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Economic pressures

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  • Negative attention

    Aljhoa, remember the kid in school who was a total loser? He was so incompetent that he could never get any attention. ALL kids crave attention. Lacking any intelligence or redeeming qualities, this kid discovered that he could get negative attention by being loud and obnoxious.
    Negative attention is preferable to no attention at al. All he had to do was turn on the verbal diarrhoea and attack whatever was at hand.
    There was no "return" in conducting attacks without witnesses. Nope, the attacks had to be spewed out with lots of people in attendance. This thread gets a lot of reads so, this micro-encephalitic troll hits the keys in 64 points and bold. He has zero redeeming qualities and nothing of any import going on in his life.
    Every post is a random attack trying to generate a hateful response. No response=no attention. If you don't feed the trolls, there is a small ray of hope,,, they might go kill themselves.


    • The monetary python eating it's tail and also a hand grenade

      "Venezuela's largest privately owned company on Friday stopped producing beer, adding to a list of privations facing residents already frustrated by power cuts, water shortages, triple-digit inflation, and grinding recession.

      "This could mean the end," says Sergio Silva, shopkeeper at a neighbourhood store in Petare, one of Caracas' biggest slums. "If Venezuelans do not have beer  ... this country could blow." ...
      Venezuelans add beer to list of privations -

      Davidson; "As Davidson explains, “This is a landmark development that I am convinced will trigger the greatest depression we’ve ever seen. Yes, worse than the 1929 Great Depression.”

      Unfortunately, Davidson’s warnings can’t be dismissed. He has a remarkable track record of calling every major economic shift over the last three decades."
      2016 ... "The End of the Dollar's Reign (Noted Economist Proclaim the Unthinkable) - The Sovereign Investor
      He's just one more guy calling for hyperinflation. I do not believe that it will work that way. If everybody cuts back their spending to bare essentials, most prices will drop because of supply & demand factors.

      4/30 Deutsche Bank tires quickly of its experiment with integrity – GATA Yeah, honesty is NOT a good policy when you are a banker.
      LIES, LIES AND OMG, MORE LIES « The Burning Platform

      4/30 Chinese cities dive back into debt to fuel growth even as defaults rise – Reuters
      4/30 China’s debt climbs to $US25 trillion – NBR
      4/30 China’s banks cut bad debt buffer as profits flatline – Reuters
      Something tells me that china will reach a limit at some point.
      4/30 Prepare for the coming financial earthquake – Daily Reckoning
      4/30 The global debt python is constricting us all – Daily Reckoning
      4/30 Trouble brews in the bond market – CBS News Bonds are debt-notes. There is great temptation to create them without limit. What happens if you create too many bonds to keep the party going?
      4/30 Puerto Rico delays some bond payments as default looms – Bloomberg

      So, we gave the debt python to much monetary Viagra. We kicked the can down the road until we got to a hill and the can keeps rolling back. This is causing widespread economic cannibalism. Without continual growth, we can't service the debt. We tossed a monetary hand grenade up into the air (the future) and it is fast falling / approaching.
      Trump gets nominated.
      Trump wins the election
      Pres. trump gets briefed on the true economic situation.
      Pres Trump goes into permanent hiding on a remote island.


      • Originally posted by Why-me
        Danny B is an agent provocateur with the copied and pasted links to make the average uninformed reader that he has a firm grasp on the issues of the day, all the while spreading New World Order propaganda to undermine the rest of the forum with fascist views and idioms. Lean Forward is one such slogan used by fascists and communists. Certain key phrases used in conjunction with filtered facts, not necessarily checked, will seem intelligent when read, but are absolute BULLSHIIT!!!!!!
        Danny is a regular guy. I talked to him on the phone like I did
        you. Just a regular guy, no E.T. or NWO shill. Danny has some mainstream
        views but there is no law against you pointing this out.

        Agree to disagree.
        Last edited by BroMikey; 04-30-2016, 07:50 PM.


        • "Why me",,, I'll take that as a question. The reason that you have such a miserable little life is because; you lost out in the genetic lottery. Unlike Forest Gump, there is no pie-in-the-sky screenwriter to give a few important moments of meaning to your useless life. Since you have nothing of import to say, you scream it out.
          This thread has close to 100,000 views. Readers would have abandoned it long ago if it was just lies and/or BS.
          Pretending To Be Real
          has 166 reads. Obviously, you have nothing to say that anybody wants to hear. Keep pretending!
          I started the thread; Momentum, inertia and the Aspden effect. It has 3000 views even though it is a very narrow subject. Don't bother reading it,,, you won't understand.
          You should slink back off into the metaphysical underbrush but, I'm sure that you will hang around anywhere that you might get an audience that you can piss off for attention.
          Brother Mikey, I have NO beef with you. This thread shows the thoughts and opinions of anybody who has shown some brains and accuracy in the field of economics. I post the salient ideas and the links. The idea is for everybody to decide for themselves. I'm a builder. Ashtweth asked me to write on the economy. I do some analysis and interpretation but mostly, post recent economic developments. My only intended slant is towards the truth.

          I would invite anyone with differing opinions and/or facts to post it right here. I'm somewhat disappointed that more people aren't posting legitimate information here. I would invite those who don't like the thread to,,, just skip it.


          • Too big to fail is even bigger

            The homeownership rate is now just one-tenth of 1 basis point higher than its all-time low in the second quarter of 2015.
            Corporations Are Defaulting On Their Debts Like It’s 2008 All Over Again
            19 Facts That Prove Things In America Are Worse Than They Were Six Months Ago
            Robert Kiyosaki And Harry Dent Warn That Financial Armageddon Is Imminent
            Corporate Debt Defaults Explode To Catastrophic Levels Not Seen Since The Last Financial Crisis
            The U.S. Economy Officially Joins The Global Economic Slowdown ? 1st Quarter GDP Comes In At 0.5%

            Jim Bianco; Even if you go back to the Egyptian pharaohs and the Fertile Crescent in Mesopotamia we have never consistently seen negative interest rates in the reported human history until two years ago.
            " five largest financial institutions in the United States now have a higher concentration of financial assets. Not only do they have a higher concentration of assets than they did before the financial crisis but it’s the largest concentration ever. So we’ve made the too-big-to-fail-problem worse because we have bigger, more systemically important financial institutions now than we did in 2007 – and nobody seems to know what to do about it."
            Jim Bianco Warns "The Risk Of An 'Accident' Is Very High" | Zero Hedge

            Mankind gradually exited from a primarily agrarian economy to an industrialized economy. The industrial economy raised our standard of living. What happens if we lose our industry to a competitor? Yanis Varoufakis Issues A Major Warning To The Greek People


            • Thanks guys, I am for each of you. Alex Jones does his job
              getting one response from those who need him. Alex is a good
              beginners education. He is my sons age.

              But Alex Jone is only one voice of many and we must listen
              to every voice as each person is special. We can not
              consume ourselves with only one voice when many others
              together offer a better, more well rounded view of reality.

              I disagree with some things people say only because of
              my inability to place the given reaction for the purpose
              for which it is composed.

              When I understand the intent, I get it.

              I get tired of hearing Alex so I turn on others who are
              more my age bracket. The Drudge report is done by an
              older man, he makes sense.

              Danny is loaded with good reports and not all that he
              posts represents his way of seeing the world.

              All men are capable of error but to insult over differences
              as we agree to disagree is invalid.

              Last edited by BroMikey; 05-01-2016, 03:18 AM.


              • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                The homeownership rate is now just one-tenth of 1 basis point higher than its all-time low in the second quarter of 2015.
                Corporations Are Defaulting On Their Debts Like It’s 2008 All Over Again
                19 Facts That Prove Things In America Are Worse Than They Were Six Months Ago
                Robert Kiyosaki And Harry Dent Warn That Financial Armageddon Is Imminent
                Corporate Debt Defaults Explode To Catastrophic Levels Not Seen Since The Last Financial Crisis
                The U.S. Economy Officially Joins The Global Economic Slowdown ? 1st Quarter GDP Comes In At 0.5%

                Jim Bianco; Even if you go back to the Egyptian pharaohs and the Fertile Crescent in Mesopotamia we have never consistently seen negative interest rates in the reported human history until two years ago.
                " five largest financial institutions in the United States now have a higher concentration of financial assets. Not only do they have a higher concentration of assets than they did before the financial crisis but it’s the largest concentration ever. So we’ve made the too-big-to-fail-problem worse because we have bigger, more systemically important financial institutions now than we did in 2007 – and nobody seems to know what to do about it."
                Jim Bianco Warns "The Risk Of An 'Accident' Is Very High" | Zero Hedge

                Mankind gradually exited from a primarily agrarian economy to an industrialized economy. The industrial economy raised our standard of living. What happens if we lose our industry to a competitor? Yanis Varoufakis Issues A Major Warning To The Greek People
                Yes I quite agree that the very low GDP is a warning sign that
                unless something is done we may have a collapsing system
                is anywhere from 1-50 years. I say it that way not to be
                funny but as a reminder that we have been hearing this
                same thing way before Alex Jone was born

                Hell I can remember doing my paper route back in 1969
                and the news warning of gold standard runaway. It seems
                like I have heard that the world was going to hell in a hand
                basket for nearly 50 years. Any day now is what I hear.

                Any day for the last 50 years is a good number of days.
                Let's see that would be 365 days at 50 years

                365 X 50 = 18,250 days

                That is a long time to hold your breath.

                Another thing I noted over this period of time was the
                fact that statistical figures are fudged particularly
                around election cycles so one never really knows
                the real facts.

                Like Obama saying that the USA jobless rate in percentage
                points is around 5 percent when in reality it is more like
                50 percent when you consider all of the data properly.

                All we have to go on is what we are told and what we
                are given to base our decisions on is almost always

                After studying the market cycles in school I learned
                that 99 percent of what we are fed in the public
                arena is given to us to manipulate us so we can be
                out foxed financially.

                So what we hear is meant to get us to react in a
                way that benefits the big money. We will be told
                that confidence is down so some will sell and some
                will buy but always the big money practices
                lying to us and observing our responses to the

                Or they might be truths and the big money will watch
                carefully how the masses react to the new truths of
                the coming market status.

                Especially University studies, these report are pure
                fiction leaving us always to wonder what is really
                a fact and what is a sham.

                So the big one is always coming and it is because THEY
                can pull the strings. Another string to pull these days is
                weather, much can be done to make money with a
                weather machine. A machine that withholds the rain
                in one area and provides an abundance in another
                is making men rich these days.

                Beat those slaves and steal them blind and thrown
                them away when they are physically exhausted.
                Last edited by BroMikey; 05-01-2016, 04:56 AM.


                • Originally posted by Why-me
                  One thing that is more valuable than gold is pure drinking water.

                  Everything that is alive depends on it.

                  Any colloidal silver, maybe gallons?

                  Surely you can always use a million rolls of toilet paper!!
                  Now that's the kind of ECONOMIC PRESSURE we don't need
                  but if it comes we will all chip in together and start
                  living off the land again.

                  The pressure of worrying what's going to happen next
                  can drive people up a tree. Having faith
                  in one another is like trusting that GOD can protect you.

                  We need this assurance to live a long and beneficial life
                  so the key to any kind of success always hinges on
                  the way we treat our fellow mates.

                  I did live off the land once before as a test. It was such
                  a beautiful way of life. Resting your troubled mind is helpful
                  if possible to achieve any goal and unity is number one.

                  So I have the advantage over most people because I
                  have spent years rehearsing these details while living
                  that dream of returning to the land.

                  The first thing you do is lose weight because you walk
                  more and eat garden fresh foods.

                  We had all of the things you mentioned.

                  Learn to stick together with your fellow human kind and
                  you will be surprised how much you needed them.
                  Last edited by BroMikey; 05-01-2016, 07:54 AM.


                  • Strip-mining the world to make socialism "work"

                    Home ownership in America is at a historical low point. Money printing may create a temporary "wealth effect" but, it isn't permanent. REGRESSION TO THE MEAN - Smart Money Tracker
                    Japan has a falling population and has had a couple of lost-decades. Europe has a falling population and is most of the way through it's first "lost decade".
                    Forbes Welcome
                    Merkel says that Muslim immigrants are going to be the new work force.

                    “After the events of 2008, really since then, the central banks either collectively or individually have tried to implement policies which would, in effect, buy time for individual governments to take the actions they should take to put their houses in order,” Thornton says.
                    “By and large, the governments have not done that. "
                    Bernanke made it very clear that the FED was buying time so that FED GOV could scale way back on it's expenditures. What a FOOL !! GOV never cuts back.

                    We've reached a point where the banks control the central banks. The banks don't want the good times to end. Forbes Welcome
                    "The root cause isn’t hard to find. “Shareholder value rules business,” as The Economist proclaimed in April 2016, even though Jack Welch has rightly called it “the dumbest idea in the world.”
                    "Shareholder value thinking is often presented as simple commonsense: obviously, a firm is in business to make money. What else?

                    The question overlooks Peter Drucker’s foundational insight of 1954 that the only valid purpose of an enterprise is to create a customer. "
                    The shareholders run the show. They are searching for PROFIT when they should be searching for COMMERCE.

                    The American business model is an elegant construct of strip-mining value out of legitimate business and leaving an empty hulk behind. The rest of the world is not so short-sighted and is trying to get it's act together. They are trying to form a coalition to resist American strip-mining of their economies. Betrayed: America's Day of Reckoning Exposed - The Sovereign Investor
                    This strip-mining is a banker mentality, NOT a producers mentality.

                    Jim Rickards on currency wars; "He is concerned about the possibility of another collapse of the global monetary system like what happened 3 times in 100 years – in 1914, 1939 and 1971 – all followed by a severe time of war, political instability and turmoil in the world."

                    WW II was a war for the bankers as Churchill made VERY clear. The Bretton Woods agreement was an agreement to put gold back into control of the currency supply and forestall any return to currency wars. Over-printing in the early '60s brought that to an end. When great Britain demanded 1/3 of our remaining, shrinking gold supply, Nixon was forced to close the gold window and renege on the Bretton Woods agreement. He closed it 4 days after their demand and was, subsequently impeached.

                    LBJ started "The Great Society". An outright socialist program supported by printing. That "funding" crashed on August 15, 1971 with the closing of the gold window. The creation of the Petro-dollar combined with the de facto reserve status of the U.S. dollar allowed the welfare-warfare State to carry on. The power of the FED combined with the power of the U.S. military allowed Pox Americana to continue to strip-mine the world for assets. This created a LOT of death, destruction and starvation but, "It was worth it".

                    YES, it was worth it,,, to people with a bankers mentality. The Hildebeest fits right in.
                    Power corrupts. It doesn't matter if the system is capitalism or socialism. Socialism is at a disadvantage because it is a distribution system rather than a production system. A corrupt socialist system tends to go bad faster than a corrupt capitalism system.
                    Fascism is just socialism for the rich.


                    • The eventual result of crank economics

                      Charles Hugh Smith and Kunstler have written extensively that our entire economy is a fraud,,, a racket. Gerald Celente has written that those at the top are pure criminals, nothing else.
                      5/02 Market analyst: “Nothing is real…” – SHTF Plan
                      • This is The Biggest Fraud In The History Of The World (SHTF)
                      Marriner S. Eccles was appointed head of the FED in 1934. He came out and clearly spoke; "Our money is a debt instrument. It can not last. This is the most important issue of our time and MUST be addressed."

                      5/02 Asia markets tumble – CNBC
                      5/02 Puerto Rico will default on government development bank debt – Bloomberg
                      5/02 South Korea trade slump deepens, April exports fall 11.2% – Channel News Asia One month?
                      5/02 An election won’t stop the dollar collapse – Sovereign Investor
                      5/02 US Treasuries will sink into a black hole – 24hGold

                      5/02 The true mangnitude of the new home sales collapse – David Stockman
                      5/02 U.S. homeownership rate lowest since Johnson Admin – Dr. Housing Bubble
                      "Chart Of The Day: Constant Dollar New Home Sales Still At 1976 Level "

                      "by the Fed’s preferred measure. Indeed, the very idea of a central bank
                      pumping furiously to generate more inflation comes straight from the archives of crank economics."
                      "The following two graphs dramatize the cargo cult essence of today’s Keynesian central banking regime. Since the year 2000 when monetary repression began in earnest, the balance sheet of the Fed has risen by 800%, while the amount of labor hours used in the US economy has increased by 2%."
                      The Cult Of Central Banking Is Dead In The Water | David Stockman's Contra Corner

                      LBJ started his "Great Society" program. GOV relied on Keynesian claptrap to finance our slide into socialism. We may have "crank economics" but, that is what it takes to finance socialism.
                      GOV is trying to give very substantial support to beggars, bankers and bureaucrats. This support can only be taken from the productive sector of the economy. QE and ZIRB stole all the interest income of the productive sector. Plan "A" is to take the principle,,, now that the interest has dried up. Deutsche Bank Unveils The Next Step: "QE Has Run Its Course, It's Time To Tax Wealth" | Zero Hedge


                      • fighting to save oil

                        The price of solar power just fell 50% in 16 months – Dubai at $.0299/kWh! The price of solar power just fell 50% in 16 months – Dubai at $.0299/kWh! | Electrek
                        "Germany paid wind farms $548 million to switch off last year to prevent damage to the country’s electricity grid," "Wind and solar also run the risk of producing too much power at unpredictable times, which can overload and fry the power grid" "By 2019, Germany will get rid of 6,000 megawatts of wind power capacity."
                        Germany Paid Wind Farms $548 Million To Sit Idle
                        So, solar power is unpredictable? Just imagine if they just exported the power.
                        4/30 Wind economics:O by 2024 offshore will undercut nuclear – Wind Power
                        "A laborer named Jean Valjean served 19 years in prison. The crime; he stole a loaf of bread to feed his starving sister's children.
                        Check it out, Les Miserables by Victor Hugo."
                        "License to Steal: Italy’s Highest Court Rules “Theft Not a Crime if Hungry”

                        "It is mathematically impossible for every country to simultaneously devalue their currencies vs. every other currency.
                        Yet, the Bank of Japan, the ECB, and the Fed all want to do just that.
                        Moreover, the belief that inflation generates growth is absurd in and of itself.
                        Yet, here we are."

                        "President Obama has budgeted $17,613 for each of the estimated 75,000 Central American teens expected to illegally cross into the United States this year, $2,841 more than the average annual Social Security retirement benefit, according to a new report." Obama budgets $17,613 for every new illegal minor, more than Social Security retirees get | Washington Examiner
                        Young workers, GOOD. Retired workers, BAD.


                        • No point in getting rich if GOV is going to steal it

                          Power corrupts so one can expect all government to be corrupt. GOV steals from everybody. BOTH crooks and honest people try to shield their wealth from thieves,,, whether they work for GOV or the private sector.
                          "In 2014 the net worth of planet Earth was about $240 trillion, which means about 15 percent of global wealth is in hiding, significantly reducing the capital available to spur world economic growth."
                          "one determined person combed 45 years of official statistics from around the world to calculate the flight wealth for nearly 200 countries that publish comparable economic data.

                          That’s Jim Henry, who was a rising corporate star until he gave it all up to document illicit flows of money and the damage they do to billions of people."
                          "Kleptocrats and their retainers are not the only sources of flight wealth. A small portion belongs to business people who keep some of their wealth offshore for fear it will be confiscated. The weaker the laws to protect property, the greater the share of honest wealth titled offshore."
                          Strong property laws are critical. A LOT of wealth is fleeing China because GOV will steal whatever is necessary to keep the game going.

                          In a general sense, the person who rises to the top of a corrupt organization is the person who is most ruthless and has the most tolerance for collateral damage. The more people that you are willing to kill, the higher that you can rise. Bill Clinton had a LOT of his enemies fed to the hogs. no body and ,,, a frightening example to other who might think of crossing him.

                          If you posit that most people who rise up to the top of GOV are criminals, then, it makes sense to hide your wealth. The Panama Papers expose the people that GOV hopes to "shame" on the road to fleecing them. Respect for private property is essential for an economy and a society.


                          • * Pension programs across America are under-funded by $3.4 trillion.
                            "* The strategy for pension programs is to cook the books and then, when they can no longer cover up the financial facts, claim to be “too big to fail” and demand a bailout."
                            "* Pensions all across America are going into default. How many pension plans can the federal government bail out?

                            * Most of these pensions provide monthly retirement incomes to former government workers. ?????????????

                            * The government repeatedly LIES to you about all economic numbers and debt numbers.

                            * Government is in the business of making promises they can’t keep! This includes pension promises."
                            The coming financial collapse of PENSION programs across America « InvestmentWatch


                            • You sell what you can, now what you want to sell

                              Venezuela has more oil than Saudi Arabia but, it is as thick as paste shoe polish. They must BUY Nigerian oil to mix with their thick oil. They no longer have the money to buy Nigerian oil. They can't sell their oil. How bad will it get for Venezuela?
                              "In a desperate attempt to save electricity, drought-stricken Venezuela has introduced a new concept to the workplace calendar: the five-day weekend.

                              President Nicolás Maduro will furlough the country's public employees — who account for a third of the labor force"
                              GOV employs one third of the labor force. They are now working 2 days a week. How long can that go on? What happens when GOV runs out of money to pay people? 1/3 of the labor force is a sure sign of socialism.
                              "Over the weekend, six members of the Venezuelan military were detained by local authorities for stealing goats, the Venezuelan newspaper El Nacional reported Sunday. It said the soldiers confessed to stealing the goats and said they did it to feed themselves, since they had no food left in their barracks. "
                              How bad is it in Venezuela? Soldiers are stealing goats
                              Venezuela can't sell much oil so, they are selling the nation's food. Now they have food shortages.

                              America ships out many thousands of EMPTY shipping containers every day. Our trade deficit is $ 45 billion a month. We buy $ 1.5 billion a day of stuff that we pay for by printing more paper. Most of the world has abandoned the U.S. Treasury bond market. If they don't buy U.S. bonds, they don't need U.S, dollars.
                              Jim Willie expects that trade partners will eventually refuse to accept dollars for our imports. We have hit peak cheap oil. What happens if we try to use $ 60 a Bbl Bakken oil when the rest of the world can use $ 3--7 Eastern oil?
                              Jim further speculates that America will have to sell off our food to pay for our imports.
                              Armstrong and many others have predicted the crash of Treasury bonds. Should they become unwanted, America will have to pay with whatever our suppliers demand. That would probably be food and gold. Venezuela ALREADY sold off their gold. They are reduced to selling their food.
                              America reports that it holds 8,000 tons of gold so, we should have no problem paying for oil imports with gold.

                              The confiscation laws get re-authorized every year. This would put GOV in direct competition with the private sector for access to resources. GOV has more guns and a LOT more bullets. Hide your goats from the G-men.


                              • Still slip-sliding away

                                Every president signs the re-authorization for taking over complete control of the country / economy. Obummer has just done this but, he changed the "qualifications" that constitute an emergency; ALERT: Secure your assets now! Obama signs executive order for martial law in August 2016, while media ignores it! « InvestmentWatch He probably has something specific in mind

                                There are several States that are considering leaving the EU. the EU seems to be pushing them to do just that. EC wants to fine EU members €250,000 per refused refugee
                                The PTB want to see world socialism unfold. The economy is being purposely crashed to bring this about. LOTS of younger people are espousing socialism because they are disgusted with our so called capitalism. Crony capitalism for the rich is pretty much the same as fascism. BUT, they call it capitalism.
                                Ron Paul makes it very clear; ":Ron Paul: I think the problem is all in semantics. When they say they oppose today’s capitalism, I oppose today’s so-called capitalism. I don’t even like the world “capitalism,” I like “free markets.” But if you say “free markets” and “capitalism” together, we don’t have that. We have interventionism. We have a planned economy, we have a welfare state, we have inflationism, we have central economic planning by a central bank, we have a belief in deficit financing. It is so far removed from free-market capitalism that it’s foolish for people to label it free market and capitalize on this and say: “We know it’s so bad. What we need is socialism.” That is a problem."

                                "This is financially crazy for the following reason. In a hypothetical case where a relatively small Derivatives Investment Loss of a mere 4% would mean that six major US banks might be totally wiped out. The leverage that derivatives permit is incomprehensible…ludicrously suicidal! It’s even worse for Deutsche Bank, where a Derivative Investment Loss of less than 3% would crash DB into immediate bankruptcy…a la Lehman Brothers."
                                Derivatives Crisis Of Banks?Worldwide | Silver Phoenix

                                The Chinese freight index is down 41% so, they made up for it with printing; "This over-investment led to an increase in Chinese debt from $2 trillion to over $30 trillion. US Treasuries Will Sink Into A Black Hole | Gold Eagle

                                Our economic system NEEDS credit growth to keep the debt plane from sinking. "
                                " The Red Ponzi is generating barely $1 of GDP for every $6 of new debt."

                                Keynes advocated perpetual war to keep the economy stimulated. Shupeter championed creative destruction where we just take everything that we produced and ,,, destroy it. The military is hard at work trying to fulfil this mandate.
                                Everyone KNOWS that our participation in WW II pulled us out of the Great Depression I. Everyone knows this BUT, it isn't true.
                                • 90% of Americans Worse Off Today Than in 1970s (VW)
                                Derivatives crisis of banks… worldwide – Silver Phoenix
                                5/04 ‘Helicopter money’ is coming in a year or so – Yahoo!
                                5/04 ‘Helicopter money’ would most certainly miss its intended targets – Forbes

