Well I must say I am feeling very adventerous tonight! I must be to be wearing high heels
! What was I thinking? Okay take it slow one step at a time! Eeeeek! Whooooaaa... That was close!
Okay those new moves on the dance floor were really just a serious Tom Boy trying to wear high heels and stay up!
Although I have always wanted to be able to walk in a sexy pair of stilletoes...hmmmm I don't even know how to spell that??? Anybody up to teaching a tom boy to walk in high heels
Now maybe some of your CEM or ME could help out in this situation! I definitely need help getting in touch with my femine energy big time!
Ok, lets see if I can make it all the way across the room to Adrienne to get one of those drinks... Better yet, off with the shoes! That way I don't hurt myself or anyone else!
How do you all do these high heels???
Hey were is the other S.J.? I do want to meet her in person! Well I am excited to meet you all in person!
Hugs and Blessings zartgirl
Well I must say I am feeling very adventerous tonight! I must be to be wearing high heels

Okay those new moves on the dance floor were really just a serious Tom Boy trying to wear high heels and stay up!

Ok, lets see if I can make it all the way across the room to Adrienne to get one of those drinks... Better yet, off with the shoes! That way I don't hurt myself or anyone else!

How do you all do these high heels???

Hugs and Blessings zartgirl