Myopia in the upper loop
"It was almost like a series of Nigerian princes had descended upon the financial districts of each of the world’s great money centers, promising each and every bank (really “banks”) as much wealth as they could possibly want should they only take a small risk."
"This is post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy, for regulations never, ever stand in the way of Wall Street (or Lombard Street) on a mission. "
"the big banks also amassed an army of Ivy League lawyers by which to plow through any obstacles to reaching the Holy Grail. Money is no object when the object is “money.”
"The fatal flaw that was considered in 2007 (rather than LTCM 1997) but proven beyond doubt in 2011 was that so long as whatever bank liability any eurodollar bank might create was considered currency, further balance sheet expansion would thus create all the “dollars” necessary to fund it. Thus, that fatal flaw was its circular reasoning, that balance sheet expansion created “dollars” which funded balance sheet expansion, creating more “dollars” and so on. Remove the expansion and the inconsistencies, risk primarily, implode the whole intent. Like a spinning top, it can only ever be stable at high rates of growth, because when it slows everyone starts to question whether that math-as-money is actually real or merely, like alchemy or the Nigerian scam, an impossible dream."
The CBs could pump liquidity into the markets but, they couldn't actually generate earnings. Only a well-off middle class can do that.
"Without recovery, there would be no “dollars”, indeed could be no “dollars.”
Here is a chart of profit margins;
This is the margin ABOVE to 10 year Treasury benchmark. The FED doesn't want all the wet-ink money to flow to GOV bonds. It MUST keep bond yield low so that some money will flow into the private sector. If bond yield goes up, that creates a danger of sucking all the money out of the private sector. Treasury bonds are considered zero risk so, Yellen can suck the liquidity out of the markets at any time.
Investors are seeing falling returns for increasing risk.
TINA to the rescue. The CBs were created solely for the speculator class. All the CBs ,under the discipline of the B.I.S, try to inflate equally,,, or round-robin. This presents the investors with, there is no alternative.
This is the main reason that gold has to be suppressed.
Earnings keep falling but, investors can't leave the casino.
It almost seems like deficits don't matter. Japan is on it's way to find out what the absolute limits are.
"2008 financial crisis, which cost 8.7 million people their jobs and may have destroyed as much as 45 percent of the world's wealth."
That was ephemeral wealth of the speculator class. Just wait for next time.
The PTB would very much like to control the markets. BUT, they have to respond to market actions that are getting ever-faster;
Here is an article where Business Insider lists ALL the things that have recently deflated. They now claim that deflation has ended. They sing the praises of (price) inflation. There is not one effing mention of wage deflation.
When it comes to deflation,,, you ain't seen nothing yet.
2/05 Central banks have failed to generate economic growth – FRA No 8hit Sherlock. They create a mountain of debt notes and wonder why nobody is creating more tangible wealth.
2/05 Central banks tolerate higher inflation to erode debt – FRA
BUT, this isn't working any more.
Britain is still following the Kalergi plan.
"Half of new homes built in Britain the next five years will go to migrants
Britain will need to accommodate 243,000 new households each year
Net *migration accounts for an estimated 45 per cent of this growth
109,000 extra homes will be needed every year by migrants and their families
2/06 Theresa May to offer more security for renters – Guardian As long as they are immigrants.
"It was almost like a series of Nigerian princes had descended upon the financial districts of each of the world’s great money centers, promising each and every bank (really “banks”) as much wealth as they could possibly want should they only take a small risk."
"This is post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy, for regulations never, ever stand in the way of Wall Street (or Lombard Street) on a mission. "
"the big banks also amassed an army of Ivy League lawyers by which to plow through any obstacles to reaching the Holy Grail. Money is no object when the object is “money.”
"The fatal flaw that was considered in 2007 (rather than LTCM 1997) but proven beyond doubt in 2011 was that so long as whatever bank liability any eurodollar bank might create was considered currency, further balance sheet expansion would thus create all the “dollars” necessary to fund it. Thus, that fatal flaw was its circular reasoning, that balance sheet expansion created “dollars” which funded balance sheet expansion, creating more “dollars” and so on. Remove the expansion and the inconsistencies, risk primarily, implode the whole intent. Like a spinning top, it can only ever be stable at high rates of growth, because when it slows everyone starts to question whether that math-as-money is actually real or merely, like alchemy or the Nigerian scam, an impossible dream."
The CBs could pump liquidity into the markets but, they couldn't actually generate earnings. Only a well-off middle class can do that.
"Without recovery, there would be no “dollars”, indeed could be no “dollars.”
Here is a chart of profit margins;
This is the margin ABOVE to 10 year Treasury benchmark. The FED doesn't want all the wet-ink money to flow to GOV bonds. It MUST keep bond yield low so that some money will flow into the private sector. If bond yield goes up, that creates a danger of sucking all the money out of the private sector. Treasury bonds are considered zero risk so, Yellen can suck the liquidity out of the markets at any time.
Investors are seeing falling returns for increasing risk.
TINA to the rescue. The CBs were created solely for the speculator class. All the CBs ,under the discipline of the B.I.S, try to inflate equally,,, or round-robin. This presents the investors with, there is no alternative.
This is the main reason that gold has to be suppressed.
Earnings keep falling but, investors can't leave the casino.
It almost seems like deficits don't matter. Japan is on it's way to find out what the absolute limits are.
"2008 financial crisis, which cost 8.7 million people their jobs and may have destroyed as much as 45 percent of the world's wealth."
That was ephemeral wealth of the speculator class. Just wait for next time.
The PTB would very much like to control the markets. BUT, they have to respond to market actions that are getting ever-faster;
Here is an article where Business Insider lists ALL the things that have recently deflated. They now claim that deflation has ended. They sing the praises of (price) inflation. There is not one effing mention of wage deflation.
When it comes to deflation,,, you ain't seen nothing yet.
2/05 Central banks have failed to generate economic growth – FRA No 8hit Sherlock. They create a mountain of debt notes and wonder why nobody is creating more tangible wealth.
2/05 Central banks tolerate higher inflation to erode debt – FRA
BUT, this isn't working any more.
Britain is still following the Kalergi plan.
"Half of new homes built in Britain the next five years will go to migrants
Britain will need to accommodate 243,000 new households each year
Net *migration accounts for an estimated 45 per cent of this growth
109,000 extra homes will be needed every year by migrants and their families
2/06 Theresa May to offer more security for renters – Guardian As long as they are immigrants.