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Electron – spin – quantum vacuum fluctuation.

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  • Electron – spin – quantum vacuum fluctuation.

    Electron – spin – quantum vacuum fluctuation.
    In his 1924 doctoral work Louis de Broglie wrote that every
    quantum particle with energy E=M^2 is tied with wave's process
    by equality: Mc^2 = hf.
    In 1925 Goudsmit and Uhlenbeck wrote ( as a hypothesis) that
    electron must / can revolve around its diameter. This own electron's
    hypothetical rotation was named " spin (h*=h / 2pi ) ".
    In 1928 Dirac wrote his theory which showed :
    a) in nature must exist electron with negative energy: -E=Mc^2
    b) the hypothetical 'spin' is real process of electron's rotation.
    My conclusion.
    De Broglie wrote his equation as mathematical equality: Mc^2 = hf.
    But this equation shows some real process in nature,
    In this equality is hidden some real process.
    In Dirac's vacuum sea can be process when virtual particle with
    negative potential energy –E=Mc^2 using its own inner spin /
    impulse h* changes its condition and becomes real particle
    with energy: E=h*f.
    This process was called ' Quantum fluctuation': -/+ Mc^2 <==> hf.


  • #2
    The QT is 'fishy' by two reasons:
    we don't know the reference frame of QT,
    we don't know the geometrical form of quantum particle.
    All the best


    • #3
      The problem
      If electron revolves around its diameter its speed
      faster than constant speed of quantum of light ( c=1).
      And you know the scientific taboo ' nothing can move faster than c=1'
      The solution.
      I say that is possible to see electron / quantum of light from two points of view:
      a) from Earth gravity point – the speed c=1 is maximally,
      b) from Vacuum point – the speed c=1 is minimally.
      ( then the theory of ' tachyon' can be used)
      All the best



      • #4
        Making more precise.
        It is possible to see electron / quantum of light from two points of observetion:
        a) from Earth gravity point – the speed c=1 is maximal,
        b) from Vacuum point – the speed c=1 is minimal.
        ( then the theory of ' tachyon' can be used in the reason
        to explain the high frequency of quantum particles )


        • #5
          The simplest particle - electron has six ( 6 ) formulas
          E=h*f , e^2=ah*c , +E=Mc^2 and -E=Mc^2 ,
          In the simple atom its energy is : E=-me^4/2h*^2= -13,6eV
          In interaction with vacuum electron’s energy is infinite: E= ∞
          All these formulas are correlated according to
          " The Law of conservation and transformation of energy"
          And this law is not a simple accounting solution
          of debit and credit. The sense of this law is dipper and
          it says more than is usually accepted by today's physicists.


          • #6
            We know electron by what it does, not by what it is.
            The simplest particle - electron has six ( 6 ) formulas
            E=h*f , e^2=ah*c , +E=Mc^2 and -E=Mc^2 ,
            In the simplest atom its energy is : E=-me^4/2h*^2= -13,6eV
            In interaction with vacuum electron’s energy is infinite: E= ∞
            We don't know: what are interactions between these formulas ?
            Therefore the situation is like to an old Indian story: what an elephant is.
            One blind man touched the elephant’s foot and said elephant looks like a column
            Other blind man touched the elephant’s tail and said elephant looks like a snake
            The third one touched the elephant’s stomach and said elephant looks like a ball
            The . . . . . . .. . .
            The electron was *touched* in different experiments from different sides
            but it seems that our knowledge of electron is similar to the * blind – knowledge*
            of elephant from this old Indian proverb.
            Robert Milliken, who measured a charge of electron, in his Nobel speech
            ( 1923) said, that he knew nothing about “ last essence of electron”.


            • #7
              Electron isn’t *a point*.
              Electron has a geometrical form.
              Electron’s geometrical form isn’t static, isn’t firm.
              Electron’s geometrical form can be changed by his own inner spin.
              Electron’s own inner spin can be described with three ( 3 ) formulas:
              Plank: h=Et,
              Einstein: h=kb,
              Goudsmit – Uhlenbeck : h*=h/2pi.
              All electron's physical parameters (mass, energy, charge . . etc ) are relative.
              Quantum of light, photon and electron are one and the same
              particle in different conditions. Why?
              Physicists think that electron interacts with another using photon.
              But Russian physicist V. Rydnik wrote:
              ' Now take the electron. Even if its velocity is close to that
              of light – 10^10 cm/s – it will have a momentum of only
              about 10^-17 g cm/s. The gamma photon used for
              illumination has a very short wavelength ( say, 6 10^13 cm)
              and a momentum of 10^-14, which is thousands of times that
              of the electron. So, when a photon hits an electron, it is like
              a railway train smashing into a baby- carriage.’
              / ABC’s of quantum mechanics. By V. Rydnik. Page 98-99. /
              So, electron cannot interact with photon in such way.
              My opinion
              The energy of photon is: E=h*f.
              The energy of an electron is: E=h*f.
              What is difference between photon and electron ?
              Frequency makes difference between them.
              Book " Isaac Newton " by Soviet academician S. I. Vavilov:
              ‘ For photons with extremely high fluctuations,
              . . . ., in experience was observed the remarkable
              phenomenon of transformation them in electrons.
              And undoubtedly, a reverse process is also possible.’
              / page 94. /
              In the other words; when the frequency of electron changes
              it becomes photon and vice versa.


              • #8
                The photon and the electron are one and the same particle in different conditions.
                In every physical text-book is possible to read that the photon
                and the electron are very different particles.
                What do we know about them?
                About photon Einstein wrote:
                ‘ All these fifty years of conscious brooding have brought me
                no nearer to the answer to the question, 'What are light quanta?'
                Nowadays every Tom, Dick and Harry thinks he knows it,
                but he is mistaken. ‘
                And we don't know why the electron has six ( 6 ) formulas
                E=h*f , e^2=ah*c , +E=Mc^2 and -E=Mc^2 ,
                E=-me^4/2h*^2= -13,6eV and E= ∞
                We don't know: what are interactions between them.
                Now physicists think that electron interacts with another using photon.
                But Russian physicist V. Rydnik wrote:
                ' Now take the electron. Even if its velocity is close to that
                of light – 10^10 cm/s – it will have a momentum of only
                about 10^-17 g cm/s. The gamma photon used for
                illumination has a very short wavelength ( say, 6 10^13 cm)
                and a momentum of 10^-14, which is thousands of times that
                of the electron. So, when a photon hits an electron, it is like
                a railway train smashing into a baby- carriage.’
                / ABC’s of quantum mechanics. By V. Rydnik. Page 98-99. /
                So, electron cannot interact with photon in such way.
                when photon moves with constant speed c=1 – it is a flat particle and
                electron is usually taken as a sphere- particle.
                The photon and the electron are not a firm constant particles,
                their geometrical form can be changed.
                In the QM the electron follows Fermi- Dirac (fermion) statistics =
                uses only h*=h/2pi (Pauli Exclusion Law )
                while the photon follows Bose- Einstein (boson) statistics = uses only h.
                Every quantum particle possess dualistic ability
                (simultaneous wave-corpuscular dualism)
                My idea.
                The photon and the electron are one and the same particle in different
                conditions and the *simultaneous corpuscular/wave dualism* phenomena
                of quantum particle can prove my idea.
                I say: every quantum particle has not only one (1) but two (2) different own,
                Inner impulses (spins).
                By the linear spin h=1 quantum - particle receives straight – uniform
                movement with constant speed c=1
                Using the linear spin h=1 quantum particle behaviors as a corpuscular
                (there isn't any electromagnetic radiation)
                By the angular spin h*=h/2pi quantum-particle rotates around its diameter
                and its speed is faster than c=1. Its speed is c>1 as a frequency of particle.
                The rotating frequency of particle creates waves.
                The independent quantum particle can use own / inner linear or angular
                (and vice versa) impulse depends on situation. ( h <==> h*=h/2pi)
                Quote by Heinrich Hertz on Maxwell's equations:
                "One cannot escape the feeling that these mathematical formulae
                have an independent existence and an intelligence of their own,
                that they are wiser than we are, wiser even than their discoverers,
                that we get more out of them than was originally put into them."

                Can we understand the wisdom of the quantum particle?


                • #9
                  * The Law of conservation and transformation of energy/ mass* and photon/electron.
                  The simple *banal* electron has six ( 6 ) formulas:
                  ( E=h*f , e^2=ah*c , +E=Mc^2 and -E=Mc^2 ,
                  E=-me^4/2h*^2=-13,6eV , E= ∞ ) and we don't know
                  what interactions between them are.
                  According to QED in interaction with vacuum all electron's parameters
                  becomes infinite. That is impossible according to
                  “ The law of conservation (!) energy/mass”.
                  But it can be possible according to
                  “ The law of transformation (!) energy/mass”
                  The problem: we don’t know: what *transformation* means
                  according to one single electron.
                  Taking only ‘The law of conservation of energy’ is a half-truth.
                  By half- truth we are deceived ourselves.
                  Taking only law of transformation of energy is also a half-truth.
                  By other half- truth we are deceived ourselves too.
                  If somebody takes only one part of the whole law ( conservation )
                  and ignore the second part of it (transformation) then he is falsifier.
                  Only together
                  “ The law of conservation and transformation energy/mass” is true law.
                  Physicists don't understand what to do with electron's infinite sizes,
                  and therefore they had invented *a method of renormalization*,
                  a method *to sweep the dust under the carpet* / Feynman./
                  If somebody think that , “ The Law of preservation and transformation
                  of energy/ mass “ is a simple bookkeeping calculation of debit-credit
                  he is mistaken. It is a primitive judgment about one of the most
                  important Law in Nature. It is merchant’s opinion.
                  Because on the one hand the bookkeeping calculation of debit-credit is
                  “ a symmetry law”. ( like 1$ is 100 cents )
                  But on the other hand the life in the Universe begins with
                  disturb of symmetry.
                  The occurrence of Life in the Universe is connected not with symmetry,
                  but with breaking of symmetry.
                  For something to happen there has to be a "broken symmetry".
                  ( It means 1$ is not equal to 100 cents.)
                  Here ( in the broken symmetry) appears the effect of ‘transformation’.
                  What does " The Law of Conservation and Transformation
                  of Energy/ Mass" mean according to one single electron?
                  How can electron keep its local parameters at interaction with vacuum
                  according to “The law of conservation and transformation energy/ mass” ?
                  My opinion.
                  When electron E=h*f interacts with vacuum T=0K all its parameters change into
                  virtual –particles (antielectron) with the negative energy: -E=Mc^2.
                  If this antielectron uses impulse h=1 – it becomes photon c=1.
                  (this corpuscular in its constant straight movement doesn't create waves)
                  If this antielectron uses impulse h*=h/2pi – it becomes electron: E=h*f.
                  (this corpuscular in its revolving movement (frequency) creates waves)
                  In 1924, trying to understand the *simultaneous corpuscular/wave dualism*,
                  de Broglie invented *the mechanism by which a particle was guided by its pilot wave*
                  It means that particle for de Broglie was secondary part of *pilot wave*
                  I say that the quantum particle ( photon/electron) is cause of *pilot wave*
                  Best wishes
                  Israel Sadovnik Socratus


                  • #10
                    Sometime quantum of light travels as a photon ( h=1, c=1, h=Et)
                    Sometime quantum of light works as an electron in an atom (h*=h/2pi, c>1)
                    When electron ends its work in atom it jumps out with the energy E=h*f
                    Later the energy E=h*f changes into Planck's light quanta / photon h=Et
                    The photon (h=1, c=1, h=Et) in the zero vacuum T=0K changes into
                    *rest- freeze* quantum of light with negative energy: -E=Mc^2.
                    In every electron is hidden this *negative* energy that sometime can be
                    so active +E=Mc^2, that it can destroy cities like Hiroshima and Nagasaki


                    • #11
                      Is the electron a photon with toroidal topology?



                      • #12
                        I like your thoughts!

                        Perhaps you should look into this forum:

                        Physics Discussion Forum &bull; Index page

                        Many there with similar understandings of matter being light.


                        • #13
                          Electron and positron are one and the same particle in different conditions.
                          According to QED in interaction with vacuum all electron's parameters
                          become infinite: E= ∞ . That is impossible, because it is forbidden
                          by * The Law of conservation and transformation of energy/ mass*
                          ( to shun this problem using "a method of renormalization" is
                          "to sweep the dust under the carpet" / according to Feynman / )
                          What is possible?
                          My suggestion.
                          According to Dirac in his so-called *vacuum holes- sea* well known
                          * virtual particles* exist with negative energy; -E=Mc^2.

                          Then in interaction with vacuum all electron's parameters changed
                          into negative parameters and become * virtual – positrons* : –E=Mc^2
                          These virtual positrons (antimatter - dark matter) using the well-known
                          * tunneling jump - phenomena * can emerge as a real particle: E=h*f.
                          Attached Files

