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Economic pressures

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  • No future for debt money

    "This also bodes ill for the recent Bitcoin bubble, which has been almost entirely driven by Chinese money-launderers. The Chinese government has the whip-hand over the blockchain. "
    China's capital controls are working, and that's bursting the global real-estate bubble / Boing Boing

    The IRS has millions of unpaid employees; everybody who fills out a 1099 form or a 1040 form,, every guy in a tire shop who collects federal excise tax on tires,,, every accountant,,, pretty much every GOV agency, they all work to help the IRS. California GOV is considering blocking payments to FED GOV.
    California Threatens To Cut Off Funds To Washington | Zero Hedge
    This could get very interesting.

    "Ron Paul noted that he thinks U.S. policy has created a “failed system” in the country. “All empires end and we’re the empire. It’s going to end and it’s going to be for economic reasons…we’re going to fail because we’re working within a failed system…this is a monetary problem…a spending problem…it’s going to be financial,” Paul emphatically claimed, once again stating the collapse of America is imminent.

    “We have something arriving worse than 2008, 2009, much worse…It is the fault of the Federal Reserve,”
    "We are in very early days of a crisis which has got a way to go,” asserted Alan Greenspan to Bloomberg last year. “This is the worst period, I recall since I’ve been in public service. There’s nothing like it, including the crisis — remember October 19th, 1987, when the Dow went down by a record amount 23 percent? That I thought was the bottom of all potential problems. This has a corrosive effect that will not go away. I’d love to find something positive to say…..I don’t know how it’s going to resolve, but there’s going to be a crisis.”
    Ron Paul: The Fed Is Tanking The Economy To Damage Trump - Your News Wire

    The contagion of the crash will move almost instantaneously because we live in a world "without distance".
    The world is rushing headlong into automation and needs fewer and fewer workers. The labor force on OECD States is shrinking. You would think that there would be some sort of match between workers needed and workers available. It doesn't seem to work that way because world aggregate earning power is shrinking. Automation drives down prevailing wages. As the growth of the earning class shrinks, the dependency class grows and grows.
    Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) | Data

    The shrinkage of the working class is offset by the growth of machine intelligence and machine production. Project that forward and you will perceive that the dependent class will grow until it creates a nova in the debt-money system. There is already talk of taxing robots.
    As we get increasing automation, we get increasing larger debt bubbles. The credit system is trying to adjust to a fall in aggregate spending power.
    Each bubble-burst requires a bigger bubble to follow because there is never a bubble in wages.

    Armstrong has predicted a blowup in Sovereign debt. Should that happen, the credit system will never get up off the floor,,, in spite of the SDR. We either go to debt-free money, created as the economy needs it OR we drag along the bottom like Japan. There will never be enough international cooperation for the SDR to hold sway. Every State will be futilely trying to keep it's workers employed. The malaise will drive down the birth rate even lower,, witness Japan.
    The investor class who move around the free money to create interest-loads on everything that they touch just doesn't perceive that the banking system and the birth rate are in a giant collision with automation. They will always resist creating money as a public utility. Population growth decreases, wages decrease, discretionary spending decreases. But, the credit system tries to grow.
    "They" survive only by inflating the money supply. The resulting price inflation is starting to create BIG problems.
    A corporation has no perception of the travails of the common man. This can lead to a "let them eat cake" moment.


    • Sad humor

      Japan'''s Elderly Are Committing Crimes As a Way to '''Break Into Prison''' |

      Had It All....

      I talked to a to a homeless man this morning and asked him how he ended up this way.

      He said, "Up until last month, I still had it all. I had plenty to eat, my clothes were washed and pressed, I had a roof over my head, I had TV and Internet, and I went to the gym, the pool, and the library. I was working on my MBA on-line. I had no bills and no debt. I even had full medical coverage."

      I felt sorry for him, so I asked, "What happened? Drugs? Alcohol? Divorce?"

      "Oh no, nothing like that," he said. "I was paroled."


      • Armstrong on california and the European hand grenade

        " California is a complete black hole. The people do not even realize that government has been so corrupt, that every person in California owe $93,000 at the end of 2016 to cover state employee pensions."
        "They have been quietly supporting efforts in Congress to seize 401K pension plans and hand them to the States to manage." shrink
        "The Podesta emails that revealed the Democrats disliked Catholics and Evangelical Christians, seem to be on point about their attitude: Hillary’s staff said Catholics are “severely backwards”
        Is that why Christians are the most persecuted religion in the world?

        "Our models were showing California would move to secede back then and they too see to be on target."
        "California is on target for going BUST in 2021. It already has the HIGHEST taxes in the USA "
        "You have already enlightened us to the fact that they asked behind the curtain to overtake the 401ks of the rest of the country last year with 3 other states to support their failed state pension system."

        In Europe, "The banking system, clearing, and the implementation of bank-bail-in provisions place at risk the entire European banking system."
        "We will be issuing an Institutional Level report covering this extremely crazy and complex crisis that is about to unfold going into 2018. It is sufficient to say, whatever you may have thought could go wrong, is probably just the tip of the iceberg. This may be so catastrophic that the dollar could end up giving everyone more than just a nose bleed."

        "nose bleed" The strength of a currency is directly related to how badly the government is managed. Maduro went crazy with printing Bolivars and the value went down. The U.S. GOV spends about 24% of the GDP. In France, the GOV spends about 54% of the GDP.
        From a global point of view, the U.S. dollar is a good currency. Everybody is betting against German Bunds. Bunds are pretty much the foundation of the debt structure in Europe. Germany is the backstop for European credit. A crash in Bunds would bring a deep-freeze to the European credit AND clearing system. The U.S sovereign debt market is expected to crash at some point. If the Eurozone crashes badly enough, there will be capital flight to America.

        The inflows might rescue the u.S. bond market.
        China sends us almost a $ trillion a year from capital flight. China doesn't have the chance of a snowball in hell. Look at American debt compared to China.
        Click on private OR public OR total
        Keep in mind that China doesn't have the official unfunded liabilities that America has.

        "Nose bleed territory" is a reference to a VERY high price or valuation. Trump wants to devalue the dollar but, the rest of the world has other ideas.


        • Stock dumping

          I'm trying to report relevant financial news without demanding a LOT of reading. Sometimes, a lot of reading is necessary. I'll start with stocks.
          The bankers and CEOs are dumping stocks like there's no tomorrow.
          The One Chart That America's Corporate Elite Don't Want You To See | Zero Hedge
          The insiders are dumping everything. CNBC says that we have reached a permanently high plateau. Where have I heard that before?

          From Hussman Funds,
          "Historically-reliable valuation measures now approach those observed at the 2000 bubble peak. Yet even this comparison overlooks the fact that in 2000, the over-valuation featured a subset of very large-capitalization stocks that were breathtakingly overvalued, while most stocks were more reasonably valued (see Sizing Up the Bubble for details).

          In many ways, the current speculative episode is worse, because it has extended to virtually all risk-assets. To offer some idea of the precipice the market has reached, this chart shows the median price/revenue ratio of individual S&P 500 component stocks. This median now stands just over 2.45, easily the highest level in history. The longer-term norm for the S&P 500 price/revenue ratio is less than 1.0. Even a retreat to 1.3, which we’ve observed at many points even in recent cycles, would take the stock market to nearly half of present levels."
          1.3 would be "nice" but, these corrections tend to over-shoot.
          Major Inflection Point Coming -

          Dow companies report worst revenues since 2010, Dow rises to 20,000 (LOL?) – Wolf Street We don't need no stinking revenues.

          The transmission of ideas is so fast now that the reaction to the new information is blindingly fast. One day, there is talk. Next day, there is the reaction. If Bunds appear non-viable, it isn't 3 months wait to see the market fall.
          "2017 could be the year that the euro collapses according to Joseph Stiglitz writing in Fortune magazine and these concerns were echoed over the weekend by former Bundesbank vice-president and senior European Central Bank official, Jürgen Stark, when he said that the ‘destruction’ of the Eurozone may be necessary if countries are to thrive again."
          Think about the last part. The admission takes your breath away.
          Why 2017 Could See the Collapse of the Euro - GoldCore Gold Bullion Dealer

          Armstrong again,
          So, both the Eurozone and Californian are going to crash 1 year from now. Buy more popcorn.
          While it might sound like I don't have any sympathy for Californians, the truth is, I don't have any sympathy for Californians. During the tenure of the Govenator, Arnold Schwarzenegger, he put a measure on the ballot. The live within our means budget. It was SOUNDLY defeated.
          Stocks always lose money in the long run compared to gold.
          "4. 1-3 above will result in a deflationary implosion of the financial system. This will get rid of all debt and reduce the value of most assets by at least 90%."
          1/30 Deflation probability drops to 0% for next five years – Wolf Street Feces for brains.
          Last edited by Danny B; 01-31-2017, 03:25 PM. Reason: misteakes


          • Breaking the liquidity chain

            Investors will not pay a penny extra over generally accepted valuations.
            Traders will pay any price if they think a greater fool will buy from them.
            Central banks will pay any price for an asset regardless of valuations or fools.
            The CBs create the greatest distortions. The traders buy what the investors won't buy as long as the CB is pumping in liquidity. The traders front-run the CBs. As long as the CB is pumping in liquidity, the traders keep buying.

            Ron Paul didn't particularly approve of Trump in the beginning. He has slowly come around to support Trump as any rational person would who wanted to avoid WW III. In this vid, Paul talks about the FED cutting off liquidity to attack Trump.
            If the CB cuts off liquidity, the traders freeze in their tracks. The investors are not about to support bogus valuations so, they will retreat.

            "The Central Banks have been buying corporate stocks. The Federal Reserve has been buying stocks likely through companies like Citadel Capital. Max Keiser

            Never forget that Federal Reserve Vice-Chairman Stanley Fischer used to be the Governor of the Bank of Israel. He holds dual US-Israeli citizenship and was brought here in 2014 to oversee the demise of the US Dollar. Vidrebel

            Hint: Stanley Fisher used to be a professor of economics. He was a mentor to Ben Bernanke and Mario Draghi. That is all you need to know about him."

            1/30 U.S. consumer spending rises solidly; inflation firming – Yahoo!
            1/30 Americans spend more than they earn for 9th straight month – Zero Hedge

            1/30 Gold is world’s ultimate currency, former Indian central banker says – GATA Wrong again. It is a store of value.

            Derivatives were created to generate fees for the bankers. Labor stopped depositing their excess wealth in the banks because they no longer had any. The carbon energy business stopped depositing their excess wealth in the banks because they went negative on earnings. The banks didn't "earn" enough interest to keep going. The bloated banking industry is always looking for ways to glom onto our money and create interest charges and more fees.

            The banks are the biggest proponents of the cashless society trying to control all wealth. They are behind the big fiasco in India.
            A $500 bn pot of gold: How Boston Consulting and Google pushed Modi to end the era of cash

            This is a cross-post but, it is important to understand to get a more accurate picture. The Persuasion Filter and Immigration | Scott Adams' Blog


            • The curse of the technocrats,,, the skyscraper curse

              The powers that be of all stripes seem to be pretty stupid. They choose their objective and initiate either discord or legislation to bring it to fruition. They seem incapable on entertaining the possibility of unintended consequences. The cash ban in India is a perfect example. The new 2000 Rupee note is new to everybody so, the counterfeiters are turning them out in huge quantities. That idiot Modi believed that all the "black money" would just be left to rot since it couldn't be declared. They found ways to declare it anyway.

              The technocrats in the West believed that they could run the whole economy better than the sovereign states. A "command economy" has NEVER worked but, they thought they could do it.

              "We warned this would be the outcome of the EU project back in 1996 for its was designed knowing they wanted federalize Europe while denying that was their motive.

              We warned about the rise and fall of the Euro back in 2011. We warned that the Euro would fail and provided the Hamiltonian Model as the answer to save Europe. The Committee establishing the Euro attended our World Economic Conference in London. We have had direct contact, yet it has gone in one ear and out the other. It is easier to blame others than admit a huge mistake they made all by themselves. Meanwhile, European politicians are deranged"

              "The EU is doomed and their own refusal to address the autocratic anti-democratic policies have sealed their fate. It was the USA that encouraged the formation of the Euro in 1985 at the Plaza Accord – NOT the political surrender of sovereignty of all members to Brussels."
              "This is the problem. The EU is blaming everyone but itself for its failures. That means they are incapable of preventing the collapse since they are in total denial that there is a problem. "

              Trump wants a wall. Mexico doesn't want to pay for it. Maybe Canada will pay for it. Remember When Obama Made Canada Pay for a $2 BILLION Border Bridge? - Fox Nation

              The “Skyscraper Curse” seems to be playing out in China.
              "And just this week, another illustration of Keynesian perfection as China created, then destroyed 19 massive structures, to make room for an even bigger skyscraper. "
              \This Won't End Well - China Skyscraper Edition | Zero Hedge

              1/31 Is Italy’s banking problem becoming too big to solve? – CNBC The real question; Is Italy's financial corruption problem too big to solve?
              2/01 French race blown wide open as Le Pen, Macron wait in wings – Bloomberg French bond markets will get blown wide open.


              • The Vampire Squid,, crooked Italian bankers

                More on the Eurozone;
                "Even the creator of the Euro professor Otmar Issing has predicted that Brussels’ dream of a European superstate will finally be buried amongst the rubble of the crumbling single currency he designed accusing eurocrats and German leader Angela Merkel, of “betraying the principles of the euro and demonstrating scandalous incompetence over its management” – pointing a finger directly at Mario Draghi’s failing monetary policy."
                The crumbling is no accident. Draghi is just one of many assassins.
                Crisis of EU Banking, Break-Up of the European Union (EU)? ECB Head Mario Draghi | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

                2011 What price the new democracy? Goldman Sachs conquers Europe | The Independent
                2012 The Goldman Sachs Project to take over Europe nearly complete
                2017 26 Goldman Sachs Alumni Who Run the World (GS) | Investopedia
                “It was announced (Dec 21st) that the first part of an investigation concerning fraudulent bankruptcy charges (at Banca Etruria), in which 21 board members are implicated, had been closed. This strand of the investigation concerns €180 million of loans offered by the bank which were never paid back,"
                Yep, the best way to rob a bank is to own one.
                "The FT is suggesting that a full bail-in is on the cards. It is. truepublica reported back in September that banks throughout the EU would simply steal depositors money if any of them failed now that new bail-in rules had been implemented. And that is exactly what is happening."
                "This time the tactic to keep unity was to threaten every country in the EU by stating that leaving the Eurozone would cost dearly and would require any member country to settle its claims or debts with the bloc’s payments system before severing ties. There’s nothing to stop a desperate member country from leaving and simply defaulting."

                "Martin Armstrong himself says “Southern Europe, which are the weaker economies including Italy, Spain, and Greece, have accumulated huge liabilities to keep the euro afloat while Germany stands out as the biggest creditor with net claims of €754.1 billion euros. This alone may set off the massive capital flight to the dollar. "
                America has a currency union between the 50 States. It has been pretty stable because it wasn't as forced as the currency union in Europe.

                2/01 Fed leaves rates unchanged, sees improving sentiment – CNBC
                ,,, sees a giant yawning chasm,,
                2/01 European bonds post worst January on record amid political angst – Bloomberg Don't worry, this is just the start.
                China, corporate profits crashing, corporate debt growing. China is facing a catch-22 dilemma - Business Insider
                Chicago represents a microcosm of the pension system where contributions are falling way behind payouts.

                "How on earth had the world tacked on $57 trillion of incremental debt in the seven years after the eruption of the crisis we feared would end the world? Had we not learned our lesson?

                And yet, no crisis has erupted in the two years since the McKinsey report. Has the pendulum swung clear back to the debt doesn’t matter at all extreme? Chances are we’re about to find out."
                "The irony is that he greatest proponents of the debt-service-is-the-only-thing-that-matters argument come from within the Fed. This deceptive mantra is drilled into newbies at the Fed in true Jim Jones Kool-Aid fashion. Think of it as the mirror image of a sudden freezing of liquidity in the financial markets. Debt service is inconsequential so long as it doesn’t exist."

                The FED can talk about raising interest rates. But to actually do so would crater the entire bubble.
                Last edited by Danny B; 02-02-2017, 03:46 PM.


                • The implosion of Central Banks

                  The banks always loan out LOTS more money than they have. Sometimes this leads to bankruptcy when a deal goes bad. The private banks have always pushed for a central bank that could supply them with free money. The private banks are always scheming for means and excuses to justify and create a central bank.
                  "The 1907 panic eventually spread throughout the nation when many state and local banks and businesses entered bankruptcy. Primary causes of the run included a retraction of market liquidity by a number of New York City banks "
                  Yep, yank out liquidity and watch the businesses fall.

                  "The panic was triggered by the failed attempt in October 1907 to corner the market on stock of the United Copper Company. When this bid failed, banks that had lent money to the cornering scheme suffered runs that later spread to affiliated banks and trusts, leading a week later to the downfall of the Knickerbocker Trust Company—New York City's third-largest trust. "

                  "At the time, the United States did not have a central bank to inject liquidity back into the market."
                  "The following year, Senator Nelson W. Aldrich, father-in-law of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., established and chaired a commission to investigate the crisis and propose future solutions, leading to the creation of the Federal Reserve System.[4][5]"

                  Essentially, the central bank is there only to supply liquidity to speculators and the State (for wars). Money for actual productive endeavours was raised in the stock market. The 1907 panic was the motivation to create the FED.

                  Armstrong, "Today, we have extraordinary low rates of interest that have funded government socialism, but this policy has wiped out the real bond markets insofar as being a viable market long-term."
                  "The problem was inflation not deflation. The FOMC of the Fed argued strongly that the continuation of the peg would lead to excessive inflation. A real confrontation with the politicians was brewing all year and they were opposed by the Treasury who naturally wanted to keep borrowing at cheap rates.
                  Everything exploded by February 1951. Inflation had soared reaching 21%. "
                  "The conflict erupted in full view. The Fed revolted against the politicians. Shortly thereafter, the Fed informed the Treasury that as of February 19th, 1951, it would no longer “maintain the existing situation.”
                  " The likelihood that government debt becomes extinct will appear by 2023. "
                  "They cannot sell the debt they have bought and therefore, we are looking at a crisis when that debt has to roll. The European Central Bank holds more than 40% of the government debt for the whole of Europe. Once that matures, who will buy the new debt the next time around?

                  We are looking at a deflationary impact by default, which can wipe out the central banks. " "So when the bonds mature, will the government be able to repay those bonds by selling new ones? Who will be the buyer? This is the coming Sovereign Debt Crisis. "

                  Here is an article heavy on the BS.;
                  "Donald Trump administration has attacked normal monetary policy designed to maintain healthy inflation"
                  "The Group of 20 leading rich and developing economies has agreed largely to refrain from direct market interventions to guide national currencies weaker, "
                  "They" printed $ 145 trillion in the last several years but, they aren't going to do direct market intervention. They bought up everything that wasn't nailed down. Trump's latest enemy? Monetary policy- Nikkei Asian Review

                  All that wet-ink money that was given to speculators moved into every corner of the markets. It had to eventually drive up prices.
                  "Now let’s add the worst part… Price Paid (what manufacturers are having to pay for items) SOARED to 61.4.
                  So you’ve got growth collapsing… and prices soaring.
                  This. Is. Stagflation."

                  "This is a revolution the likes of which we have not seen since 1932 and the election of FDR. Hopefully it will be in the opposite direction of Roosevelt’s New Deal, which was an extension of the globalist take-over of our monetary system in 1913 along with imposition of a federal income tax. The Fed and the income tax are the two institutions that gave the left-side ideologies their ability to subvert the American Republic. In essence the Deep State had its origin in 1913 with enactment of the Federal Reserve, and passage of the 16th Amendment (income tax) and the 17th Amendment (direct election of senators)."

                  "Data from 99.8% of schools across the country has been manipulated to cover up growing problems with the $1.3 trillion in outstanding student loans. New calculations show that more than half of all borrowers from 1,000 different institutions have defaulted on or not paid back a single dollar of their loans over the last seven years."
                  "As an added bonus, outstanding student loans account for 45% of the government’s financial assets."
                  "The scariest part about this revelation is that almost 90% of outstanding private loans are co-signed by parents"

                  "One final note for consideration; since January 1, 2012, the S&P 500 has increased 75%, while earnings have increased 2%."

                  2/02 Depression, stagflation, stag-depress-flation – Deviant Investor
                  2/02 German current account surplus to hit record, world’s largest in 2016 – Reuters That's why they love the Euro.
                  2/02 As Brazil unemployment hits record high, Rio’s murder rate soars – Zero Hedge They're not alone.

                  "Saw a nice very short video of Mike Maloney saying in 2011 that Obama would have to double US debt between 2008 and 2016 just to keep the entire system from starting to collapse, "
                  "There’s the recovery as it’s been sold to you. It’s all been borrowed, to the last penny. Will Donald Trump double US debt once again? Will the EU countries do the same? How about Japan and China? And to think that federal debt isn’t even the worst threat, personal debt is, and so many of us carry so much of that, and try to pass off our mortgaged homes as assets, not debt. An increasingly desperate game on all fronts."


                  • NPLs and AI

                    "The European Central Bank holds more than 40% of the government debt for the whole of Europe."
                    Hundreds of bankers everywhere have been caught making bad loans for personal profit. When they fail, they expect to pass them up the line to the CBs. The CBs expect to load them on the taxpayer. The various Sovereign States have shuffled them to the originator of "free money". That way, everyone will pay for the crooked loans through the "inflation tax". Everyone got carried away and created too many bad loans to be absorbed by the system.

                    "Here are the NPL ratios of the banks of those ten countries (source: EBA’S Risk Dashboard, pp. 10 and 27):

                    Greece 47.1%
                    Cyprus 46.7%
                    Portugal 19.8%
                    Italy 16.4%
                    Slovenia 16.3%
                    Ireland 14.4%
                    Bulgaria 13.2% *
                    Hungary 12.8% *
                    Romania 10.7% *
                    Croatia 10.5% *
                    "And what is the EBA’s proposition to face this threat? Create a European “bad bank” that would gather all the bad loans, would try to upgrade them and resell them within three years."
                    "As we can see, the European institutions have no clue as to how to avoid this potential European banking crisis"

                    Artificial intelligence model for banking and loan decisions
                    Using an artificial intelligence system to evaluate business loans
                    Neuro-Based Artificial Intelligence Model for Loan Decisions
                    AI is transforming unsecured business lending - Fintech Business
                    Mastercard Activates Artificial Intelligence for Transaction Approval
                    Automated Mortgage Underwriting for faster, fairer, loan approvals

                    Sberbank, one of the largest, is using AI for loan decisions. It won't be long before loan officers are blocked from making obviously bad loans.


                    • Headlines;
                      Artificial intelligence model for banking and loan decisions
                      Using an artificial intelligence system to evaluate business loans
                      Neuro-Based Artificial Intelligence Model for Loan Decisions
                      AI is transforming unsecured business lending - Fintech Business
                      Mastercard Activates Artificial Intelligence for Transaction Approval
                      Automated Mortgage Underwriting for faster, fairer, loan approvals
                      We can expect all banking, accounting and management services to be completely automated in the near future. Sorry no jobs, jobs, jobs for you unless you want to be a coal miner or a fracker.
                      Last edited by Allcanadian; 02-03-2017, 07:16 PM.


                      • Job loss

                        I'll be happy to see lawyers and politicians replaced by AI. There is SO much stupidity floating around about jobs.
                        "The second bucket, (to be replaced) as researched by consulting groups like McKinsey & Co., are professions that require a literal human touch. Things like massage therapists or perhaps clergy." Your new preacher about God is going to be a robot.
                        These are the Jobs that Artificial Intelligence Will Eliminate First |
                        Machine intelligence is just TOO accurate for man to compete. Forbes Welcome

                        Financial decisions, medical diagnosis decisions,,, many other groups. Humans just aren't as efficient and don't have enough memory.


                        • Fungible instruments

                          Jim Rickards is a real smart guy. He is pushing the SDR in spite of being intelligent. BUT,
                          "For now, investors should not stand in front of a moving train. Keep cash ready and be prepared to move into gold, bonds and the euro."
                          Armstrong clearly said that the sovereign bond market will collapse when it can no longer be rolled over. Everyone and their dog knows that the Euro is a "dead man walking". Rickards tells you to give your cash to somebody,,, anybody.

                          "The Federal debt is at $20 trillion and has been growing at the rate of 9% per year for the last 40 odd years. " Yep, the CB is there strictly to levitate financial markets and finance wars.
                          Paper money is the MOST FUNGIBLE instrument that there is. The bond market may disappear but, cash will still be around.
                          The dollar is technically a debt note BUT, it is also a bearer-bond. It's value is in it's utility. We desperately need a universally accepted means of exchange. Bonds and gold just won't do. "Junk silver" is also good because it is universally recognized and it isn't worth counterfeiting. Just keep in mind that China sent us ENORMOUS quantities of "old" silver dollars that stick nicely to a magnet.

                          "Italy’s per-capita GDP has fared even worse than Greece, which was severely hit by the financial crisis."


                          • Rising interest rates and falling employment

                            The FED has a printing press but, No army. Trump is going to put Yellen up against the wall.
                            More cognitive dissonance, "Because it appears he (Trump)is going to cause an asset and stock market bubble " Got news for you, obummer and Yellen and Bernanke and Greenpsan already caused the bubbles.
                            Don't Blame Trump When the World Ends | Economic Prism

                            NIRP is dying and interest rates are rising,
                            Interest rates are rising everywhere but, Japan is still trying to drive them down. 2/04 BOJ to conduct special bond buying after yield surge on Trump remarks – Japan Times

                            "Obama doubled the federal debt during his tenure in the Oval. He pushed the total debt close to $20 Trillion – an 88% rise from when he first took the oath of office."
                            "Worse, on March 16, Congress will impose a new debt ceiling. The ceiling is expected to come in at $20.1 trillion. That leaves Donald Trump slammed up against the debt wall. There will be no more room to borrow, putting Trump’s ambitious plans at risk.
                            Stockman predicts a bloodbath."

                            "This report was shockingly bad. Employment growth was +129,000 on average from a year ago, +79,000 per month since March, and only +11,000 per month for the last three months.
                            Employment has stalled."
                            The PTB want stability and continuity. The science community is constantly creating things that upset stability and continuity.

                            Then, there is the wild card;
                            Last edited by Danny B; 02-06-2017, 03:26 AM. Reason: missing link,,, typo from copy-an-paste


                            • Stockman and the disaster duo

                              I'm still struggling to reduce the state of the economy to a few short sentences.
                              Post WW II, America had a lock on manufacturing. As Europe and Japan gradually rebuilt, we lost that lock. Business went down but, the banks kept growing. As our effective wages shrunk, due to foreign competition, the banks extended our credit terms.
                              JFK and LBJ instituted wars on Viet-Nam and poverty. The cost of these wars devalued the dollar and various States demanded to trade paper dollars for gold. By summer of 1971, gold was leaving the treasury at the rate of 100 tons a week. When the British demanded <3200> tons, Nixon closed the gold window.
                              As we lost our lock on exports, our balance of trade went to deficit. The finance industry that had previously been supportive and secondary to productivity, used the FED to conjure up enormous amounts of money to make up for the loss of national wealth. FED GOV had been set on a socialist path that got increasingly expensive. The productive sector became a beast of burden to support the finance sector. The State also needed increasing amounts of money to keep socialism from unravelling.

                              The endless demands for ever-more money resulted in ever-more printing. Hypothetically, we were borrowing from future generations. Population expansion didn't happen as planned. The southern border was left open to make up the difference. We started lots of wars to generate customers for lots of weapons.
                              The banks were just too numerous for the size of the domestic economy. There wasn't enough income. They over-leveraged their bets and brought repeated crashes. Through the miracle of regulatory capture, they bought a reprieve from the necessary downsizing. The disaster-duo of Banks and the State continued to print today and rob from the future. (hypothetically)

                              All this excess liquidity artificially pumped up markets. The excess liquidity was only possible because the last vestige of the gold standard was killed,, 1971. Nixon is blamed for this because he isn't around to defend himself. While the bankers are no saints, the usual criminal in currency inflation is the politician.
                              Stockman; "As shown in the chart below, since 1971 total public and private debt outstanding soared from $1.6 trillion to $64 trillion or by 40X. By contrast, nominal GDP expanded by only 16X."
                              Keep in mind that the debt is counted as a component of GDP.

                              "These debt numbers are elephantine in their own right, but the real surge began when Greenspan took office in August 1987. Shortly thereafter in response to the infamous 25% stock market crash of October 1987, the purported financial Maestro launched the nation’s central bank down the road of chronic easy money and massive monetary intrusion in the financial markets."
                              The markets could not be supported by legitimate business so, they were supported by printing. The printing press was enlisted to rescue the bankers from the loss of the lock on manufacturing.
                              "There was just $11 trillion of total credit market debt—–government, household, business and finance—–outstanding at the time Greenspan discovered the printing presses in the basement of the Eccles Building. That small mountain of debt has grown by a staggering $53 trillion during the years since then."

                              "For more than a century after U.S. industrialization really took-off during the 1870s, in fact, the ratio of total public and private debt to national income held steady at about 150%. And that was true with only slight variations during periods of boom and bust, as well as war and peace.

                              That modest amount of economy-wide leverage might well be considered the Golden Mean. During the century ending in 1970, the US standard of living rose 20-fold and the nation’s economy grew like nothing before it in the history of the planet."
                              "No longer. As shown in the chart below, the trend rate of real GDP growth has dropped by a stunning 70% since the national LBO gathered steam after 1980.

                              At the same time, the national leverage ratio went nearly parabolic during the years before the financial crisis and now stands at 350% of GDP."
                              "Those extra turns amount to a staggering $35 trillion more debt today than would have been the case if the Golden Mean of 150% of national income had not been abandoned after the 1970s."
                              David Stockman Warns "2008 Was Just Spring-Training For What Comes Next" | Zero Hedge
                              The disaster duo tried to get forced growth from borrowing more and more from the future. The crashes get worse each time. If interest rates come off zero, lots of entities will go bankrupt. If interest rates stay at zero, lots of entities will go bankrupt.


                              • Pumping liquidity to keep the parasites rich

                                America had about a century of prosperity after 1870. But, it was mostly limited to the lower loop. In 1913, America became cursed with a central bank. 16 years later, the CB had crashed the system,,, 1929.
                                The CB managed to finally tear itself away from the discipline of gold in 1971. 16 years later, the system crashed,,, 1987. The prosperity of the post-war years was short-lived. It was eviscerated by the creation of the welfare-warfare State.
                                Greenspan started pumping after the 1987 crash to rescue the the huge body of speculators that the CB itself had created. The finance industry was just too big for the actual wealth production system.
                                March of 2000, the dot-com bubble burst. 13 years later. The FED kept pumping to keep the speculator class going even though the productive class was losing ground.
                                In early 2008, the housing bubble started to deflate.,, only 7 years later.

                                Each sequential crash is closer and bigger. Wages and employment in the middle class keep dropping. The speculator class needs ever-more liquidity pumped in. We have reached a point to where there is a NEGATIVE return on new debt.
                                "It’s déjà vu. Home prices in major cities are at the same levels (or even higher) than prior to the 2008 Financial Crisis."
                                Forbes Welcome

                                All of this is done to keep the bankers and speculator class from having to do any actual productive work. Truth be told; our automated lower loop has no use for them anyway.
                                Andrew Jackson railed against the private Central banks. Martin Armstrong rails against Andrew Jackson. This is Armstrong's failing. He just doesn't understand that human nature will ALWAYS break the bonds of regulation. It doesn't matter at which level banks are regulated. It could be local ordinances or it could be an all-powerful Central Bank. The bankers will always negate regulation by the State.
                                If they aren't regulated by the discipline of gold, they are not regulated.

