Track record
Armstrong made his original prediction of a collapse back in 1985. So, how is his track record?
"The Greece crisis started precisely on the turning point for the Sovereign Debt Crisis to the DAY from our original projection in 1985. It was just amazing to watch things unfold with such precision. Now, as we approach October 1st, 2015 (2015.75), one must wonder how fast are governments going to act."
Greece Has Done All it Could – Final Days Approach | Armstrong Economics
"Merkel is tearing Europe apart with this whole obsession with inflation from the German hyperinflation. She fails to comprehend that inflation is NOT the result of an increase in the supply of money or QE1-3 and the ECB monetization would have worked. Inflation will soar when confidence in government collapses."
Armstrong made his original prediction of a collapse back in 1985. So, how is his track record?
"The Greece crisis started precisely on the turning point for the Sovereign Debt Crisis to the DAY from our original projection in 1985. It was just amazing to watch things unfold with such precision. Now, as we approach October 1st, 2015 (2015.75), one must wonder how fast are governments going to act."
Greece Has Done All it Could – Final Days Approach | Armstrong Economics
"Merkel is tearing Europe apart with this whole obsession with inflation from the German hyperinflation. She fails to comprehend that inflation is NOT the result of an increase in the supply of money or QE1-3 and the ECB monetization would have worked. Inflation will soar when confidence in government collapses."