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Economic pressures
Well Mikey, you and I are definitely looking at different things.
"The Euthanasia of the Rentier. A commenter quotes John Maynard Keynes: ... would mean the euthanasia of the rentier, and, consequently, the euthanasia of the cumulative oppressive power of the capitalist to exploit the scarcity-value of capital. "
"Keynes and the Euthanasia of the Rentier. ... One of those lessons became famous for the phrase it contains, "the euthanasia of the rentier": the notion that once high interest rates become history due to expansionary monetary policy, the class of people who live off their savings will gradually and silently disappear."
OK, here are some quotes from a recent article posted by John Rubino at Dollar Collapse.
"Yellen said. The central bank has also received special powers during the coronavirus outbreak to buy other assets such as corporate debt through exchange-traded funds. The Fed has also cut rates to zero and launched an unlimited quantitative easing program to help stabilize markets."
Again, "once high interest rates become history"
"(Reuters, April 24, 2020) – The U.S. government is considering taking equity stakes in U.S. energy companies as it seeks to help the nation’s oil and gas sector amid the coronavirus outbreak, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on Friday."
So, every time that a company flounders, the FED will rescue it for an equity stake.
"suggested the federal government could buy fuel for the country in advance as well as purchase airline tickets in advance.
“We’re looking at a whole bunch of alternatives,” Mnuchin said."
"Governments buying equities is a sort of Twilight Zone version of the greater fool theory,"
"This is exactly what the government is trying to accomplish in the short run. But it’s also a death knell for capitalist wealth creation since the leveraged buyout (LBO) of the private sector by the government will cripple the capital markets’ price signaling mechanism and bring innovation to a screeching halt."
Ah yes, financial innovation. THAT is what has completely screwed up markets. "INNOVATIVE " derivatives are blowing up by the $trillions. The "price signalling mechanism" was nothing more that various gamblers trying to front-run everything hat the FED was trying to rescue / support.
"This second point is lost on the desperate folks at the Fed and Treasury. Which means the ultimate fiery end of this system will come as a complete surprise to them"
"ultimate fiery end"
The Central Bank of Japan has been buying up everything in sight for many years. There hasn't been any fiery end.
It looks like the present administration is trying to drive the money renters OUT of the system
Armstrong comes across as a realist, NOT an alarmist. Here is what he has to say;
"Make sure you buy one year’s worth of food in cans. If you have the space to do vertical farming, it might come in handy in the years ahead."
He is writing about future inflation of commodity prices.
I've continually preached that; while it is important what YOU have, it is also very important what others have. If they have nothing, they will try to share with you.
Mike Adams has always had a lot of good info. Once in a while, he goes just a bit off the rails. Here is what he has to say about future virus propagation.
The oil industry is definitely in uncharted waters.
Fulford has plenty to say;
5/01 Deutsche Bank capitulates: starts charging negative rate deposts – Zero Hedge
Buy gold
5/01 Comex operator prepares for clearing member default – GATA
As clearing members default, there will be a huge panic worldwide in the gold markets. SOME of the gold ETFs allow settlement in cash rather than in metal.
"Even if you do own enough shares, the GLD ETF reserves the right to settle your delivery request in cash."
So, defaults at COMEX will flow through the whole system. It won't be long before you can't buy physical gold at any price.
China losing the battle.
The bankers took your 401k and did direct investment in China to take advantage of the difference in labor rates. This differential, called labor rate arbitrage allowed the bankers to siphon off the difference. This formula works even better if there is no import duties on the Chinese produced products. "They" managed to get most favored nation trading status for China. This insured greater returns on the labor arbitrage. Eventually, the off-shoring of labor severely contracted the aggregate purchasing power of China's best clients. China's export advantage diminished as it lost customers. But, China had moved >300 million self-sufficient peasants to the cities. The communist party had to provide continuous employment for them or, the party would end. China just kept building stuff even though they had lost much of their export market.
Trump came along and, threw a wrench into the formula.
5/05 A diplomatic crisis with China is critical for Trump’s re-election – ZH
5/05 US-China trade war: Trump admin takes aim at supply chains – Al Jazeera
Japan's Nobel prize winning Professor of Medicine, Professor Dr Tasuku Honjo, created a sensation today by saying that the Coronavirus is not natural.
"If it is natural, it wouldn't have adversely affected the entire world like this. Because, as per nature, temperature is different in different countries. If it is natural, it would adversely affect only those countries having the same temperature as China. Instead, it is spreading in a country like Switzerland, in the same way it is spreading in the desert areas. Whereas if it were natural, it would have spread in cold places, but died in hot places.
I have done 40 years of research on animals and viruses. It is not natural. It is manufactured and the virus is completely artificial. I have worked for 4 years in the Wuhan laboratory in China. I am fully acquainted with all the staff of that laboratory. I have been phoning them all, after the Coronavirus surfaced. But all their phones are dead for the last 3 months. It is now understood that all these lab technicians have died.
Based on all my knowledge and research till date, I can say this with 100% confidence - That the Coronavirus is not natural. It did not come from bats. China manufactured it. If what I am saying today is proved false now or even after my death, the government can withdraw my Nobel Prize. China is lying and this truth will one day be revealed to everyone".
So, why would China create such a virus?
just follow the money.
"By 2050, 330 million Chinese will be over age 65."
“It’s the No. 1 economic problem for China going forward,”
But China, whose extraordinary economic heft has been built on labor-intensive manufacturing and which has no social safety net to protect the aged, is uniquely ill-prepared for the societal changes this gray wave will bring.
China’s pension shortfall could top $130 billion by 2020, according to Beijing’s National Academy of Economic Strategy, and China’s debt burden is already estimated at three times its GDP
The C/V is a godsend for shrinking Chinese government finance.
The whole world is pissed off at China. The whole world is pulling their supply chains OUT of China.
Obviously, I'm not writing very much. There are just too many things in flux.
The Left is trying to choke out the economy to blame Trump.
The technocracy is trying to choke out democracy.
Bill Gates is trying to kill 8--10% of the population, by his own admission.
Pelosi, et al are sending $trillions to Americans so that they can continue to make payments to the bankers.
Total new unemployment has reportedly risen 60 million due to gig workers losing their gig.
Bankruptcies are slated to make a huge jump.
Small businesses will take a hit first.
There is a LOT of fallout from the C/V crisis that wasn't expected.
5/07 The problem is not deflation, it’s attempts to prevent it – The Street
System wide deflation of both price and currency brings that much more system wide unemployment and death.
5/05 Euro drops after German court ruling fuels uncertainty – Reuters
The Eurocrats are trying to get Germany's 1 trillion Euro account surplus. The German courts are going up against the EU to try to prevent that.
5/06 Defiant ECB pledges full commitment after German ruling on QE – Bloomberg
We see the same thing here. The Dems want huge bailouts to rectify their Marx inspired budget problems.
5/07 Federal gov shouldn’t bail out out rich blue states – CNS News
It kinda appears that; America wants to convince the Chinese people that C/V was invented to reduce the number of dependents that the Chinese GOV must support.
It most certainly does make sense from a fiscal point of view.
Automation has wiped out too many job niches. The PTB have evidently come to the conclusion that some form of socialism must replace the existing system of crony capitalism. Japan broke ground in proving that; having the Central Bank buy up government debt would not necessarily cause hyperinflation. Everybody is onboard now.
Banks create debt-money that has an interest charge.
Central Banks create base money that carries NO interest charge. For centuries, private banks have charged the State to use it's own money. This is coming to an end.
America had 5 times the retail space-per person as France had. Wages and purchasing power were diminishing. Financialization of everything was sucking up all the money to the money renters. The system was on death watch.
Here is a comment that I lifted from Zero Hedge;
"The virus was used as an excuse to provoke the policy response of shutdown/lockdown, which popped the Everything Bubble, allowing for extreme measures by the Fed and Gov't. The economy has been placed in Fed receivership for reorganization along technocratic socialist lines. Markets are now officially dead and centralized management has been established. The labor force has been started along the path towards dependency via UBI beta test programs such as the $1200 payment and the expanded unemployment benefits.
The coronapanic was essentially a controlled demolition. While there may be occasional controlled demolitions of select areas of the financial system or economy from time to time, there will be no uncontrolled "collapse". "
Also check out:
"The Dawning Of A New Era: Post-Capitalism 1.0"
Read the full blog post here
9 hours ago
"Great Red Dragon: Foreign Money Power in the United States" - pub. 1889
"Money Kings goal is to own the earth in fee-simple."
Sorry, I just didn't know how they were going to do it till now."
Original article,
The economy and the operating system are FULL of perverse incentives.
Worst Jobs Report In History: 20.5 Million Jobs Lost As Unemployment Rate Hits Record 14.7%
Futures Jump Ahead Of Worst Unemployment Report In US History
"A V-Shaped Recovery Will Not Be Possible": Today's Job Losses Reflect A 40% GDP Crash
52% Of Small Businesses "Expect To Be Out Of Business Within Six Months"; Shocking New Survey
Stocks Soar In Response To Record Rise In Unemployment
Something to think about;
Rabobank On Negative Rate: If The US Is In That Much Trouble, Imagine How Much Trouble Everyone Else Is In
Investors "Need To Be Mindful" As Bonds & Stocks Suffer "Biggest Disconnect"
Automakers In Chaos As Broke Rental Car Companies Stop Placing Orders For Vehicles
Desperate Auto Dealers Betting Big On Discounts To Help Move Inventory
They were already losing money.
Professor: Economic Impact Of Lockdown Will Cause More Deaths Than COVID-19
Technofascism: Digital Book-Burning In A Totalitarian Age
“The people who want to add a censorship regime to a health crisis are more dangerous and more stupid by leaps and bounds
Computer Model That Locked Down The World Turns Out To Be Sh*tcode
"Everything Has Been Cancelled": Class 8 Heavy Duty Truck Orders Crash To 25 Year Low In April
Texas' Anti-Climactic Reopening: Malls & Restaurants Empty, Beaches & Parks Packed
People are going to lean towards free stuff in open air.
Furor Erupts Over San Francisco Giving Drugs To Homeless Addicts As Businesses Prepare To Reopen: Live Update
Many studies have shown that it is cheaper to give them drugs than to pay for the crimes that they commit to go and buy drugs.
It Begins: For The First Time Ever, Futures Price "Fatal" Negative US Rates Starting Dec 2020
The big "fatality" will be legions of money-renters.
Historic Eurodollar Panic: Negative Rates Now Expected As Soon As November
America descent into the monetary abyss is now just a matter of 4 months.
Yep, the banks will close eventually.
5/08 California faces a staggering $54 billion budget deficit – CNBC
There are thousands of GOV agencies in California. If you look at their comprehensive annual financial report , you will see that they have $trillions socked away.
The UC system in California reports that they alone have $91 billion.
Sep 12, 2019 - UC's $126.1 billion is spread across seven unique financial products. The endowment ended the fiscal year at $13.4 billion, and the pension stood at $70 billion. Working capital was at $14.8 billion, with total return at $9.2 billion and short-term at $5.6 billion.
Last edited by Danny B; 05-08-2020, 11:14 PM.
Armstrong's main program, Socrates has an enormous historical database. Armstrong is convinced that Bill Gates has turned megalomaniac. He turned loose his program to examine everything that Gates has done.
"Gates has destroyed the very fabric of society’s confidence and the economy’s ability to function."
"The key is to look for the corruption breadcrumbs. All leads that follow the money MUST be tracked and URGENTLY! Under the Prisoner’s Dilemma, they take one and use him to expose everyone else in the chain as they normally do – but FAST!"
"We will run the models again with the latest data since the unemployment rate has NEVER risen this fast ever in history."
EXCELLENT article.
Neil Ferguson of the Imperial College started the C/V stampede with his ridiculous program. It is so simplistic that it is nothing but garbage.
Here is a great Vid from a Cop who reminds his fellow officers that they (and GOV in general) derive their power from consent of the governed. They can't just arbitrarily demand compliance that is manifestly illegal. He cautions his fellow officers that they have NO conception of what could happen if Americans revolt back against their petty tactics. He mentions his combat experience. He tells the cops that they are in NO way prepared for an American revolution.
Armstrong, President of Tanzania Proves the COVID-19 Test Kits of Gates Test Positive on Fruits and Goats Should they be Locked-down?
Practical advice from Armstrong;
Will it be techno-fascism OR techno-socialism?
Gates is pushing for heavy population reduction and techno-fascism.
Armstrong writes about socialism but, states, "We are facing what I call a very dangerous Corporate-Political-Fascist Future."
Social distancing is a convenient tool to keep us from congregating and protesting GOV.
5/09 Doug Casey on how fascism comes to America – Casey Research
Kunstler covers the uproar in the District of Corruption.****-nation/i-sent-them/
This particular point in history.
GOV is trying to rescue people with cash. At the same time, it can't send too much cash. We will stop working.
It Pays...Very Well...To Stay Unemployed
Polly Documents How Fauci, Bill & Melinda Gates And The Global 'Coronavirus Elite' Are Tied Together - Essential To Understanding How The World Is Run - Brilliant - Watch
Madman Gates Puts Up $1 Billion to Blanket Earth
One Bank Explains Why QE No Longer Stimulates The Economy And Only Leads To Higher Stock Prices
Money supply that doesn't translate into consumption must result in higher financial asset prices until defaults result in wealth destruction.
They are trying to pump in enough cash that we don't get mass defaults. It might work for another 6 months.
Depressionary economy vs. a bull market. Both can’t be right – Real Investment Advice
Give it 6 months.
5/10 A 6.4 million discrepancy between employment and unemployment – The Street
5/10 Horrendous jobs report causes ‘Great Depression levels of stress’ – Yahoo!
5/10 Political fantasy battles economic reality after tens of millions of jobs lost – Politico
One year ago, it was reported that 96 million Americans of working age were not in the labor force. AND, unemployment was 3.2%
5/10 10 takeaways from the worst jobs report in US history – AP
5/10 Will covid-19 accelerate the dollar’s extinction? – Lew Rockwell
5/09 Will the death of the euro lead to the death of the EU? – FEE
The EU is in an all out battle to steal Germany's savings.
Payback for the shootup in Las Vegas.
5/10 US is removing Patriot anti-missile systems from Saudi Arabia – Daily Mail
5/09 Is Trump kicking the Saudis to the curb not terrible? – Tom Luongo
The fascism of the bankers who have always financed both sides in a war is on the rise again. Excellent article.
At about 2:50, this video shows an enigma on vaccines and chips. It is well worth watching.
The FED / Treasury is pumping in liquidity into every corner of the economy. Just the same, gdp is falling.
"The government deficit is soaring, with the Treasury looking at $2 trillion of new debt in 2020 due to the measures implemented to combat the economic impact of coronavirus."
The ugly monster slowly rising up out of the depths of economic stagnation is; how long can liquidity be used to paper-over insolvency?
ZH Here Is The Real April Jobs Report: 42 Million Unemployed, 25.5% Unemployment Rate
British Police Are Investigating People Who Post Tweets Critical Of Lockdown
You Brits need to get yourselves a good constitution.
India rolls out red carpet for hundreds of American firms that Washington wants out of China – report
Apple To Move A Fifth Of iPhone Production From China To India In Massive Supply-Chain Shift
Watch: 'Skynet'-Like Robot Dog Patrols Singapore's Parks To Ensure Humans Are Social Distancing
People would never attack a cop on patrol. People WILL attack robot patrols. This has already been proven.
Putin's Call For A New System & The 1944 Battle Of Bretton Woods: Lessons For Victory Day
No matter how you look at it, a new system will be created out of the ashes of the currently dying world order. The question is only: Will it benefit the oligarchy or the people?
Saudi Arabia Running Out Of Money: Riyadh To Slash Spending By $27 Billion, Suspend Cost Of Living Allowance
Oil Spikes After Saudis Unexpectedly Cut Output Unilaterally By 1 Million b/d
78% of Saudis work for the gov. It is going to get very ugly.
"A Legal Nightmare": In Latest European "Freakshow", EU Threatens To Sue Germany Over QE Ruling
The EU is demanding that Germany spends their 1 trillion on corona-bonds. Bail out the PIIGS,,, mostly Italy. Germany knows that pouring money into Greece and Italy will never end. They want to keep their cash. The EU project never had a chance of attaining escape-velocity. Armstrong told them in '89 that they would fail without a common-debt market. Germany would be a perfect economic match for Russia. This would bring the EU project to a screaming halt forever.
I deeply regret not having taken the time to read through some of your posts earlier. I have been independently studying and theorizing the systematic destruction of our society, however; it is very nice to see all of your studies as well! I am very interested to see how Trump changes the banking system after they've been bottle-fed and let loose for so long. I am eternally fascinated and curious about what the future holds, and what the new world's markets will reemerge as. Thank you for your due diligence
Harold, you're very welcome. I realize that 250 pages of posts is too much to breeze through. I'll try to post a few important points. It is human nature to want to know the future. You have to keep in mind that human nature does not change. Things continue to run in cycles,,, no matter how much people deny it.
All wars are bankers wars seems to be a truism.
"If my sons did not want wars, there would be none." ~ Gutle Schnaper, Mayer Amschel Rothschilds wife"
"WW II could have been avoided but, the bankers wanted it" Winston Churchill
"War is the health of the state" Burke
"We need continuous war to stimulate the economy" J. M. Keynes
"Peace must be avoided at all costs" Report from Iron Mountain.
War profiteering is probably the most lucrative business. I don't see that coming to an end any time soon.
"War is how we organize our society" Report from Iron Mountain.
The purpose of money is to facilitate exchange between producers and consumers. The State, being a non-producer, must constantly warp and twist the meaning and value of money so that it can survive and flourish without doing any actual productivity. Parkinson's Law states that a State bureaucracy will grow by 6% a year regardless of the work load.
The original purpose of the banker was to; intelligently allocate scarce capital to finance projects that benefited society as a whole. Since capital is no longer scarce, the bankers focus just on benefiting themselves. They too are non-producers. Many of the big corporations are also non-producers that survive only because of State-approved monopolies.
The ratio of non-producers to producers is getting stretched ever further. The non-producers, fearing for their survival, are forced to abandon any moral guidance in their daily operations. Wars-for-profit,,, pandemics-for-profit,,, famine-for-profit. Anything goes as long as it is profitable. Make sure that you are above the law as far as the courts are concerned. Better yet, lock down everybody with techno-fascism.