Damned if you do,,, damned if you don't. Too quarantine or not to quarantine.
2/12 Investors charge back into stocks on signs coronavirus spread is slowing – Reuters

2/13 China reports huge jump in new coronavirus infections and deaths – Zero Hedge
2/13 Shipping rates plunge, commodities and stocks may follow – Technical Traders
2/13 Boeing scores no January orders for first time since 1962 – Japan Times
Why is this in the Japan Times and, not in the Seattle times?
2/13 What happened when a Chinese company reopened after the corona-chaos – ZH
"Jennifer Zeng reported that a company in Suzhou reopened, and immediately at least one CoVid2019 case found. As a result, the company's 200+ employees couldn't go home and were immediately placed under quarantine. "
2/13 The coronavirus threat is greatest in cities – Peak Prosperity
2/12 As coronavirus stifles China, economic logjams build worldwide – NY Times
2/12 At least 500 Wuhan medical staff infected with coronavirus – SCMP
2/12 CDC rather powerless in halting spread of coronavirus – Advancing Time
2/12 China retail shutdowns spread as virus concerns grow – Bloomberg
Here is an article that lays out all the benefits to the State and bankers if all the old people are killed off by the pandemic.
It is very easy to argue that the pandemic is made worse by various States.
50 Britt expats were picked up in China and brought to London airport. They weren't checked on return.
200 ex China Americans were picked up and released in Georgia. They were told to self-monitor.
1500 Chinese fly into Ethiopia every day. None are checked.
Apparently, "they" want to get a real big pandemic going everywhere.
One thing that you can do is to use UVC lamps that will kill viruses and other pathogens. It looks like Amazon is already sold out of them.
Combining algorithms and genetics.
Now, the virus has moved into the military and police.
2/12 Investors charge back into stocks on signs coronavirus spread is slowing – Reuters

2/13 China reports huge jump in new coronavirus infections and deaths – Zero Hedge
2/13 Shipping rates plunge, commodities and stocks may follow – Technical Traders
2/13 Boeing scores no January orders for first time since 1962 – Japan Times
Why is this in the Japan Times and, not in the Seattle times?
2/13 What happened when a Chinese company reopened after the corona-chaos – ZH
"Jennifer Zeng reported that a company in Suzhou reopened, and immediately at least one CoVid2019 case found. As a result, the company's 200+ employees couldn't go home and were immediately placed under quarantine. "
2/13 The coronavirus threat is greatest in cities – Peak Prosperity
2/12 As coronavirus stifles China, economic logjams build worldwide – NY Times
2/12 At least 500 Wuhan medical staff infected with coronavirus – SCMP
2/12 CDC rather powerless in halting spread of coronavirus – Advancing Time
2/12 China retail shutdowns spread as virus concerns grow – Bloomberg
Here is an article that lays out all the benefits to the State and bankers if all the old people are killed off by the pandemic.
It is very easy to argue that the pandemic is made worse by various States.
50 Britt expats were picked up in China and brought to London airport. They weren't checked on return.
200 ex China Americans were picked up and released in Georgia. They were told to self-monitor.
1500 Chinese fly into Ethiopia every day. None are checked.
Apparently, "they" want to get a real big pandemic going everywhere.
One thing that you can do is to use UVC lamps that will kill viruses and other pathogens. It looks like Amazon is already sold out of them.
Combining algorithms and genetics.
Now, the virus has moved into the military and police.