti-Smoking I, a homeopathic containing a low-potency (3x) of nicotine taken from tobacco and lobelia (Indian tobacco). This blend of ingredients, along with nux vomica and other classical homeopathics that are used to desensitise cravings, is given to the patient to use when he feels the urge for a cigarette.

          When a smoker wakes up in the morning, he usually wants to refurbish his blood nicotine levels by having a cigarette. He is to take ten to fifteen drops of the Anti-Smoking I formula under the tongue. (Upon waking) Since sublingual and stomach absorption of nicotine is slower than respiratory absorption, the smoker must wait fifteen to twenty minutes for effects to set in. If by then he is still craving a cigarette, he may take a second dose. After another fifteen to twenty minutes of craving he may take a third dose. He is not to take over three doses. This generates a slight dose of nicotine into the blood to reduce craving. The time involved (twenty minutes) helps to reduce the craving as well, and also helps to stimulate endorphins.

          The major vitamins depleted by smoking are vitamins A, B, C and E. These vitamins must be supplemented into the diet to help rebuild the tissue and decrease the craving. Vitamin A should be prescribed at 20,000 IFS a day, vitamin C at 1,000 - 3,000 mg a day, and vitamin E at 1,000 IFS a day. Extra vitamin C can also be given, as it is a strong stimulator of endorphins that help reduce the craving. Patients can also be taught to wrap a rubber band around the wrist, and upon craving snap the rubber band on the skin. This accomplishes several things: the pain stimulates endorphins and helps to stop the craving, and the craving is associated with the snapping rubber band, thereby desensitising the patient through negative conditioning.

          After the patient has taken Anti-Smoking I drops orally for a week or two, they may shift to skin application by putting three drops on the skin over an acupuncture point, such as those between the thumb and index finger (the Hoku point), and the webbed area closer to the index finger. By massaging this into both spots, slight amounts of nicotine can be put into the skin, which also helps the patient by stimulating the acupuncture point. This acupuncture point is connected to many places in the body, and helps to correct blood sugar imbalance.

          Lung Liquescence and Heart, Lung homeopathic glandular are also helpful in rebuilding tissue and diminishing craving. The Endorphin homeopathic helps in diminishing craving, as well.

          One side effect of quitting smoking is initial weight gain. It has been shown that weight gain can be avoided by taking 1,000 mg of calcium a day. The best formula we have for this is the Crystallized Cell Salts, which supplies a well-balanced blend of all needed minerals. Two tablets a day supplies the needed calcium that helps prevent weight gain.

          NOTE: The SMOKING PROGRAM for the SCIO/EFPX does not work in subspace. You need to attach the client via the harness.

