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Economic pressures

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    • The Vatican

      Pope Benedict XVI discovered that the entire Papal Curia was completely corrupt. They had used funds from the Vatican bank to build gay bath houses, launder money and other crimes. There was no possible way that he could clean out all the rot with his failing health. He chose an Argentine cardinal to replace him self. Pope Francis is as honest as the day is long.
      When a pope resigns, ALL the Curia must turn in their resignations. This allowed Pope Francis to get rid of a lot of misfits.
      Francis also picked somebody honest and smart to run the Vatican bank. The Vatican bank was very close to being raided by interpol and Italian authorities for crimes. I found some interesting bits of info on the Vatican bank.

      "The London bankers had begun to sing to Interpol on Mafia Vatican connections on massive FOREX fraud thefts.
      It is unclear which is bigger: Vatican links to narco money, or links to FOREX fraud theft, or their control room for Nazis."
      Bankers Were Taken Out to Prevent FOREX Fraud Whistle-blowing!-Jim Willie | Planet Infowars

      Jim Willie has lots to say and he includes the Vatican.
      Jim Willie: The Birth of the New 3rd World Dollar |

      "In September 1769, Prince William appointed Meyer Amschel Rothschild of nearby Frankfurt to transact some of his financial affairs in the capacity of Crown Agent. Aware that the Rothschilds are an important Jewish family, I looked them up in Encyclopedia ]udaica and discovered that they bear the title Guardians of the Vatican Treasury.” The Vatican Treasury, of course, holds the imperial wealth of Rome. Imperial wealth grows in proportion to its victories in war – as the Jesuit empowerment Regimini militantis ecclesiae implies, the Church-at-War is more necessary than the Church-at-Peace. According to H. Russell Robinson’s illustrated Armour of Imperial Rome, Caesarean soldiers protected themselves in battle with shields painted red. Since the soldiery is the State’s most valuable resource (the Council of Trent admitted this in preferring the Jesuits to all other religious orders), it is easy to understand why the red shield was identified with the very life of the Church. Hence, the appropriateness of the name Rothschild, German for “red shield.”

      The appointment of Rothschild gave the black papacy absolute financial privacy and secrecy. Who would ever search a family of orthodox Jews for the key to the wealth of the Roman Catholic Church? I believe this appointment explains why the House of Rothschild is famous for helping nations go to war. It is fascinating that, as Meyer Rothschild’s sons grew into the family business, the firm took on the title Meyer Amschel Rothschild und Söhne, which gives us the notariqon MARS. Isn’t Mars the Roman God of War, whose heavenly manifestation is “the red planet”? There is powerful cabalah here, and there’s hardly an acre of inhabitable earth that hasn’t been affected by it in some way.
      Chapter 17: A Timely Grand Tour, "Rulers of Evil." pg. 160-161, Ospray Bookmakers (1999)


      • Concerning the "war" party and conservatives in general.

        Perhaps this constitutes a parallel view.

        There is nothing conservative about the Republican 'War' Party - Personal Liberty
        There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


        • More Greece

          It is generally admitted that system fragility has reached an extreme level. The economy is a bubble searching for a pin. The Bankers / gamblers counted on the FED giving them an eternal bailout. The job of a banker is to convert his thin-air money into tangible stuff. Americans were given liar-loans so that the bankers could later take possession of the houses.
          The IMF operates on the same "principle". Offer loans to corrupt leaders, and then seize State assets. What happens if the leader is NOT corrupt.
          Yanis Varoufakis cares only about Greeks. He has stopped all privatization.

          He has raided all wealth in Greece to continue to pay debts. April 9, Greece will run out of money. If the piggy bank is empty, NOBODY can demand payment. The piggy bank MUST be empty. The troika can continue to send money,,, or not. They either support Greece,, or not.
          When they decide to stop sending money so that Greece can send it back, Yanis will tell them, "sorry Charlie".

          The whole key to the overall scenario is that they must have somebody under banker control to sign off on the privatizations. Nobody in Syriza will do that.
          Entities loan money knowing that there is risk. The IMF, et al have corrupted the system badly to remove all risk. The corrupted system only works for them if we have corrupted leaders.

          Greece will eventually default. It remains to be seen how much this will affect the world financial system. Syriza was elected on a 40 point plan. Point number 40 was a big boot in the A$$ to NATO. How long will the troika + FED continue to prop up European lenders ( to Greece ) to keep NATO bases?
          Greece submits reform proposals to eurozone creditors – with a warning | Business | The Guardian


          • Originally posted by wayne.ct View Post
            Wayne, you, me and the dog all know that "Conservative" is just a convenient label. Just like the Patriot Act. Labels to mislead those who won't take the time to find the truth.
            "Writing to Lord Acton in 1866, Lee said, “[T]he consolidation of the states into one vast republic, sure to be aggressive abroad and despotic at home, will be the certain precursor of that ruin which has overwhelmed all those that have preceded it.”
            This is the same Lord Acton who wrote that "power corrupts".

            America wouldn't be headed for collapse if it had a viable business plan. The "warfare-welfare" State is an abomination. Just as the good Americans
            are catching on to the idea that the "conservatives" are running the country into the ground, the good Jews are catching on to the fact that the , so-called, zionists are running Judaism into the mud.
            “Veterans Today” Rewrites US History: Much Worse than You ever Believed | NEW.EURO-MED.DK

            The conservatives in the district of corruption have sent a huge amount of weapons to Europe hoping to light up another war. This includes 10 A-10 Thunderbolts. I sincerely hope that the Europeans wake up and stop the insanity.
            I find it hard to keep this thread on-topic without mentioning israel. I'll leave that for the "info on 9/11 thread"
            Israel, like Russia is over run with organized crime. The gamblers crashed the currency in the 80s and they had to print a new Shekel and knock off 3 zeros.
            There is plenty of info on the net about israeli influence in America. I won't recount it.


            • Media shills and an American haircut

              I don't (presently) raise my own food. Most people don't. They have to earn a salary and buy food. Somebody has to pay them for their talents. They have to continue to get paid. FED GOV prints money and hands it out to those that please it. They pump a huge amount of money into institutions of higher learning. The professors write and teach whatever is most approved by GOV.
              MainStream Media prints whatever is most acceptable to those with the checkbook.
              Those who don't follow the official line of instruction and reasoning find it much more difficult to eat. MSM is forced to get a licence from GOV to broadcast. MSM can't print the truth until it is painfully obvious to the man in the street.

              The internet has given voice to the little guy who doesn't have to depend on support and / or permission from GOV to speak what he believes to be truth.
              "When "very serious people" (especially those who work for a company whose executive chairman once ran now defunct Bear Stearns) announce it, with a 6 year delay, they make the Financial Times.

              On the other hand, when Zero Hedge said precisely this 6 years ago, it was cast as a tin-foil clad group of conspirators who see the worst in every situation.

              What is "it"? This:
              The long-term consequences of global QE are likely to permanently impair living standards for generations to come while creating a false illusion of reviving prosperity.

              In this case, it was said this week by Guggenheim's Chairman of Investments and Global Chief Investment Officer, Scott Minerd. We are happy that increasingly more "serious people" come to the same conclusion which we posited first 6 years ago."

              Yes, our living standards are going to drop. Martin Armstrong is adamant that, YES, the sovereign bond market will collapse in October of this year.
              Jim Will is equally adamant that America will get a replacement currency.
              Jim Willie: The Birth of the New 3rd World Dollar |
              Jim claims that we will start off with a 50% devaluation.

              Guggenheim claims that our standard of living is going to DROP. Many millions of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. What happens when prices effectively double? What about a 50% cut in the purchasing power of a pension? What about the 40 million on food stamps? 50% of Americans depend on a check from GOV. Will GOV go flat broke with a sovereign bond default?


              • The corporatocracy,,, a system without morality

                With socialism, there is no gain in over-producing,,, everybody has a call on your wealth. With crony-capitalism, there in no reliable long-term store of wealth. The PTB juiced up stocks in an effort to offer a long-term store of wealth. Turns out, it is a short-term deal;
                Extremes: Expect Consequences-Part 1 | The Deviant Investor

                The PTB can't possibly win in the long run. EVERY store of wealth is dependent on what some other person will trade for it. The corporatocracy is unfolding and it wants all wealth to be in motion. The brilliant corporatists have forgotten that any economic system needs consumption.
                Corporatism 101

                A corporation is a pile of money looking to grow bigger. It has no brain, no heart, no humanity. How could it possibly have any morality?

                Exempt from morality, mortality and fear, it seeks to overcome all. Like the Borg, it can only grow by acquisition. The financial system grows ever-larger starving the productive system. The host is dying. 50% of the cost of anything that you buy is for finance. 17% for trash collection,,,, 78% for low-income housing. 50% average. The tapeworm has no concern for the host.
                It is a dead-end system and a replacement is sorely needed; Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Iceland Ponders Radical Money Plan Including Elimination of Fractional Reserve Lending and Deposit Insurance

                In days of old when knights were bold and honesty was somewhat in style, a banker made a loan and waited to collect the interest as his reward. This became so old-fashioned. In the modern world, a banker makes a loan that is beyond your ability to repay. After you pay him some quantity, he forecloses the loan and takes the collateral. He does this over and over.
                It makes perfect sense.


                • The bank is a crappy place

                  So I went to my little home town style bank to help my niece start her credit history. I had planned to do this with a grantor loan. Basically I give the full loan amount to the bank which they hold in their account. They then loan my neice that amount with a small interest rate that she pays monthly to the bank to establish credit. If she were to default on the loan the bank takes my money to cover the balance. So completely no risk to the bank for this style loan. They wanted to charge 4% interest to my neice! My head exploded!


                  • load the young

                    Yep, get them when they are young. Load on those chains.



                    • The cannibal economy.

                      When a person uses credit, they are reaching in to future wages / profits. As our wages go down, we reach ever-further into the future to enjoy / survive today. Should we be reluctant / responsible and refuse to take on more debt, GOV takes it on and signs our name to the bill.

                      "One symptom of the continuing destruction of the economic base is the increasingly cannibalistic nature of economic activity in both the private and public sectors. Instead of investing in the future – or creating a future – public and private sector actors are borrowing from the future while devouring the present. Promises to pay future obligations in constant dollars are literally no longer worth the paper on which they are written because those promises of future payment are being actively debauched. Having mortgaged our future and limited our ability to engage in productive economic activity, public and private economic actors are now consuming themselves."

                      Unfortunately, the story doesn't end there.
                      GOV demands that banks hold high-quality collateral. GOV deems that GOV bonds are the highest quality collateral. Banks loaded up on GOV bonds.
                      Martin Armstrong adamantly sticks by his long-standing prediction of a collapse of sovereign debt in October of 2015. THEN WHAT?
                      GOV defaults on the bonds held by banks. THEN WHAT?
                      The banks simply demand physical assets be turned over to reimburse them for their loses.
                      FED GOV demanded that HUGE tracts of land be turned over by the various States to gain admission to the union. Most of this land is in the West.

                      Staircase-Escalante, with it's huge natural resources was made a national monument to be preserved in perpetuity (for the bankers).
                      Then, there is the highway system, the national parks, harbors, waterways, gas and oil, minerals, etc.
                      As I wrote earlier, it takes corrupt leaders to take on unpayable debt. At default, this unpayable debt is converted to tangible assets.


                      • whole life insurance policies

                        Do you know anything about life insurance co-ops that allow you to borrow against the cash value of the policy while still paying dividends to the entire cash value? Like a Bank on Yourself type plan. Seems like a possibility I might investigate further. I could start a new thread on it if you don't want to comment about it in this one.

                        My Personal Finance Journey ? Personal Finance, Intelligent Investing, And Frugal Living Tips - Learning For Life

                        This is a site I found about them.

                        Infinite Banking Strategy Using Whole Life Insurance - Scam or Wise Savings Strategy? ? My Personal Finance Journey



                        • Ruphus, I know nothing about insurance. I do know that ZIRP is killing insurance funds, hedge funds, and retirement funds. ZIRP was created to rescue banks. At the same time, it is killing investors. If FED GOV follows the usual route, it will force retirement funds to buy GOV bonds. Adrian Salbuchi has excellent interviews and vids talking about all of this as it came to pass in Argentina. Adrian Salbuchi
                          The third and other articles are in English.
                          I see no reason why you shouldn't examine the insurance question on this thread.


                          • Following Iceland

                            Well, the cat is out of the bag in Greece. GOV will nationalize the banks. The troika stonewalls and threatens. They can't actually invade. Russia plans to build a pipeline that will deliver gas to the border between Turkey and Greece. Europe got all huffy with sanctions and Russia cancelled the South Stream pipeline. There is GREAT fear in Europe that all the gas will be earmarked for the East and Europe left out.

                            Private banks loan money into existence and then collect both principle and interest,,, a very lucrative business. In Iceland, they arrested the crooked bankers and put some of them in jail. Now, they are working on a plan to get rid of the private banks. The central bank alone would create money.
                            "The proposal is a 110 page PDF called Monetary Reform - A Better Monetary System for Iceland

                            Read more at Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Iceland Ponders Radical Money Plan Including Elimination of Fractional Reserve Lending and Deposit Insurance
                            "Aside from the errors regarding the amount of money and who is in control of creating money, the proposal is an excellent starting point for addressing many of the flaws inherent in the existing fatally-flawed fiat currency scheme.'
                            There are claims that such a bank would create too much money. If you carefully examine the Bank of South Dakota, you will see that they have great oversight and a VERY good record. They won't make any loan that doesn't have an income stream identified for repayment.

                            Both Wall Street and the Icelandic banks made HUGE bets that failed. The European banks demanded that the people of Iceland repay the money lost by PRIVATE Icelandic banks. Unfortunately for the crooked bankers, there just weren't enough crooked people in GOV to make it stick. No shortage of crooked people in America and Europe.


                            • sucking in the suckers

                              The stock market is down because of bad employment numbers. The plan of the PTB is to get everybody into some market and then, pull out the rug. Any investor with half a brain shouldn't believe the labor numbers from GOV,,, or any other numbers. For many years, Shadowstats has been giving accurate numbers on unemployment. Alternate Unemployment Charts
                              NOPE, idiot investors ignore all the available data and pile in to bad investments. It's not like the information is not available. It is published everywhere,, much of it is published by GOV if you know where to look.


                              • The future of banking

                                "According to a report by (ironically) Goldman Sachs, 33% of millennials surveyed said they don’t expect to need a bank in five years, and 50% are counting on tech startups to entirely overhaul banks.

                                And I expect that in 10 years’ time, the technology and adoption will have progressed to the point that today’s banks will be entirely obsolete."

                                Beppe Grillo; "We are the key opponents of all those people in power in Italy, but maybe also in entire Europe, because if Matteo Renzi fails and the European system of transnational banks and financial institutions collapses, the whole European system will collapse. The system. He is the system, so if he goes down, the system will fall to pieces. And we’ll bring him down. "
                                Italy is the tenth largest economy but, the third largest bond market. With that kind of mismatch, they will fall very quickly.

                                All of this is going to make for a bumpy ride. Are They Arming for Riots Across America? Homeland Stockpiling "Less Lethal Specialty Munitions"

