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Canadian TV Show "Marketplace"

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  • Canadian TV Show "Marketplace"

    Has anyone on this forum seen this TV show?

    It was aired across Canada on Friday January 31st, 2009.

    To say that it set back all we are trying to do with our biofeedback devices is an understatement. "Professor" Nelson, with all due respect acted like a total ass and proceeded to tell the interviewer how his device "cures cancer" Yes he said "cures cancer" Can you imagine after how careful we all are in explaining what Quantum Biofeedback is all about that the inventor, dressed as a woman and showing off his closet full of dresses, says everything we are taught not to say.

    I will tell you I am so angry about this that it is hard to even write this letter.

    I am waiting to see what Quantum Alliance will say about this and how they plan to "clean up" this terrible blow to all of us here in Canada, who have invested a lot of money and time and trust and belief in this device and what it does, and how in a 30 minute interview the inventor of the technology can basically destroy all of our credibility.

    What a shame. What a real shame.

    Don Loruss

  • #2
    Yesterday, I first saw an article in a daily (Toronto) free newspaper that was very negative, and then I saw the show later that day. Seems like there's an attack going on, and I also thought about posting to give practitioners a head's up.

    Here's the link to the CBC:

    Miracle Makers or Money Takers? | CBC News: Marketplace

    They had some footage of the EPFX machine being promoted at a home show with other 'miracle' products. They got a few comments from people with positive views of it. They talked about a woman from Washington who bought one for $20K but died of cancer anyway (my thought was - why didn't she just go for sessions with someone who knows how to use it well?). Interviewed her husband. They said it had been banned from sale in the US because of deceptive marketing. They said in Canada it is only approved for sale as a stress-reduction tool. (Later in the program they said Health Canada wouldn't grant them an interview.)

    They had a hidden camera on someone with cancer go in and have a first consult with an EPFX practitioner who said he was a protege of Bill Nelson. They played up the fact that many people think he's a genius. They had interview footage with Desire Dubounet (Bill Nelson) and her manner was strange. They showed her huge closet of dresses and shoes. Dubounet was quoted as saying 40 of the machines are sold in Canada a month. They made a comment that Bill Nelson/Desire Dubounet lives in Hungary and s/he is facing charges for something (they specified but I missed that detail) in the States.

    They asked for scientific evidence and Dubounet gave them a box of papers that show a lot of related things but nothing specifically on the EPFX. The only study on the EPFX were testimonials with photos. They had a biomedical engineer conduct his tests on someone while they were getting an EPFX session, and he concluded that the minute amounts of electric current were harmless, but not likely to accomplish anything. They took the anecdotes and photos to an oncologist and he said that in photos where supposedly cancer has been eradicated, it's clear it's still there. He also stated that there is nothing in the reports that would stand up to scientific scrutiny.

    Dubounet talked about how the reports show 2000 people had been cured of cancer. When the interviewer asked whether she felt bad for deceiving people (clearly a set-up there)...she started getting angry and used a really strange voice to say she was angry that the Canadian people were being deceived, that they were going to twist the footage however they like plus some other weird things I can't quite remember.

    I felt a bit of fear watching this because although there's obviously something up with Nelson/Dubounet, it also felt like a bit of a witchhunt. If you scroll down in the comments on the web, you can see that several people comment on the unprofessional journalism.

    I haven't ever had an EPFX session but have a friend in Vancouver who loves it. I am into PATHS and I do energy healing. I chatted with her about it and we looked up Bill Nelson and Desire Dubounet, which I'm sure many people will do. The Bill Nelson youtube videos are pretty sane, and Desire...well her websites seem full of crazy stuff, and spelling/grammatical errors. One example is how she goes on about her musical talent but if you listen to her youtube videos it's clear she can't sing on pitch. It seems like Bill was born inter-sexed (has genitalia from both sexes), was brought up male, and now prefers to live as a woman. But obviously a lot of people are going to be (homophobically) reacting to what they perceive as cross-dressing, being transexual etc.

    I don't think that Desire's persona or Bill's mental health issues mean the machine is ineffective. But in the show, they made it seem like s/he basically just makes things up, and is dishonest. And that practitioners are making promises to people who are desperate for help.

    But there are a lot of people going - well, thousands of people can't be wrong. There must be something to it. So maybe this will be a 'no publicity is bad publicity' type situation...
    Last edited by terranova; 02-01-2009, 09:09 PM.


    • #3
      Not a good spokes person

      Have not seen it but sounds like a negative poster person for the cause.

      Who was behind the airing? Sounds like a special interest. Not a public interest. That would be unfair.
      "But ye shall receive power..."
      Acts 1:8


      • #4
        "Professor" Nelson

        The show was aired on the CBC which is the national network of Canada, similar to the BBC. This show has a fairly large following and mostly what they do is uncover "scams" and ripoffs perpetrated on people. So no, it wasn't a special interest show.

        I thought about posting this video on You Tube, but I really don't want to give it any more exposure than necessary.


        • #5

          this episode of marketplace isn't convincing...
          lol, however i am sure it will play on peoples fears of being taken..
          the energy comming from the interevewers is alot more dense than the energy coming from the man being interviewed...
          his frustration seems to come from the of lack of understanding what is happening..
          it seems normal that when something shows up that is different there will be criticism...

          All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second,
          it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

          - Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher (1788 - 1860)

          love Adrienne
          Matrix Energetics Sessions-Private message me


          • #6
            I like what Adrienne posted-

            All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second,
            it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

            - Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher (1788 - 1860)

            When I first heard about the EPFX machine, many years ago, I did some quick internet research and saw that it appeared "to be too good to be true". On top of that, the inventor, Bill Nelson, appeared to be quite a mercurial person (to put it generously).

            I would have dismissed it out of hand at that point, however, there was some TRV data that said it was an effective device. (of course, TRV has been ridiculed quite a bit also )

            Even though the TRV data was quite clear that the EPFX did in fact have a positive affect on the human body and mind, I still could not wrap my brain around it.

            So I set up an appointment with a chiropractor that had an EPFX and went and paid for a session with him. Indeed, it did appear to work. Still not satisfied, I set another appointment for both myself and Mary, we tried to trick the EPFX, but it still worked quite well on both of us.

            At this point we did some more TRV work on it, the data all came back good.

            So we purchased a machine for our personal use. (we did NOT get it for cancer, nor I have I ever tried the EPFX on someone with cancer).

            We simply purchased it for our personal use, and for friends and family.

            I will tell you something even crazier than what is in the video linked above....Soon after getting it, I realized that it functions almost as well whether it is physically hooked up to the person or not!!!!

            My EPFX is running 24/7 and it has been well over a year since I hooked anyone up to it physically!!!

            (If you would like to read about how it works via subspace...when it is not hooked up is a link to a document that explains it in detail- )

            Anyways, as I stated, we purchased it for friends and family, not to make any money off of it.

            One of the friends that I helped with it is a psychiatrist. After working with her and her son, she asked me to work on some of her patients as a supplement to the conventional treatment she rendered them.

            I do not advertise, I do not make any claims, I do not make any money from someone purchasing a machine, I do not take money from any individual to work on them with the device.

            I am not a doctor, nor do I recommend anyone forgo, delay, or replace their doctors directions with the EPFX.

            I will say that the EPFX device I have has created positive change in my life and in the lives of many people that I know.

            I do not know how it works, I do know that it does work in many beneficial ways.

            No TV show, no doctor, no "studies" can convince me otherwise. I have seen too many benefits personally.

            As Nilola Tesla said so many years ago -"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena; it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."

            Or if you prefer Albert Einstein -"The most beautiful and profound emotion we can experience is the sensation of the mystical. It is the power of all true science."

            But what it really comes down to, no doctor, or government agency, or TV show cares about you as much as you care about yourself. In this day and age, with the internet we have so much information available to us at our fingertips, do your own research, find out for yourself what is best for you.

            I truly hope that the recent rumors of President Obama declassifying many areas of research prove to be true.

            In any case, my encouragement to everyone, think for yourself, gather information from all source, pray for wisdom, and make the best choices you can to benefit yourself and those you love.


            PATHS For Healing
            Energetic Science Ministries
            Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

            ESM Forum Support Link


            • #7
              Kevin and Adrienne....I agree totally with what you say. I have read many negative things about the EPFX. This is somewhat a different matter. If you saw this show and I will include a link where I think you can watch it online or at least see a preview, it was not so much about the EPFX as it was about Mr.Nelson. After seeing his performance on this show, anyone would be hard pressed to think he was anything but a total mental case. He also made claims about the EPFX that we as practitioners are absolutely told a million times not to say. He said "it cures cancer". He said he has "cured" many "patients" with cancer. We don't say that. The EPFX reduces stress and helps to manage pain. Right?

              I am just starting my practice. I believe whole heatedly in this device. However, it is hard enough selling this concept to people, and remember folks we do this to help people but it is also a business, without the inventor of the device going on national TV and acting like.....well watch it for yourselves. And one last thing, I lost a client after she saw the show. She called me and was angry because I talked up Nelson so much to her and she said after seeing the show she wanted nothing to do with it. I don't need that kind of "support" from the inventor of the device.

              regards don

              regards Don
              Last edited by dvl57; 02-03-2009, 01:35 PM.


              • #8
                Sorry I forgot to include the link. Here it is: CBC News: Marketplace | Canada's Investigative Consumer Show


                • #9
                  Originally posted by dvl57 View Post
                  Kevin and Adrienne....I agree totally with what you say. I have read many negative things about the EPFX. This is somewhat a different matter. If you saw this show and I will include a link where I think you can watch it online or at least see a preview, it was not so much about the EPFX as it was about Mr.Nelson. After seeing his performance on this show, anyone would be hard pressed to think he was anything but a total mental case. He also made claims about the EPFX that we as practitioners are absolutely told a million times not to say. He said "it cures cancer". He said he has "cured" many "patients" with cancer. We don't say that. The EPFX reduces stress and helps to manage pain. Right?

                  I am just starting my practice. I believe whole heatedly in this device. However, it is hard enough selling this concept to people, and remember folks we do this to help people but it is also a business, without the inventor of the device going on national TV and acting like.....well watch it for yourselves. And one last thing, I lost a client after she saw the show. She called me and was angry because I talked up Nelson so much to her and she said after seeing the show she wanted nothing to do with it. I don't need that kind of "support" from the inventor of the device.

                  regards don

                  regards Don
                  Hi Don,

                  I did watch the video before writing my post above.

                  To expand on what I mentioned above....I did research before buying my EPFX and saw that Bill was "out there" and would NOT be a person of credibility to the average person.

                  Therefore, I either do not mention him, or I "inoculate" people to his "eccentricities". Like that old saying "your much learning has driven you mad"...sort of tongue in cheek. But I definitely do NOT use him as a source of credibility.

                  The machine does what it does. It does not matter who invented it.

                  Taking Bill totally out of the equation, the machine is too fantastic for the average person to believe it could work anyway. For the foreseeable future, the vast majority of people that could benefit from the EPFX will not, this is because they just cannot fathom that their allopathic doctors and the drug companies are not "all-knowing". It is also because the way the EPFX works is outside their belief system on how our minds and bodies function.

                  Would it be nicer if the inventor was a credible person to the masses? Yes, but that is just not the case.

                  btw, when I first got my EPFX several of my friends laughed, I mean really really laughed and did not stop making jokes about me and it for weeks. I had already tested it and knew that it worked, so I just let them make their constant jokes and ridicule me.

                  Within a month they were begging me to make more time on the machine to work with them.

                  Proof is always in the pudding.

                  You have chosen to work with a device that strains the average persons credibility. As a result, you will have to develop some thick skin and confine your efforts to helping people that believe you and desire to have your help.

                  This is so very true-

                  All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second,
                  it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

                  - Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher (1788 - 1860)

                  The EPFX is in the stage of ridicule with most, and with others you can see it is in the stage of being violently opposed.

                  Help those who want your help, and over time there will be more and more of them.


                  PATHS For Healing
                  Energetic Science Ministries
                  Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

                  ESM Forum Support Link


                  • #10
                    two points

                    aren't geniuses kinda wacked or nuts anyhow???
                    most geniuses seem to be.. look at mozart

                    and point two...

                    isn't illness caused by stress in the first place...

                    remove all stressors, remove all illness...

                    and i guess a third point like much of what is spoke of on this forum (the self developement anyhow) it is healed, removed etc.. when the person is ready, and if it is meant to be part of that persons experience...

                    just a few thoughts...
                    as well as such a Massive amount of our globe is governed by fear,,
                    which brings me back too the stages we seem to have to go thoruhg in order to have acceotance of something/anything

                    All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second,
                    it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

                    - Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher (1788 - 1860)

                    Matrix Energetics Sessions-Private message me




                    • #11
                      just wanted to add

                      i had to run off to work ealier...
                      but want to add in case some geniuses on this forum are reading

                      i don't un-include myself in the being nuts part
                      makes life a bit more interesting, me thinks.
                      Matrix Energetics Sessions-Private message me




                      • #12
                        Prof. Bill Nelson needs some work?

                        Perhaps we should all do a session on Bill Nelson!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by mantramaven View Post
                          Perhaps we should all do a session on Bill Nelson!

                          I think he is probably very happy with where he is at.

                          If you look at some of his messages in the EPFX, you will see that he has displayed quite an interesting sense of humor and perspective on the human condition for quite a while.


                          PATHS For Healing
                          Energetic Science Ministries
                          Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

                          ESM Forum Support Link


                          • #14
                            Kevin I am sold!

                            So when can I schedule my appointment for therapy? It sounds like this is a great way to beat the pathogens out of here
                            "But ye shall receive power..."
                            Acts 1:8


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Kevin View Post

                              Proof is always in the pudding.

                              You have chosen to work with a device that strains the average persons credibility. As a result, you will have to develop some thick skin and confine your efforts to helping people that believe you and desire to have your help.


                              People's reactions are a reflection of something in your own vibration -- I've been doing something "out there" as my career for 9 years and have rarely gotten any opposition or resistance from people. That's mainly because I don't have a lot in common with people who are skeptical about alt healing or spirituality so they don't show up in my life much. If they do, I don't feel the need to convince them - time will show them eventually that I am right .

                              Applying the regular rules of marketing and linear effort doesn't really compute with quantum healing methods. You get the clients you are meant to get because they are energetically aligned with what you have to offer.

                              That said, we are going through an interesting time when a lot of previously 'woo-woo' things are coming into the mainstream. And there's a lot of sorting going on. People want to open up but still be standing on solid ground. Where the dollars are going is also an issue - many alt health approaches have to be subtle so they aren't attacked.

                              Kevin, loved the fact that you trv'ed it...the friend I have in Vancouver is also an energy-reader. She booked a session this week to verify her own perceptions, and then wrote a letter to Health Canada saying they should ask Marketplace for a retraction. The practitioner she sees got a new client from the show.


