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Economic pressures

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  • one-world socialism,, one-world control,, one-world crash

    "Milton Friedman's 1972 essay, "Capitalism and the Jews: Confronting a Paradox," Friedman addressed the interesting question of why Jews tend to be hostile to capitalism and sympathetic to socialism despite the fact that, historically, Jews have been most successful and most tolerated in those societies where free markets and civil society were relatively unfettered, and suffered most from anti-semitism in highly socialized and statist economies (worst of all under Soviet socialism and, of course, Hitler's National Socialism). "
    "Marxism, Socialism, or Communism in practice are nothing but state-capitalism and rule by a privileged minority, exercising despotic and total control over a majority having virtually no property or legal rights. As is discussed elsewhere herein, Talmudic Judaism is the progenitor of modem Communism and Marxist collectivism as it is now applied to a billion or more of the world’s population." Dilling X: The Jews and Marxism — Socialism — Communism

    The Federal Reserve Bank is a consortium of 9 Zionist Jewish-owned & associated banks with the Rothschilds at the head:

    $1. Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin.

    $2. Lazard Brothers Banks of Paris.

    $3. Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy.

    $4. Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam.

    $5. Lehman Brothers of NY. (no more)

    $6. Kuhn, Loeb Bank of NY (Now Shearson American Express).

    $7. Goldman, Sachs of NY.

    $8. National Bank of Commerce NY/Morgan Guaranty Trust (J. P. Morgan Bank - Equitable Life - Levi P. Morton are principal shareholders).

    $9. Hanover Trust of NY (William and David Rockefeller & Chase National Bank NY are principal shareholders).
    The Federal Reserve - Zionist Jewish Private Bankers

    "Theory of civil polity which advocates public collective ownership, production, and distribution. Jews have been prominently identified with the modern Socialist movement from its very inception. " SOCIALISM -
    The question arises. Do the jews advocate for socialism for the "benefits" that it confers on mankind. Do the jews advocate for socialism strictly for the total control that is available for the top level?
    "hostile to capitalism" Free-market capitalism has a minimum of central control. It is difficult to hijack for just one group.
    The central banker are all pushing to crash the system. Then, capitalism can be blamed for the fall and one-world socialism can make it's début. The tribe certainly has a lot if influence; The 50 most influential Jews of 2014: 1-10 - Jewish World - Jerusalem Post

    Both the U.S.S.R. and the EU have demonstrated that central control of a large economy can never work. That doesn't stop the PTB from trying. The Eurocrats were told in the beginning that a currency union without a debt union had NEVER worked. They went ahead anyway and have admitted that they knew that it would all crash down.
    Apparently, "they" will continue to crash "capitalistic" economies until we figure out that top-down control of socialism is the way to go. The Irish voted down the Lisbon treaty. They were forced to keep voting until they finally got it right.
    We will have our crash and then, we will figure out that socialism is the best way to go.
    What about China?
    "GLOBAL GOLD: On the other end of the world, Russia, China, and India are amassing great amounts of physical gold. Do you think that they are heading towards a gold standard?

    No, I don't think so. The gold standard to them is the same as holy water is to the devil. The governments of these counties are out and out socialist. Socialists do not believe in the gold standard because a true gold standard imposes the obligation on banks and governments to meet their liabilities by paying out gold. The gold standard is a thoroughly decentralized system, the very antithesis of central planning."
    "Russia, China and India use gold for propaganda purposes that have nothing to do with sound money. The hints they drop about gold are disingenuous, and therefore we should question their motivation to accumulate more gold."
    Prof. Fekete About Gold and The Debt Society | Claudio Grass |
    Bernanke called gold a , "barbaric relic". Socialism demands unfettered currency growth to support an ever-increasing parasitic class. It ALWAYS blows up as evidenced by the U.S.S.R. Socialism negates motivation and breaks the bank. BUT, it is a fine arrangement for those at the top.


    • Stupid people in critical positions

      Stockman is in fine form. "There is going to be carnage in the casino, and the proof lies in the transcript of Janet Yellen’s press conference. She did not say one word about the real world; it was all about the hypothetical world embedded in the Fed’s tinker toy model of the US economy.

      But since that model is so frightfully primitive, mechanical, incomplete, stylized and obsolete, it tells almost nothing of relevance about where the markets and economy now stand; or what forces are driving them; or where they are headed in the period just ahead.

      In fact, Yellen’s tinker toy model is so deficient as to confirm that she and her posse are essentially flying blind. That alone should give investors pause—-especially because Yellen confessed explicitly that “monetary policy is an exercise in forecasting”.
      "It was the power-hungry academics and policy apparatchiks like Alan Greenspan, Alan Blinder, Donald Kohn, Ben Bernanke, Frederic Mishkin, Janet Yellen and the B-Dud who turned it into today’s monetary central planning machine."
      Sell The Bonds, Sell The Stocks, Sell The House —–Dread The Fed! | David Stockman's Contra Corner
      MANY investors are deserting the markets BUT, they are putting their cash in the banks. This money is an unsecured loan to the bank. The bail-in laws are in place to "legally" take the investors money to satisfy claims against the bank. The banks were recently downgraded. Let the depositor beware.
      All that cheap money brought enormous over-building of capacity in MANY areas. Yes, you can build it but, is it needed? Global Deflation Alert—-Even Goldman Takes Axe To Iron Ore Forecast, Industry In Hibernation | David Stockman's Contra Corner
      As investors discover that businesses actually need sales and consumption to show a profit, they are deserting those who don’t perform. Markets Brace For More Fund Liquidations As Record Outflows Slam Debt Funds | Zero Hedge
      Armstrong said that the pilot is dead. Stockman said that the pilot is blind. I vote for "stupid". Maybe that was the idea all along. Put a nincompoop in charge to get the crash rolling.


      • You can exit the stock market but, you can't exit the State

        GOV has pumped up the stock market but, earnings just aren't there. Lots of people are heading for the exits. The FED is in a tug-of-war with the hedge funds. "The pension funds are dead meat. They have no hedging alternatives. Their only “hedge” is if the Fed/Government decides to shut down the markets to in order to prevent selling."
        The Markets Edge Closer To Collapse – What About The Derivatives? |
        When big players leave a fund, it starts a downward spiral of redemptions and illiquidity; Financial Tremor Watch: Monster Out of the Bottle | Winter Watch
        The Canadian dollar is weakening; CAD to USD: This Could Lead to a Canadian Dollar Collapse
        Ron Paul says that we need the markets but, not the FED. We Need the Market, Not the Fed - The Daily Reckoning
        This is only technically true and depends on the pronoun. Some people need the FED to keep crony capitalism and the welfare state alive. People who are actually producers of things that are needed (not the F-35) don't need support from GOV. There is a long list of people who don't supply anything that is needed in the economy.
        The State works VERY hard to convince everybody that society and the State are inter-dependent and irreplaceable. NOT true. The State is in the process of grinding down the economy and society for it's preservation. Aware of this downward path, the State is unfolding the police State to insure that society does NOT exit from it's warm embrace.


        • Judge Anna von Reitz

          Kinda interesting, The Truth about Karen Hudes, the World Bank and Your Gold | Banksters
          Who knows?
          Kinda like Benjamin Fulford, Ascension with Mother Earth and Current State of Affairs: Benjamin Fulford Update - December 15, 2015
          It's entertaining.
          EDIT: Here is a REALLY cool visualization of all the money and debt;
          All of the World’s Money and Markets in One Visualization
          Last edited by Danny B; 12-20-2015, 05:43 AM. Reason: mor info


          • RE: The Visualization of "Money"

            In one aspect, this illustrates one of the points that seems particularly relevant to my way of thinking. If you were to classify the various parts of the visualization into two categories, I would do it like this. In one category would be "real" property, mainly gold, silver and land. In the other category would be paper "claims" on various forms of property. I don't see how you could come to any other conclusion than this. The paper claims far exceed the real "stuff" that a common person would identify as valuable.

            My conclusion is pretty much the same as what I already have thought. Without a trustworthy judiciary and public confidence in the "system" the whole economy is at risk. It is only a matter of time if the current trend continues. The end of this seems pretty clear.
            There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


            • Damn, my fairly long post went up in to the ether.


              • Power corrupts and th central banks are a focus of power

                Wayne, all the various paper claims are claims on future productivity and have varying degrees of "moneyness". They are listed in Exter's pyramid.
                I found an interesting conversation about the FED. John Exter gave Volcker a stern lecture on the Fed’s expansionary policies
                and told him the Fed would eventually end up destroying the whole
                American economy and the dollar because the Fed had become a prisoner of
                it’s own expansionism and it was something it couldn’t stop. John and
                Volcker discussed all the pitfalls of Keynesian and monetarism and
                Volcker didn’t rule out an eventual collapse of the dollar and second
                deflationary depression."
                Gold Bullion, The Fed, Exter?s Pyramid - When John Exter Met Paul Volcker

                Said differently, "Matt King:"The Risk Is That Central Banks Created A Monster That Drives The Economy On The Way Down""
                Matt King:"The Risk Is That Central Banks Created A Monster That Drives The Economy On The Way Down" | Zero Hedge
                The bankers have LONG tried to get control of the whole economy. There is NO possibility that they are capable of running the whole economy; $20,000 Gold And The End Of "Pollyanna-ish Do-Goodery" | Zero Hedge
                Don't forget the blockchain; This Is How the Dollar Gets Replaced — Capitalist Exploits
                Now is not the time to retire to Mexico;

                Academia has become a fossilized turd as far as economic investigation and conclusion goes. They are looking in a rear-view mirror made out of a foggy piece of aluminum foil.
                With the net, EVERYBODY who has some kind of inspiration can be heard. Charles Huge Smith and Nicolle Fosse are both very good. Here is a discussion of differences of opinion on the exact nature and import of velocity of money.

                The idea of one-world GOV is to have a central body of bankers and technocrats running every detail of the economy and society. This didn't work very well in the U.S.S.R and it isn't working very well in Brussels. The world-improvers are now faced with the spectre of mass revolutions.


                • notes from Martin Armstrong

                  Gold is a hedge against government as are all things to varying degrees on the opposite side of money. During a boom, money declines in purchasing power and tangible assets rise. During a recession or depression, money rises in purchasing power and assets decline. Is that so hard to understand?

                  You are confusing fiscal mismanagement by politicians and equating the problem to the existence of paper money. Not every system has collapsed. It is always dependent upon the integrity of government.

                  I returned from Berlin dressed casually in jeans for the overnight flight. I was so busy with meetings I hadn’t the time to even buy a t-shirt. When I collected my luggage, I was pulled by customs. They didn’t care that I had absolutely ZERO to declare. Their first question: “How much cash do you have on you?
                  The only other time that has taken place was last year when I traveled into London. They wanted to see my ticket and where it was purchased. Was I really returning to London or just visiting? They asked the same question: “How much cash do you have on you?
                  The hunt for money is getting really aggressive, as reported by the Sydney Morning Herald. They are on the verge of collapsing the economy as we get closer to 2017. G20 agreed that all countries will spy on everyone and report to each other any assets and movement of money.
                  Australia is now invading private schools to track how parents are paying. They found over 100 parents who had private school fees up to $100,000 a year paid from overseas bank accounts. They are now tracking children to get to their parents.

                  Australia has threatened management firms to turn over the names of their clients. So far, they have gotten their teeth into more than 5,000 citizens.
                  The G20 nations will become RUTHLESS for this is all about politicians who will destroy the world economy just to hold on to power another day
                  In WTC7, we had records of all bank manipulations that documented every event back to 1990, and when the Pentagon was hit the room with all the documents to verify the missing $2 trillion was destroyed Are Terrorists Smarter Than We Think? | Armstrong Economics

                  That would be the ONLY hope we have at softening the collapse of our system for NO CAREER politicians will ever say, “Hey. This is debt crisis and raising taxes with negative interest rates is destroying everything. Whose idea was this anyhow?” One Reason Not to Vote Republican | Armstrong Economics
                  Academics to Get $100 Billion a Year to Investigate Global Warming
                  The first Christmas tree in NYC was erected in 1931 during the worst year of the Great Depression. During this time, almost all of the foreign sovereign bonds defaulted on Americans and caused massive bank failures. Currently, there are about $ 7 trillion in EM debt that is scheduled to default. The dollar is getting stronger because of currency flight into America. Every time the dollar goes up, it is that much harder to service debt for foreigners. The Move to America — the Great Capital Migration | Armstrong Economics
                  “Let’s look at the market through the Second Law of Thermodynamics.” His mouth dropped and he said, “OMG, there has to be a cycle!” My Cyclical Approach | Armstrong Economics

                  In 1931, the sovereign debt crisis and banking system collapse began in Austria with the failure of Credit Anstalt, which was partly owned by the Rothschilds. The bank was forced to absorb another bank and a secret loan was created in London off the books to hide the insolvency to do the merger for political purposes. When that failed to be enough, the whole scam was exposed and a CONTAGION spread as people wondered what government had manipulated behind the curtain.
                  There is no hope of trying to reason in Brussels. This is beyond hope. We must crash and burn until the end for they will NEVER admit the slightest error in their ideas. Why Europe Will Collapse: Schultz’s Outrage at Poland | Armstrong Economics

                  The European banking crisis is brewing. Last month alone, the Bank of Italy poured €3.6 billion euros into Banca Marche, Banca Etruria (PEL.MI), CariChieti, and CariFeto to prevent their collapse. The money was funded by financing from healthy banks. This is precisely how the banking crisis began in Austria back in 1931. They took a healthy bank and forced it to absorb a failed one, which was far worse than anyone realized as it took down all the banks.
                  In this context, it is interesting to note that an important meteorological satellite (NOAA 16) reportedly broke apart on November 25. The Joint Space Operations Center (JSpOC) of the American forces noticed at 15:41 ET “an unknown number of related objects” that circled the suddenly destroyed NOAA 16 satellite.

                  According to the report, there was no collision. Now, they are claiming that the questionable satellite responsible for the data collection has broken apart due to a defective battery. This is perfect timing, just like the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon to kill the investigation into $2 trillion missing from the defense budget or the attack on WTC7, which was not even hit, but magically collapsed with all our evidence documenting every bank manipulation from when it began. This convenient destruction of the satellite will prevent anyone from investigating the global warming data manipulation that is being used to massively increase your taxes in the years ahead

                  How can politicians run for office and vow to alter the future if they cannot manipulate the business cycle? Communism and socialism have failed because they attempted to alter human nature to manipulate the business cycle. Most modern economists accept, as a general rule, that they can manipulate society and the economy. Therein lies their self-interest and this is why they do not want to examine if what we have revealed exists.

                  Many States are selling off the family jewels;
                  Banks don't want your property back. They just want your money; "This law, passed by the Romanian Parliament, is actually fair. The banks would have to take back the property and end the debt. That is how Caesar resolved the debt crisis, for then too the bankers would not accept property and would take the borrower’s children and sell them into slavery to pay off the debt."


                  • Two edged sword?

                    You read much more widely than I do, Danny, so I hesitate to argue. I do see, however, that we differ in our opinions. I seem to see a double-edged issue building and I wonder if you would like to comment.

                    The established players in the economy have to choose to behave within the laws of accounting and ethics. The only alternative is fraud and that carries a high risk. Therefore, like Armstrong says, they MUST find something, anything of value, to sell if they suffer financial reverses. And, of course, the risk of financial loss is with them continuously.

                    I think it was Armstrong that predicts that "they" will choose to sell gold and cause another drop in the price of gold relative to federal reserve notes and other such. Now, if paper assets go down in value relative to gold I would suppose they would sell some of their gold. Conversely, if gold goes down relative to paper assets I would suppose they would sell some paper assets. One question would be whether this is correct or if the opposite case would apply. Gold up, sell paper. Paper up, sell gold.

                    If "they" rely on flawed economic models, it seems impossible to predict what they would do. Hence, volatility is in the offing.

                    Exter's pyramid is quite revealing, but it shows the huge imbalance between paper assets on the one hand and tangible? assets on the other. There is much more paper around to sell, buy, trade, etc. Which seems to tell me the banks would find it much easier to "sell" paper than to "sell" gold. Is there really much downside to gold?

                    Well, I just put this out for comment. I don't know how long this may take to play out.
                    There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


                    • gold, the motivator

                      Wayne, by all means, differ, differ, differ, differ. I can only give my opinion based on what I know and read. It would be some kind of miracle if everything that I posted were true. Venezuela is selling their gold. NOT because they want to. When a person or a State is in economic difficulty, it is very hard to sell promises (bonds). They sell what they can, NOT what they want. Gold moves from weaker hands to stronger hands. You only sell your gold in DIRE circumstances. Otherwise, you hold on to it for your family in case they are later in DIRE circumstances.
                      There are times when you sell gold if the price rises too high and you feel confident that it is due for a correction. When silver hit $ 50, everybody knew that it couldn't last.
                      True security is your health and your skills. Gold is a backup. Consider gold as a motivator,,, for both good and evil. Your skills will support you but, gold will get you out of a jam. Silver is good but, diesel fuel is probably second to gold.


                      • permanent demolition derby

                        The headlines are getting more vivid; Wall Street has the Death Star Pointed at the Bond Market ...
                        When commodities were booming, most States ramped up their spending based on a higher level of income. That income has come to a halt and these States don't want to cut back. The Real "Death Cross" Of Oil Markets | Zero Hedge
                        The New World Disorder; Et Tu, Brute? (How Empires Die) | International Man
                        Sooner or later, the world is going to have to face up to the fact that full employment is a thing of the past. The World of Work Has Changed, and It's Never Going Back to the "Good Old Days - The Wall Street Examiner
                        The Central banks are trying to force-feed money into the economy to compensate for the widespread loss of wages; The Keynesian Recovery Meme Is About To Get Mugged, Part 1 | David Stockman's Contra Corner
                        Seems that there is a wild card in every deck;

                        I leave Kunstler for last because he has some great lines;
                        "Turns out that the vehicle the Federal Reserve’s Open Market Committee was driving in its game of “chicken” with oncoming reality was a hearse. The occupants are ghosts, but don’t know it. A lot of commentators around the web think that the Fed “pulled the trigger” on interest rates to save its credibility. Uh, wrong. They had already lost their credibility. What remains is for these ghosts to helplessly watch over the awesome workout, which has obviously been underway for quite a while in the crash of commodity prices (and whole national economies — e.g. Brazil, Canada, Australia),"
                        "As it were, all credit these days looks shopworn and threadbare, as if the capital markets had by stealth turned into a swap meet of previously-owned optimism. Who believes in anything these days besides the allure of fraud?"

                        "We now enter the “discovery” phase of financial collapse, where things labeled “capital” and “credit” turn out to be mere holograms."
                        "Is there anyone who thinks the Presidential election campaign is not completely deranged?. But it adds up to something like flying blind through a sheis-storm with your pilot in the throes of cerebral infarction. I don’t want to be on that plane."
                        "Then there’s the giant flying reptile known simply as Hillary. She will blow up the sad and noisome remains of the Democratic party and then she will preside over the blow-up of the USA as an advanced techno-industrial society. America needs a vision of something other than itself as a permanent demolition derby,
                        It’s not just the Federal Reserve; everything around us is backed into a corner. Come January, when the dazzle of Star Wars fades away, you will hear instead through the long dark nights a howl of raging animals. "****-nati...stmas-present/

                        Kunstler used to pound on the "peak oil" drum but, not lately. Russia, Iran and Saudi are pumping like crazy but, Yemen is attacking Aramco. The House of Saud is imploding by itself without help.
                        The banks are there to service the productive economy, NOT suck it dry. China, Russia and others are doing currency swaps. This completely bypasses the banks.
                        In America, finance adds 19% to the cost of trash collection and 78% to the cost of public housing. The average is 50%. The bankers create a 100% markup on everything. If China and Russia successfully bypass the banks, they will always be the low-cost producer in the global market place.
                        Also, every $1 removed from the economy by taxes diminishes productivity by $ 3.
                        Typically, America the Beautiful invades and trashes any State that tries to evade the dollar and the FED. Russia has a ROBOT factory building the S-400 weapons night and day. Iran has an Exocet factory that has saved them from israel,, so far. The IDF told Netanyahooo that it expected to receive 11,000 missiles a minute in the case of an attack. He replied that it would be bad but, he was prepared to accept the damage.
                        As the S-400 is spread around the world, more and more States will stand up to Pox Americana.

                        In "Men in Black", the giant bug called us 'meatsacks". This is quite true. FRAGILE meat sacks. As the destructive power and range of weapons increases, there are fewer and fewer places that are safe. Cyber war provides an endless list of targets. MAD is returning with a vengeance and the military knows this very well.
                        When congress asked how long out aircraft carriers would last in a war, they were told that they would last 1 week if they stayed in port and max, 3 days if they left port. That was decades ago. EVERYTHING is a soft target and man is the softest of all.


                        • Trying all the moves that have failed before

                          There are 3 embedded vids from Paul Craig Roberts in this article; Paul Craig Roberts Warns "Everything Is Disintegrating" | Zero Hedge
                          Several other States can produce steel for less money. The miracle of globalism drives out high-cost producers. Obviously, the answer is high tariffs. U.S. Calls for 256% Tariff on Imports of Steel From China - Bloomberg Business
                          This was tried before with the Smoot-Hayley act. Naturally it cut back on international trade and everybody lost. Currency wars and trade wars are usually initiated to maintain market share AND employment. Not going to happen here.
                          The price of diesel fuel is way down. Just the same, that isn't enough to save the trucking industry. They need CONSUMPTION, not cheap fuel. Class 8 truck sales are down 58% y on y. Defaults in the transportation industry have gone way up. Graph; Stress Levels Building Up: Mountain Vision
                          Cash is a hot potato to investors; "Once created, someone in the economy has to hold the existing quantity base money, at every moment in time, until it’s retired by the Federal Reserve. Someone with cash can certainly use it to buy stock, but the same cash then goes into the hands of the seller. So base money is always “cash on the sidelines” in the sense that someone gets stuck with it, like a hot potato changing hands. But it’s impossible for that cash to go “into” or “out of” the stock market. It merely goes through it.

                          Traditionally, currency and bank reserves have been zero-interest money. Of course, the more zero-interest money there is sloshing about in the economy, the more people that are uncomfortably holding those hot potatoes, and the more yield-seeking you’ll tend to see in securities that offer the hope for higher returns." Hussman Funds - Weekly Market Comment: Reversing the Speculative Effect of QE Overnight - December 21, 2015
                          The FED pumped in all that QE money that helped 1/2 the economy and hurt 1/2 of the economy. That hurt is spreading to everybody.
                          The surprise index; Surprising Surprises | Michael Ashton |

                          12/24 Europe's mega banks continue to slash and bleed – David Stockman
                          12/24 Singapore stock losses set to rival Greece in 2015 – Bloomberg
                          12/24 These are the junk bond trades that "obliterated" traders in 2015 – Talk Markets
                          12/24 Banking industry's reputation nearly as bad as Congress's – Los Angeles Times
                          12/23 "Canadians should be concerned" as energy sector job losses spike – Zero Hedge Well, I guess they should be.
                          12/23 Canada's depression: surging crime, suicides, overwhelmed food banks – Zero Hedge
                          12/24 UPS delivers 36 million packages Tuesday, double normal – Mish Ah yes, bricks and mortar are dying.
                          12/24 Oil industry to lose 100,000 jobs by the end of 2015 – Financial Post Don't worry, the BLS will "fix" everything.
                          This one is easy to follow;


                          • non-viable States,,,, Putin and Hnederson

                            "Total American aid to Israel since 1949 exceeds $121 billion (in non-inflation-adjusted dollars).

                            In 2007, President George Bush and Israel entered into a 10-year Memoradum of Understanding that would give Israel $30 billion in Foreign Military Assitance.

                            At the completion of this 10-year-plan in 2018, the U.S. will have given Israel $30 billion in unconditional military aid. The United States awards this grant in one lump sum, unlike other foreign recipients, "

                            Israelis poised for mass strike over wages
                            Israelis poised for mass strike over wages - - Larghest Portal of Shia News from allover the World
                            We give them $ 10 million a day and they still can't make it. A few years ago, protesters built a nifty guillotine and placed it on their encampment on Rothschild Blvd. Guillotine display stuns Rothschild's 'tent city' - Israel News, Ynetnews

                            Britain is in a lose-lose situation. " This will ensure that London will self-destruct as a financial center in the world. " Cameron Selling out Britain? Pound to Fall to 55 cents? | Armstrong Economics
                            Russia has historically been controlled by organized crime but, they are cracking down. Corruption Busting: Bribe Takers Rooted Out at Russian Ministry of Defense
                            You can send a letter to Putin that even has a "button" to report corruption. Send a Letter to the President

                            Dean Henderson has a VERY interesting plan for escaping the clutches of the eight families that own the FED, https://hendersonlefthook.wordpress....-reserve-debt/
                            Last edited by Danny B; 12-24-2015, 03:57 PM. Reason: link went bad


                            • spending more than we earn

                              Who knew? The Pope is a "doomer". Pope Goes Full Doomsday: "For Those Who Celebrate Christmas... It May Be Their Last"
                              After WW II, America was the manufacturer for the world. We lost our job. GOV promised that things would get better forever. Too many people believed them. GOV doesn't want to disappoint them so, it is running up the debt by about $ 1 trillion a year.
                              #38 Back in 1950, more than 80 percent of all men in the United States had jobs. Today, only about 65 percent of all men in the United States have jobs.

                              #39 The labor force participation rate for men has plunged to the lowest level ever recorded.
                              58 Facts About The U.S. Economy From 2015 That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe
                              None of this is a surprise if you look at the dynamics of globalization. We have 23% unemployment.
                              #7 As I mentioned yesterday, U.S. manufacturing is contracting at the fastest pace that we have seen since the last recession.

                              #8 The velocity of money in the United States has dropped to the lowest level ever recorded. Not even during the depths of the last recession was it ever this low.
                              Alarm Bells Go Off As 11 Critical Indicators Scream The Global Economic Crisis Is Getting Deeper
                              OK, so, we lost our job and quit spending. Not a big surprise.
                              Half of Americans Make Less than a Living Wage
                              Half of Americans Have No Savings
                              Nearly Two-Thirds of Americans Can’t Afford to Fix Their Cars
                              The incredible shrinking middle class: Half the country is either living in poverty or damn near close to it -
                              Our long, slow slide into poverty is picking up speed as the jobs move to our low-cost competitors. We believed GOV when it said that it would take care of us. FED GOV has about $ 212 trillion of unfunded liabilities. (Kotlikoff).
                              Our credit binge held off poverty for a while but, not forever. Dear middle class: Welcome to poverty -
                              Under our current tax structures, it isn't going to get better for the not-wealthy;
                              The 1% may have all the wealth BUT, most of that wealth is dependent on the production-consumption cycle.
                              #4 Corporate debt defaults have risen to the highest level that we have seen since the last recession. This is a huge problem because corporate debt in the U.S. has approximately doubled since just before the last financial crisis.
                              Sooner or later, the mega-rich are going to discover that wealth has to be spread around a bit or the whole economy dies. Revolution follows because the poor have nothing left to lose. The mega-rich have put the squeeze on us by blocking all price deflation even as our productivity rose and rose. There will be a reckoning.


                              • Oil for food,, what happens when the oil stops?

                                There are many States who have let their population outrun their food-producing capacity. Many of these States rely on oil revenues to feed their people. Oil revenues are way down but, the people still expect to eat.
                                Extreme Oil Bears Bet on $25, $20 and Even $15 a Barrel in 2016 - Bloomberg Business
                                PressTV-Cheap oil to continue 4 more years: OPEC
                                "most of our food is imported,” said Gualberto Lima Campos, deputy governor for the Central Bank of Angola."
                                "Nigeria which gets more than 90% of its foreign-currency reserves from oil exports. "
                                The Dollar Shortage Has Arrived: Africa Runs Out Of Dollars | Zero Hedge

