What FUN!!!
Hi My Sweeties!
Wow!!! What FUN this is!!! Hmmmm....Where to begin? Oh...I KNOW...Oh Bryan...Come on over here, Baby...I wanna talk to you...YEAH...YOU!!! Bryan...I KNEW you were a facinating creature just by reading your posts and NOW you have enchanted us even further with your personal information!
You certainly sound HANDSOME, Honey...
AND... that's quite a life story you have there...Do you know that I love animals also? I DO! I see that you have a wonderful wife that you adore as well...How PERFECT...BUT....I hope she won't mind if I flirt with you...You see...I just cannot help myself. Since I started with my PATHS modules way back in January, my Authentic Self has flourished greatly and along with that came this desire to FLIRT OUTRAGEOUSLY as often as possible! Please tell her not to worry...I am NO threat at all! Besides...I am MUCH older than you, so flirting is ALL I can do with a gorgeous young man like you! But PLEASE...Do hang around, Dear Bryan, because I believe that all of the ladies here are dying to get to know you better, okay? And tell your beautiful wife that she is more than welcome to come and join us at this virtual party!
But wait...hey Aaron...Careful with those Cosmospoliticians, okay, Honey? We don't want let you get too wasted on those...You have to keep in control so you don't embarass yourself posting on the Renewable Energy forum...Those guys over there are counting on you to keep your wits about you... (Grace...You better watch Aaron...Maybe we better get some food into him, before he gets all liquered up...I'll meet you in the kitchen and we can muster up something quick for him and then Jamie and I will take a ride and get tons of fabulous food for everyone else that will, undoubtedly, be showing up... I'll just fish through your handbag for your credit card, okay Grace? Thanks Doll-Baby!
Okay...All of you Beauties carry on while Grace and I make make some food for Aaron...I'll be back to do some partying with you all when Jamie and I return from the food shopping... Wait...Hey Angela...wanna make a Booze list for us? Jamie and I may as well stop off at the Booze Factory while we are out...I can see that we are gonna need more by the way Sharyn is downing those drinks...
Sharyn...You better be careful with those cocktails or you won't be able to internalize the Flirting Lessons I am going to give you!
Adrienne...Wanna come in the kitchen with me and Grace and get some food for Sharyn also? Thanks Darling... MUAH!!!
Oh God...STEVEN popped in and then LEFT? OH NO!
Steven? Steven? Please come back soon, Baby...We Miss you!!!
See you soon, My Lovies...
With Much Love and Gratitude,
Hi My Sweeties!
Wow!!! What FUN this is!!! Hmmmm....Where to begin? Oh...I KNOW...Oh Bryan...Come on over here, Baby...I wanna talk to you...YEAH...YOU!!! Bryan...I KNEW you were a facinating creature just by reading your posts and NOW you have enchanted us even further with your personal information!

But wait...hey Aaron...Careful with those Cosmospoliticians, okay, Honey? We don't want let you get too wasted on those...You have to keep in control so you don't embarass yourself posting on the Renewable Energy forum...Those guys over there are counting on you to keep your wits about you... (Grace...You better watch Aaron...Maybe we better get some food into him, before he gets all liquered up...I'll meet you in the kitchen and we can muster up something quick for him and then Jamie and I will take a ride and get tons of fabulous food for everyone else that will, undoubtedly, be showing up... I'll just fish through your handbag for your credit card, okay Grace? Thanks Doll-Baby!

Okay...All of you Beauties carry on while Grace and I make make some food for Aaron...I'll be back to do some partying with you all when Jamie and I return from the food shopping... Wait...Hey Angela...wanna make a Booze list for us? Jamie and I may as well stop off at the Booze Factory while we are out...I can see that we are gonna need more by the way Sharyn is downing those drinks...

Oh God...STEVEN popped in and then LEFT? OH NO!

See you soon, My Lovies...

With Much Love and Gratitude,