Ugly in Europe
"German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble explained on Tuesday that Greece will remain in the euro, no matter how the referendum ends on Sunday."
"The USA position is of course that they want Greece to remain in the euro solely based upon NATO. Then there is the issue of throwing out Greece’s Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis from any meeting. Why expel a finance minister?"
",,,,,the Council shall, acting unanimously on a proposal from the Commission and after assent of the European Parliament take the appropriate measures."
With Yanis gone, they are unanimous.
"This Article 352 allows the EU to wage economic war on any member state to force its will upon the people, regardless of what they vote. This is an amazing authoritarian view for this is not just about maintaining a single currency; it is now all about centralized power. The EU is now in a position to carry out coercive measures against Greece that are completely outside any legal framework."
"To invoke such federalized power requires a unanimous vote, which explains why they would expel Yanis Varoufakis. It appears that the EU Commission is not about to accept an exit vote by the Greek people. They have eliminated any democratic means to exit the euro. This could lead to major civil unrest throughout Europe for playing hardball with Greece will expose the federalization of Europe. It also explains why they now want to create a European Army at the direction of the EU Commission and Troika."
You Can Check-In for the Euro but You Can Never Leave | Armstrong Economics
Hopefully, the collapse of the bond market will forestall any formation of a European army.
" the EU is an organization led by people with, let’s define this subtly and carefully, sociopathic traits (Antisocial Personality Disorder), simply because the EU structure self-selects for such people. As do all other supra-national organizations,"
Yep, power corrupts.
" We are being governed by sociopaths, and that’s by no means just a European thing."
In that light, it can only be a fitting irony that it was Juncker in his speech yesterday who said:
“Playing off one democracy against 18 others is not an attitude which is fitting for the great Greek nation.”.
He could have easily followed up with:
Because that’s what we in Brussels have a monopoly on.”
The EU is a club led by people with mental disorders, that panders to special interests. "
Europe's Controlled Demolition - The Automatic Earth
Edit, the "anti-Europe" SPIEGEL Commentary on the Greek Crisis - SPIEGEL ONLINE
"German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble explained on Tuesday that Greece will remain in the euro, no matter how the referendum ends on Sunday."
"The USA position is of course that they want Greece to remain in the euro solely based upon NATO. Then there is the issue of throwing out Greece’s Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis from any meeting. Why expel a finance minister?"
",,,,,the Council shall, acting unanimously on a proposal from the Commission and after assent of the European Parliament take the appropriate measures."
With Yanis gone, they are unanimous.
"This Article 352 allows the EU to wage economic war on any member state to force its will upon the people, regardless of what they vote. This is an amazing authoritarian view for this is not just about maintaining a single currency; it is now all about centralized power. The EU is now in a position to carry out coercive measures against Greece that are completely outside any legal framework."
"To invoke such federalized power requires a unanimous vote, which explains why they would expel Yanis Varoufakis. It appears that the EU Commission is not about to accept an exit vote by the Greek people. They have eliminated any democratic means to exit the euro. This could lead to major civil unrest throughout Europe for playing hardball with Greece will expose the federalization of Europe. It also explains why they now want to create a European Army at the direction of the EU Commission and Troika."
You Can Check-In for the Euro but You Can Never Leave | Armstrong Economics
Hopefully, the collapse of the bond market will forestall any formation of a European army.
" the EU is an organization led by people with, let’s define this subtly and carefully, sociopathic traits (Antisocial Personality Disorder), simply because the EU structure self-selects for such people. As do all other supra-national organizations,"
Yep, power corrupts.
" We are being governed by sociopaths, and that’s by no means just a European thing."
In that light, it can only be a fitting irony that it was Juncker in his speech yesterday who said:
“Playing off one democracy against 18 others is not an attitude which is fitting for the great Greek nation.”.
He could have easily followed up with:
Because that’s what we in Brussels have a monopoly on.”
The EU is a club led by people with mental disorders, that panders to special interests. "
Europe's Controlled Demolition - The Automatic Earth
Edit, the "anti-Europe" SPIEGEL Commentary on the Greek Crisis - SPIEGEL ONLINE