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Economic pressures

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  • ZIRP, China,,, the pressure cooker

    It's pretty quiet at the moment. BUT, the markets are very skittish about Trump. He talks "protectionism."
    Killary and Obummer have both cancelled appearances. Killary has transferred $ 1.2 billion to Quatar.
    This coming week promises to be a real shakeout. The bond markets don't look too good. Many central banks are dumping U.S. Treasury debt. Various investors may decide to follow them. The exit door is way too small to accommodate everybody. With the instant transfer of both news and money, things can change very fast.

    10/31 Dollar Libor spikes, bond rout deepens – Telegraph
    10/31 Are recently rising bond yields the beginning of a crisis? – Seeking Alpha
    10/31 Moody’s Deutsche Bank nearing “default point” – ETF Daily News
    10/31 “China’s debt has grown $4.5 trillion in past 12 months” – Talk Markets

    10/28 China capital flight flashes warning – Telegraph
    10/29 Bitcoin is soaring: up over 10% in one week on Chinese buying spree – Zero Hedge
    China is riding their dromedary right towards the edge of the cliff. It remains to be seen just how close the cliff actually is. China cheapens the Yuan to where it can no longer service it's dollar debt. This causes capital flight into whatever looks better. "$4.5 trillion in past 12 months” isn't accidental.
    Pox Americana is planning to surround China with missile bases like they did to Russia. China isn't going to wait around for that.
    The Chinese devaluations of the Yuan have the FED locked in to ZIRP when ZIRP is destroying everything in sight. They have massively invested in far more tangibles that they need.

    China is actively rushing towards the cliff while Yellen is still kicking the can. It is in China's best interest to crash the Great Satan. China is using her dollar reserves to shut the pressure-relief valve on the Dollar cauldron.

    10/31 1 trillion dollar consumer auto loan bubble beginning to burst – Most Important News
    BOB CONFER: The college bubble is ready to burst Oct 3
    Student Loan Bubble Update: Some 40 Percent Of Borrowers Aren’t Making Payments
    The Federalist, Why The Auto Loan Bubble Is As Important As The Student Loan Bubble

    Our consumptive power is "fixed" and falling. The feces-for-brains academics who advise GOV are screaming that we need LOTS of inflation. The figure that currency inflation will cause price inflation and a wage-price spiral. The pain of repaying the debt is far less that way. The currency inflation in the upper loop slowly bleeds over to the lower loop and causes prices to rise. BUT, our income is fixed. We just stop buying whatever item is experiencing price inflation. BUT, the things that we must buy to survive are seeing price inflation.
    10/31 Prices are skyrocketing, but only for things you actually need – Talk Markets

    The neo-cons drag us into endless, expensive wars to destroy any State that might be a problem for israel in the future. Killary's plaything, ISIS is specifically trying to destroy the history and culture of these States. Just as the zionists destroyed the Israeli bond market, they have now destroyed the American bond market. America is hollowed out.
    Netanyahu: "Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away."
    Trump threatens to break the cycle of endless wars. This won't stop America from crashing. But, it will slow down the final descent.


    • The currency market

      Here is an EXCELLENT article by a group that has an EXCELLENT track record. If it goes to video, you can move the cursor to close the page. The page will respond by offering the article in the written version.

      10/31 European banks stuck with $1.3 trillion of bad loans – Bloomberg


      • No future earnings to be seen anywhere

        The FED has manipulated everything to keep things going,,,, at least until the election. They have used cheap credit to pull consumption forward. They have created a "dead zone" in the future where all of this catches up to the markets.

        "My continued impression is that the global equity markets broadly peaked in the second-quarter of 2015,"
        "An increase in the current price effectively takes away the same cumulative amount from future returns. And that’s the problem. Historically reliable valuation measures aren’t just 15% or 20% above their historical norms (which could at least be justified on the basis of low interest rates). They’re far beyond double those norms."
        " Presently, the expected market return/risk classification we identify is not only in the lowest quintile, but is among the most severely negative members of that quintile in history. "
        Hussman Funds - Weekly Market Comment: Far Beyond Double - October 31, 2016
        There is no prospect of returns for at least the next 12 years. Investors (gamblers) are sleep-walking into all of this without an appreciation of risk.

        ZIRP is killing all interest income. When equities crash 50---70%, that will wipe out income from stocks. Holders of those stocks will cut back on spending. People who depend on interest are already cutting back on spending. There is much speculation about GOV fronting helicopter money or creating a "basic income". It can be done with free money but, it can NOT be done with borrowed money.
        I believe that the whole problem will be seriously mucked up because so many parties are pushing population reduction.

        There is a LOT of risk in the markets now and a lot of people are leaving.
        “The Libor rate is one of the few instruments left that still moves freely and is priced by market forces. It is effectively telling us that that the Fed is already two hikes behind the curve,” said Steen Jakobsen from Saxo Bank.

        “This is highly significant and is our number one concern. Our allocation model is now 100pc in cash."
        Don't Sweat The Election. The Next Crisis Is Already Baked Into The Cake -

        Europe and America were high-wage & high-price markets. We are now low-wage & high-price markets on our way down. The consummate fools in academia and GOV seem to believe that creating a credit bubble will bring us high wages. OR, maybe they don't see a connection between wages and consumption??


        • Keynes would be shocked... Venezuela... W&S killing carbon

          Stockman: "Larry Summers recently floated the idea that the Fed should start buying common stocks to buoy the markets. What does that say about the state of the casino?
          It means the end is probably near.
          That is an act of desperation. That is an idea that no economist worth his salt even 20 years ago would have contemplated for one moment. What in the world would buying stocks do except inflate the value of stocks?"
          "This is about as far from the Keynesian catechism as you can get. As bad as Keynes himself was about so many things, he never imagined half the things that are seriously being discussed today."
          "Now our monetary masters are flailing about desperately trying to explain why they weren’t wrong and why their policies will work if only another bold extension of that policy were to be embraced at the present moment."

          "That is a foreign conception to the original purpose of central banking. But it’s a measure of how far we’ve waded into the monetary swamps. And none is deeper than the swamp located at the Eccles Building. As I say in my book, Trumped!, it’s created a “mutant capitalism” that really has no historical precedent. Nor does it have any grounding in traditional economic theory. It’s the stuff of cranks.
          As I’ve said before, they’re just making it up as they go along. "

          "When it comes to the political establishment, there’s only one real party — the Washington party. Its sole purpose is to enrich itself and aggrandize its power. It’s about the establishment squeezing the system for every dime, holding power and perpetuating the regime. I don’t know any other way to explain it.

          But the laws of economics will not remain silent forever. It’s only a matter of time before the fantasies of the Welfare/Warfare state ends in a harsh and unfortunate way."

          Armstrong relates that hyperinflation only strikes the peripheral States, not the central ones. Venezuela is definitely a peripheral State. They are going to print BIGGER notes. Venezuela's Currency Disintegrates: Bolivar Plummets 20% In One Week | Zero Hedge

          Wind & solar will continue to hurt the carbon-energy markets. Falling costs and tech innovations will drive offshore wind power boom - The Economic Times
          As wind & solar are proved to be cheaper, nobody will want to front the capital to build carbon and/or nuke plants. Amazon orders new wind farm in Ohio to help power cloud business | The Seattle Times

          Edit: The shock to the oil industry translated to a shock to the financial industry. Oil has climbed a bit from $40 but, there still have been hundreds of bankruptcies in the energy business. Many companies are just hanging on until prices rise to stop the hemorrhaging of capital. The banks have cut back credit lines. Now, there is a new threat.
          11/02 Oil tanks after biggest inventory build in 34-year history – Zero Hedge
          Tyler Durden Blog | Oil Tanks After Biggest Inventory Build In 34-Year History | Talkmarkets
          Last edited by Danny B; 11-02-2016, 05:18 PM. Reason: Moar info


          • The silver lining in the dark cloud

            It used to be there were two parties to every transaction. Now, of course, there are at least three parties to every transaction because there is the ever-present taxing authority that has inserted itself in the middle of every "official" transaction. That brings up another subject, the subject of the invisible economy, but that subject is a distraction and will have to wait.

            So, in a macro sense, let's look superficially at the oil business. Party A holds the rights to drill, extract and sell oil. Party B was doing the actual extraction and is losing money and going out of business because they borrowed money to finance their activity for a marginal profit. Party C is the banks, they underwrote the loans which are going bad. Party D, E, F, etc., etc.

            Now, the price of oil is down and likely to stay down if Trump is elected, etc.

            Which of these parties comes out the other end as a winner? I think the REAL owners are going to come out ahead because they own the REAL assets. Is there a flaw in this reasoning? I would so no. The debtors and the banks and the lawyers that are carrying debt are the groups and individuals that are going to get hurt because the OWNERS will take them to court (or worse)

            I don't want to carry this too far, but ask yourself, "WHO are the ultimate owners?" Maybe that is too vague. Think about this question. Who is in physical possession as in the saying, "Possession is 90 percent of the law"?
            There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


            • The finance industry has no interest in reality

              Wayne, Exxon reports that it earns five and a half cents per gallon of finished product. A barrel of oil is sold 48 times before it is consumed. Millions of speculators are bumping up the price of everything. You can easily see the effects where the medical industry has been "financialized".
              11/03 Thanks to Obamacare, government debt is worse than you think – Forbes
              50% of the cost of everything is for finance. 19% for trash collection,,,, 78% for public housing.
              The speculators buy up everything with just a small margin payment and resell it to the final consumer. They live-and-die for the free money that keeps them going. The purpose of the entire finance industry is to jack up the price of everything.
              The egg industry in America has a rule; if you buy a load of eggs and don't take delivery, you must pay a 10% penalty. Eggs are the cheapest protein.

              The finance industry is skimming everything. Labor's share of the GDP just keeps falling. The speculators are afraid of growing populism.
              The hardest landing for markets: A continued rising tide of populism
              The finance industry doesn't produce anything and is sucking the lifeblood out of the economy. Debt is growing FASTER than exponentially. Stocks are over-valued by about 60---70%. They don't care. They want to party to continue.
              There is an even chance that the FED will raise rates after the election. The potential 'economic catastrophe' that no one is talking about—commentary
              That would end the bubble,,,, and everything else.
              EVERYTHING is focused on providing a good standard of living to the non-producers. Interest rates are driven progressively down to keep them going. Retirement Dreams Becoming Nightmares - The Daily Coin
              The whole economy is gutted to keep an enormous finance industry flush. They don't like Trump because they feel that he will end the party.

              The S&P has rolled over and it is the end of story; The Last 3 Times This Happened, The World Was Gripped By Financial Crisis | Zero Hedge
              The FIRE economy was never sustainable because it never produced anything.


              • Holding pattern

                The stock market is at all-time highs,,, MARVELLOUS. Just one small problem.
                "Retail participation is at best 55% down from 65% in 2007. Liquidity, however, is still off by 50%."
                "So grab your socks. We are off for a bit of volatility. Keep in mind Trump would be great for a domestic market rally. Cutting corporate taxes to 15% will bring home $3 trillion to say the least. The Reagan Tax Cuts resulted in the Dow rising 600%."

                The ILLUSION of democracy is slipping away everywhere.
                "Just follow the money. When Trump said no more “nation building,” the military called him dangerous because they might not be able to start wars by playing with their toys."

                Kentucky Plans to Pull At Least $800 Million From Hedge Funds
                11/03 China slowdown deepens looming pension crisis – Wall Street Journal
                11/03 More signs of “strong US consumer” emerge as auto repos soar – Zero Hedge
                11/03 Is this the most bearish oil report of all time? – Oil Price


                • Trump & volatility...... Fourth Turning

                  Here's an article about how a Trump victory would affect markets.
                  "Probably, a TRUMP Presidency would see the logical 'way out' to clean up our economy which is largely based on artificial 'bubble-assets' would be simple: RAISE RATES. What would happen if the Fed raised rates to 5%, 10%, or more? "
                  "Low interest rates are good only for asset inflation, speculators, Wall St., big government, hedge funds, investment banks, and really really rich people."
                  "Wall St. may be preparing for such a scenario, which would bankrupt half of the S&P, as public companies have become addicted to QE so much, like a crack addict, they forgot even what their core business is. They just need to refinance, re-allocate, and retain. QE has become the core business of more than 50% of public companies."
                  How Will TRUMP Victory Impact FX And The Dollar?

                  You may think that 50% bankruptcy sounds like a worst-case scenario. Read this and you will change your mind. CIVIL WAR II – FOURTH TURNING INTENSIFYING (PART I) – The Burning Platform

                  11/04 Equity derivatives flash Brexit-like “panic signal” – Zero Hedge
                  11/04 The best stock market crash ETFs to buy – Money Morning

                  The foreign exchange (FX) market turns over about $5 trillion a day. It does NOT have circuit breakers like the stock markets (10% drop). If most traders sit on the sidelines for the election, any moves could be seriously amplified.
                  Wall street is locked in and addicted to the war business and huge subsidies. They are afraid that Trump will end this. Our debt is growing faster than exponentially. It is going to end anyway. Americans are famously short-sighted. American investors are completely blind to their risk exposure.

                  Private banks control the FED. When our wages crashed, it became obvious that the banking system was way too big. They turned on the free money spigot to survive. With the flood of new capital,,, and the lack of demand for credit,,, interest rated crashed. ZIRP is now wiping out all interest income and killing the banks. The banks postponed their demise but, they will take down the entire financial system with them.
                  Chinese dumping of dollar debt is (de facto) controlling the dollar and maintaining ZIRP. This will bring down the West. BUT, it is a poison pill for China. They don't have a well-developed safety net. Their revolution will be particularly deadly.


                  • The ongoing currency war.... Quiet for now

                    The Killary corruption news is coming fast and furious. The markets are holding their breath to see the fallout. The markets are just waiting for some prick to come along.
                    The bubble is slowly deflating;
                    "The dollar fell for a sixth straight day, the longest stretch of losses since March"
                    U.S. Stocks Post Longest Slide Since 1980, Bonds Rise Amid Angst - Bloomberg
                    11/04 Asian stocks fall as investors seek safe havens – CNBC
                    11/04 Egypt Central Bank devalues currency by 48% – Al Jazeera
                    11/04 Strong euro halves France’s car production – Gefira

                    You just can't win if your currency is strong.

                    The markets are anti-Trump because he talks "protectionism". BUT, a currency war is also a form of protectionism. There is no winning either type of war.

                    To get the feel for the latest mood in the world, just check the "EGG".
                    The Global Consciousness Project


                    • Monetary policy..... fiscal policy.... brain dead policy

                      Saudi has figured out how to solve financial problems;
                      "The government owes its success to temporarily escape crisis to unpaid bills rather than sustainable spending cuts.

                      The government has reduced or suspended payments that it owed to construction firms, medical establishments and even some of the foreign consultants who helped to design the economic reforms, Reuters added quoting the experts. The estimated unpaid dues for construction firms alone totaled 80 billion riyals."
                      PressTV-‘Worst of Saudi economic slump yet to come’
                      11/05 Rosenberg: Limits of monetary policy have arrived – ETF
                      Ah yes, the CBs have been telling is for a while that monetary policy has it's limits and fiscal policy will have to take over. Fiscal policy means cut back ALL expenditures. I don't see any States rushing to do this.

                      "Global debt today is at about 110% of global GDP. The level of outstanding debt at the end of 2015 is about $200T. This doesn’t take into account the shadow banking system, which can’t really be quantified."
                      "The whole system is in a debt crisis. If the Fed Funds Rate rises to 2.5%, that will trigger a complete collapse in the economy. It is virtually impossible for the Fed to have any control over outcomes if the only room they have is to raise interest rates by no more than 2.5%. "
                      Financial Repression Authority
                      NOT TO WORRY. 2.5% will be perfectly adequate to crash the entire system. These bozos are making it up as they go along.

                      "But Empire building also bears the seeds of its own destruction. The closer a state comes to the ultimate goal of world domination and one-world government, the less reason is there to maintain its internal liberalism and do instead what all states are inclined to do anyway, i.e., to crack down and increase their exploitation of whatever productive people are still left.

                      Consequently, with no additional tributaries available and domestic productivity stagnating or falling, the Empire’s internal policies of bread and circuses can no longer be maintained. Economic crisis hits, and an impending economic meltdown will stimulate decentralizing tendencies, separatist and secessionist movements, and lead to the break-up of Empire. "
                      CIVIL WAR II – FOURTH TURNING INTENSIFYING (PART 2) – The Burning Platform

                      11/05 Global non-financial debt stands at $US152 trillion – Business Insider It was a hell of a party
                      11/05 Is China repeating Japan’s missteps? – Bloomberg What a brilliant inspiration. Japanese lost interest in babies and sex and the population crashed. China avoided 400 million births with it's "one child" policy and it has a demographic crash. It seems like you need to have people to have an economy.


                      • 8 years of banker rule

                        Everyone knows that Killary is working for Goldman Sachs. This continues a long tradition, "The Wall Street bankers that brought you President Obama™ love NEW PRESIDENT™!
                        The same Wall Street recipients of TARP bailout money that were top Obama donors in 2008"
                        So, the bankers bought their candidate eight years ago.
                        “This bubble is deeply systemic,” he said “I thought the bubble burst in '08. I thought we were going into another depression. "
                        “This bubble, again, it's gone to the heart and soul of money and credit. And right now central bankers are basically doing everything to keep it going. So this one, we're what, eight years into it?"
                        “But right now, it seems like the Bank of Japan is in the crosshairs. They've tried to devalue their currency, that didn't work. Their latest spin is to try to manipulate their yield curve, and that certainly hasn't worked so far. So I think the Bank of Japan is in the forefront of a credibility crisis. I think in Europe, the ECB is only one step behind."

                        “I've often contemplated the size of the Fed's balance sheet, and I don't think $10 trillion is ridiculous,” he said. “I said that before and it sounded outrageous. I think the next crisis, the next serious de-risk and de-leveraging, the Fed's balance sheet is going to probably have to double again. "
                        Doug Noland Interview: "In The Next Crisis The Fed's Balance Sheet Will Hit $10 Trillion" | Zero Hedge
                        Working in concert, the CBs have morphed a an American crash into a worldwide crash.
                        Doug Noland thinks that the Japanese CB will be the first to crash. By all rights, the banks should have crashed in '08. They postponed their day of reckoning and now we all are going to have a day of reckoning.

                        The S&P has rolled over. The small caps have rolled over; These 3 Charts Should Scare the Bejesus Out Of You! - munKNEE
                        David Stockman thinks that the election will shock the markets; David Stockman Warns Both Trump And Clinton Could Lead to 25 Percent Market Plunge
                        "Stockman posits that, under a Clinton administration, official investigations and new hacked email disclosures from Wikileaks will be non-stop. Furthermore, he reasoned that the "house will become a killing field" for anything Clinton is trying to do. Ultimately, Stockman said the Democrat would enter the Oval Office bruised, bloody and all but lacking in legitimacy."
                        "From here, Stockman reasoned that with a paralyzed congress, a soon-to-expire debt ceiling, a powerless central bank and a market that's been flat for 700 days, that the pieces are in place for a crisis. "
                        Debt ceiling?? I thought that went away a long time ago.

                        11/06 FANG stocks lose over $100 billion in a week – Zero Hedge As long as it wasn't MY $100 billion, I don't care.


                        • Workers vs retirees

                          I read and read, and find little of any import and/or honesty. ZIRP has crashed all interest-income. The pension funds are dying. This pits (mostly) government workers/retirees against taxpayers. U.S. GOV has $ 212 trillion in unfunded liabilities so, they are going to try to fleece the taxpayers.
                          Dallas "Pension Fund Panic" As Mayor Warns Of 130% Property Tax Hike To Avoid Collapse | Zero Hedge
                          I can't find anything else that is fit to print.


                          • Egon von Greyerz,,, Japan, the detonator... China, the bomb

                            The bankers aren't actually productive so they have to depend on constant currency inflation to keep them in business. Bankers can NEVER be trusted to run the show. BUT, they use our money to buy the politicians and get what they want. They always, eventually collapse everything.
                            "In 1971 the US Federal debt was $398 billion. Forty years later the US will have a debt of $20 trillion by the time the new president comes into office. That makes a compound annual growth rate of the debt of 9%.
                            "If we extrapolate it four years to the end of the new president’s period it would give a debt by the end of 2021 of $28 trillion. "
                            11/07 Obama’s successor inherits bond market at epic turning point – Bloomberg
                            The FED has been run by jews for many years. The jews hate Trump. I doubt that they will let him expand the federal debt.
                            Egon Von Greyerz Blog | Gold Has No Place In A Modern Monetary System! | Talkmarkets

                            "In every case of hyperinflation in history, it has always affected just one country or region. Between 1700 and today, there have been around 150 instances of hyperinflation in various countries around the world. When a country has defaulted on its debt, any foreign creditors obviously had to write off their claim. So far these write-offs have been manageable. However, the coming period of major defaults will involve such astronomical amounts on a global scale which cannot be absorbed by any country."

                            "The coming global hyperinflationary period is unlikely to last more than a few years. During this period, there will be debts of a magnitude that computers are unlikely to cope with. Before the world can get on a sound footing again, all this debt must disappear. There is clearly no chance of ever paying it off. And there is no possibility for the world to grow again as long as this debt is overhanging the world economy. Therefore, the only solution is an implosion of the debt. But when this happens, all assets financed by this debt will also implode in value. This will create a global super depression that will be devastating for every individual on earth. It will also involve a major reduction in world population due to poverty, famine, lack of medicine and hospital care, decease, social unrest and wars."

                            The article is written by a gold-bug but, that doesn't mean that it is incorrect. Jim Rickards claims that the IMF will just print up a trainload of SDRs to recapitalize the world's banks and governments.
                            11/08 People’s Bank of China adds 5 tons of gold to reserves in Sept. – Smaulgld
                            Think the PBOC is going to swallow a ton of electronic money controlled by the IMF?

                            Japan is expected to be the detonator that sets off the system, Is the World's Number Three Economy Headed Towards a Fiscal Crisis? | The National Interest Blog
                            China, for their part, are actively trying to blow the FED off the face of the planet.
                            China added $45 trillion in debt. What could go wrong with adding debt as the economy shrinks? 11/08 China October dollar-denominated exports -7.3% on-year, imports -1.4% – CNBC

                            11/08 Student, auto loans hit all time high as consumer credit jumps $19 bln – Zero Hedge We're living on money that we ain't made yet. 5 oclock World
                            11/08 Pension burdens of 50 largest local governments hit 147% of revenue – ValueWalk Bet they wish they had a printing press.
                            ALL the banks are chained together by dollar exposure AND derivatives. When one goes over the cliff, most will be dragged down.


                            • No retirement security..... bumpy financial road

                              Times are tough;
                              Citi downgraded Goldman Sachs
                              Goldman Sachs downgrades Citigroup

                              The FED is locked into ZIRP. ZIRP is killing all the retirement funds. But, nobody seems to be worried "2015. J.P. Morgan finds that an alarming number of people are not even interested in saving. In 2015, only 48% had tried to calculate how much money they would actually need to save for retirement."
                              Retirement Reality: 10 Charts You Need to See - Page 2
                              Not to worry, GOV will make everything right
                              " A Fidelity analysis estimates a 65-year-old couple retiring in 2016 will need $260,000 to cover health care costs in retirement, excluding long-term care " No mention of food and rent?

                              "But here's what is frightening: Fifty percent of baby boomers also have $100,000 or less saved for retirement.
                              That's not even the worst news, though. According to the same PWC survey, 25% of baby boomer workers have already taken money out of their retirement accounts for non-retirement expenses. What's more, 36% think they'll need to pull money out of their retirement accounts for non-retirement expenses in the future."
                              Half of American Baby Boomers Face a Frightening Retirement Reality: But There's Worse News Incoming -- The Motley Fool

                              Even the Navy is having money problems. It's new ship fires $1 million rounds. SO, it can't afford new ships. "It originally planned to build 32 of the stealth ships, but cost overruns led the service to eventually reduce the number down to just three. " The Navy can't fire its awesome new gun because the rounds cost nearly $1 million each - Yahoo Finance

                              "Thus, we have the Greatest Real Estate and Financial Bubble in history looking for a pin…… and the pin is the falling price and production of oil."

                              " it would only take a 100 basis point rise in Treasury bond yields to trigger the worst price decline in bonds since the 1981 bond market crash."
                              "By keeping the long-term rate pegged at zero, the BOJ is allowing the Abe government to conduct large-scale fiscal stimulus by issuing unlimited bonds while taking away the risk of triggering a death-spiral in JGBs that would lead to higher interest rates — since the BOJ will just print yen and buy whatever 10-years the market sells."
                              "You see, bonds and currencies are inextricably linked. Bonds are just durational assets of a currency. When a currency is debased (meaning it loses its value), the bonds that are held in that currency also lost value. So when governments debase their currency, they’re intentionally devaluing the cost of their debt. This is why bonds sell off in inflationary regimes because that inflation is directly eroding both the coupon and principal on those bonds. "

                              "And this fleeing from JGBs causes a rapid feedback loop.

                              1. Investors see the yen depreciating —>
                              2. They sell JGBs in response —>
                              3. BOJ prints more yen to buy up those JGBs to sustain the zero target —>
                              4. Yen depreciates further because of it —>
                              5. Depreciation once again causes more investors to sell which starts the loop all over again"
                              "Apparently, the consensus among those who govern and control our monetary system is that the only way to wealth and prosperity for all is through the complete incineration of every viable store of wealth"
                              "The vampire bankers over at Goldman Sachs came out with a report not too long ago that showed that holders of US treasuries (TLT) would lose over $1 trillion should the Fed raise rates by just one percent."
                              The Global Bond Bubble Is Ready to Burst | Alex Barrow | FINANCIAL SENSE

                              "In 2016, federal debt increased by a staggering $1.4 trillion… more than $3.8 billion per day"
                              I certainly didn't get my fair share.

                              And, how are the kids doing? "The scariest graph is the one that shows student deb (owned by USG) going from 100B to 1T in a matter of 8 years. It is incredible."


                              • Too much oil will continue to drag down the finance sector

                                President-elect Trump is going to have the shortest honeymoon in history. It looks like the GOP will have both houses but, we can expect gridlock anyway. The default cascade will definitely hit during his term.
                                The finance sector is HIGHLY dependent on cash flows from the energy sector. The recent oil crash created a crash in the financial sector. The mass bankruptcies of energy producers killed parts of the finance industry. As various States crashed financially, they tried to pump ever-more oil to make up for the fall in revenue.
                                This has created the biggest oil glut in many 34 years.
                                Then, there is the problem of wind, solar and natural gas cutting into the market for oil. The oil producers are trying to reach a deal for cutbacks BUT, there is just too much production coming into the markets.

                                "But if the deal is to count for something, the cuts will have to be much deeper to offset the additional supply from the four countries demanding to be exempted from the pact. The onus will almost entirely be on Saudi Arabia, but a cut of more than 1 million barrels per day of production might be too much to ask for."
                                Saudi is already crashing financially.
                                "John Kilduff, a partner at Again Capital, says that no deal will be struck in Vienna at the end of the month, and the failure will push oil back down into the mid-$30s. The disaster of yet another OPEC failure will even put “the February low of $26.05 back in-play, "
                                "In an effort to push a deal forward, Saudi Arabia reportedly issued an ultimatum to Iran. Saudi officials threatened to intentionally crash the oil price again if Iran did not come on board with production cuts. "The Saudis have threatened to raise their production to 11 million barrels per day and even 12 million bpd, bringing oil prices down"
                                $30 Oil Or Worse If OPEC Fails |

                                You can see what all this would do to domestic American oil production AND the finance industry.
                                OPEC is fighting a losing battle; OPEC Is Now Irrelevant ? This Oil Price Plunge Is Different |

                                Oil?s Biggest Threat: Demand To Peak Within 15 Years |
                                This will continue to drag down the finance sector.

