Wallace Klink
Since there are at least 2 sides to every story, I'll present another side.
Worldwide productivity is rising fast and most stuff is made or harvested by machines. There are claims that it is no longer correct to link reward to work performed. We should just turn on the machines and enjoy great bounty.
Wallace Kinck -- answering those who say the purpose of economic policy should be to "create jobs,"
The policy of creating "jobs" is by its fundamental nature retrogressive--a socialist, communist, fascist, labour--and finance-capitalist policy of sabotage of the rapidly growing productivity inherent in our vast Cultural Heritage. The policy of creating work increasingly for the mere sake of distributing financial incomes is totally irrational, destructive and specifically anti-Christian. Making an end of a means is a major sin within the boundaries of Christian morality. A formal State policy of full or near-full employment is based upon the Doctrine of Salvation through Works (known as the philosophy of "do ut des") which is diametrically opposed to the Christian Doctrine of Salvation through Grace.
Our existing financial system is squarely based upon the Doctrine of Salvation through Works. That is why it issues money or effective demand in the first instance only for production and never for consumption. We could through technology eliminate virtually all need for human participation in production and the financial system, and the Puritanical influence behind it, would still demand that no one should eat because they had no job to justify drawing from the surfeit of goods produced through non-labour processes. The problem is not a lack of "jobs" but rather a lack of effective consumer demand due to a fundamental and intrinsic flaw in the costing methods used in the price-system.
Production will naturally respond to effective consumer demand but demand is increasingly incapable of responding consequent to the evermore inadequate incomes distributed by the modern capital-intensifying economy. Need creates demand and effective consumer demand is a call upon produced goods which in an efficient economy will be increasingly provided with evermore diminishing need for human intervention.
But effective demand in a money economy requires that consumers possess enough unattached financial income to claim the entire output of industry. We do not need more work but rather more real financial purchasing power. Increasing consumer debt does NOT qualify as genuine purchasing-power because it merely transfers financial costs as a charge against future production. Your barber should obtain some automated orbital hair cutters. Of course this would displace more labour and increase the need for sane and practical distributive reform of the existing defective financial price-system.
Real need does not decrease with inadequate financial income. Need decreases with satiation provided by adequate real wealth. If the financial system does not provide sufficient effective financial purchasing-power then this inadequacy requires to be investigated and rectified--a task that requires application of a certain amount of intellectual effort. Unfortunately, however, as one Social Credit author was moved to observe, it seems that most people would rather die than think.
Since there are at least 2 sides to every story, I'll present another side.
Worldwide productivity is rising fast and most stuff is made or harvested by machines. There are claims that it is no longer correct to link reward to work performed. We should just turn on the machines and enjoy great bounty.
Wallace Kinck -- answering those who say the purpose of economic policy should be to "create jobs,"
The policy of creating "jobs" is by its fundamental nature retrogressive--a socialist, communist, fascist, labour--and finance-capitalist policy of sabotage of the rapidly growing productivity inherent in our vast Cultural Heritage. The policy of creating work increasingly for the mere sake of distributing financial incomes is totally irrational, destructive and specifically anti-Christian. Making an end of a means is a major sin within the boundaries of Christian morality. A formal State policy of full or near-full employment is based upon the Doctrine of Salvation through Works (known as the philosophy of "do ut des") which is diametrically opposed to the Christian Doctrine of Salvation through Grace.
Our existing financial system is squarely based upon the Doctrine of Salvation through Works. That is why it issues money or effective demand in the first instance only for production and never for consumption. We could through technology eliminate virtually all need for human participation in production and the financial system, and the Puritanical influence behind it, would still demand that no one should eat because they had no job to justify drawing from the surfeit of goods produced through non-labour processes. The problem is not a lack of "jobs" but rather a lack of effective consumer demand due to a fundamental and intrinsic flaw in the costing methods used in the price-system.
Production will naturally respond to effective consumer demand but demand is increasingly incapable of responding consequent to the evermore inadequate incomes distributed by the modern capital-intensifying economy. Need creates demand and effective consumer demand is a call upon produced goods which in an efficient economy will be increasingly provided with evermore diminishing need for human intervention.
But effective demand in a money economy requires that consumers possess enough unattached financial income to claim the entire output of industry. We do not need more work but rather more real financial purchasing power. Increasing consumer debt does NOT qualify as genuine purchasing-power because it merely transfers financial costs as a charge against future production. Your barber should obtain some automated orbital hair cutters. Of course this would displace more labour and increase the need for sane and practical distributive reform of the existing defective financial price-system.
Real need does not decrease with inadequate financial income. Need decreases with satiation provided by adequate real wealth. If the financial system does not provide sufficient effective financial purchasing-power then this inadequacy requires to be investigated and rectified--a task that requires application of a certain amount of intellectual effort. Unfortunately, however, as one Social Credit author was moved to observe, it seems that most people would rather die than think.