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Economic pressures

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  • Ahead of the Herd

    Here are 2 articles that answer a lot of questions. Keep in mind that GDP is just a measure of how much "money" is in the economy. Here is a chart of debt-to-GDP
    Remember that any measure of GDP INCLUDES debt. If you subtract the debt from the GDP number, I suppose that you will be left with actual productivity. Everything else would just be debt.
    "Global debt had risen more than $11 trillion in the first nine months of 2016 to more than $217 trillion with general government debt accounting for almost half of the increase. " The State is broke.

    "US$3.9 trillion worth of global private debt (the combination of business debt and household debt) was issued in 2016, a record high. " You and I are broke.
    "For the full year 2016, total U.S. household debt rose by $460 billion to $12.58 trillion,"
    "Up to 85 per cent of borrowing is being used to finance existing corporate assets, real estate or unsecured personal finance. Borrowers are more often than not financing pre-existing assets"

    "Runaway private debt growth brought the 2008 crisis in the United States, the 1991 crisis in Japan, and the 1997 crisis across Asia, to name just three.”

    “Foreign Minister Mevlüt Cavusoglu, on March 16, commented on the general elections in the Netherlands and the election victory of Prime Minister Mark Rutte’s liberal VVD party, warning that Europe will soon be the site of religious wars.” Turkish FM Warns “Religious Wars” Will Soon Start in Europe
    Here is an older but excellent, and still very much relevant, read from the New York Times ‘This Is a Religious War."
    Ahead of The Herd - Why Now Precious Metals?

    "Can this go on forever? That’s a question I get asked all the time.
    Many seem to think so. The same attitude prevailed in 1929, 2000, 2007, and 2017. That’s 3 bubbles in 17 years. Each bubble is of bigger amplitude."
    "Can central banks prevent crashes or declines forever? History says no. Does QE make things any different? Why? Is the Fed going to own everything?"


    • Asset bubbles beget debt bubbles

      Finance has grown from 5% of the economy to 40% of the economy. How did it do that. If finance grew, what shrank? The credit airplane constantly needs growth to pay the principle & interest on previous credit. The Glass -Stegal act limited the ability of investment banks to access the funds of savers. BUT, credit HAD to grow.
      "There have been numerous eruptions of irrational exuberance since Alan Greenspan launched the modern era of monetary central planning in response to the 25% crash of the stock market in October 1987. "
      Free money from the maestro revived the markets. BUT, it was temporary because it was monetary growth without commensurate growth in underlying GDP,,, actual wealth creation.

      "enacted November 12, 1999) is an act of the 106th United States Congress (1999–2001). It repealed part of the Glass–Steagall Act of 1933, removing barriers in the market among banking companies, securities companies and insurance companies that prohibited any one institution from acting as any combination of an investment bank, a commercial bank, and an insurance company. "

      Glass-Steagal was kicked over to let everybody access your savings and gamble with them. By March of 2000, the dotcom bubble began to blow,,, caused by too much speculation. Each time that debt-service threatens to bring down the system, more liquidity is squeezed out of some new place.
      The 2008 crash was just one more example of a credit bubble pumped in by liar-loans and Freddie & Fannie & HUD, et al.

      As each sequential asset bubble gets bigger, it creates a correspondingly bigger debt-service cost. ZIRP may relieve some of the debt service burden BUT, it wipes out all interest-income that could have been applied to debt-service.

      "But the Fed (and its convoy of central bank imitators around the world) is finally out of dry powder. If it resumes quantitative easing (QE) preemptively to thwart the now incipient recession, it will generate a panicked sell-off — stoking fears in the casino that it “knows” something the gamblers don’t."
      Presumable, "the casino" is the big banks and hedge funds. The FED can't openly resume QE so, it does it by way of the back door. (BLICs)
      "In short, after having impaled itself on the zero bound and hideously bloating its balance sheet — from $900 billion to $4.4 trillion since the Lehman event in September 2008 — the Fed has no capacity whatsoever to forestall the oncoming recession or reflate the economy and financial markets once it begins."

      "Since the Greenspan era of Bubble Finance began in October 1987, the value of corporate equities owned by households has soared from $1.8 trillion to nearly$15 trillion, representing a 7.5%annual gain.

      That means that equity values have increased 65% faster than the 4.5% annual gain in GDP during the same 29-year period."
      "Instead, it will actually produce a political conflagration and Fiscal Bloodbath like the Imperial City has never before witnessed."
      "Namely, it will become obvious there is no known combination of Congressional votes — Republican, Democratic or mixed — that the Trump White House will be able to marshal on behalf of deep corporate and personal tax cuts, a major defense spending increase, a huge infrastructure program, more money for veterans, border control, the Mexican Wall, domestic law enforcement and homeland security — while given a free pass to the giant retirement entitlement programs, social security and medicare at $1.6 trillion per year."

      "In short, the greatest Sucker’s Rally in history is now nearly over. And the Wall Street casino is about to feel the full brunt of the Great Disrupter "

      "Central banks have become bubble machines, and that is the only function they have left. You could perhaps get away with saying that the dot-com bubble, maybe even the US housing bubble, were not created by central banks, but you can’t do that for the everything bubble of today.

      The central banks blow their bubbles in order to allow banks and other financial institutions to first of all not crumble, and second of all even make sizeable profits."
      "he Fed is more than anything a bunch of academics, seduced exclusively by textbook theories that are shaky at best, to transfer wealth to the most sociopathic and hence seductive financial predators, at everyone else’s expense."
      This graph shows margin debt. https://3r8md7174doo44lgpk3kou79-wpe...nceVsSAndP.jpg
      The unwinding will bring great deflation.


      • So, who dun it?

        Credit must grow. The finance sector must grow. Every time it ran into limitations, it used regulatory capture to remove those limitations. The finance sector used the State to facilitate it's cannibalization of the productive sector. This wasn't too difficult because the state is the biggest single borrower. All through history, we see examples of sovereign States printing debt-free money needed for the economy to operate.
        Sequentially, we see a central bank come in and usurp the power of the State to create the money needed by the economy. The finance sector can not grow without limit if money is only created to facilitate JUST the productive sector of the economy.

        A central Bank MUST be created to "stabilize" the economy. It's always the same old story with the same old results. Wealth transfer to the bankers impoverishes the majority and, eventually, the credit system stalls out.

        The bankers get together and press for a central bank that is to be the "overlord" of the system. NATURALLY, this CB must be independent. We can't have it creating any kind of debt-free money, nor, injecting money into the lower loop.
        The State goes along with this because the banks use part of their predations to buy GOV bonds.
        The time has come that a collapse is looming. The State is / was willing to remove all legal obstacles to the predations of the banks but, the lack of money has stalled the production / consumption cycle. The CB is printing like mad but, printing more DEBT money makes things worse with the increased interest burden.
        ZIRP was a desperate measure because it destroyed interest-income. ZIRP brought interest-free money to the very top of the financial chain so that they could earn spread. The banks could earn spread on loans but, everybody else that depended on interest-income was screwed. Everything possible was done by the banks FOR the banks. No matter if every pension, hedge and insurance fund went broke.
        Greenspan initiated the rescue of the banks in '87. We have been in rescue mode ever since. The ACTUAL economy has been in destruct mode ever since. The State was heavily involved in this because the State is such a huge borrower.
        On the cusp of the crash, the finger-pointing has begun.
        Stanley Fischer, We Will Never Forget Who Created This Nightmare - The Daily Coin


        • $1/4 trillion a month to hold back deflation,,, farm woes

          My long, detailed post got evaporated. I'll re-do the short version. The FED openly admits that it is buying up assets by the $trillions. Stocks, corporate bonds and treasury debt.
          "The NY FED has moved part of its market group operations to the same place that Citadel (one of the key ‘proxy' suspects in this story) and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) just magically happen to have their operations. For those of you unfamiliar with the CME, that’s the place one uses massive leverage to participate in (or move) markets. Futures, options and other derivative products which are the perfect vehicles for telegraphing loaded messages to all the robot computers that watch the CME feeds like hungry hawks."
          The CME deals in tangibles AND derivatives.

          "A tumble from these heights would destroy jobs by the millions, wipe out trillions of (phony) wealth, and invite great populist angst opening up the possibility of truly horrible leaders to emerge. As I’ve quipped to some people, if you don’t like Trump you are going to positively *hate* whoever comes next if the current wealth gap persists (or worsens). But make no mistake: it will be the ordinary people who will be forced to eat the losses when all this blows up.

          So we should care. As well as remain very alert to what the Federal Reserve and other central banks are doing. Because if they fail, it’s our wealth, our jobs -- and possibly even our lives -- on the line."

          The FED buys every dip in every market. The money pumped in causes price inflation. The consumption cycle is further diminished and the CB must buy bigger and bigger dips.

          "If you were wondering why these markets are having such a difficult time going down, $250 billion a month goes a long way towards helping you appreciate why that’s the case.

          It’s an astonishing number, and I want you to appreciate the fact that central banks would not be dumping record amounts of thin-air money into the “markets”
          Evidently, $250 billion every month is what is needed to hold back deflation.

          "A strong case can be made that Q1 2017 experienced the most egregious monetary stimulus yet. No financial or economic crisis – and none for years now." Yep, the FED tries to pump money into the balloon at just the right rate to keep the bubble from deflating.
          Credit Bubble Bulletin : Weekly Commentary: Liquidity Supernova and the Big Ugly Flaw

          Keep in mind that the FED can't actually be seen to be pumping in money. The PPT, ESF and BLICs are supplying all the liquidity. Not to mention capital flight from the PBOC, BOJ, ECB et al, that flow cross-border.

          The more that China tries to rescue / stimulate it's economy, the more money it has to print. Increasing money printing causes more capital flight. Are they going down the drain OR up in smoke?
          China?s Credit Excess Is Unlike Anything The World Has Ever Seen | Zero Hedge

          The FED is speculating in commodities. They have financialized the food industry to where the farmers get nothing and the speculator gets all the profit.
          The Tragedy Of The American Farmer, Revealed In A Craiglist "For Sale" Post | Zero Hedge
          Here is an interesting article predicting that large farm operators will go bust.
          "These large operations, highly mechanized and highly efficient in technical terms, are the ones most at financial risk right now."

          The FED and bankers can make lots of money speculating in food commodities but, they run the risk of crashing the food supply. They financialized the Food industry like they did with the health industry. Now, nobody can afford health care.
          The speculators poured money into farmland until demand faltered. They speculated on crop futures until falling consumption and falling exports made it no longer profitable. They pulled out and the farmer was left with a deflating market.
          The State is asleep at the wheel.
          Last edited by Danny B; 04-24-2017, 02:55 AM. Reason: fat finger


          • The siren call from your broker, GET RICH

            Post WW II, America had a lock on manufacturing. By about 1970, the R.O.W. had rebuilt and the boom was waning. The warfare-welfare stimulus was just too costly and the link with gold was broken. This gave the rentier class free rein to expand the money supply. The CB sequentially increased the money supply to effect a wealth transfer to the rentier class. The rentier class found it necessary to cannibalize more and more of the productive sector.
            50% of the cost of everything that you buy is for finance. The State takes about 30% depending on your income level.

            This is labor's share of the GDP,
            As our aggregate purchasing power fell, the rentier class had to look farther and farther to find a return on investment. They blew bubbles in stocks, land real estate, collectables and many other things. After they wrecked a sector, they pulled out their money and moved on.

            Many of the people in the rentier class appear to be moderately stupid. Armstrong has said that the herd is always wrong. Wall Street banks depend on them being wrong. Just imagine sheep being led to the slaughter, WEARING BLINDERS.

            "The last phase of any bubble is almost invariably the euphoric shopping spree of an irrational public that buys stocks, real estate, etc. at record highs, foolishly believing that prices will keep rising indefinitely."
            "A few days ago Charles Schwab, the investment brokerage firm, announced that the number of new brokerage accounts soared 44% during the first quarter of 2017.

            More specifically, Schwab stated that individual investors are opening up stock trading accounts at the fastest pace the company has seen in 17 years."

            "After years of unbelievable gains in the 1990s, the NASDAQ Composite index peaked at 5,132.52 on March 10, 2000.

            Simultaneously, during the first quarter of 2000, investors were rushing to open new brokerage accounts invest their savings in the stock market.

            The NASDAQ Composite subsequently fell nearly 80% over the next 2 ½ years, wiping out trillions of dollars of wealth from retail investors."
            "At 26.44, the S&P 500’s Price/Earnings ratio is the highest EVER, except for two occasions: the 2008 crash, and the 2000 crash."
            I'm sure that this is just a coincidence.

            " “Shiller P/E ratio”, which looks at company valuations over a longer-term, 10-year period and adjusts for inflation, is at the highest level EVER, except for two occasions: the 2000 crash, and the 1929 crash."
            "According to Yale University’s Stock Market Confidence Index, for example, over 90% of individual investors believe that the stock market will rise in the next 12 months."

            The herd is looking straight at the blinding light from the liquidity supernova. They have money in-hand waiting for the riches to pour into their accounts. The late arrivers always get fleeced but, these idiots are ignoring all the numerous warnings from banks, et al.
            NOW is the time that the Wall Street banks have been waiting for. When the flood of new money slows to a trickle, the markets will blow.


            • When the stock market crashes,,, Granny gets the axe

              So, free FED money juiced the markets but, NOT earnings. The peak of the parabola. The muppets figure that it is the base of an ever-climbing market. They are piling in to get a piece of the action.
              These are retail investors who are just chum for the big banks. But, the State tries to maintain confidence. No matter, the markets will do this;
              The pundits SCREAM for the FED to rescue markets, Debt today is the same as 10 years ago, when Jim Cramer had his CNBC meltdown - Business Insider

              As the retail gamblers (muppets) get slaughtered, the middle class shrinks ever-more.
              Visualizing The Collapse Of The Middle Class In 20 Major U.S. Cities | Zero Hedge
              As the middle class shrinks, fewer and fewer people have money for retirement.
              "The total stock market cap of the U.S. market is $27.35 trillion. You would think with that amount, there would be plenty of prepared individuals. The challenge is that most of this money is aggregated at the top 5 to 10 percent of the population."
              "You need to reconcile this with the reality that the median family of retirement age has $12,000. The typical 35 year old has a net worth of zero and is too broke to even afford a home"
              "The average amount saved by families of retirement age is $100,000 but this is skewed by those at the higher end (i.e., millionaires and billionaires). So this doesn’t necessarily show how the typical family is doing. The median is a much better measure of how the typical family is doing. And in that situation, they are not doing all that well. Those 55 to 64 have $12,000 to their name in most cases."

              " Half of elderly Americans would be out on the streets begging for food if it weren’t for Social Security. And given how badly people have saved for retirement, there will be a heavier reliance on this system that is already having a tough time."
              "6. Lining up at Midnight at Wal-Mart to buy Food is part of the new Recovery."
              The epic retirement crisis for older Americans: The median family of retirement age has $12,000 in savings.
              So, what happens when that $27.35 trillion gets cut in half? What happens to the old farts when all the pension funds go broke? What happens when 100,000 old farts in wheelchairs go to the national mall to demonstrate?
              Even the S&P 500 companies haven't funded their pensions adequately.
              People based their retirement plans on the OLD economy that was booming decades ago.
              Decades of wealth transfer from monetary inflation combined with massive loss of jobs have cut the velocity of money to almost nothing. The coming stock crash will push many pension funds over the edge. Laws have been changed so that they can now cut benefits. The old farts are going to get it the worst because they have no value to the economy,,, only to their families.


              • "Radical Marijuana" comment

                There are people who understand the economy better than I do. I found a comment at Zero Hedge that fits in this category. I can't excerpt it because it would lose too much meaning. The writer explains that we have gone from metal money backed by swords to Paper money backed by gunpowder to electronic money backed by atomic weapons.
                Here is the whole comment,

                "Radical Marijuana Kotzbomber747 Apr 24, 2017 6:00 PM

                Figuring out that money is measurement backed by murder does not change that.

                That show goes on for the same reasons as why it originally started, namely that the biggest and best organized gangsters have no capable opposition, but rather, the only publicly significant groups are controlled "opposition," which stay within the same frame of reference.

                A few people figure out how the MAD Money As Debt systems actually work ...

                Anyone who wants to could learn by watching the available abundance of free

                Excellent Videos on Money Systems.

                However, when doing so, the more that one learns, then the worse it gets!

                The vicious spirals of the funding of the political processes make it politically impossible to pull out of the ways that public governments enforcing frauds by private banks are becoming exponentially more fraudulent. Overall, more than 99% of the public do not significantly participate in the funding of political activities, and do not want to begin to do so. Rather, less that 1% pretty well pay for all the political activities. Especially in the USA, a tiny, tiny minority overwhelmingly dominate the funding of political activities. NOBODY WHO CANNOT CREATE "MONEY" OUT OF NOTHING COULD COMPETE WITH THOSE WHO CAN.

                It is barely possible to exaggerate the "scaremongering" which would be appropriate to regard the ways in which the entrenched enforced frauds are becoming exponentially more fraudulent. "Money" made out of nothing as debts is being used to "pay" for strip-mining the natural resources of a fresh planet at an exponential rate. Lending that abstract "wealth" into existence is actually based upon turning natural resources into garbage and pollution as fast as possible.

                Those fundamentally fraudulent financial accounting systems operate by being able to back up legalized lies with legalized violence, despite that doing so never stops those lies from still being false. The results are that Globalized Neolithic Civilization is manifesting runaway criminal insanities, due to the excessive successfulness of applying the methods of organized crime through the political processes. Hence, the ways that public governments enforce frauds by private banks, regardless of the longer term consequences from doing so, because, in each short to medium term increment, backing up lies with violence continues to be the most socially successful strategy. Since the political economy is based upon being able to enforce frauds, its systems are operated by the best available professional hypocrites, despite that the resulting about exponential increase in overall fraudulence means that those professional hypocrites who are making "money" within those MAD Money As Debt systems, are becoming ever increasingly psychotic psychopaths.

                Of course, that kind of runaway criminal insanity does not change, because those trends in the ruling classes are matched by the ways that those they rule over become increasingly impotent political idiots. That is especially the case because there are no publicly significant genuine opposition groups, but rather, only a range of controlled "opposition" groups, who continue to stay within the same frame of reference.

                The parable of the boy who cried "wolf" ends with the wolf actually coming. However, such social stories are an expression of the degree to which "we" are living in Wonderland Matrix Bizarro Worlds, where everything is publicly presented in the most absurdly backward ways possible, since the biggest and best organized gangsters are publicly able to get away with presenting themselves as NOT being so, but rather, than only smaller and less well-organized groups are gangsters.

                In nature, wolves do not kill each other, while doves do. The dominate social stories are mostly inverted and perverted. The various controlled "opposition" groups tend to recommend that everyone should be better sheep, while the only realistic resolutions of the real problems would require everyone becoming better wolves. While everything that Civilization actually does is actually based on being able to back up legalized lies with legalized violence, the resulting behaviors are rationalized and justified with bull**** which does not admit that. Therefore, everything gets done in the most convoluted and oblique ways possible, whereby huge lies are routinely presented AS IF those were not Huge Lies, especially by how the public money supplies are created out of nothing by private banks, which is only possible because those frauds are enforced by governments within an overall situation where those facts are as deliberately ignored and misunderstood as much as possible.

                The best organized gangsters, the banksters, made and maintained the MAD Money As Debt systems through persistent and prolonged applications of the principles and methods of organized crime through the political processes, such as through bribery, intimidation, as well as occasional assassinations of those who otherwise could not be bribed or intimidated. The content published on Zero Hedge tends to present superficially correct analyses of that, followed by bogus "solutions" which are similarly too superficial. The overall realities based on natural laws, which create natural selection pressures, have resulted in social "realities" which are deceitful and treacherous as possible, and which are becoming ever more so. The resulting social situation is becoming more and more surreal, since social "realities" have developed the most absurdly backward ways of perceiving natural realities. Hence, while Civilization necessarily operates according to the principles and methods of organized crime, because Civilization must necessarily have some death control systems, with murder systems as the most extreme forms of that, that drives the sets of consistent contradictions that the biggest and best organized gangsters, i.e., bankster dominated governments, have well-developed, bull****-based, languages, which enable the systems which actually operate through enforced frauds to be operated by professional hypocrites, who have perfected ways to discuss those central social facts in the most absurdly backward ways possible, and yet, for the social successfulness of those symbolic robberies to manifest through vicious feedback loops which enable those who succeeded at doing so to continue to do so.


                • had to break it up

                  Meanwhile, the established debt slavery systems are driving the development of debt insanities. Since the debt controls were always backed by the death controls, that means those entrenched debt slavery systems are driving towards provoking death insanities. Of course, all of that is publicly presented in the most absurdly backward ways possible, as the paradoxes continue to intensify the ways that not only does Civilization necessarily operate according to the methods of organized crime, but also, by doing so that Civilization becomes as dishonest about itself as possible. Therefore, the combined money/murder systems automatically become exponentially more fraudulent, and thus, exponentially more psychotic. However, as that happens, the best available professional hypocrites continue to operate those systems, while the vast majority of other people tend to only notice the accumulating apparent anomalies which follow from systems based on being able to enforce frauds, enabled by about exponentially advancing technologies to become about exponentially more fraudulent.

                  Given that Globalized Neolithic Civilization has become based on globalized electronic monkey money frauds, backed by the threat of force from apes with atomic bombs, it is no longer possible to say anything which achieves sufficient "scaremongering," because there is nobody who can completely comprehend or fully imagine what that means. The ratios of physical economy to financial frauds have gone beyond 1 to 100, while those are automatically headed towards becoming 1 to 1,000. The previous systems of metal money, backed by swords, became paper money, backed by gunpowder weapons, and then, have recently and rapidly become electronic money, backed by atomic weapons.

                  That MAD Money As Debt, backed by MAD Mutual Assured Destruction, has become far MADDER than anyone could possibly understand, and certainly is not understood, nor wanted to be understood, by the vast majority of people. As long as it is still possible to strip-mine the natural resources of a fresh planet using the technologies provided by the series of industrial revolutions, then Globalized Neolithic Civilization will continue to do so ... Indeed, both the physical steam engines, and the social debt engines, were invented at about the same time and place in human history, after which those spread out and conquered the whole world, through their abilities to back up bigger lies with more violence.

                  At the present time, those trends in human history have become runaway electronic frauds, which are orders of magnitude greater than anything which previously existed in human history. Indeed, financial frauds have been effectively automated, while everything that flows from that kind of legalized counterfeiting continues to be backed up by the armed forces which are paid with those public "money" supplies. The more one learns about that collective MADNESS, the worse it gets, because the more that one has to think about the longer term consequences, which will be diametrically different to the series of short to medium term consequences. For now, as well as for the foreseeable finite future of Globalized Neolithic Civilization, public governments enforcing frauds by private banks will continue to be socially successful symbolic robberies, which will drive the vicious spirals of the funding of the politically processes to get worse, faster, at about an exponential rate ... while it will therefore continue to be politically impossible to either effectively prevent or sufficiently prepare for that happening.


                  • Three

                    The point is in today’s fiat money financial system,

                    where debt is money and money is debt,

                    the house always wins."

                    While that is correct from the perspective of foreseeable short to medium term futures, the longer term consequences are that EVERYONE LOSES, including the house loses. Inside that overall context, most of the content published on Zero Hedge revolves around assertions that the exponentially increasing fraudulence can not continue forever ... But nevertheless, that can continue for as long as it is still possible to strip-mine the natural resources of the planet at an exponentially increasing rate.

                    Globalized Neolithic Civilization is just beginning to run into the manifestations of diminishing returns due to the limits to growth of exponentially increasing strip-mining of the planet, as "paid" for with "money" made out of nothing as debts. Of course, all of that was made and maintained by being able to enforce frauds, in each short to medium term increment, regardless of the longer term consequences. Indeed, those who best adapt to living inside those systems where "debt is money and money is debt" appear to always win. However, they are actually preparing to commit collective suicide.

                    Although the laws of nature are never going to stop working, and so, nothing which depends upon the laws of nature is going to stop working, those laws of nature have driven Civilization to develop to become as dishonest about itself as it could possibly become. Moreover, that Civilization is obviously becoming exponentially more dishonest every day that frauds continue to be able to be enforced. Civilization is collectively behaving in ways which are based upon exponentially increasing psychoses, which are the expression of exponentially increasing enforced frauds.

                    Political economy was always INSIDE human ecology.

                    Debt controls were always INSIDE the death controls.

                    The runaway debt slavery systems driving the development of debt insanities are simultaneously driving towards death insanities. Meanwhile, almost nobody is able and willing to admit and address the deeper reasons for how and why money is measurement backed by murder. Both the central core of triumphant organized crime, namely banker dominated governments, as well as their surrounding layers of controlled "opposition" groups, deliberately ignore and misunderstand themselves as much as humanly possible, due to thousand of years built on the basis of being able to enforce frauds, resulting in the most socially successful people becoming the best available professional liars and immaculate hypocrites.


                    "In Today's Fiat Money Financial System, 'The House' Always Wins"

                    E-V-E-N-T-U-A-L-L-Y EVERYONE LOSES.

                    Those P-R-O-C-E-S-S-E-S are accelerating at about an exponential rate. Therefore, those crying "wolf" with respect to future financial crises are not sufficiently "scaremongering," because there are no longer any individuals who are able to sufficiently understand electronic frauds, backed by the force of weapons of mass destruction, in order to be able to be afraid of that in any reasonable ways, given the globalized scale upon which that "the show goes on," by more and more "money" made out of nothing, that "pays" to turn natural resources into garbage and pollution as fast as possible, in the most unsustainable ways possible.

                    Human beings and Civilization are manifestations of general energy systems. They live as toroidal vortices engaged in entropic pumping of environmental energy flows. However, that Civilization has therefore developed to become as dishonest as possible regarding itself doing that. Basic principles of energy systems, such as that they flow along their paths of least resistance, and are controlled by the most labile components, in human terms mean that Civilization flows along the path of least morality, since it is controlled by the people who are best able to enforce frauds, which has the necessary corollaries that they do not admit and address that, but rather, almost totally get away with being as dishonest about that as is humanly possible, including that they are able to surround themselves by various kinds of controlled "opposition" groups which stay within the same dishonesty.

                    While some of those controlled "opposition" groups may well cry "wolf" or be variously scaremongering, Civilization as a whole continues to become more and more criminally insane overall, at about an exponential rate. Therefore, the established debt slavery systems are headed towards PEAK INSANITIES. That is especially the case because of the degree to which almost nobody is able and willing to better understand themselves as actually being energy systems. Rather, almost everyone has adapted to living inside systems based upon enforced frauds, whereby "money" is made out of nothing as debts, and so, can return to nothing when those debts disappear. The social successfulness of those debt slavery systems, as symbolic robberies, require that the vast majority of people deliberately ignore the principle of the conservation of energy, as well as misunderstand the concept of entropy, in the most absurdly backward ways which are humanly possible.

                    Although it is theoretically possible that human beings could better understand themselves, everything that the established political economy is based upon, namely being able to enforce frauds, demands that they do not understand themselves any better, but rather, continue to feel like they do not want to understand, despite that the society they are living in is thereby becoming exponentially more fraudulent. For thousands of years, the biggest bullies' bull**** has dominated civilizations. For several Centuries, the banksters' bull**** has dominated Globalized Neolithic Civilization. Thus, the vicious spirals of the funding of the political processes resulting in enforced frauds were able to become exponentially more fraudulent, while the professional hypocrites who are best adapted to living inside those entrenched systems are doing everything they can to make sure "the show goes on ..."

                    Every day, more "money" is made out of nothing as debts, in order to "pay" for strip-mining the planet. It is politically impossible for sociopolitical systems based upon being able to enforce frauds to admit and address the longer term consequences which follow from doing that, because of the ways that the previous social successfulness of those symbolic robberies required that everybody who benefited most would NOT publicly admit and address what they were really doing, but rather, only speak about that in the most absurdly backward ways possible.

                    The existing monetary and taxation systems can be metaphorically compared to a terminal cancer, which can not be treated without simultaneously killing the patient, or like a parasite which is so totally intertwined with its host that there could be no cure which would kill the parasite without simultaneously killing the host. Globalized Neolithic Civilization was always based on corruption becoming crazier and crazier, at about an exponential rate, as enabled by about exponentially advancing physical science and technology. The overall results are a society which is too terminally sick and insane to be able to recover from how serious that has become. Indeed, it is NOT possible to exaggerate any "scaremongering" with respect to runaway electronic frauds, backed by the threat of force from weapons of mass destruction, since there was never anything in previous human history to even remotely get close to how criminally insane that Civilization has more recently and rapidly become.

                    Although one may still derive some philosophical consolidations from contemplating that the laws of nature do not stop working, some of the facets of that include the ways in which Globalized Neolithic Civilization is manifesting runaway criminal insanities, since the already established debt slavery systems have structures which inherently and automatically drive runaway debt insanities situations to develop. When one has some fatal terminal disease, the laws of nature do not stop working when one dies from that disease. Rather, the laws of nature continue to work through the decline and fall of Civilization.

                    At the present time, and for the foreseeable future, it is impossible for any individual to completely comprehend how they are now living inside systems where there are electronic frauds, backed by the threat of atomic weapons. Of course, the majority of people never understood the previous systems of metal money, backed by swords, or paper money, backed by gunpowder weapons, and so, the majority of people certainly do not understand the emergence of electronic frauds, backed by the force of atomic weapons. Indeed, on Zero Hedge the standard fare is mostly still based on various old-fashioned religions or ideologies, which developed back in the days when there were only metal money, backed by swords, or paper money, backed by gunpowder weapons. Hence, most of the material published on Zero Hedge continues to be superficially correct analyses, followed by similarly superficial "solutions," which grossly understate the seriousness of monkeys and apes with technologies that are trillions of times more capable and powerful than any previous generations of those monkeys and apes ever had.

                    The resulting tragic trajectory is that the exponentially increasing strip-mining of the planet will not adapt to the limits to growth in any but the worst possible ways. The appearance of diminishing returns will continue to be deliberately ignored and/or misunderstood, as much as possible, to make sure "the show goes on," despite that 'the house' is thereby setting up the situation to burn itself down ...
                    The same writer has a collection of good vids, Marijuana Party ? Parti Marijuana | Excellent Videos on Money Systems


                    • Comment + Brilliant Light Power SunCell

                      Another comment from the same page,,, thankfully brief;
                      " AE911Truth Apr 24, 2017 10:47 AM

                      The theft is much worse than you think. Most people by now are familiar with the effect of inflation on the value of our labor. For example, during the 1970s we would work hard to earn a 6% merit increase only to have the effects of inflation steal this increase in the value of our labor. Who benefited? The issuer (by Seigniorage) and first recipients of the newly issued currency.

                      Many people are somewhat familiar with the suppression of cheap energy (although many are not) and that this overpriced energy (in terms of our labor) is embedded in the cost of everything we buy from food to housing to transportation.

                      But few people grasp the magnitude of the theft that the combination of both of these distortions enable. If you think this through you may conclude that the overall impact of these two effects combined is the product (not the sum) of the individual effects.
                      Now, for some numbers. The Dollar was valued at 1/28.8 Troy ounces of gold when the Federal Reserve was formed, and today the CME published ratio is 1/1,287, or about 1/44 less. Using the Bretton Woods methodology (per the ratio is 1/7,312 or about 1/253 less.
                      From Wikipedia: “In regard to fossil fuels, when oil was originally discovered, it took on average one barrel of oil to find, extract, and process about 100 barrels of oil. The ratio, for discovery of fossil fuels in the United States, has declined steadily over the last century from about 1000:1 in 1919 to only 5:1 in the 2010s.[22][23]”
                      Independent third-party validations of the Brilliant Light Power SunCell measured output power 50 times greater than input. Since the late 1800’s, high E.R.O.E.I. technologies have been suppressed.

                      What is the product of 1/44 times 1/50? Answer: 1/2,200. That is how much your wealth has been diminished by these effects."
                      In Today's Fiat Money Financial System, 'The House' Always Wins | Zero Hedge


                      • Headlines from France

                        Rothschild Banker Macron To Be
                        France's Youngest President

                        Euro Elites Flock To Praise Macron

                        Macron Expected To Win Run-Off With 60% - Poll

                        Thousands Of French Were Unable To Vote On Sunday

                        Marine Triggers A Political Earthquake

                        Macron also said that mass immigration is unstoppable.
                        This is true if feces-for-brains politicians like him are in control.
                        The guy doesn't really seem intent on winning the election.
                        “There is not a French culture”: Macron attracts the wrath of the right"
                        "Macron regrets the “humiliation” suffered by opponents to gay marriage "

                        I spent a little time in France. I even studied French while travelling in Eastern Canada. I can assure that France does indeed have a culture.


                        • Rapid risk transmission

                          That post on France was supposed to be in another thread. Dunno
                          Debt is growing faster than exponentially so, no telling when and why it will collapse. It has required larger and larger stimuli to resuscitate the failing economy every time it falters.

                          " Chinese billionaire Jack Ma has warned people should prepare for decades of social upheaval and pain as the internet disrupts the global economy.

                          “In the next 30 years, the world’s pain will be much greater than its happiness,” Ma said at an entrepreneurial conference in Zhengzhou, China. “Social conflicts over the next 30 years will hugely impact every industry.”
                          “Machines should only do what humans cannot,” Ma said, adding “only in this way can we have the opportunities to keep machines as working partners with humans, rather than as replacements.”

                          The State can pass out lots of perks but, the feces hit the fan if they take them away.
                          PressTV-Saudi Arabia restores perks amid fears of unrest
                          The Saudis are burning through currency reserves. The House of Saud is universally beloved as long as the money flows.

                          Gov most assuredly wants to grow bigger. All it needs for this is, MORE TAXES. VAT Tax Ends the Consumer Economy
                          Apparently, Greece is to be driven into total destruction,

                          "Since 2007, China has added $24 trillion in debt across its entire economy. The IMF believes China's banking system has developed "a structure potentially susceptible to rapid risk transmission and destabilizing liquidity events."

                          U.S. FED GOV has a very short time to build the wall,,, Cut taxes,,,, repeal obummercare,,,pass a budget deal. At the moment it is transfixed with the problem in North Korea.
                          The White House has been busy on many fronts, Trump Administration Begins Quiet Preparations For Government Shutdown | Zero Hedge

                          The cabbage patch dictator is so impressed with his own BS that, he thinks the world is impressed with his BS.
                          If you remember correctly, Russia has a jamming system that can shut down anything. Kim made a BIG mistake when he pissed off China.

                          Our latest milestones,

                          4/24 Hollande urges French to reject Le Pen in presidential runoff vote – Reuters Hollande's popularity is lower than a snake's belly in a wagon rut. Le Pen should be happy.
                          4/24 Venezuela near revolution as currency crashes to record low – Zero Hedge NO political change will release them from poverty. Only death can do that.
                          4/24 Double data disappointment` follows worst macro week in years – Zero Hedge Ah yes,,, the hard data and the soft data are starting to converge.
                          A vid from a former illuminati bankers who refused to participate in child sacrifice and was phased out. He says that the Luciferians are anti-life. If we get lucky,,, they will all kill themselves.
                          Here is a brief guide from The American Association of Evangelicals
                          Last edited by Danny B; 04-26-2017, 01:43 AM. Reason: spelling,,,, misteak


                          • The casino stock market,,,, growth of public debt

                            Here is a good, detailed examination of the problems with public pensions. if you are counting on one, it might be a good idea to read this. I'll just do one excerpt.
                            "It’s a little- known but startling fact: The average buy - and -hold stock market investor spends 74% of his or her time recovering from cyclical downturns in the market (from 1900–May 2015).(Ned Davis Research)"
                            How is it possible that investors spend three quarters of their time just getting
                            back to the starting line? "
                            It is possible because he gets reamed on a regular basis.
                            This is also true to a great extent for institutional investors,,, like your pension fund. They keep going back to the casino. They are soon to get smacked down again.

                            "For starters, the government's fiscal deficit for the month of March came in at $176.2 billion, which means the deficit 6 months into fiscal 2017 is $526.9 billion and running 15% over last year. If not for the calendar timing of receipts and payments, our government's deficit would be a year-to-date $564.0 billion or 23% above last year. In addition, there was an 18% decline in corporate income tax collection. "
                            "More proof of recession and deflation came from the economic data released on Good Friday: CPI down 0.3% in March and even the core rate fell 0.1%, Retail sales fell 0.2% in March and February sales were revised sharply lower to minus 0.3%, from previously reported up 0.1%

                            Housing starts, Empire State Manufacturing and Industrial Production have all recently disappointed estimates. Housing starts fell a very steep 6.8 percent to a 1.215 million annualized rate. Empire State Manufacturing dropped from 16.4 in March, to just 5.2 in April and within Industrial Production, the manufacturing component shrank to minus 0.4 percent. "
                            The article is anti-Trump. Just the same, Trump sees the same numbers that we see. government's deficit would be a year-to-date $564.0 billion or 23% above last year

                            Trump really has no options. I posted a comment frommarijuana Party in 3 parts that seems to show that the finance sector will eventually burn down the whole house to save themselves.
                            John Tainter wrote, The Collapse of Complex Societies. Like a game of Jenga, you can only pull out just so many elements of support before it all comes crashing down. Trump's actions will be dictated more by survival than by desire.
                            If the deficit is growing by 23% and rising, just how much risk can he take with the budget and shutdown?

                            4/25 Nasdaq tops 6.000 for first time ever, Dow and S&P 500 at records – CNN Money
                            4/25 Retailers are going bankrupt at a record pace – Bloomberg

                            This is the dichotomy between the upper loop and the lower loop. The end result of cannibalization.
                            The Trump team is undoubtedly aware of Armstrong's prediction of a crash of sovereign debt. At 23% growth, there is not a lot of time left.


                            • falling population=print more money,,nude loans,,socialist bust

                              There is quite a bit going on.
                              This graph is central to the latest article from Economica. YIKES,it had a 500 line url. Yes, I know about tinyurl.
                              "QE maintained the period of extremely high oil prices, and oil prices collapsed immediately upon the completion of the taper."
                              "So, the Fed's efforts to create inflation instead created over leveraged, oversupply, and further deflationary declines in oil that only continue." "Seemingly, US oil production has zero to do with price or consumption. "
                              It's all about saving the profits of oil companies.

                              The writer covers the fluctuations in oil price very well. Oil only rose with stimulus.
                              "Lastly, why growth is breaking down is so simple. The chart below shows the stalling employment among the US 25-54yr/old population, the concurrent stall in total energy consumption"
                              "Breakdown of US energy consumption growth by period. US Energy consumption growth has ceased following the absence of US core population and core employment growth"
                              Japan has shown us the way. A Falling population of consumers results in falling consumption. They strangle us to grow their profits,,, and then, wonder why our lack of reproduction causes a fall in profits.

                              Here is a big dose of DOOM, Elites Are Orchestrating A Global Catastrophe: "There Are Many Things The President Does Not Know" | Zero Hedge
                              Here is a comprehensive article on Technofeudalism, An Introduction to Technofeudalism Ascending The corporatocracy may be pushing towards neofeudalism but, that would just lower the birth rate and consumption even further. The salaryman of Japan is the perfect example. He has no time or energy for anything outside the job.

                              "Central Banks Are Now Printing $200 Billion Per Month... Without a Crisis"
                              Central Banks Are Now Printing $200 Billion Per Month... Without a Crisis | Zero Hedge in the lower loop
                              Rest assured, it will hit the upper loop before too long. The CBs are printing money to save the upper loop, not really noticing that the productive loop is dropping dead all around them.

                              4/25 The oil market has one big problem: People aren’t buying enough gas – CNBC blame it on Musk.
                              4/25 China markets reel as $1.7 trillion in shadow funds unwinds – Bloomberg Only $ 20 trillion to go.
                              4/25 EURUSD spikes above 1.09 after Reuters telegraphs ECB hawkish turn – Zero Hedge The Euro is on it's deathbed and it spikes up. No wonder the investors get cleaned out on a regular basis.
                              Housing bubble 2 is bigger than housing bubble 1.
                              Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. After Bernanke & friends put him back together again,,, Humpty Dumpty climbed upo on a higher wall.

                              Too weird to pass up, "Interest on the "nude loans" reached an astonishing 30 percent a week, according to the Global Times newspaper."
                              Armstrong, "ANSWER: The economics of the situation is what rules. That is why Communism failed. But keep in mind that this is the civil unrest. Socialism will not simply die and move into the light. It will rage, kick, scream, and try to take down everyone in the process."
                              "The system is collapsing and all the taxes and fines the dream up in their minds cannot save the system. It will go bust. That is the end of Socialism the same as it was the end for Communism. Both are against human nature."
                              Do you know that when Ayn Rand published that book, she received the worst reviews ever. The press was socialistic agreeing with FDR. Despite having the press trying to prevent people from reading it fearing the book would be against their socialistic philosophy, Atlas Shrugged has been ranked as #2 in the most influential books just behind the Bible ever written.

                              Here is the survey’s list of the most influential books:

                              1. The Bible.

                              2. “Atlas Shrugged,” by Ayn Rand.

                              3. “The Road Less Traveled,” by M. Scott Peck.

                              4. “To Kill a Mockingbird,” by Harper Lee.

                              5. “The Lord of the Rings,” by J. R. R. Tolkien."

                              Man is competitive. It is ingrained in his nature. That is why we constantly have competitions. Socialism exalts the mediocre. Survival-of-the-fittest originally selected for physical traits. As time went by, mental superiority became more important. As society and commerce become ever-more technical, those who don't have a niche cry ever-louder that they are being discriminated against. They place ever-larger financial burdens on the State. The State is soon to go bust. What about all those persons who came into this world AND survived solely on State support. What are they going to do when State support evaporates?


                              • Technofeudalism

                                The rise of the corporatocracy should be no surprise. Immortality and legal immunity are Great building blocks. The capital accumulation flows naturally towards regulatory capture. At one time, corporations paid 30% of the support to GOV. Since they got the reigns of power, they have reduced this to about 3%. They found it far more cost-effective to pay the politicians directly rather than to pay taxes.
                                Corporations' aggregation of wealth, political influence and legal protections has far surpassed those available to citizens. Corporations have usurped citizens' contract with their elected representatives so that government primarily serve corporate interests rather than those of citizens.

                                This is a debate page with all the pros and cons. It is very informative,
                                Corporations are a threat to Democracy and society. - DebateWise
                                The rise and fall of corporate social responsibility

                                Purloined comment;
                                "Why is everybody so afraid to admit that almost all the world’s economic and political problems revolve around the hegemony here in America of the global corporate cartel, which is only headquartered in the US because this is where their military arm resides. The only way to regain our (we People) sovereignty as a republic is to strictly curtail the privileges of any corporation doing business here. The government must be reconfigured to represent the Middle Class if we are ever to restore sanity, much less prosperity. There will be no peace and prosperity in America until we, the good folk, drain the "swamp" created by the US Constitution. The "swamp" can't be drained at this point because the Constitution does not contain a “drain plug". This is the kind of "plug" it needs. And it needs to be pulled ASAP:

                                28th Amendment
                                Corporations are not persons in any sense of the word and shall be granted only those rights and privileges that Congress deems necessary for the well-being of the People. Congress shall provide legislation defining the terms and conditions of corporate charters according to their purpose; which shall include, but are not limited to:

                                1, prohibitions against any corporation;

                                a, owning another corporation,

                                b, becoming economically indispensable or monopolistic, or

                                c, otherwise distorting the general economy;

                                2, prohibitions against any form of interference in the affairs of;

                                a, government,

                                b, education, or

                                c, news media, and

                                3, provisions for;

                                a, the auditing of standardized, current, and transparent account books, and

                                b, the establishment of a state and municipal-owned banking system

                                c, civil and criminal penalties to be suffered by corporate executives for violation of the terms of a corporate charter.

                                The biggest hurdle to convening an Article 5 convention will be to silence the 24/7 corporate media propaganda machine which will “guarantee” that a constitutional convention is the sure path to anarchy and chaos. There are so many issues that need addressing that it will be extremely difficult to focus on just one issue: draining the swamp; first and foremost.
                                Just that one thing: get the idea of incorporating business enterprises (or political movements) out of our collective thought process. Incorporation is a subtle, inconspicuous little glitch in our collective philosophical evolution and, as appealing as it is to join groups and let them do your thinking, such groups immediately assume identities of their own and become eternal super-groups with their own agenda and more money than the sum of all members’ total investment.
                                Corporations can’t even be controlled by their own executives; they’re “fictitious persons”, legally, morally, and tangibly. Yes, corporations are comprised of good, church-going, honest, people, while the corporations they belong to, work for, administer, or own, go about the planet (and at home) committing genocide, or worse. You can spend a lifetime fighting legal injustice, global warming, illegal immigration, racial disparity, Democrats, Republicans, Joos, globalization, and bathroom assignments, but nothing is going to change so long as corporate media has your brain in a bottle.

                                If nothing else or until a better organizational plan comes along; try whispering in your neighbor’s ear: “Article 5 Amendment 28. Article 5 Amendment 28. Article 5 Amendment 28” until we all understand what’s necessary and act in unison when opportunity presents…."

                                By it's very nature, a corporation is anti-nature,, anti-man.

