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reversed bedini motor

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  • reversed bedini motor

    Hello all ,Iam a new member. Can you take a bedini motor and instead of using it as a motor turn it mechanically so it becomes a generator? If you can do this will you still get the emf back spike? Iam thinking of wind turbine or small stirling engine as power sources.Would rpm effect it progressively as I suspect?

  • #2
    In the Energy From the Vacuum series Monopole 2 John Bedini explains how to do exactly what you are saying for the exact reason you are suggesting.



    • #3
      question DarrenParish

      When I entered exactly what you stated I get a no match.Please, Iam a primate when it comes to theory and difficult diagrams. All I want to do is take a simple pop can stirling engine and make more light than Ive seen posted on utube. Ive made (lidmotors ,bedini motor and a fuji circuit joule thief) This was when I was into earth batteries. So please talk down to me or I wont understand. I will appreciate any advice.

