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Economic pressures

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  • Revaluing the dollar

    Wayne.ct, there is a lot of misunderstanding about gold. In 1934, much of the gold was held by private banks. Roosevelt didn't want to hand the private banks a windfall while revaluing gold that they held. The private banks had blow a huge credit bubble during the roaring 20s. Roosevelt confiscated the gold and then devalued the dollar. The gold that he sucked in was sent over to the FED. The FED, under Benjamin Strong had illegally discounted and sold bonds in the secondary market. Roosevelt robbed the private banks of gold to recapitalize the FED. FDR's 1933 Gold Confiscation was a Bailout of the Federal Reserve Bank

    "The financial footing of the United States became shaky. European countries which were holding substantial quantities of US gold-clause notes began presenting them to exchange for physical gold. The US Government’s fixed price of gold at $20.67 per troy ounce had been in effect for some time. But as the Great Depression deepened, the free-market price of gold started creeping up above that. This was an indication that confidence in gold-clause notes was starting to wane. A gold run on the Federal Reserve bank was imminent. And that was something that couldn’t be tolerated.

    And the reason that a gold run couldn’t be tolerated, is that neither the Federal Reserve nor the US Treasury held anywhere near enough gold to back all the Gold Certificates and Federal Reserve Notes that were in circulation. And printing more of these notes would only erode confidence in them even further. The gold fractional-reserve system was at the end of the road."
    "Records indicate that the total gold reserves of the country in 1933 were 4 Billion dollars worth. And at $20.67 per troy ounce, that equates to about 6,000 metric tons of gold.
    The total face value of US Treasury Gold Certificates issued from 1905 to 1928 equates to more than 16,000 metric tons of gold"
    Wiki; "The stated reason for the order was that hard times had caused "hoarding" of gold, stalling economic growth and making the depression worse"
    Over-issuance and the credit bubble were the cause.

    Fast forward to 1965. GOV printed the snot out of paper dollars. The various foreign States who held paper dollars wanted to trade for physical gold because of the over printing. France sent a battleship to pick up her gold. Like the roaring 20s, the FED had overprinted. Gold was leaving the treasury at the rate of 100 tons a week in summer of 1971. On August 11, 1971, the British ambassador notified the U.S. treasury that Her Majesties GOV was going to pick up 1/3 of the remaining gold.,,, about 3600 tons.
    Nixon did NOT consult with enough people. On August 15, 1971, he closed the gold window. He was impeached for this. The London Bankers were NOT amused. He had spoken to Arthur Burns about devaluing the dollar but he didn't follow this course,,, as FDR had.
    This one decision of Nixon's was what motivated Ron Paul to go into politics.

    Gov can't seem to maintain control over the printing press and the price of gold has risen steadily. There have been various schemes to control the price of gold but, they always fail after a while. In 1980, the P.O.G. was rising too fast and Volker had to do something. He raised interest rates to about 21%. This drug investors out of gold to participate in the boom of high interest rates.
    For several years, the CBs sold gold in unison to drive down the price. They were unloading gold to get paper money that they can print for free. It worked for a time but, was abandoned. The CBs are now buyers.

    The Rest of the world has industrialized and they don't really need any of our stuff. At some point, they are going to demand trade settlement instead of constantly rolling over debt.. If they want gold for their stuff (oil), then we have to pay in gold.
    Strangely, obummer wants to sell off the oil in the strategic petroleum reserve so that he can modernize it. How do you modernize a hole in the ground. The above ground infrastructure can be modified without draining the caverns.

    Currently, it appears that America will have 2 currencies. A day-to-day transactional currency and a currency that is accepted internationally to settle debts. The BIS settles international accounts and settles in gold ONLY.
    FDR confiscated gold from the banks and revalued it. It seems likely that this will happen again. The bullion vaults are an easy target. Texas just wrote a law stating that the FEDS is forbidden from taking any gold from Texas. Janet Reno has the answer for that. If our trading partners want to settle accounts in gold, then, gold it will have to be. If we don't have enough gold, we will send the HAARP, MERS, SARS and ebola.

    Walmart is the largest food distributor. Homeland Security has an office at Walmart headquarters. So much for distribution. What about production?
    EDIT; JFK produced an alternative to the FED money and was killed a few months later. Texas has announced a fledgling alternative to the FED coming from their gold depository.
    " Texas has decided to start keeping its gold holdings within in its own borders. ... The Fed declined comment on the new Texas depository, as did HSBC bank, .."
    This is dated 6 days ago. HSBC is as crooked as they come. It will be interesting to see if they really get it back.
    Last edited by Danny B; 07-13-2015, 02:16 PM. Reason: more info


    • The market becomes self-aware

      The producing economy needs capital to function. The parasites have to keep predations down to a minimum of the productive economy freezes up.


      • Thanks for the extended reply

        I need some time to absorb it. You are definitely talking macroeconomics. Perhaps I am stuck in microeconomics.
        There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


        • Privatization and you

          Greece: "The threat has worked. Greece must fork over €50 billion in assets in exchange for the deal. By assets, I mean “airports, infrastructure, and most certainly banks.”
          This represents an incredible 27% of Greek GDP. Greece, in essence, is handing over a quarter of its economy to Germany control. So much for any notion of borders, independence, or even sovereignty. Greece is now, for all extensive purposes, something of a German colony."

          So, the bankers get their kilo of flesh. That was the idea from the beginning. It has worked well before.

          Russia; "Privatization enabled Russia to shift from the deteriorating Soviet planned economy towards a market economy, but, as a result, a good deal of the national wealth fell into the hands of a relatively small group of so-called business oligarchs (tycoons), and the wealth gap increased dramatically.[1] It was described as "Catastroika"[2] and as one of the "most cataclysmic peacetime economic collapse of an industrial country in history"

          Argentina used to be a very rich country. The bankers worked their magic in Argentina and now, it is VERY poor. Search "cartoneros".
          (1/14/2004) Ten Years Of Privatization Made Argentina's Crisis Worse

          So, the idea is simple. We work for decades to build and pay for public infrastructure. The bankers create a debt bubble and it blows up. Remember that job # ONE for bankers is to convert their "thin air" money into tangibles. So, the debt bubble blows up and the unfortunate bankers have to settle for a bit of infrastructure as a small repayment.

          OK, moving on. The FED holds about $ 4.4 trillion of Treasury and agency debt. GOV is going to default on this debt in October. What ripe plums will the FED demand for repayment?
          "most cataclysmic peacetime economic collapse of an industrial country in history" Ah yes, the looting of America will set a new record for lucrative ventures.
          Last edited by Danny B; 07-14-2015, 03:31 AM. Reason: forgot a link


          • Trucks and civilization

            "In a 2012 report prepared for legislators and business leaders by the American Trucking Associations highlights just how critical our just-in-time inventory and delivery systems are, and assesses the impact on the general population in the event of an emergency or incident of national significance that disrupts the truck transportation systems which are responsible for carrying some ten billion tons of commodities and supplies across the United States each year."
            That is 27,397,260 tons a day. It takes 1100 trucks a day to feed Los Angeles.
            So, Armstrong says to have 3 months of cash for food and gas. That would imply a credit lockup. What happens to the truckers who have to rely on credit to fuel up?
            What happens when millions of people can't get their medications?
            When the Trucks Stop Delivering, 'The System' Will Collapse | Ready Nutrition


            • Socialism and your future

              Putin warned obummer NOT to try socialism. They had tried it for 70 years and it was/is a failure.
              "During a meeting in Panama on Saturday with Cuban Dictator Raul Castro, US President Barack Obama reportedly said that the United States is “bracing itself for socialism,” and that a major socialist revolution, which he referred to as a “Socialist Spring,” would spread through the country in the near future. - See more at: Obama to Castro: US "Almost Ready" For "Socialist Spring" | National Report

              "Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."
              Winston Churchill
              Socialism is strictly a distribution system so, it demands a command economy.

              "America is ready for socialism! Massive majorities back Bernie Sanders on the issues "
              51% of Americans receive a check from GOV so, I suppose that a yearning for socialism is not a big surprise.
              "Jews have been prominently identified with the modern Socialist movement from its very inception"
              SOCIALISM -

              What are the capitalists planning for an answer?
              Things You Must Do Before September 15th, 2015
              To Prepare For September Through December
              New DVD From Lindsey Williams
              ORDER YOUR COPY NOW!
              Immediate Shipping Available!

              Events Scheduled For September Through December.
              Things The Elite Told Me To Do.
              Know What You Are Preparing For.
              Alternate Location.
              Move Or Suffer.
              How To Stay Warm Without Electricity.
              The Date The New World Order Will Be Implemented.

              - See more at: Lindsey Williams

              Here is the short vid;
              Here is the rundown for the DVD;


              • 40 ways

                40 ways to lose your future - The Automatic Earth

                1. Deflation is inevitable due to Ponzi dynamics (see From the Top of the Great Pyramid)
                2. The collapse of credit will crash the money supply as credit is the vast majority of the effective money supply
                3. Cash will be king for a long time
                4. Printing one’s way out of deflation is impossible as printing cannot keep pace with credit destruction (the net effect is contraction)
                5. Debt will become a millstone around people’s necks and bankruptcy will no longer be possible at some point
                6. In the future the consequences of unpayable debt could include indentured servitude, debtor’s prison or being drummed into the military
                7. Early withdrawals from pension plans will be prevented and almost all pension plans will eventually default
                8. We will see a systemic banking crisis that will result in bank runs and the loss of savings
                9. Prices will fall across the board as purchasing power collapses
                10. Real estate prices are likely to fall by at least 90% on average (with local variation)
                11. The essentials will see relative price support as a much larger percentage of a much smaller money supply chases them
                12. We are headed eventually for a bond market dislocation where nominal interest rates will shoot up into the double digits
                13. Real interest rates will be even higher (the nominal rate minus negative inflation)
                14. This will cause a tsunami of debt default which is highly deflationary
                15. Government spending (all levels) will be slashed, with loss of entitlements and inability to maintain infrastructure
                16. Finance rules will be changed at will and changes applied retroactively (eg short selling will be banned, loans will be called in at some point)
                17. Centralized services (water, electricity, gas, education, garbage pick-up, snow-removal etc) will become unreliable and of much lower quality, or may be eliminated entirely
                18. Suburbia is a trap due to its dependence on these services and cheap energy for transport
                19. People with essentially no purchasing power will be living in a pay-as-you-go world
                20. Modern healthcare will be largely unavailable and informal care will generally be very basic
                21. Universities will go out of business as no one will be able to afford to attend
                22. Cash hoarding will continue to reduce the velocity of money, amplifying the effect of deflation
                23. The US dollar will continue to rise for quite a while on a flight to safety and as dollar-denominated debt deflates
                24. Eventually the dollar will collapse, but that time is not now (and a falling dollar does not mean an expanding money supply, ie inflation)
                25. Deflation and depression are mutually reinforcing in a positive feedback spiral, so both are likely to be protracted
                26. There should be no lasting market bottom until at least the middle of the next decade, and even then the depression won’t be over
                27. Much capital will be revealed as having been converted to waste during the cheap energy/cheap credit years
                28. Export markets will collapse with global trade and exporting countries will be hit very hard
                29. Herding behaviour is the foundation of markets
                30. The flip side of the manic optimism we saw in the bubble years will be persistent pessimism, risk aversion, anger, scapegoating, recrimination, violence and the election of dangerous populist extremists
                31. A sense of common humanity will be lost as foreigners and those who are different are demonized
                32. There will be war in the labour markets as unemployment skyrockets and wages and benefits are slashed
                33. We are headed for resource wars, which will result in much resource and infrastructure destruction
                34. Energy prices are first affected by demand collapse, then supply collapse, so that prices first fall and then rise enormously
                35. Ordinary people are unlikely to be able to afford oil products AT ALL within 5 years
                36. Hard limits to capital and energy will greatly reduce socioeconomic complexity (see Tainter)
                37. Political structures exist to concentrate wealth at the centre at the expense of the periphery, and this happens at all scales simultaneously
                38. Taxation will rise substantially as the domestic population is squeezed in order for the elite to partially make up for the loss of the ability to pick the pockets of the whole world through globalization
                39. Repressive political structures will arise, with much greater use of police state methods and a drastic reduction of freedom
                40. The rule of law will replaced by the politics of the personal and an economy of favours (ie endemic corruption)
                Last edited by Danny B; 07-16-2015, 04:43 AM. Reason: numbers didn't copy


                • Future of banking,,, buying time in Greece

                  Originally, all wealth came from mother earth. When a person or group created a surplus, they could trade. Eventually, banking was born to facilitate trade. Currency was born because barter was not particularly effective. The banking industry was there simply to facilitate trade and support the productive economy. Corruption has turned this completely on it's head. The banking industry has become the uber-parasite that is devouring ALL. As usual, this credit bubble is going to come to an end. Rather than a pop, It is going to be an explosion with a lot of death.

                  When the bond market is destroyed, all confidence will be lost. The bankers will try to rebuild their "milk cow" and start the process over again. This time is different. The computer has become the auditor who never makes a mistake and works 24/7.
                  Our banking system is a millennia old design. This crash will usher in new concepts and platforms. Banking, as we know it, will not exist in 10 years
                  Unfortunately, GOV will still be able to raid whatever they want. Hopefully, a solution will be found for this also.

                  Tsipris signed right on the dotted line. Now, the Greek parliament has approved the measures from the troika. Armstrong thinks that Tsipris is an idiot. Martin just doesn't have the perspicacity to understand the game. Neither do the Germans, especially Merkel.
                  Austerity has never worked. Privatization is currently NOT working in Greece. They have only sold off 3.5 billion Euros worth of stuff in the last couple of years. Syrisa signed up for unworkable demands. The IMF is well aware of this and is clashing with Germany. Greece desperately needs to unlock liquidity in the short term. In a short time, Merkel will learn that everybody in Europe hates her for enforcing unworkable policies that have no end-plan. She has forced Greece to sign a suicide pact. This is not lost on the rest of Europe. Greece and Spain have 50% youth unemployment.
                  The Spanish are getting pissy about what they know is coming.
                  The End of Freedom of Speech in Spain | Armstrong Economics

                  The Greek parliament all got in line when it was explained to them what the game plan was. Schauble demanded of Varoufakis that Yanis lead him right into a trap. Merkel has a choice between 2 disasters. The European GOVs were stupid enough to take on all the banker's debt on to GOV books. Now, they are blowing up instead of the bankers.
                  The IMF makes it painfully clear that there is no solution without a debt haircut. Merkel refuses and sets herself up as the idiot pushing plans that have been thoroughly proved to be unworkable.
                  Tsipris should be able to restore liquidity for the short term. Later the problem will be so BIG that nobody will be picking on Greece. Italy and Spain are neck-in-neck to see who goes insolvent first.
                  Germany has signed up for hundreds of billions in loan guarantees.

                  Greece and Spain have 50% youth unemployment. Nobody can avoid/evade the fact that no country has a future if it's youth have no future. All the machinations out of Brussels will founder at inception if this is ignored. Tsipris bought time until this fact sinks in.


                  • G.Edward Griffin ,,, the FED is your landlord

                    Some good reading and vids. The dollar is nearing the end of it's life. Jim Rickards talks the viewpoint of GOV. They want the SDR to be the next reserve currency. Various other groups want their currency to be the reserve. There is a good chance that gold will fill that job because nobody in politics can be trusted.
                    G. Edward Griffin: Coming Replacement for the Dollar, Secrets of the Banking System, Gold/Silver G. Edward Griffin: Coming Replacement for the Dollar, Secrets of the Banking System, Gold/Silver
                    The Inevitability of Economic Collapse – A Conversation with G. Edward Griffin & Stefan Molyneux The Inevitability of Economic Collapse - A Conversation with G. Edward Griffin & Stefan Molyneux
                    Nigel Farage gives an excellent analysis of the problems in Europe. Farage on Europe at the Heritage Foundation | Armstrong Economics

                    The banks got regulations thrown out. The banks made a huge amount of liar loans. The loans crashed. The banks sold these loans to FED GOV. ( Fannie, Freddie, FHA and the FED. The FED printed $ 40 billion a month to buy mortgage backed securities. The FED was essentially buying up mortgages. JOB # 1 for the bankers is to convert their thin-air money into tangible stuff. I can't find the number but, I think that FED GOV holds something like 62% of mortgages.
                    At about 13:20, Lindsey Williams talks about this.
                    I have no idea how this will shake out in the event of a collapse in U.S. GOV bonds.


                    • more strangeness

                      Well, Yanis led the Germans into a trap and it has been sprung VERY fast.
                      The Greek banks are open and that is the most important part. It won't last long but, at least the Greeks will be eating for a couple more months.
                      The Guardian Weighs in; The end of capitalism has begun | Books | The Guardian
                      Paul Craig Roberts sees the end of freedom.
                      Unfortunately, I don't see it that way. The IMF says that this can't possibly work. That only leads ONE place; revolution.


                      • Plant a garden,,, say a prayer

                        "Right now, the debt to GDP ratio for the entire planet is up to an all-time record high of 286 percent, and globally there is approximately 200 TRILLION dollars of debt on the books. That breaks down to about $28,000 of debt for every man, woman and child on the entire planet. And since close to half of the population of the world lives on less than 10 dollars a day, there is no way that all of this debt can ever be repaid. "
                        The Bankruptcy Of The Planet Accelerates – 24 Nations Are Currently Facing A Debt Crisis | MND - Your Daily Dose of Counter-Theory
                        The debts of GOV are enormous. what does GOV plan to do to survive?

                        "Little by little, these people are destroying everything that held the world economy together. Their hunt for spare change for tax purposes is undermining every aspect of civilization. This will NEVER END NICELY for they can only think about their immediate needs with no comprehension of the future they are creating. Indeed, somebody better pray for us, for those in charge truly do not know what they are doing."
                        Germany Replacing Bank Cards and Eliminating Cash Withdrawals | Armstrong Economics
                        Nope, a parasite doesn't think about any external needs.

                        The banks are open in Greece but, it has still turned into a humanitarian crisis. It isn't expected to get any better. "The Streets Of Athens Will Fill With Tanks": Kathimerini Reveals Grexit "Black Book" Shocker | Zero Hedge

                        Greece Is Now A Full-Blown Humanitarian Crisis - In 9 Charts | Zero Hedge
                        Tsipris did what he needed to do so that Greeks could eat for a bit longer. Taxes have soared which will only make things worse. Greeks are famous for not paying taxes. Will Merkel send German tax collectors to every house and business? Greek banks reopen but cash limits remain and taxes soar - Yahoo News

                        As a result of massive and permanent job losses, the West is slipping ever-further into socialism. In the face of a massive reduction in wages and wealth creation, the socialists pay for everything with an ever-bigger mountain of debt paper. The mountain is collapsing because the debt notes can only be paid off by productivity and wealth creation. That is why the mountain is growing so fast.
                        Socialism demands a command economy and total control. Your every deed must be known and your every action must be controlled.


                        • Commodities down,,, gold up

                          The upper loop of the economy is chugging along on free money. The lower loop of the economy doesn't get free money (yet) and it is falling badly. Consumption is way down. Consumption of commodities is way down. Commodity currencies are falling. Commodity currencies in decline
                          Copper is going down at an angle that looks like double-black-diamond. This Measure of Copper Is Another Bad Omen for the Commodities Meltdown - Bloomberg Business
                          Caterpillar is crashed down into depression-level sales. Oil is down close to $ 50 a bbl for WTI. ALL commodities are crashing and in huge over-supply. China has as much excess steel manufacturing capacity as the total capacity of America and Europe. It is obvious that industry was so obsessed with production and efficiency that it neglected to look at consumptive capacity.

                          Ho-hum, this has all been done before. The sheeple investors are being led to slaughter. Wall Street Prepares To Reap Billions From Another Main Street Wipe Out | David Stockman's Contra Corner
                          The exit door has become extremely small.
                          Commodities are crashing. Regardless of all the claims of the purveyors of paper and digital currencies, gold and silver are not just commodities.

                          “biggest supply reaction in commodity history” – which frankly, is but a follow-up of February’s “supply response,” in which I postulated that not only are commodities more oversupplied than at any time in history, but that gold and silver – which are decidedly NOT “commodities” – are, conversely, more undersupplied than ever before. Yesterday, whilst the PPT was busy “saving the Dow”; and the MSM not only proclaiming Greece “fixed,” but deeming gold a “pet rock,” the Bloomberg Commodity Index closed at a new 13-year low,"
                          The Biggest Supply Reaction In Commodity History |

                          Edit; ""Far Worse Than 1986": The Oil Downturn Has No Parallel In Recorded History, Morgan Stanley Says"
                          "Far Worse Than 1986": The Oil Downturn Has No Parallel In Recorded History, Morgan Stanley Says | Zero Hedge
                          The oil companies kept producing from shale wells even after the price fell below production costs. They did this by hedging. The hedges run out in october. There are going to be a lot of bankruptcies from this.
                          Last edited by Danny B; 07-24-2015, 02:27 AM. Reason: more info


                          • More bad numbers, more poverty

                            "Only two times before has the S&P 500 been up by more than 200 percent over a six year time frame.
                            The first was in 1929, and the stock market subsequently crashed.
                            The second was in 2000, right before the dotcom bubble burst."
                            The Economic Collapse Blog Has Issued A RED ALERT For The Last Six Months Of 2015
                            And what was the result of that?
                            "America’s 95 million investors are at huge risk. Remember the $10 trillion losses in the crash and recession of 2007-2009? The $8 trillion lost after the dot-com technology crash and recession of 2000-2003? This is the third big recession of the century. Yes, America will lose trillions again."
                            16 Facts About The Tremendous Financial Devastation That We Are Seeing All Over The World
                            There is much argument between inflation and deflation. The losses could easily hit $ 100 trillion this time. That is extremely deflationary. At the same time, prices will go up on necessities.
                            More numbers,, in case you need more evidence. This article blames obummer when he really didn't have any way to turn things around.
                            12 Ways The Economy Is Already In Worse Shape Than It Was During The Depths Of The Last Recession


                            • the implosion continues

                              Wages are down. Consumption is down. Yet, the upper loop of the economy chugs on fuelled by free money. The problems in the lower loop are starting to catch up to the upper loop. Especially in any country that depends on resource consumption.
                              The Australian dollar is 'smashed' and teetering over the US70c precipice – Guardian
                              After the crash of resource linked economies will come the crash in manufacturing economies. China is trying to escape the effects of the drop in wages in it's biggest customers.
                              China spends 10% of GDP on "all bark, no bite" stock bailout – Talk Markets
                              Capital exodus from China reaches $800bn as crisis deepens – Telegraph
                              The bankruptcy of the planet accelerates – Michael Snyder
                              When consumption and growth crashed, the central bankers tried to inflate to carry us over a bad patch. High wages are NOT going to come back and the "bad patch" is of indefinite length. Automation ensures that it will only get worse. The CBs tried to respond to a paradigm that no longer exists.
                              Central banks have shot their wad – David Stockman
                              Central Banks Have Shot Their Wad——-Why The Casino Is In For A Rude Awakening, Part I | David Stockman's Contra Corner
                              The upper loop of the economy doesn't produce anything except credit / debt. Without consumption, there is little demand for credit. The investment community is retracting hundreds of $ billions of debt paper from formerly productive sectors. There is no use in being productive if prospective consumers are flat broke.
                              All this debt paper will eventually be subject to the laws of supply-and-demand.


                              • deflation until the PTB make a serious effort at reflation of the lower loop

                                Energy is the master resource. It affects the price of everything else. As the economy collapses, there will be less demand for energy. At the same time, there will be less oil available.
                                "#1 It is being projected that half of all fracking companies in the United States will be “dead or sold” by the end of this year.

                                #2 The rig count just continues to fall as the U.S. oil industry implodes. Incredibly, the number of rigs in operation in the United States has fallen for 19 weeks in a row"
                                11 Signs That We Are Entering The Next Phase Of The Global Economic Crisis | ETF DAILY NEWS
                                "Whole groups of enterprises involved in mining and energy are about to be destroyed. And the commodity-heavy nations of Canada, Australia and Brazil are in for a very rough ride.

                                Whether the central banks can keep all of their carefully-propped equity and bond markets elevated throughout the next part of the cycle remains to be seen. " They can't.
                                "One of the models of the future that I favor is the Ka-Poom theory put out by Erik Janszen of back in 1999.

                                Basically it states that the end of a bubble era begins with a sharp deflationary event (the ‘Ka’ part of the title), but ends in a highly inflationary blow-off, (the ‘Poom’).

                                It’s a one-two punch. Down then up.

                                The reason you get the deflationary portion is simply because bubbles always burst. They are seeking a pin from the moment they are born.

                                The logic for the inflationary secondary reaction is that the central banks always respond to deflation with more money printing. Ironically, this is a doomed attempt to stem the damage caused by their prior money printing efforts.

                                They never learn.

                                So that’s what we’re looking for here at Peak Prosperity: a deflationary crunch savage enough to scare the central banks into opening the monetary spigots even wider. But this next time, we think they’ll seek to goose economic growth by giving money directly to the people as well as non-bank corporations."
                                Yep, directly to the people. The CFR already proposed this. Jim Willie and Adrian Salbuchi already predicted it.

                                The PTB of all stripes are trying to fight deflation but, they just don't have a chance when the middle class is broke.
                                "Just last month, the Chinese stock market started to crash, but the crash was interrupted when the Chinese government essentially declared a form of financial martial law."
                                "We know from a vivid account in Caixin magazine that China’s top brokers were shut in a room and ordered to hand over money for an orchestrated buying blitz."
                                Pretty funny when you consider that american bankers were shut in a room and ordered to accept TARP money.

                                Jim Rogers has some advice;
                                The big problem is that you can run but, you can't hide (your money). As the Greeks and many others have learned; once your currency is in a banks, you lose all control of it.

                                The rest of the world will have plenty of problems but, they are closing ranks against us. The Eurasian Big Bang: How China & Russia Are Running Rings Around Washington | Zero Hedge
                                Historically, the stronger State attacks the weaker State and loots it. The stronger State has to make sure that the weaker State can't defend itself. Ghandhi; “Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the Act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest.”

                                But, the industrial revolution brought arms and defensive capability to formerly weak States. The arms industry has greatly promoted arms sales. Former vassal States can now defend them selves. To make matters even worse for the Anglo-American war mongers, much of the battlefield has moves to cyber space. In spite of the plans of PNAC and the Brookings Center, there isn't going to be a new American century. Just like the French and British empires behind us, the world has grown up around us and won't suffer that harness any longer.
                                We attack with HAARP and disease. They persevere. When the treasury bond market collapses, they will make sure that we don't get up off the ground. Israel will pay the price for letting the Zionists run the show. America will pay the price for letting the neo-cons run the show. Europe will pay a very high price also.

