I have been interested in back yard physics and geometric modeling for a decades. This implies intermittent experiments with lots of geometric modeling in between. My equipment and experiments have been crude. My computers and softwares are very limited. Here is my latest latest modeling to describe a printed coil, to be explored, as time permits. Or, i invite others to beat me to the challenges of circuit printing. Let others be the first one on the block to discover the uncertain effects.

Printed Coil With Inversely Spining Fields My full writeup is here.
The usefulness of inversely spinning, helical waves, is generally intuitive for me. I forthrightly admit this up front. I would love to dabble with this stuff but too many things in life slow me down. Sharing thought experiments on the web does energize me. So thanks to anyone who writes back at me. Show me i'm a real fool, as i was actually born on fool's day. Show me where i'm wrong in some technicality. Or let me know if you think this idea has merit. I'll be inspired and appreciate almost any comment.
Recently, i have been trying to understand Eric Dollard's writings on the web. When googling aetheric-electrical terms i keep seeing his reference-links on this forum! Great diagrams and photos abound here. Thanks everyone and the especially the staff and founders here for maintaining this forum.
My electronics background is very very limited as i'm much more of a natural philosopher. My website is many years old, slowly posting pages on my electrical-aetheric interests.... In earlier years i had to focus on income streams-- I have been a sculptural builder type for decades, suffering for my arts...Working mostly outside the employee's grid. Arts rarely sell, but artgineers can be low maintenance types. The challenge is to make it look priceless but cost almost nothing.
Bo Atkinson
google me

Printed Coil With Inversely Spining Fields My full writeup is here.
The usefulness of inversely spinning, helical waves, is generally intuitive for me. I forthrightly admit this up front. I would love to dabble with this stuff but too many things in life slow me down. Sharing thought experiments on the web does energize me. So thanks to anyone who writes back at me. Show me i'm a real fool, as i was actually born on fool's day. Show me where i'm wrong in some technicality. Or let me know if you think this idea has merit. I'll be inspired and appreciate almost any comment.
Recently, i have been trying to understand Eric Dollard's writings on the web. When googling aetheric-electrical terms i keep seeing his reference-links on this forum! Great diagrams and photos abound here. Thanks everyone and the especially the staff and founders here for maintaining this forum.

My electronics background is very very limited as i'm much more of a natural philosopher. My website is many years old, slowly posting pages on my electrical-aetheric interests.... In earlier years i had to focus on income streams-- I have been a sculptural builder type for decades, suffering for my arts...Working mostly outside the employee's grid. Arts rarely sell, but artgineers can be low maintenance types. The challenge is to make it look priceless but cost almost nothing.
Bo Atkinson
google me