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The Origin from Zero Vacuum: T=0K.

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  • The Origin from Zero Vacuum: T=0K.

    The Origin from Zero Vacuum: T=0K.
    Vacuum energy. Vacuum fluctuation/polarization/ transformation.
    Theoreticians say that leaving our ‘atomistic- matter’
    paradigm behind, and taking ‘virtual antiparticles’,
    we realized that the Cosmos / Vacuum ‘polarized ‘
    itself, and the result of this polarization we know
    as our world.
    Vacuum polarization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    “ Its effects can be observed in various phenomena
    (such as spontaneous emission, the Casimir effect, the
    van der Waals bonds, or the Lamb shift), and it is thought
    to have consequences for the behavior of the Universe
    on cosmological scales. “
    / Vacuum energy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    In quantum field theory, and specifically quantum electrodynamics,
    vacuum polarization describes a process in which a background
    electromagnetic field produces virtual electron–positron pairs that
    change the distribution of charges and currents that generated
    the original electromagnetic field. It is also sometimes referred
    to as the self energy of the gauge boson (photon).
    Vacuum polarization was observed experimentally in 1997 using
    the TRISTAN particle accelerator in Japan.

    Vacuum polarization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Light Created from a Vacuum:
    Casimir Effect Observed in Superconducting Circuit
    /ScienceDaily (Nov. 18, 2011) /
    Light created from a vacuum: Casimir effect observed in superconducting circuit
    Chalmers scientists create light from vacuum
    Chalmers scientists create light from vacuum
    Although we are used to thinking of empty space as containing
    nothing at all, and therefore having zero energy, the quantum
    rules say that there is some uncertainty about this. Perhaps each
    tiny bit of the vacuum actually contains rather a lot of energy.
    If the vacuum contained enough energy, it could convert this
    into particles, in line with E-Mc^2.
    / Book: Stephen Hawking. Pages 147-148.
    By Michael White and John Gribbin. /
    ‘ Somehow, the energy is extracted from the vacuum and turned
    into particles...Don't try it in your basement, but you can do it.’
    / -- University of Chicago cosmologist Rocky Kolb /

    From Vacuum’s fluctuations / transformation / polarization 'somehow'
    the Origin of the Material Existence begins.
    Dark Energy may be Vacuum
    Dark energy may be vacuum
    When the next revolution rocks physics,
    chances are it will be about nothing—the vacuum, that endless infinite void.
    Nothingness of Space Could Illuminate the Theory of Everything |
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  • #2
    The question ‘ what was before: the chicken or the egg ?’ is very old and maybe
    doesn’t have answer.
    Therefore I will ask a simpler questions:
    What was before: the ‘big bang’ or the vacuum?
    Does ‘big bang’ create vacuum or vacuum give birth to ‘big bang’?
    ======= . .
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    • #3
      How can the Origin appear from Zero Vacuum: T=0K.
      According to Dirac in his *vacuum's – holes sea* virtual particles
      ( antiparticles, particles of dark matter, zoo of elementary particles)
      exist with negative energy; -E=Mc^2.

      Through so-called *tunneling jump- phenomena* or so-called * vacuum
      fluctuation / polarization / transformation* these virtual particles with
      negative potential energy –E=Mc^2 using its own inner spin /
      impulse ( h) or ( h*=h/2pi ) can change its condition and become
      real particles with energy: E=h*f
      This effect can be observed in various phenomena (such as
      spontaneous emission, the Casimir effect, the van der Waals bonds,
      or the Lamb shift).
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      • #4
        Everybody knows that before *big bang * was no space, no time.
        But nobody can understand that * no space, no time* is zero vacuum.
        'But I don't want to go among mad people,' said Alice.
        'Oh, you can't help that,' said the cat. 'We're all mad here.'
        /Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. By Lewis Carroll /
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        • #5
          Nature and Infinity.
          There are two separate infinite substances that exist in Nature:
          "infinitely big" and "infinitely small".
          The infinitely big substance is Zero Vacuum: T=0K.
          ( spacetime continues forever)
          The infinitely small substance is Planck's constant –
          - quantum of light - ( h, h*).
          These two constants are fundament of creation everything in Nature.
          Best wishes.
          Israel Socratus.
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          • #6
            Vacuum and Quantum of light are still two fundamental puzzles in physics.

            About quantum of light Einstein wrote:
            '‘ All these fifty years of conscious brooding have brought me
            no nearer to the answer to the question, 'What are light quanta?'
            Nowadays every Tom, Dick and Harry thinks he knows it,
            but he is mistaken.'‘

            And about vacuum there are different opinions.
            " The most fundamental question facing 21st century physics will be:
            What is the vacuum? As quantum mechanics teaches us, with
            its zero point energy this vacuum is not empty and the word
            vacuum is a gross misnomer!."
            / Prof. Friedwardt Winterberg /
            ‘ It is true . . . there is such a thing as absolute zero; we cannot
            reach temperatures below absolute zero not because we are not
            sufficiently clever but because temperatures below absolute zero
            simple have no meaning.’
            / Book : ‘Dreams of a final theory’. Page 138. By Steven Weinberg./
            ‘If we were looking for something that we could conceive
            of as God within the universe of the new physics, this ground
            state, coherent quantum vacuum might be a good place to start.’
            / Book ‘The quantum self ’ page 208, by Danah Zohar. /

            Conclusion. As Paul Dirac wrote:
            " The problem of the exact description of vacuum, in my opinion,
            is the basic problem now before physics. Really, if you can't correctly
            describe the vacuum, how it is possible to expect a correct description
            of something more complex? "
            So, what is *philosophy of science* if we don't know these two simplest
            but fundamental structure of the Universe?
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