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Economic pressures

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  • again, again

    It wouldn't post 16 through 30 so, I'm breaking it up more.
    20. legalize addictive drugs and provide them at cost to addicts so that organized crime will not capture the billions of dollars supplied to households through the new money dividend and so the monopolists high-price incentive to push drugs will be 100 percent eliminated
    21. while debt to international lenders will be repudiated, money owed to creditor states, like China and Japan may be settled by 1) letting China have all presently American owned shares of industrial assets in China sometimes up to 49 percent of Chinese industrial firms 2) giving Alaska to Japan for settlement — even as we hope that with the perfection of American Populist Social Credit the people of Canada would be willing to sever all ties with the United Kingdom so that her provinces would become new states of the United States — with the possible exception of Quebec which would become a French speaking independent state — this exchange could also be part of an international settlement that would resolve disputes over the ownership of islands among Japan, China and Russia.
    22. the calling back of all American military forces on foreign lands, bringing home all military equipment useful in providing for the defense of the United States
    23. ending the American standing army, turning over all military equipment and personnel to the 50 states with the Federal Government only controlling a centralized command structure to be activated only in time of declared war which alone allows the Federal Government to nationalize national guard units
    24. disarm the Federal Bureau of Investigation and eliminate both the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency eliminate the Department of Homeland Security, Department of Education
    25. end all Federal government aid to all nations while permitting Americans to give charity and aid to those in need of their own free will
    26. deny jurisdiction to admiralty law, withdraw from NATO, the IMF, the World Bank, the World Trade Organization, Basil Accords, and from the United Nations until the National Security Council is abolished and terminate all treaties with the state of Israel in keeping with an American policy of non-entanglement in disputes among nations. The US can however subscribe to the jurisdiction of an international court for the resolution of international trade disputes.
    27. end all Federal gun control laws — leaving this matter to the states in their conforming to the Bill of Rights
    28 disallow all members of the bar from practicing law in United States Courts, the United States courts themselves creating its own tests and qualifications for pleading before the bench of American national courts
    29 by constitutional amendment enact 12-man jury nullification in American courts and the principle that juries decide when the letter of the law oversteps the spirit of the law and whether precedent shall or shall not be upheld
    30 ability to practice law should be open to anyone who passes the federal law exam, possibly with lawyer specialties enabling a person to qualify for pleading specific narrow ranges of law. A very high percentage of the common people should be qualified to practice law


    • Something new, something broken.

      I have NO idea why some stuff won't post.
      “Something Happened” but “Nothing appears to be breaking”
      So said JPM’s chief economist Bruce Kasman"
      There is a time lag between actions and results. This article spells it out very well. Tick Tock » Golem XIV - Thoughts
      "Precisely because the financial domain is threatened by disarray, it is imperative for countries to focus on upgrading their work force through measures to reinforce productivity," Did these people take stupid pills? All that the morons think about is productivity. Upgrade means,,, buy more robots. They ignore consumptive ability and then wonder why markets are sluggish.
      No winners in a race to the bottom - The Nation
      9/14 Deutsche Bank to cut workforce by a quarter - sources – Yahoo!
      Employment is crashing and all they focus on is productivity.

      Forbes says to quit worrying about China because China can print as much currency as they want and save everybody. Will China Collapse?
      When Russia collapsed, they were able to print as much currency as they wanted.


      • Lord of the Flies

        " When you hear a central banker or politician deny that something is going to happen to bank depositors, you can almost be certain that it will happen. And probably soon.
        Coming from a government official, the real meaning of “No, of course not” is “Could be tomorrow.”
        Capital Controls and a Bank Holiday in Greece… Here’s How You Can Profit | International Man
        "But where this whole process starts to get scary is when that needle heads toward “Lord of the Flies.” That is the point at which we will see and experience the truly dark side of humanity."
        "What is the “intrinsic value” of the S&P 500? Based studying the earnings of enough S&P 500 companies using the GAAP accounting standards that were in place 20-30 years ago – vs. non-GAAP, adjusted-GAAP, and new GAAP accounting applications used today – I would suggest that S&P 500 has “fair value” around the 500-600 level."
        "I’m not an e-wave theory advocate but there’s merit to some of the analysis. Robert McHugh is probably the most skilled practitioner of it these days and he’s run 5 different “wave” scenarios – all of them suggest a high probability of serious market crash coming soon – he specifically references the August sell-off as “gentle” in comparison."
        Lord Of The Flies: Dytopia Is Arriving | Investment Research Dynamics
        I do have a solution;


        • Debt as far as the eye can see

          "The government is 58% underfinanced. Social Security is 33% underfinanced. So, the entire government enterprise is in worse fiscal shape than Social Security"
          "Millennials have been lured into and enslaved by $1.3 trillion of student loan debt, left with limited job opportunities and low pay, priced out of the housing market,"
          "With default rates now exceeding 50%, students are angry, demanding relief from their own stupidity."
          "Real median household income is lower than it was in 1989. Real hourly wages are at 50 year lows. Home ownership has plunged to 50 year lows"
          FOURTH TURNING: CRISIS OF TRUST ? PART 2 « The Burning Platform
          Now, the bad news; " The nation could erupt into insurrection or civil violence, crack up geographically, or succumb to authoritarian rule. If there is a war, it is likely to be one of maximum risk and effort – in other words, a total war. Every Fourth Turning has registered an upward ratchet in the technology of destruction, and in mankind’s willingness to use it.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning"


          • Ha-Joon Chang

            "Ha-Joon Chang (Seoul, 1963) is one of the 10 world more influential thinkers, according to Prospect magazine"
            Being so influential, one would think that he is smart. " he earned a doctorate in Economics at Cambridge"
            "We need to think differently because at the moment the orthodox thinking is to cut debt, but there is actually a more effective way which is to grow your income. Unless you do that, people cannot borrow to invest and generate growth. " Again, the mindless chasing of growth.
            "so unless you introduce social policies to help mothers work, make childcare affordable and so on, people will not have more children. " He brushes up against the truth but, doesn't follow through. Poor people in developed countries don't have kids that they can't afford. “We need to abandon this moralistic view on debt†| The Corner
            This guy is supposed to be an influential thinker. He ignores birth control and automation. He doesn't mention excessive GOV debt. We are screwed if people like him are the brain trust advising the politicians.
            "9/14 In Japan, the rise of the machines solves labor and productivity –Bloomberg" "Japan’s Worsening Poverty Rate" Japan’s Worsening Poverty Rate |
            Chang never mentioned that wages have crashed.
            Last edited by Danny B; 09-15-2015, 02:40 PM. Reason: bad link


            • Tobin tax and negative interest.

              " For example: if a central bank raises interest rates to defend its currency, those higher rates strangle the domestic economy. In effect, the central bank has only bad options: either accept a domestic recession to defend the currency, or let the currency devalue and watch the domestic economy implode as import costs soar and capital flees the devaluing currency.
              Add all this up and it seems increasingly likely the next Global Financial Meltdown will arise in the FX/currency markets."
              oftwominds-Charles Hugh Smith: The Next Financial Crisis Won't be Like the Last One
              OK, the currency markets are the next problem area. What is GOV doing about that?
              (Lord Hill), told a parliamentary hearing that his position on the so-called "Tobin tax" is that it should not be introduced in Europe alone. He added that this is not a view shared by many in the EU

              The proposed tax on share, bond and currency trading would be a significant blow to the City of London, Europe's financial hub"
              The rank-and-file pay a huge tax on everything (VAT). The idea that the rich should pay a small tax on transactions is anathema.
              The claim is that this tax won't do much in the way of revenue collection. "
              Tobin Tax is madness for Europe, and economic war against Britain"
              Tobin Tax is madness for Europe, and economic war against Britain - Telegraph
              The EU says that they are going to do it,,, they really need a lot of money. EU states to implement Tobin tax by January 2016 - European Union - RFI
              Some States are already implementing negative interest to try to force sidelined money into the economy. It's a real screw job for any one with savings.
              People go to cash to get away from the erosion of negative interest rates. The FED has the answer for that.


              • Socialism in N.J.

                Gold has been called a barbarous relic and a pet rock,,,NOT in China. As long as the East wants it, it has value.
                9/16 Gold - the once and future currency – Daily Reckoning
                9/16 JP Morgan loses 45% of registered gold stock in one day – SRSrocco Report
                The gold is almost gone. The COMEX warehouses are empty. SO, what happens when the gold is all gone?
                Arkansas spends just $36,000 a year to maintain 1 mile of 2 lane highway. New Jersey spends $ 1,102,000 a year to maintain 1 mile of 2 lane highway. 9/16 Taxpayers beware! NJ's debt for employee benefits reaches $200 billion – NJ Spotlight
                The banks are laying off hundreds of thousands AND "9/16 After stock buyback binge, Hewlett-Packard fires another 30,000 – David Stockman"
                9/16 9/15 UniCredit plans to cut around 10,000 jobs: source – Reuters Get ready for a huge wave of bankruptcies – Casey Research

                The U.S. dollar / IMF is at war with every other currency. It appears like those who promulgated this war didn't consider blowback. The dollar may possibly survive but, world trade will not. World Holds Breath, Waits for “Death of the Dollar†| Wolf Street


                • What part will gold play?

                  Pastor Lindsey Williams said that the "elites" told him that everyone needed to be prepared by the 15th of September. OK, so what happens?
                  J.P. Morgan had the largest gold vault in New York. They ran it dry and sold it. There is good reason to believe that there was a tunnel from there to the gold vault of the FED. Everybody knows the amounts of gold going to China. It isn't too difficult to figure where it came from. Ft. Knox was emptied years ago under Rubin.
                  China and America are in an all-out war at a few levels. The Chinese may decide that the time has come to up the ante. Should they prove that all the U.S. gold is gone, that would definitely cause a shock. China does not want to be the reserve currency. The want to be the major transactional currency.
                  The Commodity Exchange is considered to be a major player in the gold market. They actually do a lot of manipulation and almost no actual selling. They hold registered gold and eligible gold. One for sale,, one not.
                  If the FED gold is gone from N.Y and the U.S. gold is gone from Ft. Knox and the J.P.M. gold is gone, what are the chances that all the registered gold is still in the warehouses?
                  They don't actually claim to have much anyway, "Especially since with just 335 kilograms of gold, or less than 27 bricks, JPMorgan is now just one withdrawal request away from running out of deliverable physical gold."
                  "Today's latest ongoing reduction in deliverable Comex gold means that as of yesterday's close, there was a record 252 ounces of gold paper claims to every gold physical ounce of currently available and deliverable gold."
                  So, raise your hand if you think that all the non-eligible gold is where it is supposed to be. Suppose a few of the elites decide that now would be a good time to take delivery. The bullion dealers ( stealers) will have to declare force majeure. If you're going to have a Force Majeure, best to have Gold at the lowest price possible when cashing out those contracts. This explains more than anything the drive to keep the price of Gold down. The contracts will be cashed out at the same time that physical gold becomes completely unavailable.
                  There are about 4500 tons of gold traded every day because it is used as a reference.
                  Armstrong said that U.S. Treasuries would collapse in a couple of weeks. Should it be proved that the treasury has no gold, that would definitely cause a big bump in the road.


                  • Triffin's dilemma, Bretton Woods and world domination

                    The essence of Triffin's dilemma is; everyone who wants to save will demand that the owner of the reserve currency print more and more of it. This definitely happened. Since there were so many U.S. dollars circulating for so long, it was considered a safe currency. Interest rates were very low for dollar-loans. There are something like $ 9 trillion in dollar loans, mostly in the emerging markets. As investors desert currencies that are perceived as weak, there is an even higher demand for dollars. This drives up the dollar and makes it even harder to service dollar-denominated debt. Plus, outflows to stronger currencies leave even fewer dollars to service debt. 9/17 China outflows said to surpass a staggering $300 bln in under 3 months – Zero Hedge
                    BUT, when a currency goes too high, nobody can afford to buy our exports. Domestic industry crashes. This $ 9 trillion is in grave danger of default.
                    Jim Willie said that the dollar would go up and up and then, disappear. I have a vision of a balloon popping.

                    Armstrong; "We warned that the Sovereign Debt Crisis will begin in Europe, then hit Japan, and in the process will push the dollar to record highs which will inject deflation into the U.S. economy. Moreover, (not)only a rising dollar will send the U.S. economy down, but it will also create massive currency losses for the some $9 trillion in emerging market debt denominated in dollars issued since 2007. This is an amount equal to about 50% of the total U.S. national debt."
                    The outcome is simple,,, DEFAULT.
                    "As the world turns down from this debt crisis, capital will concentrate in the USA, pushing the dollar higher. This will hurt more debtors than ever, but this is what will be necessary to dethrone the dollar from the status of being the reserve currency."
                    Japanese Debt Downgraded by S&P | Armstrong Economics

                    "In a famous warning to Congress in 1960, Triffin explained that as the marginal supplier of the world’s reserve currency the United States had no choice but to run persistent current account deficits.

                    As the global economy expanded, demand for reserve assets increased. These could only be supplied to foreigners by America running a current account deficit and issuing dollar-denominated obligations to fund it. If the United States stopped running balance of payments deficits and supplying reserves, the resulting shortage of liquidity would pull the global economy into a contractionary spiral." Global imbalances and the Triffin dilemma
                    The world demands that we buy more and more on credit. We had to get rid of gold convertibility to accommodate the enormous currency expansion. Unfortunately, we used our credit card to start wars everywhere.

                    The demand for U.S. dollars has been catastrophic for peace in the world. The world would rather return to gold than risk ever-more dangerous wars. The criminals of Tel Aviv, New York, London and the district of corruption have leveraged a deficiency in the Bretton Woods agreement into a credit card for world domination.


                    • Euthanasia of the rentier AND the economy

                      Big, Bad, Bald, Ben Shalom Bernanke said that there would be no normalization of interest rates in his lifetime; WHY?
                      A "rentier" is a person who lives off of the rent of money, or something tangible. Socialism calls for euthanasia of these people. Most of the people who rent their money or stuff are actually savers. What happens to capital formation and savings when you euthanize the savers? Keynes Said: Lets Euthanize The Rentiers, Instead, We Euthanized The Economy :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website
                      Keynes was never good at projecting the long-term effects of his rubbish;
                      The parasites are great at consumption but, never come up with productive schemes. That is up to the entrepreneur. They need capital to make their ideas come to fruition. Euthanasia of the saver stops this. The euthanasia of the rentier: Why the assault on savers must end - The Commentator
                      The FED didn't raise rates because they can't. They are destroying the pension funds and other large swaths of the economy. Maybe this is an accident and plain stupidity and,,, maybe not.
                      "Fed Makes Same Mistake as It Did in 1927"
                      "The Federal Reserve yielded to international pressure, making the very same mistake that it made during 1927. Back then, there was a secret meeting and the Fed agreed to lower U.S. rates to try to help Europe to deflect capital inflows back to Europe. The exact opposite unfolded in the aftermath when even more money abandoned Europe and flowed directly into the U.S. share market." The exact opposite, huh.
                      "In 1927, the Fed lowered U.S. rates in the middle of an economic debt crisis, which is the same path taken today. It is very curious how history repeats. We have just witnessed the Fed yield to international pressure once again. In doing so, they are condemning the elderly and U.S. pension funds to financial doom by setting in motion the next financial crisis."
                      Fed Makes Same Mistake as It Did in 1927 | Armstrong Economics

                      "David Stockman Interview On Yahoo——The Fed Painted Itself Into A Corner, Confidence In The Casino Is Headed For A Fall " Confidence,, huh. That just might affect confidence in treasury bonds.
                      It is VERY likely that GOV will just extend maturities on bonds. You THOUGHT that you were holding 90 day paper. Guess what? It's now 10 year paper.
                      You figured on 90 days worth of inflation eating at your principle. Now, it is chipped away for 10 years.
                      "You may buy 90-day paper and suddenly wake up to find that the government has converted 90-day paper into 10-year bonds. Always remember, they have the tanks and guns — never forget whom you are dealing with." YES, don't forget the tanks and guns. They are already staged and in place.
                      It's all wasted effort and a lost cause because the problem is systemic.
                      The banks were found to be manipulating interest rates (LIBOR), the price of gold and commodities, and a few other things. It was recently disclosed that they are manipulating the interest rate on treasuries A GREAT SURPRISE AND SHOCK. They are being sued by groups that depend on interest income.
                      The FED is pandering to the bankers and perfectly willing to kill off the rest of the economy.


                      • Politicians holding the chains of the hopeless FED

                        The FED printed up tons of virtual money. With the consumer on the sideline, saturated with debt, the money couldn't flow into viable, wealth producing enterprise. It couldn't flow into wages because of the downward wage pressure from low-wage competitors. Since it couldn't flow into viable enterprise, it flowed into non-viable enterprise.
                        "About a quarter of all debt issued now in the junk universe is held by companies rated B3 or lower, according to Moody's. Credit standards have continued to loosen as well, with the ratings agency reporting that its covenant quality index—essentially a read on how strict the conditions are on corporate borrowers—is at record lows. "
                        " It isn't just the zombies, though, that should worry about higher rates.
                        Corporate America overall has been piling on the debt, which grew 8.3 percent in the second quarter, according to figures the Fed released Friday."
                        "One reason that hasn't gotten much attention is the need for the Fed to keep rates low both for government debt and the corporations that now have $12.5 trillion in debt. "
                        The Fed has to deal with its own zombie apocalypse
                        The FED is trying to keep the economy going when the consumer can no longer do it. They infuse money into corporate America to make up for the lack of consumption. If they raise interest rates, 50% of corporations go bankrupt overnight.
                        The FED has a couple hundred PHDs working for it. At least some of them knew ahead of time that ZIRP never works. They knew that it is a guaranteed crash. Greenspan came out and said that the FED is NOT independent. The dirty fingerprints of politicians are all over the manipulation of interest rates. Politicians are parasites and parasites never entertain ideas of limitations on their wants.

                        Here is a great graph on the gold supply at COMEX warehouses;
                        2% of contracts ask for delivery. It won't be long now until COMEX goes naked and people discover that their stored non-deliverable gold is missing. Jesse's Café Américain: Lions and Tigers and Deriding the Theory of Gold Tightness At the Comex, Oh My!


                        • Consumption

                          I feel more and more awake from the brainwashing everyday. The lasted scam I have awakened from is the fitness industry. From increasing metabolism to "3 meals a day" importance, its all rubbish. I recently decided to try a biblical fast as I felt my body needed a "reset" of sorts. I went 4 days on just water without much trouble or struggle. I think the "3 meals a day" mantra may have been introduced to support farmer's increase in production of food. Why run 10 miles to burn 2000 calories when you could just decrease consumption by a couple of days. Could you imagine if all the other fat people in America decided to join me in a week long fast? How would that effect the economy? What if everyone just ate one good meal a week?


                          • caloric restriction

                            Ruphus, you are absolutely on the right track. It takes a LOT of reading. Here is a start. Caloric Restriction - Rhesus Monkey, CR, Insulin - Life Extension Health Concern


                            • The nuclear option approaches

                              "What's most disturbing about the above assessment is that Macquarie realizes this last ditch attempt to preserve the status quo will fail, but will - if nothing else - buy another 12-18 months.
                              So, is that the event horizon countdown: 1-2 years... and then?"
                              "....suddenly calls to bypass the banks become the norm and suddenly every "authority" on the topic, which so vehemently advocated for QE, admits it never worked from day one, and instead recommends that the only option left to save the world is the "nuclear" one?

                              Which, incidentally, is precisely what we said would be the endgame on March 18, 2009 - the day the Fed announced the full-blown first QE1. "
                              It Begins: Australia's Largest Investment Bank Just Said "Helicopter Money" Is 12-18 Months Away | Zero Hedge
                              Armstrong said that everything depends on confidence and that Treasuries would crash. The FED blew this latest opportunity to raise rates. NOW, Why The Fed's Credibility Is Crashing: The Market's Three Biggest Worries | Zero Hedge
                              Reportedly, there is MORE THAN ONE nuclear option.
                              You are HERE,

                              Pluto is the gate to hell. "U.S. citizens will be the last to know that the dollar is worthless. Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008 and right on schedule, we saw the collapse of hundreds of banks. Pluto stays in Capricorn until 2023 and we will continue to see the collapse of government, money and religion… right on schedule." It's comforting to know that we are maintaining our schedule When the Dollar Dies... : Waking Times


                              • electronic money,,, a boon for socialism

                                "suddenly calls to bypass the banks become the norm". Krugman says, screw the bankers.
                                Paul Krugman on ?the howling of the bankers?: What?s good for the banks isn?t good for America -
                                Armstrong; "There appears to be no hope for the Fed; they will be forced to raise rates only when they see asset inflation in equities. Then they will have no choice. This is the worst possible mess and the longer they wait to normalize interest rates, the worse the total crisis will become for they will have zero control over the economy. Once that is seen, holy hell will break loose." Yellen Is Trapped in the Worst Nightmare Ever | Armstrong Economics
                                Stockman has an exceellent article about all the stupid decisions from the FED. Riding ZIRP Into The Doom Loop—–Monetary Central Planning’s Dead End | David Stockman's Contra Corner

                                SO, where does this lead and was it all planned? In 2004, one division of the SEC and one division of the FBI warned that a gigantic bubble of fraud was developing in the RE markets. These 2 divisions were disbanded and silenced. Bankers who refused to make liar loans were penalized. Everybody was encouraged to blow as much hot air into the bubble as possible. As each bubble popped, there were screams for rescue that necessitated a new and bigger bubble.
                                Looking at the record of the IMF and FED, it is easy to suspect that this was all planned.

                                Wiki; "The Jewish people have a rich history of involvement in socialism, Marxism, and Western liberalism. "
                                OK, so we have jews running the FED. Where are we going?
                                Rothschild, "Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws"
                                He didn't say anything about "paper" money. The new frontier to be conquered is electronic money.

                                Keynes called for euthanasia of the rentier. This is a demand of socialism in general. That would involve the destruction of the banks also. ZIRP is definitely destroying the banks and rentiers. The FED is destroying everything in sight; "What Does The Fed Know That We Don't" - Bridgewater's Ray Dalio Answers | Zero Hedge
                                SO, we are on track for a general collapse. Then what?

                                When money stops circulating and everybody is screaming for a solution, presto, the White Knight (electronic money) rides in to the rescue.
                                The Crowning Glory of Keynesianism | International Man
                                The FED is trashing the system to bring it to and end.
                                The collectivists are on the march,

                                FED GOV will control the ONE bank and that is where your savings will go, automatically. Paper currency will be a thing of the past. The Rothschilds don't care what happens to the lesser banks. They only care about controlling the ONE bank and issuing all electronic money and credit.
                                Every house will have smart meters. All wealth will be stored electronically. Everything will be monitored. Everything can be controlled from a distance.
                                There will be no grey market,,, no tax evasion,,, no dissent

                                Socialism has always been a bust. Capitalism + automation is a bust. Evidently, the world inprovers see fascist-socialism with TOTAL control as the next system.

