First of all, it is very interesting how this tragedy coincides with israel's military ground forces offensive (which is nothing else but shameful genocide over palestinian innocent civilians) which is happening right now, while you read these words!
The Final Moments Of Flight MH-17: The Russian Side Of The Story
One hopes that all lingering questions about the flight path, and where the instructions to change it came from, will be answered when the contents of the flight black box are released.
And finally, as RT reported, the national governor of the Donetsk region, Pavel Gubarev, admitted that while the separatists indeed are in possession of one BUK missile unit, it is not operational, and even if it was, it would be unable to reach a height of over 30,000 feet without central radar guidance which the Donetsk region does not have, once again suggesting that a Surface to Air Missile, if indeed one was used, came from the Ukraine side. Surely it will be very easy for international monitors to validate this report.
We will ignore circulating reports of two Ukraine jets that may have followed the Boeing as there is, at least for now, zero direct or circumstantial evidence validating this story aside from one Twitter account which has since been deleted.
In brief the plot thickens, and all that matters now is whose propaganda, read media outlets, will be more persuasive although in reality even that is moot: in the echo chambers of ideology, most people already have their mind made up as to "who" the shooter was.
Few interesting comments:
1. Memo from NWO:
You mean Russians will be allowed to give their side of the story?
This cannot be allowed. We need WW3 to reputiate national debts and kill off the useless eaters. How else are we going to convince the sheeple to commit mass suicide while we get even richer?
2. Isn't it interesting how Russian state media presents precise details and facts while USSA state media whips up vague generalizations appealing to emotion.
3. The Big QUESTION IS: Who Sent That Doomed Plane Over The Center Of THE WAR ZONE ?????
Its The At THe Heart Of This Tradgedy AND Pretty ****ing Clear...
One Wonders, Is Anyone Sending A Civil Plane To Fly Over GAZA Today???
And i would ask just one question: QUI BONO? (to whose benefit?)
Sorry if you have no opinion on this issue also!
After all, why would you use your brains in vain...
The Final Moments Of Flight MH-17: The Russian Side Of The Story
One hopes that all lingering questions about the flight path, and where the instructions to change it came from, will be answered when the contents of the flight black box are released.
And finally, as RT reported, the national governor of the Donetsk region, Pavel Gubarev, admitted that while the separatists indeed are in possession of one BUK missile unit, it is not operational, and even if it was, it would be unable to reach a height of over 30,000 feet without central radar guidance which the Donetsk region does not have, once again suggesting that a Surface to Air Missile, if indeed one was used, came from the Ukraine side. Surely it will be very easy for international monitors to validate this report.
We will ignore circulating reports of two Ukraine jets that may have followed the Boeing as there is, at least for now, zero direct or circumstantial evidence validating this story aside from one Twitter account which has since been deleted.
In brief the plot thickens, and all that matters now is whose propaganda, read media outlets, will be more persuasive although in reality even that is moot: in the echo chambers of ideology, most people already have their mind made up as to "who" the shooter was.
Few interesting comments:
1. Memo from NWO:
You mean Russians will be allowed to give their side of the story?
This cannot be allowed. We need WW3 to reputiate national debts and kill off the useless eaters. How else are we going to convince the sheeple to commit mass suicide while we get even richer?
2. Isn't it interesting how Russian state media presents precise details and facts while USSA state media whips up vague generalizations appealing to emotion.
3. The Big QUESTION IS: Who Sent That Doomed Plane Over The Center Of THE WAR ZONE ?????
Its The At THe Heart Of This Tradgedy AND Pretty ****ing Clear...
One Wonders, Is Anyone Sending A Civil Plane To Fly Over GAZA Today???
And i would ask just one question: QUI BONO? (to whose benefit?)
Sorry if you have no opinion on this issue also!
After all, why would you use your brains in vain...