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US Presidential election 2016

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  • The Trump chessboard

    China has threatened Trump to NOT start a trade war with import tariffs.
    Trump called up The president of Taiwan to make friendly conversation. China blew a gasket. China Treads Carefully as Trump’s Taiwan Call Jolts Ties - Bloomberg Politics
    China called up the old fossil, Kissinger,
    "The former secretary of state had several phone conversations with Trump before a face-to-face session in New York on Nov. 18."
    Yep, it took the old dog a while before he could even get an audience..
    The swamp rats arranged most favored nation trading status in return for personal bribes. The Chinese have good reason to worry.

    “This president-elect, it’s the most unique that I’ve experienced in one respect: He has absolutely no baggage,” Kissinger said. “He has no obligation to any particular group." So, the big problem with Trump is that he has no bribe history to leverage him. I'm sure that the tribe HATES him for that.


    • Bomb Isis/Opec and get oil else where.



      • down and dirty and deadly

        Californians are VERY patriotic. An extra 3 million of them got off their butts to vote for Killary A strong anomaly in CA results: a national average of 54% of registered voters would suggest 10 mln votes in CA, not 13 mln :
        Here is a short list of important people who met an untimely end due to their association with the Clintons;
        We don't have long before the votes of the electors must be turned in;

        The battle isn't over yet and things are getting dirty; Anti-Trump Protesters Release Personal Info of Electoral College Members


        • Only 42 percent of California's population is white and if half
          of those are democrat and half of them are republican, count the

          30 plus percent are Mexican's and almost all of them have voted
          for the Democrat's forever. Count the number.

          37 percent latino all vote dem.

          Last edited by BroMikey; 12-05-2016, 03:47 AM.


          • Gowdy is finally getting enough confidence to shutdown Obama.

            Islam repent ISIS Safe Zones coming. Right inside Arabia

            Trojan Horse found. Late Breaking Dec 3rd, read it and weep Dem's

            Sucka's the drugs are going to stop.

            Youtuber can't talk well and is a bit gitty

            Last edited by BroMikey; 12-05-2016, 04:35 AM.


            • Trump loves the Jewish nation. The deals are changing fast.



              • Thousands rushing the USA borders



                • If you've got the money,,, spend it!

                  "Big Labor pumped $530 million of workers’ dues into mostly Democratic Party groups and liberal causes over a four-year period "
                  Big Labor threw tons of cash at Democrats, but workers voted red: report | New York Post


                  • Over Run in Italy
                    It looks like Brexit is catching on just like Trump has pointed out


                    • ISIS is stepping up the pressure, civil war is coming and already
                      here in the cities. People in the USA need to have a weapon of some kind on
                      hand as Trump has stated that the gov of LAW and ORDER will commence
                      deporting 3 million plus criminals in this country in a very short time.

                      These rats may do anything with their backs to the wall.

                      Last edited by BroMikey; 12-05-2016, 11:07 PM.


                      • TRUMP EFFECT raising confidence



                        • Thank You Rally

                          FULL EVENT: Donald Trump "THANK YOU" Rally in Fayetteville,
                          North Carolina (12/6/2016)

                          GOD BLESS YOU N.C.



                          • "they're going to cut and slash first and ask questions later. "

                            "There's the choice of Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt to head the EPA, even as he's one of the Attorneys General suing the EPA for what they call excessive regulation.

                            There's Education Secretary pick Betsy DeVos, who has long opposed government control of public education as a fierce advocate for school choice.

                            Trump picked Senator Jeff Sessions for Attorney General, a man who wants to trash a great deal of the Department of Justice's policies especially when it comes to immigration.

                            And the list goes on and on as similar Democrat and liberal anger has been stoked over the choice of public housing critic Dr. Ben Carson to lead the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the tapping of labor union foe Andy Puzder to be Secretary of Labor.

                            Making it all worse for the Democrats is their ability to block these appointees is now almost nil. "
                            Trump cabinet picks galling to democrats—Commentary


                            • The Fake news outlets such as CNN and FOX News are
                              dying and gasping their last breath.

                              Trump has stated that the media heads are not only among the
                              richest people in the land but are the most dishonest on the

                              All the major networks worked in secret to keep Hillary in so she
                              could continue policies that made all of these insiders very wealthy.

                              Well it didn't work because after 40 yrs of media bait and switch the
                              public finally catch on to the fact that the media was against the
                              average AMERICAN citizen in one form or another.

                              Media bimbo Kelly is about to be fired I think and she blames Trump

                              Now panty waist Brian Williams along with pinup Hilda-beast have
                              embarked on a new quest to silence all of the right-wingers.



                              • Loonie lefties.... the CIA

                                12/11 Poll reveals Trump voters live in alternate state of reality – Daily Kos
                                The converse of this is also true. How did the liberals reach the beliefs and mindset that they now hold? How did they reach a "logical" point to where they call for the death of the president-elect? The election of Trump is called a "terror attack". Obviously, the tribe that owns the media has a strong Marxist leaning. Obviously, many of their adherents and followers are febrile-minded sheep.

                                "Bloomberg View stated: “FRANCE NEEDS SOMEONE TO STOP LE PEN.”
                                This breathless pronouncement made by pampered liberal editors in-between attending posh cocktail parties organized to mourn the election of Donald Trump while mocking the ignorance of the unwashed masses ironically calls to mind another famous tone-deaf line regarding the people of France. That being: “Let them eat cake.”

                                "How nice – and quite arrogant — it must be to sit in a luxurious editorial boardroom in New York City walled-off from the hardworking citizens of the United States and issue edicts to the people of France. What these liberal-elite editors clearly fail to understand, is that the joke is now on them."

                                "By the time these editorial writers had reached their own cocktail parties on Beacon Hill to receive backslaps from their fellow out-of-touch and wealthy liberals, voters in Massachusetts concerned for their futures had overwhelming voted for Mr. Trump.

                                That same day, I sent an email to a friend in the media with regard to Donald Trump saying: “Let’s see, if every single entrenched establishment in both parties and the media is against you, you must be doing something right.”
                                "so the vast majority of people living paycheck to paycheck and struggling to survive, these elitists command: “Stop Brexit, Stop Trump, Stop Le Pen…Stop thinking for yourselves. Don’t you ever forget that we do the thinking for you.”

                                "The collapse of the Socialist Party in France, much like the collapse of Liberal ideology here in the United States, being one more sign that the people now are thinking for themselves. And what that pragmatic and commonsense independent thought is telling them is that someone has to work. Someone has to pay the bills. Someone has to build and support the infrastructure of a nation. "
                                "Liberal editors, politicians, Hollywood activists, college professors and union leaders who despise and fear this populist revolt must now come to grips with the fact that the people have started to think for themselves"

                                Read more: Bloomberg, Le Pen And The Unwashed Masses | The Daily Caller

                                There are lots of articles floating around that Trump is surrounding himself with billionaires and generals. Trump prefers to have SUCCESSFUL people running the show rather than "community organizers".

                                The BIGGEST battle that Trump faces is; controlling the CIA.
                                "One month to the day after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas, former President Harry Truman recommended that the U.S. abolish the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)."

                                Truman, "stating, in a post-presidency interview, that abolishing the OSS (Office of Strategic Services and the WW II predecessor to the CIA) and forming the CIA was the biggest mistake he made as President." He went to his grave kicking himself over that one."
                                This article has an extensive list of all the enemies that JFK made.

                                Who else do you think called for the CIA to be abolished?????
                                The CIA has grown to be somewhat like the British East India Company. Their charter allowed them to start wars and do any economic actions that they deemed necessary. The CIA is self-funding through their massive drug distribution business.

                                Mike Pompeo, the new head of the CIA, "He’s a graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and Harvard Law School."
                                The Pentagon is well aware that U.S. military is at the forefront of drug production and distribution. The CIA and bankers are the less visible part. The CIA and MOSSAD are the muck that keeps the swamp from draining.
                                The Pentagon is well aware of who hit them with the cruise missile to destroy the investigation by the navy office of budget and management.

                                The liberals and lefties are useful idiots used by the CIA and military-industrial-banking complex to try to monkey-wrench the changing of the guard.
                                Trump, " we will pursue a new foreign policy that finally learns from the mistakes of the past. We will stop looking to topple regimes and overthrow governments"
                                As soon as the Taliban got power in Afghanistan, they put a stop to opium production. The U.S. military immediately geared-up for a big fight. Opium production was quickly restored.
                                You can be assured that Trumps' generals have long had a game plan in action. Pompeo just needs to revoke accreditation for all the spooks that can't present a legitimate purpose for their jobs and activities.
                                An end to regime change will be a major change in the world. We shall see.

