Hi there, is anyone ever used TruTester for muscle testing before. I am planning to buy one to use with Emotion Code as other techniques described in book don't work for me for some reason. Before buying it I would like to know if it works for this purpose. Any opinions are appreciated.
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TruTester for muscle testing
Muscle Testing = Applied Kinesiology
Thanks for posting Nata.
I've never heard of this 'Tru-Tester' , but will check it out.
I have used Muscle Response Testing (MRT) in my healing practice and have
become very good at MRT for one reason: practice, practice and more practice!
Not trying to be glib here, but if you can do this method below, you will be farther ahead in trusting yourself.
It is: find someone else to work with or do it by yourself- like I had to do.
1- learn to trust the Standing method. And then ask lots of questions that are
not vitally important for you at the time. Ask questions that you really are not
concerned about the outcome, so that you won't be worried about the outcome and have to make a decision.
The Standing Method ( quite useful for those with ALS or elderly people and
1- It is : standing in a relaxed position, better in sock feet or bare feet grounded on the floor.
2-Ask yourself : 'I want to see a clear Yes answer, then ask: to see a clear
No answer.
3-Your body will slowly rock forward or backward ; generally speaking a forward
motion is a 'Yes' answer, and rocking/leaning backward is a 'No' answer.
Ask simple questions that you already know to be true or false.
Just continue this until you feel comfortable in 'letting go' of expectations.
If you're tense or concentrating too much= not the best scenario; it's best
to be totally relaxed and have a curious, fun approach. You will be more open
to the answers you get.
I hope this helps. I can go into more detail or help over the phone. If you'd
This basically takes the place of a 'Tru-Tester' . There is an advantage to using the Tru Tester if you want.
Cheers, Greg K.