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Using P.A.T.H.S. and EPFX Synergistically

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  • Using P.A.T.H.S. and EPFX Synergistically

    I feel to start a thread addressing ways of using the P.A.T.H.S. modules/theaters along with EPFX protocols synergistically to address client situations and also to help ourselves as facilitators.

    #1. Using EPFX and P.A.T.H.S. for diagnosed Alzheimer's.

    I have an Alzheimer's protocol for the EPFX which if there's interest I'll post. I've been doing one client with diagnosed Alzheimer's on the EPFX for over a year.

    In the spring, we started the client on P.A.T.H.S.
    The P.A.T.H.S. modules used first for this one particular client with diagnosed Alzheimers's were:

    Stem Cell Health
    Young Again
    Perfect Circulation
    Increased Lung Function

    After a few months we changed to:

    Heart Health
    Academic Supercharger
    Stem Cell Health

    The client himself is not "doing" the theatres, I've set it up energetically so that his daughter is doing them in surrogate for him. The client recognized his daughter for the first time in many years recently.

    #2. Help for US as Facilitators.
    A little ritual/practice I'm doing every time I start my EPFX: I click the TOP "Continue" button. This loads the page containing the white ball that "breathes" in much the same manner that the P.A.T.H.S. ball "breathes." As it expands and contracts a.k.a. breathes in and out, I anchor the P.A.T.H.S. modules in consciousness to its motion. With my intention, I therefore experience a taste of the P.A.T.H.S. effect every time I begin an EPFX client.

    #3. Help for US as Facilitators.
    I've found that taking the Desert Alchemy Flower Essence "Tarbush" either in the physical essence itself, or on the SCIO (its listed under FlowerEssences on the Test menu) helps tremendously in bringing forth awareness of suppressed or repressed subconscious beliefs/experiences.

    PATHS ~ Mind Energetics

  • #2

    That is fantastic that you have been using PATHS and the EPFX synergistically. I have also been doing the same thing for quite a while with good success.

    It is so good to hear that you have been able to help the gentleman with Alzheimer's.

    I am very interested in your protocol on Alzheimer's.

    I'll also post up some of my experiences soon.


    PATHS For Healing
    Energetic Science Ministries
    Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

    ESM Forum Support Link


    • #3
      Here is a link with some good info...will be adding more later.


      PATHS For Healing
      Energetic Science Ministries
      Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

      ESM Forum Support Link

