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  • #61
    It's worse over there

    Somehow I'm not surprised that women are even worse in israel.
    Equality isn't working out so well when women are just flat-out not equal.
    This is from Russia Today,
    Comedian Bill Burr,
    The effect on the family,


    • #62
      Originally posted by Danny B View Post
      Somehow I'm not surprised that women are even worse in israel.
      Equality isn't working out so well when women are just flat-out not equal.
      This is from Russia Today,
      Comedian Bill Burr,
      The effect on the family,
      Israeli society is essentially a concentrated microcosm of gynocratic Western culture.



      • #63

        Check out why immoral women ruin civilizations on CensorshipTube..

        You may want to say a copy of this video before it's removed by CensorshipTube.

        Removed but found here:
        Last edited by vidbid; 04-23-2019, 04:34 AM.



        • #64
          MGTOW - Battlefield Tactics

          MGTOW - Battlefield Tactics




          • #65
            Women and their bad decisions

            The whole equality question affects all of society. MGTOW is just one facet. BUT, it has ground for ENDLESS discussion and examination. Here is a comment from a vid that I find very interesting.

            I remember working as a bouncer... I'd be checking the ids of hot girls as they came in the bar. On top of looking at their id, you want to get a sentence or two out of them to see if they're drunk. So simple questions such as 'How was your night so far?' or 'Where are you from?' are common; its both a basic drunk test and a jerk test. You'd be surprised how effective such simple questions are for weeding out undesirables. I wasn't hitting on them, wasn't treating them any differently than anyone else, but they were always so annoyed I even bothered to talk to them. They'd roll their eyes, sigh, and make it very obvious they were better than me (well they thought they were better than everyone, including me).

            I didn't take it personally, they were a jerk to everyone, and I was just doing a job. But inevitably there would be a fight inside, and I'd get to have some fun I was very good at taking guys down/out (whatever was appropriate in the situation). And as soon as I got to toss some jerk around, all those girls that wouldn't even utter more than a word or two, would literally be throwing themselves at me, physically hanging off me, they'd be stuffing their numbers into my pockets as I tried to tell them (nicely) that I wasn't interested, I was just doing my job, and to please stop groping me.
            This happened night after night after night. I'm sorry, but the 'nice guys finish last' is just too true. The insights I got into the human 'mating ritual' as a bouncer were enlightening. Spending night after night watching it unfold like a surreal nature documentary. Girls are desperate for the alpha male, the top dog, but they have no clue what makes one. They cannot for the life of them differentiate between a confident male and an *******, a successful one and a loser. Despite being so important to them, they are so utterly clueless about it.
            Its why they gossip so incessantly, listen to every little rumor or tidbit of information, because its so important to them, and they haven't a clue how to ascertain it. It was remarkable how poor a judge of character women were when it came to men. And explaining this to women was like trying to explain multi-vector calculus to a toddler. No matter how you tried to explain it, they could not grasp the concept.
            Young men and women are both stupid and hormone driven, the problem is while the males realize it, accept it, and even embrace it, the women are in complete denial. And this fact alone accounts for 90% of the heart-break and hurt that surrounds these relationships. I don't think they are lying when they say they want a 'nice guy, who listens to them, takes care of them, etc...', the thing is I just think they are utterly clueless to how they themselves work; because as soon as those ovaries take over, they'll turn 180 and do the exact opposite thing they said not 30s ago.

            And I don't hate women, I'm not a MGTOW, or anything really... This whole culture surrounding the deification of women is complete nonsense. They are just as stupid, shallow, and horny as the men; but while the men realize this and are taught by society to better themselves, they are taught that they are always 'right', that they have 'women's intuition', that they know what they are talking about. The women would be much happier if they just admitted they were human and just rolled with it. Its why the 'average' girls always had more fun, more friends, and more boys; because they had never been put on a pedestal, knew they weren't all that, and were just out there to have fun.

            Here are a few more titles of vids that show the crash of wills.
            The women of Tinder have undertaken to improve men,
            Why women lose the dating game with Bettina Arndt
            Women Wonder Why Men Dont Want To Get Married

            An examination of why women refuse to do a lot of the things that men must do,
            Men Are Refusing To Hire Women After #MeToo Witch Hunt
            Men think that 50% of women are below average. This makes perfect sense because of the definition of average. Women think that 80% of men are below average. This leaves a lot of them fighting over guys whop they consider acceptable.

            Here is a vid that is real heresy,


            • #66
              Related vids

              Cassie Jaye and the Red Pill movie. Excellent Ted Talk,
              Women on the Island,
              That vid is a talk with a girl who breaks horses and spearfishes.
              Denying reality,

              Feminism is Appealing for Ugly, Low IQ Women - Sociologist - Sputnik ...
              All Women Are Witches According To This Gory, Feminist Fairy Tale ...
              Oct 19, 2016 - "The Love Witch" is the chick flick meets revenge fantasy women have been waiting for. ... The Love Witch.


              • #67

                Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                The whole equality question affects all of society. MGTOW is just one facet. BUT, it has ground for ENDLESS discussion and examination. Here is a comment from a vid that I find very interesting.

                I remember working as a bouncer... I'd be checking the ids of hot girls as they came in the bar. On top of looking at their id, you want to get a sentence or two out of them to see if they're drunk. So simple questions such as 'How was your night so far?' or 'Where are you from?' are common; its both a basic drunk test and a jerk test. You'd be surprised how effective such simple questions are for weeding out undesirables. I wasn't hitting on them, wasn't treating them any differently than anyone else, but they were always so annoyed I even bothered to talk to them. They'd roll their eyes, sigh, and make it very obvious they were better than me (well they thought they were better than everyone, including me).

                I didn't take it personally, they were a jerk to everyone, and I was just doing a job. But inevitably there would be a fight inside, and I'd get to have some fun I was very good at taking guys down/out (whatever was appropriate in the situation). And as soon as I got to toss some jerk around, all those girls that wouldn't even utter more than a word or two, would literally be throwing themselves at me, physically hanging off me, they'd be stuffing their numbers into my pockets as I tried to tell them (nicely) that I wasn't interested, I was just doing my job, and to please stop groping me.
                This happened night after night after night. I'm sorry, but the 'nice guys finish last' is just too true. The insights I got into the human 'mating ritual' as a bouncer were enlightening. Spending night after night watching it unfold like a surreal nature documentary. Girls are desperate for the alpha male, the top dog, but they have no clue what makes one. They cannot for the life of them differentiate between a confident male and an *******, a successful one and a loser. Despite being so important to them, they are so utterly clueless about it.
                Its why they gossip so incessantly, listen to every little rumor or tidbit of information, because its so important to them, and they haven't a clue how to ascertain it. It was remarkable how poor a judge of character women were when it came to men. And explaining this to women was like trying to explain multi-vector calculus to a toddler. No matter how you tried to explain it, they could not grasp the concept.
                Young men and women are both stupid and hormone driven, the problem is while the males realize it, accept it, and even embrace it, the women are in complete denial. And this fact alone accounts for 90% of the heart-break and hurt that surrounds these relationships. I don't think they are lying when they say they want a 'nice guy, who listens to them, takes care of them, etc...', the thing is I just think they are utterly clueless to how they themselves work; because as soon as those ovaries take over, they'll turn 180 and do the exact opposite thing they said not 30s ago.

                And I don't hate women, I'm not a MGTOW, or anything really... This whole culture surrounding the deification of women is complete nonsense. They are just as stupid, shallow, and horny as the men; but while the men realize this and are taught by society to better themselves, they are taught that they are always 'right', that they have 'women's intuition', that they know what they are talking about. The women would be much happier if they just admitted they were human and just rolled with it. Its why the 'average' girls always had more fun, more friends, and more boys; because they had never been put on a pedestal, knew they weren't all that, and were just out there to have fun.

                Here are a few more titles of vids that show the crash of wills.
                The women of Tinder have undertaken to improve men,
                Why women lose the dating game with Bettina Arndt
                Women Wonder Why Men Dont Want To Get Married

                An examination of why women refuse to do a lot of the things that men must do,
                Men Are Refusing To Hire Women After #MeToo Witch Hunt
                Men think that 50% of women are below average. This makes perfect sense because of the definition of average. Women think that 80% of men are below average. This leaves a lot of them fighting over guys whop they consider acceptable.

                Here is a vid that is real heresy,
                Never buy into feminist BS. There is no such thing as equality. Men are better than women. Women know it, and so they lie. Never be fooled by their BS.

                As a man, you have a duty to your Creator and to yourself. Fulfill your destiny. Don't be a cuck! Be a Man!



                • #68
                  MGTOW - Money for Yourself



                  Figure out how to make money, so you're not dependent on a job.

                  Don't be a slave for money!



                  • #69
                    Originally posted by vidbid View Post
                    Never buy into feminist BS. There is no such thing as equality. Men are better than women. Women know it, and so they lie. Never be fooled by their BS.

                    As a man, you have a duty to your Creator and to yourself. Fulfill your destiny. Don't be a cuck! Be a Man!
                    Psychopaths' Might - When Two Fight

                    Last edited by aljhoa; 05-08-2018, 02:57 PM. Reason: 16,257


                    • #70
                      Looking for personality and brains

                      In the simplest terms, Women are driven to have babies. Men are driven to fornicate.
                      Women try to escape from biology and natural programming. It just doesn't work that way. They demand too much and, end up alone.
                      Black women who are accomplished seem to have it even worse. 70% can't find a man.
                      So, what do men really want? Here is an interview with a prostitute in a high-class brothel.
                      "the only real gentlemen’s clubs in the city. This is no red light district hole in the wall — it’s a proper, high class establishment, where men pay vast sums of money for sex and conversation."
                      "Men come here for an experience” the owner’s say. “If the clients wanted only sex, they would just go to the red light district. They come here because they’re looking for more than sex — they want to talk with the girls,"

                      "how does a prostitute job interview go?"
                      "funnily enough, at this establishment it’s actually a girl’s personality and brains that matter most"
                      "But most importantly, a girl must be able to hold a conversation and be the type of person men want to pay to be around."
                      "And I could absolutely see why men would pay to be with her: not only was she physically beautiful, she was actually great to hang out with as well."
                      I went to a party at a high class brothel. Here’s what happened.


                      • #71
                        Sexual and reproductive health

                        WHO has been working in the area of sexual health since at least 1974, when the deliberations of an expert committee resulted in the publication of a technical report entitled “Education and treatment in human sexuality” (WHO, 1975).

                        Sexual rights

                        There is a growing consensus that sexual health cannot be achieved and maintained without respect for, and protection of, certain human rights. The working definition of sexual rights given below is a contribution to the continuing dialogue on human rights related to sexual health (1).

                        “The fulfilment of sexual health is tied to the extent to which human rights are respected, protected and fulfilled. Sexual rights embrace certain human rights that are already recognized in international and regional human rights documents and other consensus documents and in national laws.
                        Rights critical to the realization of sexual health include:

                        Rights critical to the realization of sexual health include:
                        the rights to equality and non-discrimination
                        the right to be free from torture or to cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment
                        the right to privacy
                        the rights to the highest attainable standard of health (including sexual health) and social security
                        the right to marry and to found a family and enter into marriage with the free and full consent of the intending spouses, and to equality in and at the dissolution of marriage
                        the right to decide the number and spacing of one's children
                        the rights to information, as well as education
                        the rights to freedom of opinion and expression, and
                        the right to an effective remedy for violations of fundamental rights.
                        The responsible exercise of human rights requires that all persons respect the rights of others.

                        The application of existing human rights to sexuality and sexual health constitute sexual rights. Sexual rights protect all people's rights to fulfil and express their sexuality and enjoy sexual health, with due regard for the rights of others and within a framework of protection against discrimination." (WHO, 2006a, updated 2010)

                        WHO | Defining sexual health

                        Psychopaths' Might - When Two Fight



                        • #72
                          rights are wrong

                          "the rights to equality and non-discrimination"
                          Does that mean that I can't ignore the ugly girls?
                          "the right to be free from torture or to cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment"
                          What if I marry her and, she locks her legs up tight? Do I have a right to nooky? Suppose that I go a philandering? What are her rights of redress?

                          "the right to marry and to found a family" What if I don't have a penny to my name? Do we pump out children anyway?
                          "the rights to freedom of opinion and expression, " What if I tell her that she is a moronic twat every time that I see her?
                          In sex and marriage, rights overlap so much that only love and trust can overcome the differences.


                          • #73
                            Losing the battle

                            Historically, women were NOT allowed to vote. Women have completely different priorities that focus on feeling good and other short-term objectives. Would the world be a better place if it focused on the desires of women? It's hard to say. We may get to find out.
                            This first vid is from Blonde. She is smart and articulate. She shows several papers showing that; women claim that they want pussified men but, then act to bring in men who are not pussified.

                            This vid with terrible music elaborates on some of the differences between the sexes.

                            Women consistently vote for socialism and open borders. This is a good vid of Stefan interviewing a woman who is WELL aware of this. Very good vid.

                            "Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery." - Winston Churchill
                            Socialism has never worked because it separates work from reward. EVERYBODY gets rewarded. Most women are looking for the easy route that involves the least work. It makes sense that socialism would appeal to them.

                            "Feminism in the western world is moving beyond legislating what people can and cannot do, they are now trying to legislate what people can and cannot think. Trying to legislate what people think is considered an infringement on human rights even if the way they are being forced to think is beneficial. "

                            Women rely on the courts to get what they want from men. Is it any wonder that men no longer want to risk a relationship when a woman can take them to the cleaners if she changes her mind?
                            The legislature of Sweden is mostly women who proclaim to be feminists. They have voted overwhelmingly to bring in migrants who will never fit into their society. The vast majority of the early arrivals have never gotten a job. Even after 15 years.

                            Middle-Aged Women From Sweden Pay To Have Sex With Young migrants.
                            Sex-Starved Middle-Aged Ladies Target Migrant Kids in Sweden

                            Women accuse men of "thinking with their dicks". This is somewhat true. At the same time, men WILL focus on their career. We marched of to the coal mines knowing full well that we would be dead by age 45 of black lung disease. We didn't complain.
                            If you look at groups of just-women trying to get anything done, they usually fail. They are just TOO focused on their short-term personal problems.
                            I've travelled around the Middle-East and North Africa by road. I met plenty of people. There are plenty of good people in Syria and Egypt, etc.
                            These are not the people who are trying to leave. The record shows that most of the migrants never assimilate or get a job.
                            Are they brought in solely for the sexual gratification of women who can no longer get laid? Women complain about rape but, 78% of them orgasm during rape. The Swedes are WELL aware of the growing crime rate. Does female horniness outweigh the scourge of crime?


                            • #74
                              Black Pill MGTOW

                              Decode female behavior.

                              Understand female nature.




                              • #75

                                Decoding PragerU's bullsh't



