Stockman,,, the numerous speedbumps
David Stockman has some good observations.
"There’s not going to be a deal, because the problem that Trump is focused on and obsessed with is that we bought $543 billion worth of stuff from China last year, and we sold $120 billion.
It’s not because of bad trade deals The Donald thinks that his predecessor made. Or because the Chinese are the worst kind of trade cheats in world history.
The reason is the economic differential—the economic cost and wage gap between the two countries is so great, that we have this huge imbalance. The Fed is the partial cause of that economic and cost differential.
If you look at manufacturing, our average wage is over $30, which includes the cash wage plus the health benefits, retirement, and Social Security taxes, and all the rest of it.
And in China, it’s about $5. When you have $30 versus $5, it tells you all you need to know."
'China is a red Ponzi. It’s a house of cards. It’ll collapse of its own weight sooner or later.
But we are going to hasten the collapse of the red Ponzi because they’re selling at (low) prices in order to maintain business and not lose it to Vietnam and others."
The global mean wage allows no escape.
"They’ve got no room left to go. Now, people say they could go negative. They will not go negative in the United States. If they actually tried to drive interest rates in the short end of the market into negative territory—and finally crush whatever life is left in the savers and retirees of America—people would be descending on Washington with pitchforks and torches. So that won’t happen."
Not so sure about that. Even Bernanke said that rates could never go negative because people would just hold cash.
"The QE experiment has failed entirely. We’ve had massive increases in the Fed’s balance sheet, which went from about $850 billion on the eve of the subprime crisis to a peak of $4.5 trillion. "
NOT a failure,,, the banks are still open.
"You have $16 trillion of investment-grade sovereign debt trading at negative yields."
"So, if they try to go big time with a new round of QE, that will blow up the bond market. There’s no doubt about it.
I think that will be a calamity and will generate an unprecedented collapse of the entire global financial system"
"This is a race to the bottom on yields. This is a race to the bottom of the $60- or $90-trillion global bond market, depending whether you’re counting investment grade or everything. If you count everything, it’s something like $90 trillion."
"Let’s say the price moves 110 to 120 on 95% leverage, and they’re laughing all the way to the bank. This is big-time speculation.
When it reverses, they’re going to unwind these trades and all these elevated, insane prices in the bond market.
That’s what $16 trillion of negative yield means. It equals insanity.
So, the point is it’s going to correct, and when it does, it will correct hard. It will ricochet through the entire financial system."
"In other words, the correction is going to cascade and ricochet through the entire global financial system. It consists of $250 trillion of debt—of bonds, bank, junk, commercial real estate securitization, and all the rest of it. And the global stock market is about $80 trillion.
That’s to say nothing of the derivatives, which are orders of magnitude larger than those two markets.
So, we’re talking about a threat to the entire financial superstructure of the world. I don’t think it’s going to be a happy ending."
"Make of Argentina’s woes what you will. Central bankers in the United States are also guilty of programs of mass money debasement. They may have a bigger economy to better mask their malice. But despite what the MMT delusionals say the day of reckoning always arrives – and always at the worst possible time."
The article goes on to "prove" that free money always debases the currency and causes price inflation.
ALL the current efforts at reinflating the economy are focused on channeling the money through the bankers FIRST. They just roll-over existing debt with the new money. MMT and UBI, if administered correctly would reflate the consumers, NOT the speculators. It is the massive deflation in the lower loop that is dragging down the upper loop. Still, they would rather be at the helm of a sinking ship rather that changing to a course that would save both loops.
"#1 Biggie: Finance and Insurance.
Revenues in the finance-and-insurance sector rose 7.0% to $1.28 trillion in Q2, a new record, and the fastest growth of any major sector. For the first two quarters, revenues rose 6.9% to $2.54 trillion."
"Without the drag of the Fed, finance and insurance revenues rose 7.4% in Q2.
The largest sub-segment of the “finance” part is banking: Deposit-taking banks (commercial banks, credit unions, and the like); and nonbanks or shadow banks (lenders that don’t take deposits). Revenues jumped 7.0% in Q2 to a record $360 billion, with shadow banks having bypassed deposit-taking banks some time ago.
The “insurance” part of this sector is even larger than the “finance” part, in terms of revenues, with blistering growth rates approaching 10% "
No surprise that the velocity of money is falling. No surprise that the lower loop is constantly deflating.
The problems with the 737 are killing Boeing. NOW,
Scandal-plagued Boeing Suspends Test Of Long-range 777x After 'issue' During Final Load Checks
US Sent 30,000 Truckloads Of Arms To N. Syria - Erdogan And the masters of war are quite happy.
Welsh Independence Supporters March 'All Under One Banner
Scottish Independence Supporters March 'All Under One Banner'
I see no mention of Ireland. What happened to the Provo company?
Maersk is reducing shipping capacity from China to Europe.
They are ALL gold diggers.
The thread has almost 1100 comments,,, very informative.
9/08 Warning issued after malware hijacks bitcoin blockchain – Forbes
Did you hear that the same thing happened to gold?? NO,,, neither did I.
9/08 Robert Mueller helped Saudi Arabia cover up its role in 9/11 attacks – NY Post
I'm hoping that somebody, somewhere starts to squeal on the real attackers.
9/07 For the first time in my life, I’m frightened to be Jewish – Open Democracy
That's great. If Judaism can rid itself of the great leech of zionism, the world will be a better place for everybody.
9/06 Trump administration backs privatizing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac – MarketWatch
Without an explicit government backing they go bankrupt in a matter of hours.
9/08 Russia issues sovereign bonds denominated in yuan – Zero Hedge
This is a very big deal.
9/08 China: a paper tiger in a fragile economy – Liberty Nation
9/08 This global recession will be immune to monetary solutions – Roubini – Moguldom
ONLY if the money is injected into the upper loop.
9/08 Fed may need radical measures to protect US economy from next downturn – Fox
Workers in Wisconsin lead the way.
David Stockman has some good observations.
"There’s not going to be a deal, because the problem that Trump is focused on and obsessed with is that we bought $543 billion worth of stuff from China last year, and we sold $120 billion.
It’s not because of bad trade deals The Donald thinks that his predecessor made. Or because the Chinese are the worst kind of trade cheats in world history.
The reason is the economic differential—the economic cost and wage gap between the two countries is so great, that we have this huge imbalance. The Fed is the partial cause of that economic and cost differential.
If you look at manufacturing, our average wage is over $30, which includes the cash wage plus the health benefits, retirement, and Social Security taxes, and all the rest of it.
And in China, it’s about $5. When you have $30 versus $5, it tells you all you need to know."
'China is a red Ponzi. It’s a house of cards. It’ll collapse of its own weight sooner or later.
But we are going to hasten the collapse of the red Ponzi because they’re selling at (low) prices in order to maintain business and not lose it to Vietnam and others."
The global mean wage allows no escape.
"They’ve got no room left to go. Now, people say they could go negative. They will not go negative in the United States. If they actually tried to drive interest rates in the short end of the market into negative territory—and finally crush whatever life is left in the savers and retirees of America—people would be descending on Washington with pitchforks and torches. So that won’t happen."
Not so sure about that. Even Bernanke said that rates could never go negative because people would just hold cash.
"The QE experiment has failed entirely. We’ve had massive increases in the Fed’s balance sheet, which went from about $850 billion on the eve of the subprime crisis to a peak of $4.5 trillion. "
NOT a failure,,, the banks are still open.
"You have $16 trillion of investment-grade sovereign debt trading at negative yields."
"So, if they try to go big time with a new round of QE, that will blow up the bond market. There’s no doubt about it.
I think that will be a calamity and will generate an unprecedented collapse of the entire global financial system"
"This is a race to the bottom on yields. This is a race to the bottom of the $60- or $90-trillion global bond market, depending whether you’re counting investment grade or everything. If you count everything, it’s something like $90 trillion."
"Let’s say the price moves 110 to 120 on 95% leverage, and they’re laughing all the way to the bank. This is big-time speculation.
When it reverses, they’re going to unwind these trades and all these elevated, insane prices in the bond market.
That’s what $16 trillion of negative yield means. It equals insanity.
So, the point is it’s going to correct, and when it does, it will correct hard. It will ricochet through the entire financial system."
"In other words, the correction is going to cascade and ricochet through the entire global financial system. It consists of $250 trillion of debt—of bonds, bank, junk, commercial real estate securitization, and all the rest of it. And the global stock market is about $80 trillion.
That’s to say nothing of the derivatives, which are orders of magnitude larger than those two markets.
So, we’re talking about a threat to the entire financial superstructure of the world. I don’t think it’s going to be a happy ending."
"Make of Argentina’s woes what you will. Central bankers in the United States are also guilty of programs of mass money debasement. They may have a bigger economy to better mask their malice. But despite what the MMT delusionals say the day of reckoning always arrives – and always at the worst possible time."
The article goes on to "prove" that free money always debases the currency and causes price inflation.
ALL the current efforts at reinflating the economy are focused on channeling the money through the bankers FIRST. They just roll-over existing debt with the new money. MMT and UBI, if administered correctly would reflate the consumers, NOT the speculators. It is the massive deflation in the lower loop that is dragging down the upper loop. Still, they would rather be at the helm of a sinking ship rather that changing to a course that would save both loops.
"#1 Biggie: Finance and Insurance.
Revenues in the finance-and-insurance sector rose 7.0% to $1.28 trillion in Q2, a new record, and the fastest growth of any major sector. For the first two quarters, revenues rose 6.9% to $2.54 trillion."
"Without the drag of the Fed, finance and insurance revenues rose 7.4% in Q2.
The largest sub-segment of the “finance” part is banking: Deposit-taking banks (commercial banks, credit unions, and the like); and nonbanks or shadow banks (lenders that don’t take deposits). Revenues jumped 7.0% in Q2 to a record $360 billion, with shadow banks having bypassed deposit-taking banks some time ago.
The “insurance” part of this sector is even larger than the “finance” part, in terms of revenues, with blistering growth rates approaching 10% "
No surprise that the velocity of money is falling. No surprise that the lower loop is constantly deflating.
The problems with the 737 are killing Boeing. NOW,
Scandal-plagued Boeing Suspends Test Of Long-range 777x After 'issue' During Final Load Checks
US Sent 30,000 Truckloads Of Arms To N. Syria - Erdogan And the masters of war are quite happy.
Welsh Independence Supporters March 'All Under One Banner
Scottish Independence Supporters March 'All Under One Banner'
I see no mention of Ireland. What happened to the Provo company?
Maersk is reducing shipping capacity from China to Europe.
They are ALL gold diggers.
The thread has almost 1100 comments,,, very informative.
9/08 Warning issued after malware hijacks bitcoin blockchain – Forbes
Did you hear that the same thing happened to gold?? NO,,, neither did I.

9/08 Robert Mueller helped Saudi Arabia cover up its role in 9/11 attacks – NY Post
I'm hoping that somebody, somewhere starts to squeal on the real attackers.
9/07 For the first time in my life, I’m frightened to be Jewish – Open Democracy
That's great. If Judaism can rid itself of the great leech of zionism, the world will be a better place for everybody.
9/06 Trump administration backs privatizing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac – MarketWatch
Without an explicit government backing they go bankrupt in a matter of hours.
9/08 Russia issues sovereign bonds denominated in yuan – Zero Hedge
This is a very big deal.
9/08 China: a paper tiger in a fragile economy – Liberty Nation
9/08 This global recession will be immune to monetary solutions – Roubini – Moguldom
ONLY if the money is injected into the upper loop.
9/08 Fed may need radical measures to protect US economy from next downturn – Fox

Workers in Wisconsin lead the way.