I believe I can fly!!
- thanks Maggie for lending her the "fairy dust
"!!) The view is sooo beautiful and lovely from up above.
Now that Sharyn has coaxed us down -- it is lovely to be relaxing.
I see Magggie pondering with that "far away" look in her eyes ... I sense a new poem .... could it be "Paris Through the Eyes of Angels
Well my lovely flying ladies (and gents too - I hear you are powerful
uper flyers!) -- just remember... anytime the breeze is soft and you hearts are light and full ... just lift your arms and join me!!
Wheee - Didn't we just SOAR!
I had the most magnificient time with you Maggie and Viviana & Keoi

Now that Sharyn has coaxed us down -- it is lovely to be relaxing.

Well my lovely flying ladies (and gents too - I hear you are powerful
