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Avoiding world war three

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  • Danny B
    Which way the wind blows

    Chinese, Russian Foreign Ministers Agree To Boost Coordination On Korean Issue
    Trump-Mattis - No Sanctions Relief For North Korea
    Until Full, Verifiable, Irreversible Denuclearization
    Putin Signs Counter Sanctions Bill Against Trump US
    'We Must Respond To Trump US Tariffs And Sanctions On Russia' - Austrian Vice Chancellor

    EU Turns To Russia Amid Tariff Spat With Washington

    Netanyahu's Anti-Iran EU Trip
    NATO chief: Alliance won't defend Israel in war with Iran

    Escobar - Why India Is Ignoring US Sanctions And Sticking With Iran
    Belarus - If Poland Gets A US Military Base We May Invite The Russian Military
    China Views US Claims On South China Sea Militarization As Meddling – Official
    Chinese General Directly Warns Mattis Against Making 'Irresponsible Claims' And 'Interfering'

    When West Can't Control World Unopposed - It Means War
    How Trump US Sanctions On Iran Can Help Russia

    Trump US On Verge Of Sanctioning EU Firms Involved In Russia's Nord Stream 2 - Sources

    Europe is turning against American interests because they are very bad for Europe. At the same time, pox Americana is pushing very hard on China in the south china sea. That isn't going to work out well at all.

    "Chinese, Russian Foreign Ministers Agree To Boost Coordination On Korean Issue"
    Pox Americana will lay out all of it's demands to N. Korea. We already said that the current U.S. troops in S. Korea are off the discussion table. American politicians told The U.S.S.R that; if they went quietly into the night, NATO would not expand one meter to the East.
    NATO Launches Massive Drills In Eastern flank
    There is NO reason for a summit with a room full of proven liars.
    White House planning for potential Trump-Putin summit: report | TheHill
    The entire deep State is trying to get a war going. Trump can save his breath. If/ When he goes to a summit with Kim, he will have a long list of demands that MUST be met. Xi and Putin will be standing in Kim's shadow shaking their heads. Netanayahoo's 8itch is losing influence all around the world. The deep state is waging economic war because it dare not wage kinetic war. I suspect that Trump will go along with Netanyahoo's demands until the world sees itself on the brink of all-out war.

    Donald Trump's Power to Declare War is Finally Revoked! - YouTube
    Netanyahu Granted Authority to Declare War 'In Extreme Situations' With Only Defense Minister's Approval

    The deep State is counting on continued restraint from Iran and Russia. It is doubtful that Xi will show any restraint in the South China Sea.
    Last edited by Danny B; 06-05-2018, 02:39 AM. Reason: mistook

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  • Danny B
    Pike and wars

    As everyone knows, Pike predicted 3 world wars back in 1870.
    WW3 - Albert Pike and the Three World Wars
    We are NOW in a world war. It is a cyber war,,,, a currency war,,,, a trade war and a cold war that is warming up. It is a resource war. With falling birth rates, it is also shaping up to be a "war" for productive people.
    It is a war of ideologies and religion.

    The neocons blew up the Middle East to create millions of refugees. The refugees are flooding into Europe to fulfil the Kalergi Plan.
    The Coudenhove-Kalergi plan - The genocide of the Peoples of Europe | Western Spring
    It is claimed that the jews are responsible for the flood of immigrants. You notice that israel takes no black or muslim immigrants. They deport any that enter. The Tribes of Europe are to be destroyed to break up all social cohesion. Once again, the jews are accused of doing this so that there can't be any united resistance against them. They have been kicked out of just about every part of Europe, at one time or another.

    As long range delivery of destruction gets ever-more efficient, there is less chance of worldwide kinetic war. Besides kinetic warfare, there are the new energetic weapons as detailed in Tom Bearden's book, Brink of Oblivion.
    It is PERFECTLY obvious that the average person does not want war. So far, it is only the leaders who want war. Up until recently, the leaders had no skin in the game. They stayed out of reach of the killing. They sent off the young to die on the battlefield. Weapons have changed and the leaders are now more exposed.
    Look at this map of shelters in D.C.
    There are also 4 huge underground shelters.
    These shelters are no protection from the energetic weapons. Maybe, that will prevent kinetic war.

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  • spacecase0
    as far as I can tell,
    world war 3 has been planned for a long time
    I don't think that much of anything will stop it
    what else will they do with islam ?
    is islam is not compatible with the world they plan, for that matter, neither is any religion
    I don't think that much of anything will stop world war 3
    what other choice do they have ?

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  • Danny B
    Mediterranean Sea getting crowded

    "The US works with its allies and partners to deter war and maintain the rules to guarantee open international order, Foggo said. "

    "Russian President Vladmir Putin's announcement on Wednesday that ship vessels carrying Russia’s Kalibr cruise missiles would be constantly deployed in the Mediterranean Sea amid the threat of incursions by terrorists in Syria."

    "The nuclear-powered super aircraft carrier Harry S. Truman and its strike force have entered the Mediterranean Sea. "

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  • Danny B
    Bolton believes his own lies

    Trump Says ‘Libya Model’ (Rape Of Nation, Murder Of
    Gaddafi) Not In Store For N Korea IF Kim Makes A Deal
    Trump says ‘Libya model’ not in store for North Korea... provided it makes deal with US

    Donald Says Kim Won’t Be Ousted Like Libya If He
    Gives Up His Nukes (And Rockets)

    'Our Country Is Not Libya Or Iraq' - N Korea May
    Reconsider Trump-Kim Summit If Guaranteed Safety

    It was a dark day when Bolton got confirmed. There will be NO land invasion of North Korea. South Korea just will not do it. While Xi and Putin are playing chess, Bolton is playing checkers. I doubt that there will ever be a summit with Pox Americana. The District of Corruption can take it and shove it. The Wolfowitz doctrine is in full play.
    China will send Taiwan back to the Stone Age if Pox Americana tries to force N. Korea to capitulate. They might fry S. Korea just to get warmed up.

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  • Danny B
    Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory

    Everything looked SO promising on the Korean peninsula. Then came Bolton.
    Bolton Wants Kim To Ship ALL Of His Nukes To The US In Exchange For ‘Security’ - Be Careful, Kim
    N Korea Summit Now On Hold After US-SK War Games - Trump Demands NK Fully Denuclearize

    N Korea Cancels High-Level Talks With S Korea
    Trump Faces Dilemma After Bolton Enrages N Korea
    N Korea Cancels Talks With South - Threatens To Quit Summit Over US-SK Military Drills

    The fallout;
    China Begins 'Island Encirclement' War Drills On Taiwan Is There A North Korea Angle In The Works?
    Taiwan will get the same treatment that N.Korea gets. Bolton is a MORON. What did they think would happen?

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  • Danny B
    Another attack on Syria

    Israel Attacked Syria an Hour After the Iran Deal Was Ended | Time
    Well, it remains to be seen if Iran will carry out revenge or not. Whether Russia sends in the S-300 missiles, or not.
    Boris Johnson came over to tell Trump not to cancel the Iran pact. Evidently, BoJo didn't trust the phone service to just call instead. One can assume that BoJo is representing the London bankers and the British power system. The new / revived sanctions are bound to push Iran into the orbit of Russia. Just have to wait and see who retaliates.

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  • Danny B
    Paul Craig Roberts and Europe

    PCR writes that Europe must escape the control of the district of corruption. DC is on a long-term buildup for war with Russia. Europe will be the loser. Part of the problem is; there has been a lot of development to make fission weapons "clean". "They" could bomb the snot out of various enemies and, not create much fallout. PCR makes the mistake of believing that fission weapons are the ultimate destructive force.
    I bought Tom Bearden's book.
    Oblivion America At the Brink: Thomas E. Bearden: 9780972514620 ...

    I also bought,
    Secrets of Cold War Technology - Gerry Vassilatos (2000) | Perception ...

    Both of these books make it clear that the MIC has gone far beyond fission weapons. Will Pox Americana push too far? Who knows?

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  • Danny B
    The history of Pox Americana in Korea

    "In the early 1950s, the US bombed North Korea so relentlessly that, according to DPRK, it destroyed over 8,700 factories, 5,000 schools, 1,000 hospitals, 600,000 homes, and eventually killed off perhaps 20 percent of the country’s population. As noted by the Asia Pacific Journal, the US dropped so many bombs that they ran out of targets to hit, so they began punishing the local population by decimating the North’s irrigation systems instead:

    “By the fall of 1952, there were no effective targets left for US planes to hit. Every significant town, city and industrial area in North Korea had already been bombed. In the spring of 1953, the Air Force targeted irrigation dams on the Yalu River, both to destroy the North Korean rice crop and to pressure the Chinese, who would have to supply more food aid to the North. Five reservoirs were hit, flooding thousands of acres of farmland, inundating whole towns and laying waste to the essential food source for millions of North Koreans.”

    "John Bolton, wrote an op-ed article published by the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) entitled “The Legal Case for Striking North Korea First.”
    "For North Korea, full denuclearization entails the complete withdrawal of all nuclear-capable US weapons within reach of the peninsula, as well as the withdrawal of its 28,500 troops from South Korea. This is a deal-breaker for Washington and may prove to be a sticking point, especially given that the US military still refuses to leave Japan, despite improved diplomatic relations in the decades following the end of World War Two "
    Yep, permanent garrison,,, just like Germany.
    "the US still has bases in Germany and troops in the Philippines where it is expected to increase its military footprint, even though it was formally kicked out of the country in 1991. Let’s face it, the US hardly ever leaves a country once its military has established a presence. Consider that in Syria, the US controls almost one third of the country, including Syria’s most oil-rich region, without any discernable legal basis to be there in the first place."
    "No, North Korea is a threat for the same reason that Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria and Iran are a threat: natural resources and the ability to tie the development of those resources to a currency that will challenge the status of the US dollar.

    You see, North Korea sits on reserves of more than 200 minerals, including rare earth minerals, which are believed to be worth up to 10 trillion USD. "
    "The United States is a country that, at any given time, is bombing at least seven (or eight) different countries, all the while threatening to bomb at least two or three more. Despite these unprecedented acts of aggression, North Korea – currently bombing no one – is inexplicably and without fail, the country that is universally branded as an uncontrollable threat to global security."

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  • Danny B
    Iran and Russia blocking the partition of Syria

    Netanyahu Given Power To Declare War With
    Only Lieberman's Approval (Nuclear War)

    Israel Preparing War On Iran, Wants US Support
    Iran Vows 'Surprising' Response To Israel

    Here are a couple of interesting comments;

    "The Western globalist billionaires and elites are ultimately responsible for any aggression coming from Israel. If they can conquer and control Iran and take over its oil and gas reserves, risking the fate of the millions of people in Iran, Syria and in Israel, then the losses to them will be incidental. The Western-globalist-Zio-hawk Axis no doubt feels it has to act now against Iran in case everything settles down in the ME with the Syrian war cooling off.
    Any expansion of Israeli turf or getting control of resources to the north would be stymied with further waiting and allowing both Syrian and Iranian defense systems to be further fortified. The Israelis appear to be completely confident that if they can instigate a war with Iran that it will be backed by the US, the UK, France and other NATO nations.

    That confidence could only come from the Western elites running things. However, after their last fizzled false-flag poison-gas attack in Syria, the support by many NATO nations for more Axis aggression may not be that solid. So what does the Israeli tough talk and threats mean at this time? Perhaps it means that Israel is in the process of concocting a massive and much more sophisticated false-flag attack, like the taking out of a US war ship and blaming Iran for starting the war.

    Remember Five points:
    1. Isreal will fight to the very last American Soldiers Death.

    2. The Zionist screams in Pain as he Stikes you.

    3.The Yinon Plan.

    4.Operation TALPIOT.

    5. Qatari Pipeline Petro Dollar Vs. Russia / China Petro Yaun.

    One bright aspect is the Anti-Isreal / Jew Zionist movement is gaining steam. More & more Individuals are speaking openly against Israel’s War Crimes, False Flag involvements, The Yinon Plan along with Pro Zionist immigrantion policy of migrating Muslim’s & Arabs to the EU & US without fear of retribution. Pro migration policy which supports territory boarder expansion via the Yinon Plan & ethnic cleansing & migration of Arabs & Muslim’s.

    Not to mention the Billions in US foreign aid, AIPAC, ZioNeoConFascist NGO’s & dual Israeli Citizen’s which hold Political Office in CONgress. Which must be outlawed. "

    "It seems like the latest twist in the IFUKUS zio-startegy will be to cut off Iran (by maintaining a foothold East Syria & West Iraq) and using these areas to partition Syria and to continue attacking Iranian/Syrian assets in Syria (possibly in Iran proper if all else fails) provoking Iran and thereby dragging FUKUS into another conflict. All of this ongoing domestic sideshow (Trump war is Deep State) will be used to distract people in the US from these foreign provocations.

    The days of ISIS controlling territory and terrorizing the people of Syria are coming to an end,” State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said on Tuesday
    This is intriguing, because the only remaining IS presence is near the Iraqi border, with a pocket south of Damascus currently being cleared out by Syrian government forces
    Nauert also said the US will ensure there is a “strong and lasting footprint” in Syria so that IS cannot return and the liberated populations “are not exploited by the Assad regime or its Iranian supporters.”
    US statements supporting the territorial integrity of Syria “are only words” that serve as cover for “plans to partition Syria,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Saturday, after a meeting with Turkish and Iranian officials in Moscow. Lavrov had also warned earlier this year about Western plans to partition Syria.

    The US and its allies intend to occupy the eastern part of Syria and partition the country, in order to “use the Sunnis in East Syria and West Iraq to form a barricade to stop any Iranian influence and cut off supplies to Hezbollah.”

    Washington’s objectives are aligned with the axis between Israel and Saudi Arabia, Maloof added, with Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu hoping (demanding) the US will fight Iran for Israel.

    “They will go alone if they have to and drag the US into it,” Maloof told RT. “We’re getting sucked into another war.”
    “ISIS is a sideshow. The real US targets are the Syrian government and its Russian and Iranian backers,” Jatras said. “The stage is being set for a confrontation with Iran, in which Syria is simply one theater.”

    “The reference to Christians is simply cynical. It is intended to make Americans think we give a damn about Syria’s Christians, despite seven years of arming and funding jihadists for whom Christians are prime targets for murder and enslavement,” Jatras explained.

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  • Danny B
    More provocations

    Netanayahooo and the neocons and the MIC are desperate to get a war going. N.K. is off the table . Iran is the designated central target now. 500 MEPS have recommended NOT changing the Iranian deal. Does NOT matter. Israel wants it cancelled. They are bombing Syria every week to provoke Iran before the May 12 decision on Iranian sanctions. israel does not want Iranian troops and missiles in Syria. They attacked again on Sunday.
    How much longer will Russia and Iran and Syria absorb these attacks before they hit back? Iran can cut off almost every bit of oil out of the ME. Neyanyahoo is willing to crash the whole world to try to keep israel going. NO surprise.
    Last edited by Danny B; 05-02-2018, 04:26 AM. Reason: misteak

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  • Danny B
    Failing to get the wars going,,, so far.

    You know that I try not to repeat myself but, with a few thousand posts, it is sometimes difficult. Here are a couple of excerpts from the Report From Iron Mountain.
    " War was a part of the economy. Therefore, it was necessary to conceive a state of war for a stable economy.

    Report from Iron Mountain, a book which uses social science data to suggest that human societies are held together by a “war system” without which other institutions could not exist. As the Report puts it: “War itself is the basic social system, within which other secondary modes of social organization conflict or conspire.”

    The Report does not once cite figures either from the 604 statistical tables allegedly placed in an unpublished appendix or from the masses of other data which it claims were run through a computer
    The Report directs most of its attention, however, to the social, psychological, and political consequences of the war system. War, according to the Report, not only generates patriotic allegiance, which in turn increases social cohesion and undercuts domestic strife, but it justifies the very existence of nations. “

    Now, we're getting somewhere. Nations are artificial constructs held together by mutual prosperity or mutual defence. What happens when there is no need to defend from anybody?

    “is the foundation for stable government; it supplies the basis for general acceptance of political authority.” "certainly not be in the best interest of a stable society to achieve it.” For example, anti-poverty and other social welfare programs can neither spend as much tax money as the war makers"

    Peace Breaks Out On Korean Peninsula Despite...And Not Because Of US Neocon War Hawks
    The deep State is frothing at the mouth at the prospect of losing out on the $trillions that they commanded to keep us safe. They killed a couple hundred Russians to make sure that the wars go on. They greatly fear that the populace will wake up to the never-ending costs. We we're all looking forward to world peace when The U.S.S.R. collapsed. It was blocked.
    Seoul is just 660 miles from Beijing. You can bet that Pox Americana does not want to pull it's military out.

    Mattis - Direct Israel-Iran Conflict ‘Very Likely’ In a perfect world, Saudi, Iran and israel would all wipe each other out. The world would be a much better place,,, MINUS 3 theocracies.
    Last edited by Danny B; 04-29-2018, 12:05 AM. Reason: 1 more link

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  • Danny B
    Kim, Xi, Vlad and the chessboard

    As predicted, the deep state is in a panic looking for somebody to attack. They are doing their best to discount and ignore the peace overtures from Kim.
    Trump To Threaten Kim - No Sanctions Relief Without Denuclearization Proof
    Lawmakers - Kim’s Pledge Of Denuclearization Is Just A Publicity Stunt

    Maybe Things Won’t Work Out With N Korea Says Trump Who Seems To Be Hedging His Bets

    Trump Says N Korea Has Agreed To Denuclearize...But That Is Not The Case

    Xi and Kim could load their entire nuclear stockpiles on trains and send them overland to China or Russia in a couple of weeks.
    APRIL 2018
    Last edited by Danny B; 04-23-2018, 02:39 PM. Reason: Needed a link

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  • Danny B
    Looking for war and, not finding it

    This is a fictional conversation between Xi, Putin and Kim.
    Kim, the neocons are looking for any excuse to blow away N.K.
    Vlad, their markets are crashing and they are looking for a scapegoat to blame it on.
    Xi, Armstrong told me years ago that the war cycle was turning way up.
    Kim, so WHAT do I do? I don't want to be the whipping boy and get nuked back to the stone age.
    Vald, it's easy. Just do what I told Assad to do. I told him that they are crazy about gas weapons so, get rid of them. He did and, everybody inspected and , were happy. This took the wind out of their sails and bought Assad some time. They had to finally invent fake gas.

    Kim, so I just get rid of my nukes,,, and then what? What if they decide to just march in on any pretext?
    Xi, I'll make it clear that Korea is in our immediate sphere of influence. No invasion will be tolerated. Kim, you have to integrate with South Korea as quickly as possible. This will deflate their causus beli pretty fast. I'll hold Taiwan as hostage.
    Vlad we just get rid of any provocation anywhere in the world,,, besides China and Russia. Besides, America doesn't invade any more. They just stand off and blow things up. They won't find any mercenaries to go into N.K. They won't attack China or Russia because my new weapons and jamming system are too much for them.
    We only need to buy some time until their bond market crashes.
    Kim, OK, I'll give them anything that they demand. They are going to have a hard time figuring out what their next move is.

    China Praises End Of North Korea Nuclear Tests
    Kim Says He Is Discontinuing All Nuclear And
    Missile Tests - ‘No Need For Additional Tests’
    North & South Korea Launch First ‘Leaders
    Hotline’ Ahead Of Summit
    Stranger All The Time - N Korea Drops Demand
    Of US Forces Withdrawal For Denuclearization

    And what do the neocons have to say?
    WH Privately Sceptical Of NK Nuke-Missile Freeze

    Pox Americana (deep State) is absolutely desperate to avoid losing their job and influence to world peace. Russia absorbs off-hand attacks like what happened in Syria where a couple hundred Russians were killed. The deep state is rabidly trying to get any kind of attack going.

    Some years ago, Cheney pried loose a nuke-armed cruise missile and sent it on to Iraq,,, obviously to attack American troops. The missile was transported UNDER the wing of a bomber. AGAINST all standing orders. When it arrived at Barksdale AFB, AF intelligence went into full revolt and locked down the plane. Some of the guys who loaded it on the bomb pylons at Minot AFD died in mysterious car accidents. Shortly after thjat, ALL AF personnel were grounded and received explicit instructions about procedures,, and ignoring orders.
    If the deep state was willing to nuke American troops, no telling what kind of false flag they have planned to get a war going.

    So, who gets nuked next?

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  • Danny B
    So, why do we even have a military?

    Stockman has a great rant about defending America. Eisenhower warned us about letting the military-industrial complex getting too big with too much power. After WW II, there wasn't much for them to do. They whipped up a war in Korea but, it wasn't the money-maker that they had hoped. The cold war was the next best thing. LOTS of money was spent but, armies didn't actually fight. It could go on forever like that. The money would flow without limit. Unfortunately for the MIC, Russia went broke. There was no possible enemy on the horizon that would justify a big military. We could just have gotten rid of most of the military.

    "Instead, the Imperial City went in an opposite direction and ended up embracing a de facto policy of Empire First. The latter will cost $700 billion during the current year and is heading for $900 billion annually a few years down the road.

    In a word, Empire First easily consumes one-half trillion dollars more in annual budgetary resources than would America First."
    "Obviously, it's also why Imperial Washington has appointed itself global policeman. Functioning as the gendarme of the planet is the only possible justification for the extra $500 billion per year cost of Empire First.

    For example, why does the US still deploy 90,000 US forces and their dependents in Japan and Okinawa and 30,000 in South Korea?"
    "when the Soviet Union and the Red Army perished, there was nothing left to defend against. NATO should have declared "mission accomplished" and dissolved itself.

    Instead, it has become a political jackhammer for Empire First policies by expanding to 29 nations---many of them on Russia's doorstep."
    "You simply can't make up $500 billion worth of phony reasons for an Empire First national security policy without going off the deep-end. You have to invent missions, mandates and threats that are just plain stupid (like the purported Russian "occupation" of Crimea) or flat out lies (like Saddam's alleged WMDs)."
    Contra Corner » America First—R.I.P.

    Essentially, NATO is now at war with itself.

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