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Economic pressures

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  • No risk for the bankers

    I found a GREAT article but, it isn't linked. I really like the rationale of Jim Grant. From The Daily Reckoning;
    One Simple Step to Fix the U.S. Financial System Immediately

    Jim Grant, editor of the eponymous Grant's Interest Rate Observer,
    was the speaker. The occasion was a lecture -- called a "Tea Talk" --
    one of many put on every so often by our former employer Dr. Ron Paul.

    The Great Depression, we remember the tall, thin, bow-tied Grant saying,
    ended "something called 'double liability in bank shareholdings.'"
    "Before 1935, if a bank failed, the shareholders of the bank got a capital
    call. The courts insisted that they, the shareholders, put up funds with
    which to pay off the creditors, including the depositors. It was their
    bank. It wasn't the taxpayer's' bank, it wasn't the government's bank,
    it was their bank. If the bank failed, the stockholders should put the
    money up. That was capitalism.
    "Gradually, and by degree since the early 1930s, it seems to me, we have evolved a
    system of socialized finance. Socialized in one direction chiefly: To
    the capitalists go the swings to the up, and to we the people come the
    costs of the downside increasingly in this country."

    "What a concept," we thought to ourselves. "People having skin in the game
    and those who take risks bearing the risks. That's what this country
    needs to work again." [Ed note: Forgive our naivete. We had no idea what the country needs.]
    With that, we plunged into our first and only foray
    into legislative study. With the tutelage of Mr. Grant and a man named
    Paul Isaac, your editor crafted a bill proposal for our boss at the time
    -- a Floridian congressman.
    The idea was simple. Washington tries to micromanage the financial system
    via the Federal Reserve, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., the
    Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the SEC, the Comptroller of the
    Currency… the list goes on.
    But having enough busybodies poking their noses in banks' books isn't the
    issue. All of the banking regulations and regulators in the world are as
    useless as the Chicago Cubs in October if the banks don't have the right incentives.
    Which brings us back to June 15, 2012...
    "Here's a bill you could introduce that would virtually end excessive
    risk-taking on Wall Street," we told the congressman. "You'd nip the
    next financial crisis in the bud.
    "Introduce a bill giving the federal government the power to claw back all bank
    executives' pay, including from stock options, greater than [enter your preferred amount here], from the past seven years anytime their bank goes bankrupt... becomes insolvent…or anytime the government has to intervene in any way -- whether the bank is nationalized, bailed out or whatever."

    “Here’s a bill you could introduce that would virtually end excessive risk-taking on Wall Street”
    Bankers love money, no? Who doesn't? So why not put that love to good use, instead of mischief?
    Because the plan "was too extreme" replied the congressman -- or at least his
    facial expression said so. Either that or he had more pressing
    legislative priorities, because our one-law-to-fix-it-all was shot down
    as quickly as it would've solved the nation's woes.
    We protested feverously…
    "But the system we have right now is all reward and no risk! Each time the
    system busts, nobody ever pays for it! Haven't you ever read about the
    1920s, congressman? There was an 18-month depression… GDP fell by 20%...
    but there wasn't one major bank failure. Not one. So why were there so
    many in 2007? Are people dumber today than in 1920-21?"

    OK, OK. That last part never happened. We wanted very badly to say that, though.
    What really happened is that we were thanked for our grand proposal and politely blown off.

    Now here we are, two years later. Too big to fail has become way too big to fail. And the house of cards waits to fall.
    If you're reading this, congressman, there are two lessons...
    As Hartley Withers, editor of The Economist in the early 1900s, rightly opined: "Good banking is produced not by good laws, but by good bankers."
    And where are all the good bankers? Bailouts, soft penalties, low interest
    rates and revolving doors drove them into extinction long ago.
    "The cardinal maxim," once explained economist Walter Bagehot, "is that any
    aid to a present bad bank is the surest mode of preventing the
    establishment of a future good bank."


    • Eric Janszen Jeffrey Berwick

      Eric Janszen started learning the financial markets in '96. In '98, he started a blog and newsletter called itulip. Like a few others, he accurately predicted the tech crash and the 2007 meltdown. He relies on charts and investigation. He has great charts. He has tried to be optimistic but, he has had to admit that hope is fading. Every time that we have a financial problem, the banks print to avoid taking any losses. The serial bubbles just get bigger. He writes that he has little doubt that this is the LAST bubble.
      2013 Review and 2014 Forecast - Part I: The Last Bubble - Eric Janszen

      GOV knows that the crash is coming. They are hard at work trying to make sure that no capital can leave the country.
      The Daily Bell - Jeff Berwick on the Internet, FATCA and the Killer 'Bs' of Personal Empowerment

      The FED has claim on 24% of the U.S. GDP. Since we can't realistically pay that much,,,, we have lost our jobs, the FED will have to settle for taking all the infrastructure that WE paid for with our tax dollars. Greece is now selling 110 of their best beaches to satisfy the IMF.
      Why do you think that Staircase Escalante was locked up as a national monument. It has enormous reserves of coal and oil and gas.


      • War and more war

        "Translation: The neoconservative architects of 9/11 and the 9/11 wars are disappointed that Obama refused to bomb Syria, attack Iran, and go to war with Russia over Crimea. They also believe that the US may have to attack China to prevent that nation's rise to world's-leading-superpower status."
        PressTV - Bilderberg's New World Order plot hits Iran-Russia-China wall

        "It is not widely known is that the English Rothschild bank funded the North in America’s Civil War, while the French Rothschild bank funded the South. It did not matter who would win, the Rothschild’s were going to increase both their wealth and, more importantly for them, their influence in US politics. That had always been their primary objective."
        Noonan: U.S. Debt & the Expected Movement in the Price of Gold & Silver | munKNEE

        "With the advent of WW I the belligerent governments ordered their central banks to stop redeeming their currencies in gold. The gold standard wouldn’t permit a long war — there was not enough gold to pay for one."
        "At the Genoa Conference of 1922 and with the architecture of the monetary order firmly in governments’ hands, representatives from 34 countries met to discuss what to do about money. The problem was obvious. Just when governments had needed money the most — to engage in war — gold had let them down. It had proved exceedingly unpatriotic. On the other hand, paper money, like the girl from Oklahoma, couldn’t say no. It saluted whatever plans government devised. The problem, therefore, wasn’t too much paper — the problem was too little gold. "

        “government depression policy has always … aggravated the very evils it has loudly tried to cure,”
        Did gold cause the Great Depression?

        As Br'er rabbit stated; I'm running for my life. Br'er fox is only running for his dinner. The Bilderbergers are scheming for continuance of their power structure. Their guest list didn't include the movers and shakers of the East. The East is fighting for survival. With their huge populations, they are at great risk from food, disease and climate wars instituted by the West. The West controls the high ground ( space). The East is locking up energy and gold. Also, China has bought control of strategic marine chokepoints. It has properties at both ends of the Panama canal. There are many others.

        London and the district of corruption plan to rely on the old standby, WAR.

        The East has read the Guidestones. They know that the power structure in the West considers the East to be the prime candidates for population reduction. Like br'er rabbit, they already know the outcome if they get caught by the West. Neither the East nor the West want a full-on war. The ants and beetles would inherit the earth.

        The East watched while the U.S. slowly inflated itself higher and higher. The sons of Sun Tzu laughed when we sent them all of our employment. ROFLMAO when we blew a credit bubble to cover our lost wages. They cried tears of joy when we installed criminals into all the important posts.

        We sent Bill Clinton to start the destruction of Africa. China partners and builds in Africa. Our short-term planning is both laughable and despicable.

        Britain was a very small country that had a huge empire. The Bilderbergers would see that model extended over the East.
        As the people of the West thrash around trying to escape the yoke of the PTB, the East takes close note. The West must advance with Haste. The bond market is facing it's LAST bubble.
        The East just smiles as they; start up the BRICS bank, open the Shaghai oil exchange, absorb all the world's gold, initiate currency swaps. The East is well aware of what Western bankers have in store for them, given the chance. The East can pick it's time to act.


        • Global currency reset

          If you search on ... global currency reset...., there are a lot of interesting pages. Even the IMF is talking about a reset.
          The dollar has slowly been devalued. A reset would involve an overnight devaluation. This has happened hundreds of times to most of the world's currencies. They just knock of 3 or more zeros and issue a new currency. This totally screws any person who is holding currency. Zimbabwe holds the record for knocking off 27 zeros. Don't quote me.

          When GOV prints currency, this is slow theft of the value of your money. When GOV declares a reset, this is quick theft of the value of your currency.
          In 1971 when gold was fast flowing out of the treasury, Nixon closed off gold convertibility. This was an attempt to maintain the value of the dollar in spite of printing too many of them.
          Roosevelt had earlier devalued the dollar by revaluing gold from $ 20 to $35. Nixon refused to do this.

          Since the U.S. dollar is the reserve currency, the FED has been able to flood the world with dollars with minimal price inflation here. Many of those dollars are being returned because the world doesn’t need as many of them on hand to buy oil. States are not rolling over treasury bond purchases and the FED must buy about 90% of new issuance.

          The glut of dollars has lowered their value. We went off the gold standard in 1971.
          "The U.S. dollar has lost value at an increasing rate since 1971. What cost $100 in 1971 costs $2,428 now, a 96% decline"
          The U.S. Dollar: Currency Masquerading as Money -
          We have had a continuous devaluation but it seems that this is not enough.

          Should a devaluation occur, it must be done without any warning. It would be announced late on a Saturday. All your dollar accounts would be "adjusted" ( robbed). GOV would give you 1? month to bring all your cash into a bank for exchange and recording. They may even demand that anything over a certain amount must be deposited in the bank. Executive Order 6102 prohibited the hoarding of cash and / or gold. 1933

          The IMF is talking about a reset. The B.I.S said that the currency is expected to collapse between june, 2014 and july 2015. They also accurately predicted the 2007 meltdown. Since debt is more than 30% higher now than then, the meltdown can be expected to be worse.


          • Dependency

            “Don’t Feed The Animals: It Will Make Them Dependent”

            We have seen these signs in parks and wild-life areas around America.
            #10 This may sound crazy, but 25 percent of all American adults do not even have a single penny saved up for retirement.
            15 Signs The Middle Class Is Dying [Dow Jones Industrial Average(INDEXDJX:.DJI)] | ETF DAILY NEWS
            Social security was originally aimed at widows and orphans. It was NOT written to provide for retirees. SS kicked in at age 65 when the average life expectancy was 57.


            • lights out in Europe

              The West and particularly Europe are crashing fast. U.S. GDP is minus 6% and even lower if you consider that GOV counts it's money printing once when it is printed and a second time when it is spent. Europe is desperately trying to grow. It will never happen. GOV prints currency to stimulate the economy. This printing causes price inflation in energy that automatically precludes growth. Oil is getting more scarce in the West. Even without currency inflation, the price of oil SHOULD be going up. GOV wants growth to try to keep the banks alive. SO;
              " Yet the deformed structure of EU energy pricing has left utilities in such deep crisis that they cannot finance new projects. “Wholesale power prices are 20pc below recovery costs so there is no appetite to invest. "
              Europe at risk of blackouts, warns IEA - Telegraph
              As if this isn't a big enough screw-up, Europe plans to shut down coal. ""Mr Birol said the EU will lose a quarter of its electricity over the next decade as old power stations are shut down, cutting 150 gigawatts of supply."

              It's bad enough that they are selling at a loss,,,, $ 6 billion in the last 5 years. Now, they are just flat running out.
              "In the second quarter of 2013, the oil companies balance sheets became increasingly alarming led by Exxon’s 57% profit decline and eight consecutive quarters of production declines."
              " Today, the five biggest – Total, BP, Exxon, Chevron, and Shell – account for only 13% of global oil, while national companies including Saudi Aramco, Russia’s Rosneft, and China National Petroleum Company control over 75%."
              "Yet, as oil analyst Chris Nedler stated, “Shale’s not a revolution it’s a retirement party.”
              Joe Costello: Why the Oil Industry is Running Into Major Trouble | naked capitalism
              So, Europe will shut down coal and run out of oil. They have mothballed some modern gas generation plants because the power costs too much. In the meantime, they are working on a recovery.


              • Ron Paul and the disorderly collapse

                The monetary authorities have made it clear that they expect a collapse. 12 years ago, Ron Paul made quite a few predictions of which many have come true.
                Mr. Paul says that the monetary authorities expect a collapse that they can manage. He says that the collapse will NOT be orderly.
                Ron Paul in earlier days.


                • China and the price of gold

                  Everyone knows that China imported huge amounts of gold. Even with this, the price of gold remained very low. Looking at the numbers from the CFTC, it was obvious that somebody (s) was driving down the price. Logically, one could figure that the entity driving down the price was the entity buying the gold. The suppression action was executed by a few big Western banks. GATA did extensive reports of this.
                  Jim Willie claims that rich Chinese families sent their gold to London about 12 years ago. The London Bankers, of course, stole the gold. The Chinese families told them; Get it back or we send the triads to take care of you. About 50 high powered bankers have died recently so, one could assume that the Chinese had to make things very clear.
                  The bankers colluded with the CFTC to crush the price of gold. Gary Gensler is the head weasel at the CFTC,,, formerly of GS.

                  The big banks used free FED money to hold down gold. But how did the Chinese buy so much gold without jacking up the price?
                  China managed some very tricky deals of commodity financing that hid the movements of the actual commodity.
                  "Via ‘financing deals’, the positive interest rate differential between China and ex-China turns commodities such as copper from negative carry assets (holding copper incurs storage cost and financing cost) to positive carry assets (interest rate differential revenue > storage cost and financing cost)"

                  They used interest rate arbitrage to pay for the financing and storage costs.

                  "it is beyond a doubt that the year in which gold-backed funding deals rose to an all time high, gold tumbled. To be sure this was not due to the surge in demand for Chinese (and global) physical. If anything, it was due to the "hedged" gold selling by China in the "paper", futures market."

                  The Chinese central bank seems to want to curb much of the credit excesses.
                  "In other words, from a purely mechanistical standpoint, the unwind of China's shadow banking system, while negative for all non-precious metals-based commodities, may be just the gift that all those patient gold (and silver) investors have been waiting for. This of course, excludes the impact of what the bursting of the Chinese credit bubble would do to faith in the globalized, debt-driven status quo"
                  How China Imported A Record $70 Billion In Physical Gold Without Sending The Price Of Gold Soaring | Zero Hedge


                  • Illegitimate debt

                    Various European States are using austerity measures to cut the deficit. Conventional wisdom says that over generous social programs must be cut because they are far too expensive. Everybody already knows this,,, even if it isn't true.
                    "The neoliberal argument in favour of austerity policies claims that debt is due to unreasonable public spending levels; that societies in general, and popular classes in particular, live above their means.

                    This is plain false. In the past 30 years, from 1978 to 2012 more precisely, French public spending has in fact decreased by two GDP points"
                    "First, a fall in the tax revenues of the state. Massive tax reductions for the wealthy and big corporations have been carried out since 1980."

                    "Tax reductions for the wealthy and interest rates increases are political decisions. What the audit shows is that public deficits do not just grow naturally out of the normal course of social life. They are deliberately inflicted on society by the dominant classes, to legitimise austerity policies that will allow the transfer of value from the working classes to the wealthy ones."
                    "The report was written by a group of experts in public finances under the coordination of Michel Husson, one of France's finest critical economists. Its conclusion is straightforward: 60% of French public debt is illegitimate."
                    The French are right: tear up public debt – most of it is illegitimate anyway | Razmig Keucheyan | Comment is free |


                    • ISIS and Iraqi oil

                      Politics is naturally a dirty business and I try to keep a distance. BUT, the current invasion of Iraq by " Islamic State of Iraq and Syria" ISIS, is going to cause oil prices to go up. ISIS was a relatively small group that didn't have much funding. Since it is a splinter group of Al-Qaeda, it undoubtedly is controlled and funded by the CIA. ISIS hit the jackpot and over ran an area that had an unprotected bank containing $ 500 million in U.S. cash.

                      Iran has big investments in Iraq and is sending in military. America has rushed in huge naval forces. America can't very well afford to have ISIS torch the refineries and oil fields.
                      Obummer has a terrible foreign policy and it is affecting things here even more.
                      The New York Times and various economists have no fear of all this;
                      New York Times Says "Lack Of Major Wars May Be Hurting Economic Growth" | Zero Hedge
                      They seem to ignore the fact that every rise in oil prices creates a contraction in the general economy.


                      • Peak wages

                        Mish has a good page showing that we passed peak wages a few decades ago.
                        "It is very safe to say, the decline in "unreal" weekly earnings from $825 in 1973 to $690 today, understates the decline by a huge degree."
                        Read more at Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: "Real" and "Unreal" Wages; Five Decades of Middle Class Decline in Pictures
                        He shows good numbers to illustrate that the loss is even more than claimed.
                        This is no real surprise when you consider that a lot of people in the world are willing to work for less money that we want.
                        America has lost 56,000 manufacturing facilities since 2001

                        We've lost our jobs and our savings. The silly snots in the District of Corruption can't understand why we just don't seem to have any growth. We passed peak cheap oil several years ago and now energy is taking an ever-larger bite from our diminishing wages.
                        Chris Martenson has a good vid that covers a lot of the changes that we can expect.
                        Why The Next 20 Years Will Be Completely Unlike The Last 20 | Peak Prosperity


                        • New World orders

                          America likes the old world order. PNAC was ,, plan for a new American century. To some power brokers, NWO is a new world fascism centered on a one world currency,,, which they control. China wants a new world order where America is not top dog. Russia wants a new world order with plurality. The FED wants a new/old world order where the dollar is the commanding currency. A new arrangement called TISA would allow the FED/dollar to take control of all? foreign banks. Western think tanks claim that America must control central Asian oil if it wants to control the world.
                          The District of Corruption wants a NWO where it controls even more of the world. The mega-corporations want a NWO that has a fascist core with a collectivist majority.
                          The G7 met June 3 and left out Russia. Kinda stupid considering that Russia supplies about 40% of their gas. Now, they are thinking of pushing Russia out of the G20
                          Meanwhile, lots of countries are joining the Eurasian union.
                          Russia's Eurasian Union: Part of a Master Plan | The National Interest
                          Besides that, there are 2 other groups. Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and the BRICS forum
                          As the America empire declines, it attacks even more countries. Pax Americana has morphed into POX Americana. Everybody is uniting against America for survival.
                          Now there is a new group. 133 G77 Nations Vow to Destroy America’s New World Order
                          133 G77 Nations Vow to Destroy America’s New World Order
                          Everybody has their own idea of what the order of the world should look like. So many NWOs, one can't keep track.
                          So, how does this play out? U.S. has about $ 17 trillion in debt. Foreigners hold about $6 trillion. U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
                          They dump U.S. debt instead of rolling it over. They cash in everything.
                          The numbers are pretty high;
                          "Treasury needed to pay off a record of approximately $7,546,726,000,000 in maturing Treasury securities in fiscal 2013, which ended last Monday, according to Treasury's official accounting.

                          During the same period, the Treasury turned around and issued another $8,323,949,000,000 in new Treasury securities."
                          Over the last few years, the FED has increased it's balance sheet to about $ 3.48 trillion. It wouldn't be possible for it to absorb all the payment if the debt was not rolled over in any great quantity.
                          "Rollover Risk: Ideating a U.S. Debt Default" by Steven L. Schwarcz

                          If the rest of the world cashes in everything, we would have to default. Our exports have fallen drastically recently. We have a huge deficit in our balance of trade. Oil is our most critical import. If we default, we will have to pay in gold for oil. The dollar is hated everywhere because U.S. GOV is hated everywhere,,,, because we murder everywhere.
                          BRICS Gold Central Bank Outpost

                          The rest of the world is dumping our paper. Many holders of paper are cashing in paper for gold. When the gold stops, they have no reason to collect more paper. They already have enough. They will just trade with States who aren't run by sociopaths.
                          Dollar Ready to Die, We are Losing our Country-Jim Willie | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog


                          • New World orders

                            15 characters
                            Last edited by Danny B; 06-28-2014, 03:32 AM. Reason: double post


                            • just adding an interesting article :

                              The open source revolution is coming and it will conquer the 1% - ex CIA spy | Nafeez Ahmed | Environment |

                              But he also offers a comprehensive vision of hope that activist networks like Reclaim are implementing today.

                              "We are at the end of a five-thousand-year-plus historical process during which human society grew in scale while it abandoned the early indigenous wisdom councils and communal decision-making," he writes in The Open Source Everything Manifesto. "Power was centralised in the hands of increasingly specialised 'elites' and 'experts' who not only failed to achieve all they promised but used secrecy and the control of information to deceive the public into allowing them to retain power over community resources that they ultimately looted."

                              Today's capitalism, he argues, is inherently predatory and destructive:

                              "Over the course of the last centuries, the commons was fenced, and everything from agriculture to water was commoditised without regard to the true cost in non-renewable resources. Human beings, who had spent centuries evolving away from slavery, were re-commoditised by the Industrial Era."

                              Open source everything, in this context, offers us the chance to build on what we've learned through industrialisation, to learn from our mistakes, and catalyse the re-opening of the commons, in the process breaking the grip of defunct power structures and enabling the possibility of prosperity for all.

                              "Sharing, not secrecy, is the means by which we realise such a lofty destiny as well as create infinite wealth. The wealth of networks, the wealth of knowledge, revolutionary wealth - all can create a nonzero win-win Earth that works for one hundred percent of humanity. This is the 'utopia' that Buckminster Fuller foresaw, now within our reach."

                              The goal, he concludes, is to reject:

                              "... concentrated illicitly aggregated and largely phantom wealth in favor of community wealth defined by community knowledge, community sharing of information, and community definition of truth derived in transparency and authenticity, the latter being the ultimate arbiter of shared wealth."

                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • Open source revolution

                                MonsieurM, on June 25, I posted the link for the article on the open source revolution at an article by the Daily Bell. The next morning, they had rushed together an article decrying the open source revolution. Robert Steele appeared on the thread to explain and defend his ideas.
                                It has been a VERY lively discussion. A few people demanded that the Bell do an interview. The feedbackers at the Daily Bell are NOT foot-in-the-mouth people. I’ve learned a lot there. There is an unusually high number of comments on Roberts ideas but, only a small amount of name calling. It's very encouraging.

                                BTW, I started a thread here about a few people who are really smart and inventive. I titled the thread, "Dean Kamen"... the first person who I highlighted. The fourth entry was about Robert Steele. The entire thread was deleted shortly there after.

