Greece, diminished consumption,, Jackson
The troika wants Greece to cut pensions and raise taxes. Recent experience shows that this can NOT work.
"Speaking at the closing press conference for the EU-Latin America and Caribbean Summit, Tusk said that now is the time to decide.
The Greek government has to be, I think, a little bit more realistic. It is very obvious that we need decisions, not negotiations.”
This peabrain actually used the word "realistic"
"talks will collapse and Greece will default on its existing €320bn of loans."
Shaving pensions and taxes will NEVER free up €320bn.
IMF walks out of Greece bailout talks | Business | The Guardian
The problem with all that free money is that there is no legitimate place for it to go. The world is sliding DOWN to a global-mean wage. All that free money flows into productivity gains even though aggregate consumption is falling. Wages have been static since about 1980 but, prices have gone up. The free money MUST flow into mal-investment.
China is a poster child for mal-investment. Their excess steel capacity EXCEEDS the total steel capacity of U.S. plus Europe.
The world’s worst investment bubble will burst soon - MarketWatch
"Debt is the financial vehicle through which future spending of savers is transferred to current spending of borrowers. The transferred spending from savers to borrowers may be consumption or investment"
"…the central irony of financial crises is that they’re caused by too much borrowing, too much confidence and too much spending and they’re solved by more confidence, more borrowing and more spending.
The need for more spending is echoed widely in the media and approvingly by the chairwoman of the US Federal Reserve, Yellen (2014), who said in an interview:
Our policy is aimed at holding down long-term interest rates, which supports the recovery by encouraging spending. "
Stiglitz; "The lower interest rates have led to a stock-market bubble – to increases in stock-market prices and huge increases in wealth. But relatively little of that’s been translated into increased and broad consumer spending."
No kidding,,, consumers have maxed out their credit.
Policy of Debt and Destruction | A Scientific Economic Paradigm Project
"Every economic setback of modern times, including the foundation events of the Great Depression, was caused by the state—either in the form of inflationary war finance or central bank fueled credit expansion—-not by the deficiencies or inherent instabilities’ of market capitalism.
So while the rationale for monetary central planning is bogus, the model on which state intervention is based is even more invalid."
"For reasons I have previously explained, Keynesian aggregate demand management tools seemed to work for about three decades but it all amounted to a one-time monetary parlor trick."
"I think not. Yet the reason the Fed and its fellow central banks maintain their constant state of intrusion in the financial markets, including what will soon be 80 months of ZIRP lunacy, is purportedly to help close the gap between actual and potential GDP."
The boneheads completely ignore aggregate consumptive power in a country that has outsourced too many jobs.
The Warren Buffett Economy—-Why Its Days Are Numbered (Part 3) | David Stockman's Contra Corner
Everyone knows that Andrew Jackson killed the central bank. They almost killed him. He is rightly given much credit for this. The current central bank put his image on the $ 20 note as revenge.
"When Andrew Jackson shutdown the Second Bank of the United States, ending central banking, that begun the age of Wildcat Banking with every bank issuing their own money. That led to the collapse in banking"
"Andrew Jackson unleashed the Sovereign Debt Crisis of the 1840s as states issued debt to try to bail out banks and then defaulted. The period led to civil unrest and killing immigrants on the street of Philadelphia, as people blamed the Irish for taking their jobs and causing rising unemployment."
"The period was especially rough for the economic recession following the dissolution of the Second Bank of the United States"
Andrew Jackson unleashed the Sovereign Debt Crisis
states issued debt to try to bail out banks and then defaulted.
The States tried to bail out the banks BUT, it was Jackson's fault for the collapse. The U.S. treasury was authorized to issue gold and silver coin of exactly specified weights. If somebody lost their a$$ because they tried to use unregulated, unbacked paper money from the banks,,, that was Jackson's fault???
Private Money | Armstrong Economics
Edit; "and that is simply unacceptable to Brussels and also to Germany, where economy minister Sigmar Gabriel has given up all pretences that this is about Greece and not about Spain:"
Yep, Spain is next in line.
The troika wants Greece to cut pensions and raise taxes. Recent experience shows that this can NOT work.
"Speaking at the closing press conference for the EU-Latin America and Caribbean Summit, Tusk said that now is the time to decide.
The Greek government has to be, I think, a little bit more realistic. It is very obvious that we need decisions, not negotiations.”
This peabrain actually used the word "realistic"
"talks will collapse and Greece will default on its existing €320bn of loans."
Shaving pensions and taxes will NEVER free up €320bn.
IMF walks out of Greece bailout talks | Business | The Guardian
The problem with all that free money is that there is no legitimate place for it to go. The world is sliding DOWN to a global-mean wage. All that free money flows into productivity gains even though aggregate consumption is falling. Wages have been static since about 1980 but, prices have gone up. The free money MUST flow into mal-investment.
China is a poster child for mal-investment. Their excess steel capacity EXCEEDS the total steel capacity of U.S. plus Europe.
The world’s worst investment bubble will burst soon - MarketWatch
"Debt is the financial vehicle through which future spending of savers is transferred to current spending of borrowers. The transferred spending from savers to borrowers may be consumption or investment"
"…the central irony of financial crises is that they’re caused by too much borrowing, too much confidence and too much spending and they’re solved by more confidence, more borrowing and more spending.
The need for more spending is echoed widely in the media and approvingly by the chairwoman of the US Federal Reserve, Yellen (2014), who said in an interview:
Our policy is aimed at holding down long-term interest rates, which supports the recovery by encouraging spending. "
Stiglitz; "The lower interest rates have led to a stock-market bubble – to increases in stock-market prices and huge increases in wealth. But relatively little of that’s been translated into increased and broad consumer spending."
No kidding,,, consumers have maxed out their credit.
Policy of Debt and Destruction | A Scientific Economic Paradigm Project
"Every economic setback of modern times, including the foundation events of the Great Depression, was caused by the state—either in the form of inflationary war finance or central bank fueled credit expansion—-not by the deficiencies or inherent instabilities’ of market capitalism.
So while the rationale for monetary central planning is bogus, the model on which state intervention is based is even more invalid."
"For reasons I have previously explained, Keynesian aggregate demand management tools seemed to work for about three decades but it all amounted to a one-time monetary parlor trick."
"I think not. Yet the reason the Fed and its fellow central banks maintain their constant state of intrusion in the financial markets, including what will soon be 80 months of ZIRP lunacy, is purportedly to help close the gap between actual and potential GDP."
The boneheads completely ignore aggregate consumptive power in a country that has outsourced too many jobs.
The Warren Buffett Economy—-Why Its Days Are Numbered (Part 3) | David Stockman's Contra Corner
Everyone knows that Andrew Jackson killed the central bank. They almost killed him. He is rightly given much credit for this. The current central bank put his image on the $ 20 note as revenge.
"When Andrew Jackson shutdown the Second Bank of the United States, ending central banking, that begun the age of Wildcat Banking with every bank issuing their own money. That led to the collapse in banking"
"Andrew Jackson unleashed the Sovereign Debt Crisis of the 1840s as states issued debt to try to bail out banks and then defaulted. The period led to civil unrest and killing immigrants on the street of Philadelphia, as people blamed the Irish for taking their jobs and causing rising unemployment."
"The period was especially rough for the economic recession following the dissolution of the Second Bank of the United States"
Andrew Jackson unleashed the Sovereign Debt Crisis
states issued debt to try to bail out banks and then defaulted.
The States tried to bail out the banks BUT, it was Jackson's fault for the collapse. The U.S. treasury was authorized to issue gold and silver coin of exactly specified weights. If somebody lost their a$$ because they tried to use unregulated, unbacked paper money from the banks,,, that was Jackson's fault???
Private Money | Armstrong Economics
Edit; "and that is simply unacceptable to Brussels and also to Germany, where economy minister Sigmar Gabriel has given up all pretences that this is about Greece and not about Spain:"
Yep, Spain is next in line.