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Where the Time come from ?

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  • Where the Time come from ?

    Where the Time come from ?
    Can time exist without matter?
    According to Newton the answer is “ Yes”
    According to Einstein the answer is “ No”
    Who is right, who is wrong?
    Newton declared that time is absolute and wrote that time
    “ flows equably without relation to anything external”.
    Einstein had another opinion.
    He wanted to know:
    “ Where does the conception of time come from?”
    “ What is the essence of time?”.
    To explain these questions he created two theories: SRT and GRT .
    According to SRT / GRT time is relative and depends on the mass and speed
    It means that different moving mass-bodies can create different time.
    It also means that space and time is only a result of some physical process
    of moving mass / moving particles. The cause for time and space to be able
    to appear is moving mass / moving particles.
    ============= …
    Israel Sadovnik Socratus.

  • #2
    We have two (2) kinds of time.
    One is Newtonian – independent time.
    Another is Minkowski time - dependent on space (spacetime)
    " The map is not the territory ".
    Where is the time-map and where is the time-territory ?


    • #3
      Eternity and Time.
      There is different *gravity time*.
      The *gravity time* depends on mass / matter and its movement.
      For example, every planet has its own *time* (gravity time)
      There is Minkowski negative -4D timespace (without Newtonian matter).
      Minkowski -4D is *timeless* - zero vacuum continuum: T=0K.
      T=0K is an eternal continuum, an absolute reference frame.
      In different local parts of *eternal vacuum * T=0K is possible to see
      planets with their own *time*. For us the *Earth time* is absolute,
      but from vacuum's point of view (Einsteinium) *Earth time* is relative.
      Attached Files


      • #4
        If quantum of light travels at constant speed c=1 its time *is frozen*.
        (timeless particle)
        The *time* appears when quantum of light changes its speed c=1.
        This is not *gravity time* it is another kind of *time*.
        The process when quantum of light keeps its changeable condition
        is called *personal time* of quantum of light .
        The *personal time* of quantum of light is explained by SRT.
        Attached Files


        • #5
          A time varying speed of light as a solution to cosmological puzzles
          Authors: Andreas Albrecht, Joao Magueijo
          [astro-ph/9811018] A time varying speed of light as a solution to cosmological puzzles


          • #6
            A man decided.
            One circle of Earth around the Sun is a year.
            A year is 12 months.
            A month is 30 days'
            A day is 24 hours.
            A hour is 60 minutes.
            . . . . etc
            For us this Earth's time is an absolute fact.
            But every planet has its own year, own time.
            For example: Martian year and time has another measuring.
            A year on Mars lasts twice as long as Earth's year.
            Here we are talking about *gravity time*.
            So, if somebody want to know *what time is* then he needs
            to understand *how were the planets created?*,
            *where did matter come from?*
            (the famous big bang doesn't give the answer to this question)
            And what is about the space between planets /stars /galaxies?
            This is space of infinite/ eternal *cold kingdom* T=0K with
            *negative virtual particles* -E=Mc^2.
            Somehow (through vacuum transformation/ fluctuation/ polarization,
            quantum tunneling phenomena ) these *negative virtual particles*
            become real particles E=h*f.
            These particles (E=h*f) can create everything in the Universe.
            Attached Files


            • #7
              Without *gravity* there isn't *time*.
              The *time* ( together with gravity) was created from eternity (T=0K)
              according to Einstein's GRT.
              Attached Files


              • #8
                I found an interesting article on time. It seems to claim that black holes create new universes,,, pretty strange.
                The incredible truth about time | Focus Magazine | Science and Technology


                • #9
                  This is an important concept in physics.

                  In reality there is no past and no future. There is only now.

                  This is hard for people to understand but it is a fact.

                  The concept is further confused my measuring it, in fact we don't measure the time something has taken, we measure duration of the now.

                  There is much more on this but this simple explanation sums it up.

