C.H. Smith writes about some of the important factors that we haven't been paying attention to. They don't look good.
Stocks, so far this year.
After careful consideration, however, the best article I have found to explain what happened last year was this, from Unherd Magazine: 2020: the year the elites failed upwards. A few choice highlights include:
Stocks, so far this year.
After careful consideration, however, the best article I have found to explain what happened last year was this, from Unherd Magazine: 2020: the year the elites failed upwards. A few choice highlights include:
Elite institutional authority is everywhere collapsing in a bonfire of self-immolation even as elite institutions become ever more powerful….The iron law of the American elite is that as long as everyone fails together, everyone fails upwards. Regime loyalty is the herd immunity of the ruling class, a protection against the consequences of their own failures. This is why the loss in authority that manifests in the “crisis of experts”, while real, doesn’t diminish their power. But it’s also why the regime has to become more ideological and nakedly coercive — for a kingdom of experts without reliable expertise falls back on propaganda and state power.
There are so many examples of this to draw from that one does not know where to begin. Yet how could we not look at markets too? How *they* continue to fail upwards!
There are so many examples of this to draw from that one does not know where to begin. Yet how could we not look at markets too? How *they* continue to fail upwards!