years to get to a global debt of $1.5 trillion in 1971. And 29 years later debt had grown 66x to $100 trillion and since then it is up another 3x to $300T.
Global debt is up 200x since Nixon took away the gold backing of the dollar and all other currencies.
2019 the financial system came under severe pressure and central banks panicked in an attempt to save the bankrupt banking system with massive liquidity. Conveniently for the banks, they had an excuse for this money printing since Covid started a few weeks later.
Normally governments need to start a war to have an excuse to print serious money. But a pandemic is a good reason too.
Global derivatives outstanding were reported by the BIS in Basel (Bank for International Settlements) at $1.4 quadrillion in the mid 2000s. That figure was conveniently reduced by the BIS to around $600 trillion at the end of the 2000s by netting positions.
Banks like Deutsche or JP Morgan have reported gross outstanding derivatives of $40-50 trillion. But all banks net the gross amounts down to insignificant levels, arguing that these low amounts are their real exposures.
The problem with netting is that when counterparties fail, gross risk remains gross.
Above that we see the known derivatives reported by the BIS of $600 trillion and on top of that the opaque financial system which is likely to be in the quadrillions of dollars.
Since all monetary systems in history have come to an end, we have to assume that the biggest global bubble ever also will.
And since this morbid system touches all corners of our lives and has led to a decadent world where moral and ethical values have virtually disappeared, the world needs a cleansing
California Rewards Deadbeats Once Again With $80K Cash Giveaway To Delinquent Homeowners
The name of the game is; Preserve asset values no mater how low wages go.
1.5 Million Parents Could Drop Out Of Workforce If Biden Stimulus Passes; Analysis
“The proposed expansion would get rid of the strong work incentives under the prior CTC... replacing it with something that discourages work,”
HELL NO, We can't resurrect the happy, nuclear family. EVERYBODY has to work.
Here Is The "Fallback Plan" Manchin Would Support... And Why Goldman Thinks It Wouldn't Move The Needle
...even if it were to pass next year it might not have much of an effect on the fiscal impulse to growth if it omits an extension of the child tax credit.
WHY would they want to give a child tax credit at the same time that they are killing off children with poisonous "vaccines"?
Get clear on your priorities and, keep killing the children.
McMaken: The Fed Is Hawkish Now? I'll Believe It When I See It
There are a lot of doubters that the FED will actually cut back on bond buying.
years to get to a global debt of $1.5 trillion in 1971. And 29 years later debt had grown 66x to $100 trillion and since then it is up another 3x to $300T.
Global debt is up 200x since Nixon took away the gold backing of the dollar and all other currencies.
2019 the financial system came under severe pressure and central banks panicked in an attempt to save the bankrupt banking system with massive liquidity. Conveniently for the banks, they had an excuse for this money printing since Covid started a few weeks later.
Normally governments need to start a war to have an excuse to print serious money. But a pandemic is a good reason too.
Global derivatives outstanding were reported by the BIS in Basel (Bank for International Settlements) at $1.4 quadrillion in the mid 2000s. That figure was conveniently reduced by the BIS to around $600 trillion at the end of the 2000s by netting positions.
Banks like Deutsche or JP Morgan have reported gross outstanding derivatives of $40-50 trillion. But all banks net the gross amounts down to insignificant levels, arguing that these low amounts are their real exposures.
The problem with netting is that when counterparties fail, gross risk remains gross.
Above that we see the known derivatives reported by the BIS of $600 trillion and on top of that the opaque financial system which is likely to be in the quadrillions of dollars.
Since all monetary systems in history have come to an end, we have to assume that the biggest global bubble ever also will.
And since this morbid system touches all corners of our lives and has led to a decadent world where moral and ethical values have virtually disappeared, the world needs a cleansing
California Rewards Deadbeats Once Again With $80K Cash Giveaway To Delinquent Homeowners
The name of the game is; Preserve asset values no mater how low wages go.
1.5 Million Parents Could Drop Out Of Workforce If Biden Stimulus Passes; Analysis
“The proposed expansion would get rid of the strong work incentives under the prior CTC... replacing it with something that discourages work,”
HELL NO, We can't resurrect the happy, nuclear family. EVERYBODY has to work.
Here Is The "Fallback Plan" Manchin Would Support... And Why Goldman Thinks It Wouldn't Move The Needle
...even if it were to pass next year it might not have much of an effect on the fiscal impulse to growth if it omits an extension of the child tax credit.
WHY would they want to give a child tax credit at the same time that they are killing off children with poisonous "vaccines"?
Get clear on your priorities and, keep killing the children.
McMaken: The Fed Is Hawkish Now? I'll Believe It When I See It
There are a lot of doubters that the FED will actually cut back on bond buying.