No announcement yet.
Economic pressures
Goldbugs have been waiting for decades for the paper-gold market to go up in smoke. Seems like that time is very close. There is little to none physical metal available.
Multiple Coronavirus related cancellations for conventions, shows, sports events Practically Destroy Las Vegas Economy overnight
Fed Fails To Ease Epic Dollar Shortage As FRA/OIS Goes Parabolic
JPMorgan officially forecasts a coronavirus driven recession will rock the US and Europe by July
India; "“A sum of INR 400,000 ($5,408) will be paid as ex-gratia to the family of the person who will lose his or her life due to #Coronavirus, including those involved in relief operations or associated in response activities", the statement issued by the Indian Home Ministry said on Saturday.
That is a lot of money in India.
Read more: Goldman Sachs studied every bear market in stocks since 1835 — and concluded that 3 red flags make this coronavirus-driven one unlike any other in history
Mexico Mulls Shutting Northern Border Over Virus Spread Threat
Wait! where will we get all our meth?
"More Violent, More Persistent": Market Fear Worse Now Than In 2008, Man Who Inspired VIX Says
"If you look at 2008, it spiked and then within a day or two, it was going down very fast. Here, it’s been steadily going up instead of going down..."
Higher peak?
Covid-19 Impacting US Defense Readiness As Pentagon Announces "Minimal Staffing"
WAIT, how do we keep all the wars going?
"The Damage Is Not Theoretical" - It's Deep, Global, & Pervasive
There is no precedent for the situation we are facing now...
The Last Time This Happened Was October 1929...
..and that did not end well.
Pentagon Orders All Troops Confined To Base Area, Bans Domestic Travel
WAIT, what about all the important wars?
The Aftermath - Surveying The Wreckage From Last Week's Market-nado
Just how fast did that escalate?
"The Market Is Broken" - Why Nobody Is Trading Any More
"I’ve never seen that before, the inability to trade a U.S. Treasury."
This is critical to understand. The U.S. Treasury bond is the instrument that underpins a huge part of world financial markets.
Armstrong warned about the collapse of the sovereign bond markets. There is no way to overstate the importance of a breakdown in this market.
BIG military exercise;- Covid-19 – more then 100,000 infected around the world, six countries where tourists are prohibited from traveling and 17, which are recommended to be avoided.
- “Defender Europe 2020” – 40,000 participants from 17 NATO countries (and Georgia).
- According to the professors, the large troop movements within the framework of Defender Europe 2020 can contribute to the spread of corona virus infection throughout the European continent. And at the present time, the transfer of American troops to European ports is on the peak.
3/14 US stocks reach insanely oversold levels – Clive Maund
U.S Treasuries wobble,,,, the economy careens
Gingrich is in Italy and, writes about the economic fallout.
"Italy has a worrisome economic problem, because it was already sliding into a recession and the necessary steps to isolate the disease will also crush the economy. There is a real danger that the Italian banks will fail and will pull the European banks down with them."
"As Trump and the Congress consider what we must do to keep America growing and prosperous, they have to recognize that we may need to grow strongly enough to help pull Europe out of a deep recession by this fall. We can't just think about what is happening economically in the United States. A collapsing Europe would have huge impact on the entire world economy, including America." Stocks crashed over 9% on Thursday. A bear market officially started.
- 75% of companies note supply chain disruptions as coronavirus cases growing outside of China at an exponential rate.
- The bond market was in a state of stress all week. There are major liquidations in bond funds and the bid-ask spreads in the 30-year bond are the biggest on record. Even Friday stock market rally did not calm the bond market."
- The bond market was in a state of stress the entire week.
Given that a deflationary crash is underway with the Fed about to slash rates to zero, the yield on the long bond ought to be dropping. Instead, yields on the 30-year and 10-year treasuries soared.
- Bid-ask spreads on treasuries were at the widest level in history.
- Hoping to quiet things down, the Fed announced on Thursday it would Inject $1.5 Trillion in Liquidity.
"Consider: over the last 13 years, debt has increased by $128 trillion, but GDP has only risen by $27 trillion:
So let’s get this straight: The increase in debt from cycle peak to cycle peak occurred with debt outstripping the income required to support that debt by a factor of five!
DAM, erased everything when I posted this link.
Worse, there is zero visibility going forward as nobody knows how to price in collapsing revenues and earnings amid entire countries shutting down virtually all public gatherings and activities. Denmark just shut down all of its borders on Friday, flight cancellations everywhere, the planet is literally shutting down in unprecedented fashion.
The damage is not theoretical, it’s real as we just saw the fasted collapse in asset prices in history:
Central bank efforts over the past 2 weeks have been a miserable failure and emergency rate cuts have not been able to stem the tide of system selling and liquidations. Until Friday that is perhaps. The Fed resorted to unprecedented and some may say pathetically desperate efforts to stem the bleeding by announcing $500B repos including a $1 trillion repo on Friday.
Today's Fed liquidity injections: The same size as the annual US military budget.
Tomorrow's Fed liquidity injections: The same size as the annual US military budget.
"The key concern now, as in 2008, is liquidity: the ready availability of cash and other easily traded financial instruments - and of buyers and sellers who feel secure enough to do deals.
Investors are having trouble buying and selling U.S. Treasuries, considered the safest of all assets. It’s a highly unusual occurrence for one of the world’s most readily tradable financial instruments. Funding in U.S. dollars, the world’s most traded currency, is getting harder to obtain outside the United States."
Investors and regulators have been alarmed, in particular, by liquidity problems in the $17 trillion U.S. Treasuries market.
“The tremors in the Treasury market are the most ominous sign,” said Papadia, the ex-ECB official."
Here is a very good article on the dollar shortage, primarily in Europe.
in response;
Fed Cuts Interest Rates To Zero
3/15 As everything bubble implodes, Fed rolls out fastest mega-money printer ever – WS
Buying stocks and, everything else.
3/15 Fed may announce commercial paper facilities Sunday – Reuters
3/15 The real crisis starts now in Europe – Tom Luongo
"The Federal Reserve made an emergency announcement Sunday afternoon by announcing that it would be cutting interest rates to zero for the first time since the financial crisis."
"announced quantitative easing in the form of at least $700 billion of asset purchases. It also encouraged banks to provide credit to the economy by eliminating reserve requirements and allowing the financial firms to tap into capital and liquidity buffers."
In a global effort, the Fed also announced standing U.S. dollar liquidity swap line arrangements in coordination with the Bank of Canada, the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan, the European Central Bank, and the Swiss National Bank.
“The Federal Reserve is prepared to use its full range of tools to support the flow of credit to households and businesses and thereby promote its maximum employment and price stability goals,” the Fed said in a statement.
The FED is trying to alleviate dollar shortages around the world.
"But the Fed on Sunday slashed rates by 100 basis points, less than two weeks after it had already made an impromptu 50 basis point cut. "
"The central bank announced a number of measures on Sunday to motivate banks to support businesses as quarantines around the country raise concerns that businesses will have to close their doors and possibly lay off workers."
"The Fed said banks were welcome to borrow from the discount window for periods as long as 90 days, “prepayable and renewable by the borrower on a daily basis.”"
Besides endless liquidity injections into the upper loop, FEDGOV is preparing to do huge injections into the LOWER loop.
I needed a separate post for Armstrong.
"Marty, you recently said that there was a shadow repo market. Nobody has ever heard of this. In the Fed’s statement, there is a curious announcement that talking about coordinated swap lines. They also said: ” both a collateralized and uncollateralized basis, to support the provision of liquidity to households and businesses and the general smooth functioning of payment systems.” Is this the commercial paper you are talking about?
ANSWER: Yes. They call this “coordinated swap lines” between central banks. It is the shadow Repo Market. They are now coordinating this with the Bank of Canada, the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan, the European Central Bank, the Federal Reserve, and the Swiss National Bank. In other words, the Fed is providing liquidity to other central banks.
The “uncollateralized” loans mean commercial paper other than government treasuries.
"I do not think this is a single-minded plot. However, history also demonstrates that they will always take advantage of a good crisis. In Europe, the central bank is already at negative rates. There is nothing left for them to do. This is now turning to emergency political measures. The drive to use this as the excuse to eliminate paper currency is a side-benefit on their wish list and this does provide the excuse to justify that action.
Whatever measures you see, they rarely ever reverse. They tend to be permanent."
I do not like to contribute to conspiracy theories. They are more often just wrong. I have mentioned that there was massive liquidation last week, but it is not over. The largest hedge fund run by Ray Dalio who said “cash is trash” and his #1 guy pronounced that the central banks had defeated the Business Cycle, is facing huge losses at Bridgewater Associates. The firm’s macro fund is down roughly 20% through this past Thursday. Their view has been anti-dollar, bullish gold, and thought that the rise of cryptocurrencies was a structural change that ended declines like this. The drop in the fund, Pure Alpha Fund II, comes nearly two months after Dalio told CNBC “cash is trash” in an interview held during the World Economic Forum.
The problem with such funds as Bridgewater is very clear – their strategy is based on human opinion. The ONLY way to survive the years ahead is to eliminate human opinion and stand objective between all the yelling and screaming. We are expanding our institutional service for small businesses. Governments are incapable of dealing with this event. Despite all the conspiracy theories about the Coronavirus and thousands of millions will die, all of that is COMPLETELY irrelevant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!
"These are the typical ranting of people who have never dealt behind the curtain and are clueless as to how the world truly functions. They spin their theories about the Coronavirus and how Trump will be defeated, but the real elephant in the room that nobody seems to notice is the fact that central banks are at negative rates and lack any monetary policy room whatsoever to combat this economic decline. This is what I have been warning about – the Central Bank Crisis. They have shot themselves not in the foot, but in a vital organ. They have destroyed the Keynesian Economic Model. They have nothing left."
"have laid out in Manipulating the World Economy that the solution requires political action. The central banks are dead. This is a far greater crisis than most expect."
The German finance minister has already proposed just NATIONALIZING companies. That means investors lose everything. I can’t think of another reason for a dollar panic high better than that as all investment capital flees to the dollar.
Using this panic to justifying nationalizing companies is precisely the agenda of Greenpeace. This does not seem to be a coincidence. The conspirators behind this Coronavirus are on this same agenda, are either too stupid or they are using this for the same end goal. Some of the proposals being floated are strangely the same as Greenpeace – seize industry to save the planet. Anyone pushing this panic, I suggest you investigate their connections. They are either fools, or this is yet another clever ploy like using a 16-year-old girl as a climate expert. They seem to be cheering on millions of people who will die like they can’t wait. The 1968 flu did kill 3 million. That must be their dream-like Greenpeace – reduce the population.
As far as the dumping of gold and Bitcoin, yes, this is what I was talking about that this crisis would be a combination of 2008 & 1998. Here the problem is not mortgage-backed securities, but hedge funds were buying piles of US Treasuries and selling the derivatives trying to lock in guaranteed trades as always. The spread has reversed and we have seen massive selling of off-the-run Treasuries which are the older issues. The market is not as deep for the older issues and they normally trade at a slight discount to the current benchmark. Here, they crashed and were trading at 25bp below. This was reflecting panic selling to raise cash.
This is what I meant about a revisit of 1998. Hedge funds get trapped and start selling everything. They tend to group together on the same trades. Hence, those who thought gold was the safe haven were caught on the wrong side of the Quantity Theory of Money philosophy and discovered that “cash is [not] trash”, but KING! Yes, the rumor is one fund lost $32 billion last week. People would not deal with one bank out of fear they had exposure to a certain hedge fund. That forced the bank to come out and announce it had no such exposure.
So hang tight. This is not over yet and we are getting some very interesting shifts. I have spent all day writing a very important special report because we are facing a major central bank crisis and this is threatening not just the rest of the year, it is threatening the very existence and survival of our global economy. This should go up for sale tomorrow or Monday at the latest. I have written it on Pi Day and will release it on the Ides of March – Caesar, beware!
Armstrong includes a video here from, Yes Minister
This is the REAL Crisis – not the coronavirus which has been at best the catalyst to set everything in motion for the monetary crisis and the Mother of All Financial Crises.
Short, must read.
Great to hear that the FED is getting killed by Trump money killersNow the FED will threaten and whine from now on as IT becomes more and more irrelevant. It is not enough that THEY have bled America for 100 years to bankruptcy THEY still want more. To bad, Trump card will be and is being played now, enjoy the show. All plotted out for 50 years, it's our turn now.
The FED is full of criminals, THEY will now reap. Indictments are already on the books. One by one THEY will either be forced to resign or show up in court.March madness is fun.
Oh yeah, Better buy cheap rolls to wipe on cause the boogie woogie flu gonna gitya. So fearful and easy to flim flam
The FED's azz is in a sling finally.Last edited by BroMikey; 03-16-2020, 01:58 AM.
Armstrong claims that this emerging crash is the final crash of Keynesian economics,,, the final crash of socialism. Maybe, he is looking for the supreme domination of finance over humanity. The money-renters come out triumphant.NOT going to work out that way. The money-renters are defecating bricks at the thought of universal basic income.
Well they should. It is only (artificially produced) poverty that keeps us working. We work harder and harder to support vast armies of parasites.
Goldman Sachs Warns S&P 500 Might Not Bottom Out Until It Hits 2,000
Goldman Takes Chainsaw, Cuts US Q2 GDP To -5% Says Recession Has Begun
Dow Futures Dive Another 1,000 Points After Fed Takes Emergency Action
Imagine Jay Powell walking around carrying a sign that reads, Desperation Time.
Yang Warns CV Fallout Could 'Be Worse' Than 2008 Crisis as Support Grows for Universal Basic Income
Gabbard urges giving Americans $1,000 monthly relief during pandemic
Now, that all is a nice idea but, what will they do when the banks close?
Realtors - Housing Market Crash Will Last Long After Coronavirus Is Gone
Let's hope so.
House Passed Paid Sick Leave For Only 20% of US Workers
23 million work for the GOV. Will they be first in line?
Southwest jet CRACKS - forcing pilots to drop almost 20,000 feet as Boeing 737 lost cabin pressure
That isn't going to help Boeing stock.
3/16 Powell says the Fed doesn’t see negative rates as ‘appropriate’ for US – CNBC
RIGHT, bonds pay ZERO and, inflation is running at >2%
3/16 Futures plunge after Fed cuts rates, launches easing program – CNBC
3/16 The Fed’s future is already here in return to zero rates – Bloomberg
3/15 Fed cuts rates to zero and launches massive $700 billion QE program – CNBC
Save the bankers at all costs.
3/16 Bob Moriarty: the US is a paper tiger at the end of its empire – Energy and Gold
Europe Melting Down – Central Bank Chaos
Posted Mar 16, 2020 by Martin Armstrong
The European markets are crashing from the currencies to the debt – even the Bunds. The smart capital is realizing that this is the end-game. Central Banks [...]
What Happens when the People are Confronted by a Government Financial System that Crumbles before their eyes?
Posted Mar 16, 2020 by Martin Armstrong
Congress has been out to breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The national debt keeps growing reaching around $23 trillion, yet Congress as an institution points fingers [...]
The Fed Makes a Fool of Itself – There is no Santa Claus
Posted Mar 16, 2020 by Martin Armstrong
This is the very essence of a financial crisis. Despite the fact that Trump cheered the Fed and they cut rates to ZERO, the risk of that was what would happen if
'Nationalize factories & industries!' De Blasio kicks panic up to 11 calling coronavirus 'war-like situation'
Gabbard urges giving Americans $1,000 monthly relief during pandemic
Sounds kinda socialist to me.
3/16 US stocks plunge after Fed cuts rates, launches easing program – CNBC
So, what is plan B
3/16 Bank of Japan to expand purchases of stock, corporate bonds, other assets – WTOP
3/16 IMF to ‘mobilize its $1 trillion lending capacity’ to fight coronavirus – CNBC
3/16 Brent falls 10%, WTI below $30 as coronavirus spreads – Reuters
That isn't going to be good for oil futures contracts
3/16 Hill correspondent and pandemic expert Reid Wilson: shut everything down – Hill
3/16 Gold, silver prices collapsing amid markets panic – “sell what you can” – Kitco
Gold moves from weak hands to strong hands. NOBODY will buy paper gold so, eventually, the supply of physical will dry up.
3/16 Customers return to Hong Kong’s protest-hit jewelry shops to sell their gold – GATA
Gold isn't truly money because there is too much bogus stuff floating around for the average person to be sure of what he is getting.
There is a huge liquidity shortage so, for the time being paper money is king.
3/16 Roubini proposes tokenized toilet paper as currency — ‘more useful than gold’ – GATA
3/07 Las Vegas home prices pass all-time record set in 2006 – Fox
"Wynn-Encore and MGM Resorts International announced Sunday that all of their Vegas properties would shut down as travel to the gambling and entertainment city declines. Numerous conventions have canceled their upcoming events, and many big-name shows, including Cirque du Soleil, David Copperfield and others have cancelled upcoming performances."
Just a few headlines;
'Terrifying' British Research That Sparked Trump's Aggressive Change Of Tone On Virus
The Coronavirus and the New World Order 'War is in the Air'
Mnuchin says Trump administration is looking toget cash to Americans 'immediately'
Amazon Suspends All Shipments Other ThanMedical Supplies, Household Staples
Coronavirus Aid to Support UK Economy Will beof an 'Unimaginable' Scale - Chancellor Sunak
Here it comes as we said - BoE 'Considers' Digital Currency
'We're headed for the worst financial crisis of our lifetimes' – Jim Rogers
White House Unveils $850 Billion Economic Rescue Package
...'Sending Checks To Every Household' A Good Idea - Dudley
Here Come The Mass Layoffs - New York Unemployment
Site Goes Down After 'Tens Of Thousands' Lose Their Jobs
Fed Injects $189 Billion In Repo Liquidity As Libor Explodes
Libor shows that the banks don't trust each other.
Luongo - Has Anyone Told The ECB Yet That It's Bankrupt?
Global Coronavirus Recession Is Now Beginning
If you aren’t out yet, you are stuck. Forget liquidity – it’s almost impossible to exit even liquid index ETFs.
“How to invest when the world stops” – Bank of America
3/17 Europe to shut borders as lengthy virus crisis looms – Reuters
What about all those muzzies who want to get in?
3/17 As coronvirus grips the US, Americans get a taste of life under sanctions – Mint
3/17 The Fed deployed its 2008 arsenal all in one weekend – NY Times
3/17 This is how the coronavirus will destroy the economy – NY Times
3/17 Bringing life to a standstill – Dr. Sircus
Cashless society and hackers.
CRAB, erased everything when I posted this link.
The 10 biggest hacks of government data bases include;
In the largest government data breach to date, a database of 191 million voters was exposed in late 2015. Again, and almost unfathomably, the problem came down to human error and oversight: the database was incorrectly configured and exposed on the open Internet. It contained the personal information – names, dates of birth, party affiliations, emails, addresses, and more – of all registered voters in the 50 states and the District of Columbia.
There is much talk that this pandemic will be used to bring in the cashless society. The alternative to cash money is,,, electronic money.
Roughly $1.1 billion worth of cryptocurrency was stolen in the first half of 2018,
Hackers Stole Over $4 Billion From Crypto Crimes In 2019 So Far,
"Hacker may have stolen information on up to 8M credit cards - Feb. ... "'Massive' credit card data breach involves all major brands".
Hackers have accessed over 7.9 billion consumer records so far this
Fortune Magazine;
"Who has been hacked? It might be easier to ask who hasn’t been hacked, as Fortune explores in the cover story of our Jul. 1 issue. The list below is just a sample of big companies and institutions struck by major data breaches in the past five years. As you can see, no industry has been spared. By now, the damage has afflicted billions of consumer accounts and is costing the companies tens or hundreds of millions. Alas, cyber-crime tools are getting cheaper and more prolific—which means the hacking nightmare is unlikely to end anytime soon."
LinkedIn, 2012
The Shadow Brokers. The Shadow Brokers (TSB) is a hacker group who first appeared in the summer of 2016. They published several leaks containing hacking tools from the National Security Agency (NSA), including several zero-day exploits.
So, the NSA hacking tools got out in the wild. Not happy with this situation;
3/12 U.S. government commission rolls out doomsday plan for cyberwar – Reuters
You can bet that other States and individuals will develop plenty of hacking tools. If the NSA and Pentagon can be hacked, how safe is a crypto currency?
- 1 like
It will be time to buy soon AGAIN, you guys missed the last correction.
Watchword, BAILOUTS
Everybody is expecting a bailout. Boeing spent $40 billion on stock buybacks. Now, they are out of money and, want a bailout.
'Checks To Americans On April 6th' But GOP Split Over Virus-Stimulus Package
US Police Announce They Won't Be Arresting Petty Criminals During COVID Crisis
The "Deeply Flawed, Immoral, & Unlawful" House Of Cards That Ben Built
Even though the monetary tricks worked – or seemed to – they were based on a deeply flawed, immoral, and unlawful prospect: the privatization of profit enabled by the socialization of loss.
Would it be inappropriate of me to point out that ALL of the inflationist FED heads are jews?
NOTHING is liquid but, margin calls are demanding cash.
Stocks down, Bonds down, credit down, gold down, oil down, copper down, crypto down, global systemically important banks down, and liquidity down."
This Is What A $12 Trillion Dollar Margin Call Looks Like
Banks Are Going To Drown In An Ocean Of Defaults
Banks are about to drown in an ocean of defaults. I’ll talk about this a lot more in the coming days, but briefly:- There’s $250 TRILLION in global debt right now– mortgages, credit card debt, business loans, government debt, etc.
- And banks own a large portion of that debt.
- This virus crisis is going to trigger a wave of defaults from consumers, businesses, and even governments.
- Again, there’s $250 trillion in global debt right now. Total bank capital worldwide is less than $10 trillion.
- So if the coming defaults trigger a mere 4% loss in total debt, it will exceed the entirety of global bank capital.
- And this doesn’t even take into consideration the impact of the $1 QUADRILLION derivatives exposure.
3/18 Global bonds plunge ahead of debt deluge from pandemic defense – Bloomberg
3/18 Mnuchin warns of 20% U.S. unemployment without coronavirus rescue – Reuters
96 million NOT in the labor force. It is already past 25%
Zoltan Stares Into The Abyss: Here Is What The Fed Must Do Right Now To Avoid Global Devastation
In short: bail out everyone... everywhere.
Von Greyerz: The Demise Of The Financial System Is Imminent
“Next five years is not about winning but surviving...”
The Insanity Continues: Futures Crash Limit Down, S&P Indicated 6% Lower
Is $10 Oil On The Horizon?
The worst thing oil companies can do in the current environment is to assume that things will soon return to normal, and thus continue normal operations...
Privatizing Profits And Socializing Losses
While bailouts can prevent mass layoffs and disruptions to the economy, the issue boils down to nothing more than privatizing profits and socializing losses...
Canada Unveils Stimlus Package Worth 3% Of GDP
However, the market appears unimpressed.
Trump Invokes Defense Production Act In Coronavirus Response, Deploys FEMA In All Regions
You didn't forget about all those thousands of coffins that FEMA bought,,, did you?
Mark Cuban On Virus-Bailouts: "No More Buybacks. Not Now, Not A Year From Now. Not Ever."
Effectively you're spending taxpayer money to buy back stock and for me, that's just the wrong way to do that."
After Blowing $4.5 Trillion On Buybacks, US Execs Demand Taxpayer-Funded Bailouts Of Shareholders
Chapter 11 bankruptcy that wipes out shareholders is the correct solution for collapsing share-buyback queens.
Delta March Revenue To Crash By $2 BIllion, April Will Be Even Worse; Unveils Massive Pay Cuts
JPM Cuts Q2 GDP To -14%: "The Lamps Are Going Out All Across The Economy"
US Restaurant Association Projects Up To 7 Million Jobs Lost Over 3 Months
Seeking $455 billion in total federal aid due to coronavirus hit..
Kudlow Says US "May Take Equity Position" As Part Of Coming Bailouts
YEP , GOV buys up the stock market. Japan did.
Covid-19 Could Bankrupt Most Airlines By End Of May
Private Equity: The Game That Ends With A Credit Crisis
Lagarde Fires Bazooka #2: ECB Announces €750BN Pandemic Purchase Program
Purchases will be conducted until the end of 2020 and will include all the asset categories eligible under the existing asset purchase programme."
JPMorgan Now Expects A Global Depression In The Second Quarter
"For China this quarter and the rest of the world next quarter, these GDP declines represent the biggest quarterly contractions recorded over the past 50 years at least."
'Please Stop Shooting Each Other': Baltimore Mayor Begs Residents To Keep Hospital Beds Clear For Coronavirus Patients
BOJ Admits It Has Lost 3 Trillion Yen On Its Equity Purchases Despite Literally Printing Money Out Of Thin Air
Bailout Nation: US Movie Theaters Join Airlines, Hotels And Restaurants In Demanding A Taxpayer Bailout
Armstrong writes about the massive job losses.
I posted this link and EVERYTHING disappeared.
Peering into dim labyrinths.
Armstrong said that the coronavirus situation is too well organised to be an accident.
"“This coronavirus hysteria gives them an excuse to do what they’re doing, and the consequences of what they’re doing is to dismantle the world economic system.” – David Icke"
Armstrong writes about the destruction of stock markets and hedge funds.
Keep in mind that the 1929 crash was blamed on "dark pools" of capital where the money flew around from one sector to another,,, ruining everything it touched. Hedge funds are the present day "Dark Pools" of liquidity.
How a “debt jubilee” + mining could be a path to coronavirus recovery – Ahead of the Herd
Economic freeze is here, get gold, silver if you can and get ready – Jim Rickards
Get gold and silver only if you have the other important stuff lined up already.
Various sectors have been crying for a debt jubilee and universal basic income.
The money renters do not want the actual producers to get any free money. They don't want them to even get a living wage.
How a “debt jubilee” + mining could be a path to coronavirus recovery – Ahead of the Herd
Where we are headed RIGHT NOW is; an enormous default chain from millions of closed businesses and, unemployed people.
This will probably appear in a form that looks a lot like a debt jubilee. Something that the money-renters would be sure to block.
FED GOV is planning to send a $zillion to people and businesses in the lower loop.
3/19 Coronavirus: Trump wants payments of $1,000 for adults, $500 for kids – CNBC
3/19 US jobless claims surge as coronavirus weighs on economy – Fox
We WERE a high-wage-high- price country. We morphed into a low-wage high-price economy. You would expect the prices to drop eventually.
3/19 The global repricing of assets can’t be stopped – Charles Hugh Smith
3/19 Paper wealth is vanishing into a the big black hole – Advancing Time
3/19 Enormous deleveraging in bond market smacks of margin calls – Bloomberg
3/19 Everything is going a lot lower, including bonds – Kelsey Williams
3/19 Investor Ray Dalio: US corporate losses from coronavirus to top $4t – CNBC
3/19 Japan may hand out cash to households in stimulus package – Reuters
3/19 Global stocks falling again, despite government rescue attempts – CNBC
3/19 By the end of May, most world airlines will be bankrupt – CAPA
3/19 Global bound rout gains steam led by Treasuries in flight to cash – Bloomberg
So, what happens with Treasuries when everybody has cashed out?
3/19 Corona, Exter’s inverse pyramid and the coming gold spike – Voima Gold
3/19 Gold, stocks, inverted curves, & “blood in the streets” – Zero Hedge
3/19 The window to purchase precious metals with fiat currency is closing – GATA
With fracking crashing, it is a better investment to buy diesel fuel. Trade it to the farmers and fishermen.
CA Governor Issues State-Wide "Stay At Home" Order, Warns 56% Of Residents Will Be Infected: Live Updates
"This is not a request, this is an order" - LA's 10 million residents ordered to stay at home...
NASA Warns Two Asteroids Could Cause Atmospheric Explosion Over Earth This Week
...the asteroid is “large enough to cause global effects,”
"Very Intense Plunge": Top Hedge Fund Longs Suffer Historic Crash As Top Shorts Outperform... And Much More Pain Is Coming
US Airlines To Burn Through $40 Billion By Year End If No RecoveryUS Equity Futures Tumble After California State-Wide 'Stay At Home' Order
I got places to go,,, things to do.
BMO: The Market Ponders If This Is "The Spanish Flu" Or "The Great Depression"
The Median US Stock Is Now Down 50% From Its Highs As World Loses $25 Trillion In A Month
Helicopter money has become an assumption at this point; however, the ability of businesses to stay viable during the shutdown is even more relevant...
The Median US Stock Is Now Down 50% From Its Highs As World Loses $25 Trillion In A Month
"Obey" - Covid-19 Global Lockdown & 'Disaster Capitalism'
this is not the time to be questioning anything the corporate media and the authorities tell us. This is a time to pull together, turn our minds off, and follow orders...
Trump Gives Nod To 'No Buybacks' Contingency For Bailed Out Companies
"Liquidity Support Is Not Enough": Why Central Banks Are Powerless To Fix This Crisis
"The shortage of dollar liquidity is not because banks are afraid of each other, but because they are worried about their clients."
Ah yes, that endless chain of defaults.
Jim Grant: "Central Banks Are At The 'Kitchen Sink' Level"
Stocks are 57% too high; 14k+ points on the Dow. Shiller won a Nobel Prize for this info.
The Humpty Dumpty moment.
Economist: "It's A Mistake To Think Business Conditions Will Quickly Return To Normal Levels"
The Surge In Cross-Asset Correlation Causes Two Big Problems
The deleveraging process currently under way by top-down investors such as global macro hedge funds and risk-parity funds is having an impact on bottom-up strategies, and is thus spawning a vicious cycle of further portfolio adjustments.
Paper Wealth Is Vanishing Into A Big Black Hole
Had to break it up.
he U.S. Government Is Preparing For An 18 Month Pandemic And "Critical Shortages"
A 100-page government plan marked “For Official Use Only // Not For Public Distribution or Release” paints a very bleak picture of what is coming...
Treasury Yields Suddenly Tumble As Muni Massacre Accelerates
Apparently, the entire bond market is melting.
"We're Not Sure What's Going On": Markets Hit "Sell Everything" Moment After "Largest On Record" 8-Sigma Crash
"This feedback loop of forced deleveraging/stop-outs in light of the extreme realized volatility mechanically 'triggering' and de-risking is best seen by the remarkable slashing of gross-exposure within our Risk Parity model."
Ford Suspends Dividend, Draws-Down $15bn Credit Line Fully,
Fed Boosts Daily QE By 66% Overnight To Record $75 Billion In One Day
Super-Rich Paralyzed As Private Jet Travel Restricted
Standing At The Precipice Of A Financial Collapse: Time For A 21st Century Pecora Commission
As Republican and democrat politicians hold emergency meetings to decide how to avoid a meltdown of Wall Street, the smell of hyperinflation looms in the air as much today as it did in Germany during the opening months of 1922.
Regulatory capture of crooked politicians allowed and abetted the financial bubble. Now, they propose a congressional committee to investigate the cause of the now-bursting bubble.
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