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Economic pressures

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  • New World Order, version 2.0

    With an agrarian economy, there is little surplus food to support conquest and a big army. Armies can live off the land for only so long. The advent of the Industrial Revolution allowed carbon energy to be converted to food energy. This gave the early adopters great advantage at wars of conquest. England was especially good at showing that an industrialized society has a great advantage over a non-industrialized society. Various European powers formed great empires of colonials who couldn't effectively defend themselves or drive out the invaders.
    As the colonies gradually advanced, it became more and more expensive and difficult to hold on to them. France lost their colonies. Great Britain lost their colonies in all but name. They did manage to force a central bank on America to keep syphoning wealth.
    As the rest of the world gradually industrialized, it became ever-more difficult to control colonies. America maintains about 800 military bases around the world in an attempt to hold on to vassal States.
    America had it real good and used various supra-national organizations to maintain power. In an effort to continue this, we made a plan, Project for a New American Century. PNAC was a road map to control the world through various threats and leverages.
    At the same time, we sold LOTS of weapons around the world. The R.O.W. developed lots of weapons on their own. Big wars with big armies are very expensive and destructive. Those days are behind us. Now, it is economic war and cyber war.
    The world is very tired of our continuous wars to maintain empire. They are trying to form an economic bloc and exclude us. The U.S only has 4% of the world's population so, they can get by without us. The endless parade of murderers in the District of Corruption has united the world against us. All our endless weapons systems won't load a single tanker of oil.

    Since the FED dominates much of the world of finance, the R.O.W. is working to construct "work-arounds" that bypass the FED and the dollar.
    New World Order - Is Asia?s New Bank a Threat to Western Power and the U.S. Dollar? | Alasdair Macleod | FINANCIAL SENSE

    Switzerland, Luxembourg, Germany, Great Britain, France and most other States have signed on to the Chinese bank.
    The new order emerges
    This isn't so much a vote for China as it is a vote AGAINST war. ALL the money centers have signed on.
    The that it only has $ 18 trillion in debt. Our unfunded liabilities add $ 8 trillion a year. Eventually, there will be a day of reckoning.
    Last edited by Danny B; 03-22-2015, 04:11 AM. Reason: misssspellings


    • Re: Stealing in a nice way

      Suspicious Activity Report (SAR)


      I read that France is just starting to do something very similar, of course to stop terrorists... Or to just have the police frisk you out of your newly withdrawn money.

      I'm now hoping for a revolution!


      • Hoarding of gold, silver and currency

        We are in hyper-deflation,,, a shrinking of the currency and credit supply. The economy can't function without circulation of currency. This is reflected in the falling velocity of money.
        10 Charts Which Show We Are Much Worse Off Than Just Before The Last Economic Crisis
        A few airports have cash-sniffing dogs. The bankers want all cash in circulation.
        "On March 6, taking advantage of a wartime statute that had not been repealed, he issued Presidential Proclamation 2039 that forbade the hoarding 'of gold or silver coin or bullion or currency,' under penalty of $10,000 and/or up to five to ten years imprisonment."[2]"
        Hoarding of currency was forbidden. Armstrong said that 26% of Americans are hoarding currency at home. All we need is a fresh war to justify confiscating gold and silver.
        If you look at the graphs in the first link, they make it pretty clear that a large % of people just don't have any savings. We are in far worse condition now than we were when we entered the 2008 collapse.

        The rural poverty rate is extremely bad.
        What about the cities? When the next collapse happens, spending will go to nothing. The cities won't be safe,,, especially cities in France. France Seeks to Reclaim 'No-Go' Zones


        • Originally posted by Ruphus View Post
          Suspicious Activity Report (SAR)

          I'm now hoping for a revolution!
          You aren't the only one hoping for a revolution. This crash will all be leveraged into a big orgy of population reduction. The PTB will try to enhance the chaos.


          • Raiding pensions

            Greece can not print it's own money. Out of desperation, it is now raiding it's pension funds to keep GOV functions going.
            America CAN print it's own money. The debt ceiling approaches once again
            "With the debt limit about to come back into full swing at a staggering $18.1 trillion this week, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew has undertaken drastic measures to kick the can down the road until later this year.

            One such plan to fund the government includes raiding the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), a 401(k)-style retirement savings plan set up for federal employees."
            Washington just dipped into retirement savings to fund itself
            The amount that they are looking to take is just $ 193 billion.
            There are already plans to force the big insurance, pension and investment funds to buy GOV securities. The banks buy tons of GOV (in)securities because GOV demands it. GOV is just a consumer so, you can't expect them to pay any of this back.
            Picture GOV as a BIG blanket of blood-sucking ticks. They have a good standard of living even though they produce nothing. With 102 million Americans of working age NOT in the labor force, this blanket of lawyers, bureaucrats and politicians is finding it more difficult to continue their standard of living. They are slowly sliding down an ever-steeper incline.
            They steal money from any unfortunate who comes within reach of their claws. They grow their claws even longer to reach further into the savings of the producing economy.
            This army of parasites sees only their own needs with no concern for the host.

            Companies in the S&P 500 are FAR in arrears in funding their in-house pensions. Now, we see GOV raiding Government pensions. We see high-level bankers getting enormous bonuses. The people at the top are grabbing big chunks of money from the main body of the organization before it blows all to hell.


            • The PTB are playing like the secret service agents are a bunch of bumbling fools. Perhaps they are, but perhaps the PTB are setting the table for a presidential assassination that would be the black swan event that would start the downturn.


              • Chinese leverage

                GOV overspends and often initiates war to disguise the resulting crash. There are many who claim that WW II is what pulled us out of the Great Depression I.
                The U.S. congress is in a mad rush to start war with both Iran and Russia. Possibly, they see an economic crash on the horizon and plan a war so they can shift the blame away from themselves.
                Former OMB Director David Stockman Warns: THE END IS NEAR | The Daily Sheeple

                The rest of the world is very tired of Pox Americana and wants an end to perpetual war. They have all signed on with the "China" bank. Out of total desperation, the U.S., IMF and World Bank are trying to cozy up with the new China bank even though it is the enemy.

                If you consume more than you produce, you don't have leftover wealth to go around mucking up the world. We temporarily have the wealth to do it but, that won't go on forever. The low-wage countries have extra wealth because the workers are underpaid. China has labor, Germany, innovation and Russia has raw materials. They fit together well. I suspect that any move towards war with Iran and/or Russia would be met with a total attack from the Chinese financial system. I sincerely hope that America is blocked from starting WW III. Our fate seems to be a cascade into default.

                Oil is headed down and may even hit $ 20 a bbl. This alone could crash the banks from the crash of derivatives written against energy prices. Our financial system is controlled by NON-producers for the benefit of NON-producers.


                • Khazars

                  So much of the power structure is hidden that it is very difficult to know who is pulling the strings. They don't want to be out in the open.
                  They rule from the shadows. Who are they? Where do they live. Where do they come from?
                  I'll post some links. It is up to you to do your own reading and come to your own conclusions. It is well worth the trouble to read / listen all the way through. The First link is from Veterans Today. Remember, there are a lot of Vets with a lot of knowledge and connections. By definition, the Vets care quite a bit about their country.
                  World’s Biggest Class Action Lawsuit Now Imminent | Veterans Today

                  Ben Fulford adds more information;
                  Sheikh Imran Hosein brings in history and perspective that isn't generally known in the West.

                  Here is a vid from Latin America where they put a long tether on a bull and let it run around smushing and trampling dozens of people. It doesn't seem to attack those holding the tether.


                  • The interest burden

                    Charges on the rental of money have been an important subject for many thousands of year. We are in a situation that has never occurred before in history.
                    There is an important bifurcation that MUST be recognized.
                    What is the natural rate of interest charged on money loaned for consumption?
                    What is the natural rate of interest charged on money loaned for speculation?
                    What is the natural rate of interest charged on money loaned for investment?
                    There is no easy answer for these questions. John Pierpont Morgan said that "only character merits credit".
                    Those who control the printing presses seem to be in bed with those who want free money for speculation. Not a speck of morality there. The imbeciles at the Central Banks create interest-free money so that private banks can "earn" interest and profit. The credit bubble is just too big to sustain without a LOT of printing.
                    The excess printing causes interest rates to go to zero on investments so, there is no net gain.
                    The credit bubble is growing but, profits have left the scene.

                    The CBs have tried to force-feed more credit (debt) into the system. It's not working. Inflation in Great Britain is at zero % for (reportedly) the first time in history. ZIRP has been a great motivator for people to take on debt until they were completely debt saturated. The bankers have provided ZIRP to the speculators instead of the consumers. The bankers have provided ZIRP to the investors instead of the consumers. The consumer is tapped out. Default is in the wind.
                    Greek Sovereign debt is expected to suffer a 95% haircut.
                    What will U.S. sovereign debt suffer when the default eventually comes?
                    This Time it’s Different | Armstrong Economics
                    Last edited by Danny B; 03-26-2015, 03:02 AM. Reason: Forgot a link


                    • Investing in war... reversion to the mean

                      Seems strange that China, et al have zillions of high speed trains but, America has none.
                      "Over the last 20 years China has invested some 8.5 percent of its GDP annually into infrastructure. And during that same period, the United States’ infrastructure investment was a big 0.06 percent."
                      "When you look at the reasons why these countries are joining ( the AIIB ) it’s very clear: The United States has a military pivot to Asia, but China’s pivot to Asia is business. So the business of America is war but the business of China is business."
                      The District of Corruption pissed away our fortune destroying as many countries as possible.
                      Gerald Celente – This Is Going To Radically Change The World | King World News
                      We print and print. What about reversion to the mean ?
                      "Profit margins are at all-time record highs as corporations don’t have to pay higher wages, can borrow for virtually free, and continue to outsource to foreign countries. Profit margins are 60% above the long-term average and always revert to the mean"
                      ",,,,,corporate market value to GNP. This ratio is also almost two standard deviations above the long term average. It is higher than it was in 2007. It is 75% above the long-term average. It has only been higher during the internet bubble in 2000. Would you bet on it reaching 3 standard deviations above the long-term average? Wall Street and CNBC are telling you to make that bet."
                      DANGER WILL ROBINSON « The Burning Platform


                      • A confidence game

                        The mention was made in a page or video that you (Danny) linked to that the Khazars were not bound by morals, or something to that effect. In my view the situation constitutes what I think of as your typical con. When the mark realizes that he has been conned he no longer feels ANY duty to relate on a moral or ethical level with the con man. Out of anger, spite or feeling of self righteousness, the mark sets about, as best he can, to get even, or at least recover some sense of self worth.

                        The concept seems to have been lost on the PTB. Paper money is your basic con game and the bankers are the con men. When the veil is ripped away, the mark(s) will not honor "their" paper money or "their" contracts, bonds, notes, IOUs, certificates of deposit or what-have-you. Groups, bands, tribes, clans, or whatever they may call themselves, will form to maintain (as best they can) some semblance of order. The ideas of morals and ethics will take on new meaning.

                        I'm not sure it matters whether the perps are Khazars or bankers.

                        Some people will be ahead of the curve, so to speak, by preparing now. A great shift in perspective is taking place in the general psyche of the people. I think it is a good idea to think about what constitutes true ethics and morality. A sound ethical foundation would seem to hold some value. Labels like Khazar, Jew or Christian might not be first thing people look at when trying to reconstruct civilization. I hope people will look for honest and trustworthy INDIVIDUALS with whom they may associate themselves.

                        I'm curious whether you feel there is some advantage to be gained by grouping the perpetrators under a label.
                        There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


                        • Evil is a good label. Predator fits as well. Psychopath often fits. POWER is the lodestone that brings out the worst in certain people. There are exceptions.
                          The president of Uruguay drives an '87 VW.
                          Fidel Castro flew to U.N. meetings in an old prop plane for many years.
                          Ian Smith, the Prime Minister of Rhodesia just lived in a little house where anybody could come and go. There have been many others who have worked for their country and people.

                          The perpetrators are the politicians. The bankers are just doing what bankers do. Like the story of the scorpion and the frog.
                          It was the Graham-Leachy act that undid the law, Glass-Steagal. This gave the bankers unlimited access to great gobs of our money and they gambled like drunken sailors. We rely on politicians to look out for us. They were only attracted by power so, we can't expect them do do anything moral.

                          But, the nuclear family has been destroyed. INSECURITY is the watchword of the day. GOV promotes insecurity so that you will cling to GOV as your security blanket. The overlying burden of insecurity causes people to hoard and over-compensate. Doctors wrote 80 million prescriptions for antidepressants in a year in America. Insecurity is the great sickness of society. Why should anyone expect a society to be moral when it is sick?
                          The Amish take care of their own very well. They don't pay into social security because they always look out for everybody. That brings far more security that some promise from GOV.

                          People don't willingly associate with predators. GOV has bought a couple billion bullets to ensure that we will continue to labor under the thumb of our self-elected overlords.
                          Energy is the master resource and food is the biggest lever. If people don't have food, they will pound on the gates of camp FEMA to gain entrance. Unless you can produce your own food, you will have to dance to the tune that somebody else plays.

                          " A great shift in perspective is taking place in the general psyche"
                          You would find it interesting to read the work of Rupert Sheldrake, The Hundredth Monkey." You would also find good reading in looking at the "Princeton Egg".


                          • Pumping in debt to gorge the corporations

                            U.S. GOV made guaranteed LOANS available for students to go to college.
                            The cost of an education has risen at 3 times the rate of general inflation.
                            Germany has made college free. Germany: College is free there, even for foreign students. Why?
                            The money that is used in lieu of loans to students comes from GOV and is not run through the banking system to gouge students with debt.
                            "(By the way, they weren’t exactly breaking the bank before, with semester fees of about EUR 500, or $630, which is often less than an American student spends on books—but even that amount was considered “unjust” by Hamburg senator Dorothee Stapelfeldt.)"

                            The FED has coughed up a cool $ 1 trillion to buy mortgage backed securities,, many of them worthless. What was the result?
                            "U.S. Home Prices Are Surging 13 Times Faster Than Wages"
                            U.S. Home Prices Are Surging 13 Times Faster Than Wages - Bloomberg Business
                            The article claims that, "Wages climbed by 1.3 percent from the second quarter of 2012 to the second quarter of 2014"
                            Bloomberg is a PTB mouthpiece so, they are expected to lie daily. Wages have gone down. School is getting ever-more expensive. Gee, I wonder why???
                            The California UC system reports that it has $ 90.1 billion in cash and investments.
                            GOV has gotten into the health business. Strangely, health care has gone WAY up. Pharmaceuticals have gone sky high. Big Pharma has an agreement with FED GOV,,, even though FED GOV buys $ billions in drugs, it must pay the going rate with no discount. Obamacare is just one more attempt to squeeze money out for the health-care industry.
                            Every sector tries to get a monopoly and jack up prices to the moon. The public can't afford it so, GOV jacks up taxes to make sure that no lobbyist goes away empty handed.
                            Just as socialism breaks the bank, corporatism will get us there also.


                            • On a similar vein

                              I read your response but have not had time to absorb it. We don't see eye to eye, but I did ask for your thoughts.

                              Remember the last time people got paid to borrow money? It didn’t end well.

                              The thesis here is: perverse incentives cause the dummies to take on debt that cannot be repaid.

                              My thought: People have no respect for property that they do not pay for and will misuse or destroy it. The wealth of the country will probably be destroyed by the victim class and the welfare dependent, since (to them) it cost them nothing. When the collateral is gone, the lenders will lose, too.

                              The "American Experiment" is quite instructive, but few will understand and the majority will ruin everything by their numbers overwhelming the efforts of the minority.
                              There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


                              • expanding debt

                                America crashed into a low-wage competitor. Aggregate national earnings were severely diminished. Since private banks create only the principle and not the interest, the credit bubble has to continually expand to service previous loans,,, principle + interest. The banks wrote liar-loans in an effort to accomplish this expansion. Since they bought off the politicians, they expected to be bailed out by Treasury when the loans defaulted.
                                No matter what the gamble that they made, they expected that the FED would save them. Their runaway greed caused them to create about $ 750 trillion in derivatives. There is no possibility of a bailout for this amount.

                                At the same time, the Walmartians were offered free houses. If they already had a house, they were offered a line of credit on the equity in the house. ( HELOC)
                                Everything was done to keep the credit bubble expanding. When it blew all to hell, it was expected that the taxpayer and their children and grandchildren would pay it back.
                                The FED has been pumping in a lot of money but, the marginal return on debt has gone negative. For every new dollar created, it creates LESS than a dollar of new wealth. GOV pushed ZIRP to support the marginal return but, ZIRP kills all the big funds that rely on interest.
                                CALPERS needs about 7--8% return to pay all the retirement benefits to subscribers. The FED pumps in money to save banks but, wipes out everybody else. Killing the host to save the parasites.

                                "destroyed by the victim class and the welfare dependent"
                                There have been many housing projects that have to have been torn down after 2 years because they were not repairable.
                                There are far too many households where the children don't learn discipline. If they don't learn discipline, how can they be expected to learn self-discipline? Where can they be expected to go in life without self-discipline? 50 % of the people in Detroit can't read a cereal box.
                                Last edited by Danny B; 03-29-2015, 02:14 PM. Reason: mising word

