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US Presidential election 2016

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    • Conveniently forgotten facts

      Got this in mail;
      "Back in 1969, a group of Black Panthers decided that a fellow black panther named Alex Rackley, needed to die. Rackley was suspected of disloyalty.

      Rackley was first tied to a chair.
      Once safely immobilized, his friends
      tortured him for hours by, among other things, pouring boiling water on him.

      When they got tired of torturing Rackley,
      Black Panther member, Warren Kimbro
      took Rackley outside and put a bullet in his head. Rackley's body was later found floating in a river about 25 miles north of New Haven, Connecticut.

      Perhaps at this point you're curious
      as to what happened to these Black Panthers.? In 1977, that's only eight years later, only one of the killers was still in jail.

      The shooter, Warren Kimbro, managed to
      get a scholarship to Harvard and
      became good friends with Al Gore.
      He later became an assistant dean at an
      Eastern Connecticut State College.

      Isn't that something.!

      As a '60s radical, you can pump a bullet into someone's head and a few years later, in the same state, you can become an assistant college dean.!

      Only in America.!

      Erica Huggins was the woman who
      served the Panthers by boiling the water
      for Mr. Rackley's torture. Some years later, Ms. Huggins was elected to a California School Board.

      How in the world do you think these killers got off so easily.?

      Maybe it was in some part due to the efforts of two people who came to the defense of the Panthers.

      These two people actually went so far as to shut down Yale University with demonstrations in defense of the accused Black Panthers during their trial.

      One of these people was Bill Lan Lee. Mr. Lee, or Mr. Lan Lee,as the case may be, isn't a college dean. He isn't a member of a California School Board. He is now head of the United States Justice Department's Civil Rights Division, appointed by Bill Clinton.

      O.K., so who was the other Panther defender.? Is this other notable Panther defender now a school board member.?
      Is this other Panther apologist
      now an assistant college dean.?
      No, neither.!

      The other Panther defender was, like Lee,
      a radical law student at Yale University at the time. She is now known as
      The "smartest woman in the world."
      She is the former Democratic senator from the State of New York---- our former First Lady, and the former Secretary of State,
      the incredible Hillary Rodham Clinton."


      • The "LEFT'S" politically correct robots talk trash. The DNC is really
        scraping the bottom and saying nasty things about Trump.

        I mean the DNC "LEFTIST'S" hate the USA flag even.

        There convention priest prayed to the gOd of many names and Hillary
        told CNN that Trump and his followers do animal sacrifices to their gOd
        of gun rights. Hillary told CNN that TRUMP is queer for Putin and has
        conspired against the USA with Russia and should not be permitted
        to continue to run in the election.

        The tonight show has Colbert saying Trump is blanking off Putin on
        international programming. These people are so nasty.

        If Hillary could get away with telling CNN that TRUMP has 100's of dead
        bodies under the towers that he and his family are eating raw dead flesh
        she would do it.

        THE LEFT are demon possessed.

        Last edited by BroMikey; 08-05-2016, 07:06 AM.




          Last edited by BroMikey; 08-07-2016, 07:51 PM.


          • Hillary NWO pinup is blinking out.




            Last edited by BroMikey; 08-08-2016, 11:36 AM.


            • Trump Will Win By A Landslide According To Social Media Numbers



              • Headlines

                Hillary Brain Seizure On Stage - Handler Orders 'Keep Talking'
                Hillary Parkinsons…Handlers Ready To Inject Her - Pics
                Same Black Handler When Hillary Left Hospital w/Brain Clot
                Hillary Is Unfit - Breakdown, Stroke, Brain Damage, Drugs?
                Big Hole In Hillary's Tongue - Syphilis? Mouth Cancer? - Pics
                Before & After Pics Of Hillary's Tongue Show Large Hole - Pics
                Hillary Has Serious Physical Problems With Stairs - Photos
                Hillary Clinton Calls Trump Her Husband
                Hillary Creepy Ad Infers Trump Is A Russian Agent!
                Cotton - Clinton Named US Spy In Email - Executed By Iran
                Psycho Hillary - Trump A Nazi Because Of German Ancestry!
                New Trump Crooked Hillary FB Ad - 2+ Million Views, 24 Hrs
                Huckabee - Hillary Is Like A Carefully Groomed Robot
                Communist Party Unites Behind Hillary
                Live With Yourself Knowing You Allowed The Clintons?
                Latest Political Murders...ALL Tied To The Clintons
                Key Bernie Backer Charged DNC With Fraud Killed

                The jews and the oligarchy have thrown all their weight behind the Hildebeest. Now that they are committed, she is falling apart physically and mentally. Their "solution" Dem rep launches petition to evaluate Trump's mental health | TheHill
                "Jul 10, 2016 - Clinton, who had not held a press conference in two years"
                She can't even go out in public. The Dems are learning that the horse that they backed is just one step from the glue factory.
                " The clot was potentially serious, blocking a vein that drains blood from the brain."
                "Doctor: Hillary 'high risk' for blood clots -"
                Hillary Clinton Blood Clot Was Life-Threatening, Say Medical Experts ...
                Rove: Clinton hospital stay and glasses point to traumatic brain injury ...

                Why we should be very wary of using clot busting drugs in CVA
       › Education
                by M Johnston - ‎Related articles
                Why we should be very wary of using clotbusting drugs to treat acute strokes ... surprise that it sometimes dissolves through the blood vessel & bleeds into the brain

                This horse is soon to go comatose.


                • Pushing the brain dead.



                  Last edited by BroMikey; 08-10-2016, 05:53 AM.


                  • Clinton Mafia still murdering their way along, business as usual.


                    Last edited by BroMikey; 08-12-2016, 05:01 AM.


                    • If not Killary,,, the who?

                      Even the blindest of the Dems can see the obvious murder trail. The see the flip-flop on most issues. Clinton Flip Flops - Denounces NAFTA And TPP
                      Then, they learn; 96% Of Hillary Donations Went To Clinton Fndn
                      She hasn't got near the control that she needs: Mutiny? Feds Said Probing Clinton Foundation Despite DOJ
                      She was BAD to begin with but, she is losing support everywhere; Kissimmee - Trump Draws Thousands – Hillary Pulls 150

                      Hillary - Couldn’t Even ‘Get Up’ After Exhausting DNC
                      Hillary Says She Gets Tired, Collapses
                      Clintons Made Quarter Billion Since Leaving The WH

                      So, the big question is; since the hildebeest is not viable and, likely to start WW III if given the chance, what are the power brokers (Soros), the media (Adelson) and the war mongers going to do. They can easily kill Trump but, would that lead to an even worse situation? Is the poofter-in-chief to remain in charge? There is a distinct possibility that Trump could stop the war cycle.
                      IF he were to stop the war cycle, could it later be re-started?

                      Armstrong is calling for gold to do a "slingshot" or a "phase change" in January. This would imply that the dollar would do an equal movement because gold has "no price". The dollar DOES have a price.
                      The times they are a changing,,, but where are they going?


                      • Dem VP?,,,, Trump??

                        Until the Aussies discovered heliobacter pylori, it was thought that the only cure for ulcers was to cut the 10th cranial nerve that goes to the digestive system. A very perceptive researcher discovered that people who have had their 10th cranial nerve cut do not get Parkinson's disease. Research showed that the Vagus nerve (10 th) carries nutrients to the brain along with signals.
                        The Hildebeest has Parkinson's disease. The doctors are treating her with Warfarin,,, also know as rat poison. It's a good bet that her Vagus nerve will carry this to her brain. She will go downhill that much faster.
                        Will they continue to run with her and then let her VP carry on her programs?
                        Hillary VP Tim Kaine Dines With George Soros’ Son

                        It's possible that the American PTB resent the machinations of Soros. They may try to make the best of a bad situation, Liz Cheney - Hillary Is A FELON...We Must Support Trump
                        They recognise that Killary is non-viable. The FBI is going after her regardless of what Comey does. The shrill screeches from the media are falling on deaf ears. Trump could suffer a "JFK" or a Diebold but, maybe they will let him in as the least-worse answer.


                        • Trump 4 Pres...........

                          Trump's package to fight against world wide terrorism.
                          First Trump names ISIS and many offensive incidents.

                          Last edited by BroMikey; 08-16-2016, 03:26 AM.


                          • Chameleon neo-conservatives

                            Armstrong; "When it comes to the GOP leaders, you MUST understand that the neoconservatives are originally the old Democrats of the South who jumped ship when the Democratic Party began turning more socialist and liberal in their view."
                            "Even since the 1980s, this group of neoconservatives has constituted the elite of their newly adopted party. These are the very same people in revolt today and refuse to support Trump. Yes, the career politicians fear Trump will not grease their palms with the usual corruption that has consumed Washington. God forbid if Trump began cutting pork from Washington’s diet. How would a politician run for office if he did not deliver pork to get votes? That is the grease that keeps the government working."
                            " Trump is against the core of the neoconservative agenda, which has always been nation-building and ruling the world."

                            "The aired the letter from 50 former national security advisers saying Trump is dangerous. But they would never explain why they think he is dangerous. Most people ASSUME that means he would get us into war. The truth is precisely the opposite. They fear he would stop the neoconservative agenda of ruling the world. "

                            "Therefore, the neoconservatives are reinventing themselves once more and are quietly abandoning the Republican Party of economic conservatism for their real goal of nation-building and dominating the world political scene. The Republican elite are silently returning to the Democrats to support Hillary Clinton. They know she will do their bidding for everything is negotiable with Hillary for her only goal is to be the first woman president. Nothing else matters to Hillary."

                            "They have no problem spilling the blood of our young boys washing their hands in it before counting their money. "

                            Unbiased, Independent Poll - Trump 67% Clinton 19%
                            Bulges Under Hillary’s Coat Suggest Defibrillator Vest

                            OK, blood clots in the brain,,, hole in the tongue,,, rat poison in her veins,,, defibrillator. Soon, we'll be singing her eulogy;


                            • The Latest Inside Baseball



                              • The latest hillary video

                                House Oversight Committee Creates Video Proving Hillary Lied To Congress - The Lid

