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Are You Ready For Some Fun? Yeah, We Thought So!!

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  • I Love You!!


    Once again It brings tears of JOY to my eyes to read all your posts!! I KNOW I am the most fortunate woman in the world to have all of you in my life!! I was very excited about this Karate Tournament (Walt Disney World's Martial Arts Festival at Disney's Wide World of Sports) because I was also competing for the first time in "Team Kata" with my son Ryan. All together there were 7 teams. Only two teams had 2 team members in the team. All the others had three. We were concerned that having three members would look and seem more dynamic. In fact the gold medal winners were a team of three. So Needless to say Ryan and I were thrilled to have taken the Silver Medal! This was Friday night. It gave both of us a wonderful feeling of (YOU GUESSED IT) GRATITUDE!!!

    Saturday I was in 4 sparring divisions. 1. Over 18 advanced black belt open 2. Over 130lbs adult women black belts (there were no women for the 130 lbs and under so at the last minute they put me into this division without asking me!) 3. over 30 advanced female black belts. 4. over 40 advanced female black belt. I took gold in the over 30 and over 40 divisions, and Bronze for the 18 years of age open and another Bronze for the over 130lbs advanced female black belts! I am most proud of the Bronze Medals because in those divisions I was kicked on the side of my face and kicked in the ribs(Yes I was immediately making "corrections" on myself!!)

    I also was being aggressively attacked at one point by a very young blond woman in the over 130lbs division and I slipped and tried to block the punches as I was headed for the ground, Somehow as I was falling backwards I turned myself around to miss a punch coming to my chest and landed practically on my face as I slid forward via momentum on my stomach, I also managed to flip back around so as not to get punched in the head or back and defend myself from the ground with my legs. This in a matter of seconds until the referee stopped the match. I was cracking up laughing at myself the whole time I was headed for the ground!!

    It was Hilarious watching my son Ryan re-enact this maneuver of mine!! I am laughing about it and his rendition of me as I write this!! I also was thrilled to get another Gold medal for "Kata" which is a demonstration of moves "as If" you were being attacked. Ryan also did very well on Saturday! His Kata was fantastic and he won the silver Medal which is awesome because his division was one of the largest. He also got Bronze for "sparring" which was much more difficult since there were twice as many competitors for his age group of 16 and up!

    We were told that this would all be filmed live on ESPN2, but I have yet to see anything. If I do get some video I will certainly post it on my profile page in the future. So all together I was able to win 3 gold medals 1 silver medal (with my son) and 2 bronze medals! I know I did so well because of your love and concern for me!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! I wanted to post right away last night when I got back into town, but with all the excitement my body just crashed at 8:15pm and I could do nothing else but make it a very early night! Once again I want to tell you how much your posts mean to me and how I KNOW that your energy helped me win!!


    In 2016 my style of Karate will be in the Olympics, Ryan will be 26 and as I see it an Olympian!!


    Last edited by Grace; 10-31-2007, 12:18 AM. Reason: correction Ryan got 2 silver medals and a bronze!


    • The Celebration Continues

      You are Amazing, Dear Grace!!!!! I am so stunned by your accomplishments! I just went back and read Sharyn's post and checked out her you tube post - It was so funny that we both picked the same CELEBRATION song for you.
      So I went searching for something else to send you and thought my cousin might bless you with his words.
      YouTube - Stevie Wonder - Live in Madrid 1995 - 13/17 parts

      WAY TO GO! BABE!!!

      Love,Light, Gratitude, Joy and Amazement,
      Love, Light, Gratitude & Joy

      My Mystic PATHS Website
      Word Whisperer
      My Squidoo Lens - ThetaHealing, Reiki,


      • Grace!


        CONGRATULATIONS! (this is not yelling, but just excitement on your accomplishments!)

        Love and Gratitude
        Sallyjane zartgirl


        • YOU ARE THE BOMB...BUT WE KNEW THAT!!!!!! One for each metal

          [SIZE="5"]Oh yal, and I am so sorry it took me so long to get here...You guys know I don't fly, so I had to charter a yacht from San took us down to Panama and then we went through the Panama Canal...VERY Interesting. Stopped off for a bit in Panama City to say Hi to all the lovely in PATHS Corp. Then across the Atlantic to get to you guys!SIZE]

          Whew... But, I have made it for the best part, Grace's celebration party!!!!

          YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! GRACE!!!!!!!!!!!
          Blessings with Aloha Keoi

          <a href="" target="blank">Secrets of The Psychic State</a>
          Keys To Awakening Your Inner Psychic


          • Yay!


            We all knew you would be bring back the gold, and the silver and the bronze, you are amazing!!!!!

            Can't wait to see the video when it becomes available!!

            Muchas muchas felicidades mi querida amiga, te lo mereces!!

            ~Viviana -
            "The divine is not something high above us. It is in heaven, it is in earth, it is inside us..." - Morihei Ueshiba


            • Yay!!

              The Guest of Honor is here! Dear Grace let me give you a gigantic . I am so excited to see you & talk to you again!

              You are the Champion & you Rock!!


              Keoi, How fantastic to see you here! Especially since you almost, but not quite, took the slow boat from China!! Hugs to you!! (I've run out of emoticons!) You know we are going to have to work on this flying phobia of yours!! We can't have you always lagging behind!!

              Hugs to you Dear Maggie (Dare I say Great Minds think alike!!), & hugs to Sally Jane Zartgirl & Viviana!! This party is the greatest!

              Ok, but where have Pamela & Jamie disappeared to? I've just found Pamela's cell phone so I can't ring her - hmmm I think she's hidden it in this big pot plant
              so that she won't see Aaron ringing her requesting his jet back.

              It's no use Pamela, the game's up because now Aaron is ringing ME!! And he HAS got his knickers in a twist!! I guess that he has been extremely patient with us so I think we'd better hightail it over to England just as soon as this party is over & then send HIS jet back to the U.S for him to use before he decides to exert some of his powerful masculine energy!!!!

              Don't despair! I plan to keep you all entertained on the jet on the way over to England. I've still got some fabulous books to share with you that I bought up on from Le Shoppe de Futures!! And guess what! One (or more) of them was Aaron's !!! Now aren't you all bursting with curiosity & anticipation to find out about Aaron's creations? I bet you are all agog but you are going to have to wait until the trip!!

              Just to whet your appetite let me also tell you that in my former guise of Hercules Poirot I also discovered a most astonishing secret about Glenn & Jeanie.

              Oh, some of you have just realised that Glenn & Jeanie have not been around for a while. Yes, that is true, they in fact left us when all that steamy Latin singing & dancing was going on at our previous party a while back. They were so overcome by the romance that they slipped away for a private moment!! A LOOOONG private moment as it has turned out!! And it was then that I Hercules Poirot, discovered LE SECRET!!!!! This is a secret Sooo Amaaazing that you simply won't believe it!!

              We will catch up with them once we arrive in England & then I will reveal all!!

              Love, Light & Blessings,
              Theta Healing
              Paths 2 Potential

              "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


              • Yay!!!

                Congratulations, Grace & Ryan!!! Way to go!!!

                We ALL knew you'd do it!!!

                With Much Love and Admiration!!
                Moria x
                Intuitive Readings
                Web design by Hannah King


                • Not to worry about Aaron and his jet!

                  I have resolved the problem with Aaron and his jet. So, Sharyn, Pamela, Jamie, you can all come out of hiding!!!!
                  I have rented this for Aaron's own personal use indefinably. He is going to be so thrilled he will completely forget that you have taken his jet and credit card!
                  Here you go Aaron enjoy...I am sure you can get one of those cute air tanker to refuel you over the Atlantic.... BUT, WAIT, You can just add your gas pill and you won't even need a tanker. Enjoy yourself, Dear Boy

                  Whew!!!, Keoi to the rescue!!!!
                  SkyThrills! - For the Thrill of a Lifetime

                  Blessings with Aloha Keoi
                  <a href="" target="blank">Secrets of The Psychic State</a>
                  Keys To Awakening Your Inner Psychic


                  • Once again...WHEW!!!

                    Oh, My Dear Keoi!!!

                    Thank you SO MUCH for renting this for our Wonderful Aaron! You DO know that you have taken me off the hook by doing this, don't you? I KNOW he was getting his knickers in a big twist because we haven't been returning his calls and I must admit that I have been feeling kinda bad about that... I mean...Aaron is ALWAYS SO good to us and he RARELY gets annoyed while we all have so much fun at his expense!!! I guess we HAVE been taking advantage of his goodness and I for one plan on making it up to him once we get back to the states...

                    But NOW he can fly himself anywhere he wants and you Beauties all know what THAT means, don't you? YEP...THAT'S RIGHT...It means that we can hang on to his jet for even LONGER and he won't mind a bit!!!!

                    Thanks Aaron!!! You know how much we all Love you, don't you, Honey? You ROCK, Big Boy!!!

                    With MUCH Love and Gratitude,

                    My PATHS Website
                    My Art Website
                    My Paintings As Prints
                    My Facebook


                    • my jet

                      Thanks Pamela!
                      And that is a water fuel powered Jet by the way! lol
                      Aaron Murakami

                      Books & Videos
                      RPX & MWO


                      • Aaron you are so fabulous!!

                        Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                        And that is a water fuel powered Jet by the way! lol
                        We can now enjoy ourselves so much more knowing that we are using this powerfully high tech. water fueled Jet of yours!! I knew How lucky we all were to have you in our lives, but honestly, a water fueled Jet!! WE ARE VERY FORTUNATE INDEED!!

                        Also, I wanted to post an email about the filming of my Karate event at Walt Disney Worlds Wide World of Sports' Martial Arts Festival. I was apparently mistaken about it being on Espn2 But I do believe that it will still be shown at some point at some time!! This email is from Eugene Tibon who is in charge of the whole Classical Karate segment for the Disney's Martial Arts Festival sent to me today.

                        RE: Any Video? Inbox


                        "Tibon, Eugene" <>

                        show details
                        2:05 pm (1 hour ago)

                        Thank you for your kind e-mail, as you were able to see I put a lot of
                        work into bringing together all of my Referees, Judges, timekeepers,
                        scorekeepers, staging staff, demo team, and Registration team not
                        including OMEGA 360 television. So believe me your e-mail means a lot
                        when a person puts a lot of time into a project like this. Without my
                        wife Yvonne's help, who was in charge of the Registration for Classical
                        I could not have done it.

                        The television was a 360 degree taping, which is being edited for
                        promotions of our way of Karate with many different television programs.
                        Omega's goal was to catch some of the top level competitors in the
                        country with to level Referees for promotional work for a chance at
                        showing it to the US Olympic Committee for other sports along with
                        Karate. You may see some Olympic Sports shot this way, if you do it was
                        because of this chance I gave Omega to use our event as a way to promote
                        our way of Karate using this new State of the Art Technology.

                        I'm very excited about this and hope it proves to have the impact on our
                        art we are pushing for.

                        Again congratulations on your outstanding performance and winning so
                        many medals, along with a chance at the grand championships. That in
                        it's self is very commendable.

                        Hope to see you in next years Disney Martial Arts Festival Oct. 24-26th,


                        Gene Tibon
                        Classical Japanese Okinawa Karate and Kobudo
                        IMMENSE LOVE AND GRATITUDE ~ GRACE



                        • i would really like to learn Okinawan Karate, very effective. i believe that is what most CIA and Secret Service use in their training.


                          • Originally posted by Grace View Post
                            So all together I was able to win 3 gold medals 1 silver medal (with my son) and 2 bronze medals!
                            Save over $1,000 on PATHS
                            Live your dreams through choosing PATHS


                            • Wow Grace - I am awestruck at yours and Ryan's ability and commitment. Whew! Astounding. Congratulations!!


                              • More Celebrations!!

                                Well, Now that we have Aaron's jet on permanent loan thanks to Keoi's creative thinking (& Thank You Aaron, that was also so generous of you & it really was just a teensy bit too big for you anyway!!) we have time for just one more celebration before we leave for England.

                                Yes! Another One! A very important party - Guess what everyone - it's Aaron's birthday !! So we just have to organise a party for him to let him know how much we all love & appreciate him.

                                Now I happen to know that Aaron likes his red wine so I've organised for a crate of our famous reds from
                                Chateau Yering in the Yarra Valley where I live back home in Melbourne to be specially flown over here for him. I've also made him some super duper spirulina smoothies to keep him going in between.

                                I've sent Pamela off to go & purchase all Aaron's favorite music & Grace & Maggie are organising the caterers with his favorite snacks. It is all being set out in a gorgeous marquee out on the front lawn of le Chateau where a wonderful fireworks display will take place

                                So the question is how do we get Aaron to unchain himself from his computer & fly his little biplane over here?

                                Okay, Grace since Pamela's away shopping at the moment that's your task! You are going to have to use all your PFE & considerable charm to inveigle him into paying us a visit over here, otherwise we're going to have to hijack him.

                                Hmm, Grace, perhaps you could bribe him with the promise of a very limited use of a computer so he doesn't suffer from withdrawal pains.

                                If he won't take time off & come here voluntarily I have that covered also. He doesn't know it but I have arranged with his future self to take over the controls of his biplane next time he's in it & bring him here tout de suite! Don't you just love that synchronicity module from Paths! Just as well Aaron is on it!

                                Okay, now I've still got to decide what to wear so that I'm looking my fabulous best for him. "Hmm, what do you think about this one?" Then I've just got to supervise the little welcoming act doing their dress rehearsal & we'll have everything organised!

                                YouTube - For he's a jolly good fellow

                                Love, Light & Blessings,

                                Theta Healing
                                Paths 2 Potential

                                "We are the one's we've been waiting for"

