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US Presidential election 2016

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  • #61

    Hey Danny

    Trump is burning down the house of the past 60 years
    of correct thinking and is peacefully over throwing our

    Listen to Glen Beck say he wants to stab Donald Trump
    over and over again.

    It only takes one man to start a fire, Trump has done that
    and now it is up to us to get behind the truth. Our leaders
    are going to prison on many levels.

    THEIR time is up, THEY had THEIR chance already to show
    THEIR true colors. THE CLEAN FBI will gladly shift sides away
    from these monsters we have dismantling our country.

    If something isn't done right now America will be lost and
    with the loss of the USA there will be no safe zones around
    the world.

    It ain't gonna happen. The young people of this country
    hate the lying NEWS at 6 oc report. The young people
    do not believe THEIR leaders.

    Here is a perfect example of mental illness in this country
    with the most watched talk show hosts calling for the death
    of the Presidential runner DONALD TRUMP.

    The "ESTABLISHMENT" slash GOVERNMENT is being burnt
    in the fire of true words coming out of the mouth of TRUMP.

    Scripture tells US that the peoples of the world (including the USA)
    will grow to hate these leaders. In scripture this "LEADERSHIP"
    is referred to as a wkore. Scripture plainly states the the

    Further that not only will the nations be angry
    not only angry but that THE NATIONS WILL HATE HER but also

    EATING HER FLESH means that anyone who is associated with
    this system of injustice will be eaten up by the words of the people
    because words are always "A FIRE" truth in the form of words.

    Trump is not the source of the fire, Trump is the tool that is being
    used to lite this FIRE. This Nation is on fire due to this guy TRUMP's
    platform to speak.

    TRUMP is just one man, he can not do anything by himself.




    Last edited by BroMikey; 03-05-2016, 04:05 AM.


    • #62
      It's not over til the fat lady screams

      I'm going to make a qualified prediction. The FBI got burned pretty good when building 7 went down. The intelligence agencies are really pissed off about the private e-mail server. Clinton's phone conversation with her daughter about Benghazi was released much to her embarrassment. There are tons of incriminating documents and records being released. The Hildebeest is secretary of State but, the State dept is releasing incriminating info. I think that the soul-less female dog has made very powerful enemies in the intelligence agencies.
      She killed Ambassador Stevens to make points. She over rode the military to destroy Libya. This created a safe-haven for ISIS. She has pissed off the military, foreign service and the secret service.
      Intelligence has ALL the dirt on her.
      The old guard is closing ranks against Trump and behind the Hildebeest. What could all the dis-affected people in GOV do against her? Keep in mind that our current welfare-warfare State is collapsing. FED GOV has $ 212 trillion in unfunded liabilities. THAT INCLUDES GOV PENSIONS.
      GOV employees are more likely to salvage some kind of pension with Trump than they are with the hildebeest.

      Imagine that the momentum behind Clinton keeps growing. Things look better and better for her. She gets the money backing. She gets the nomination. At the critical moment, she gets indicted. Judge Warns Hillary "Should Be Terrified" After Justice Grants Email-Staffer Immunity | Zero Hedge
      Last edited by Danny B; 03-05-2016, 04:53 AM. Reason: too many asterisks


      • #63
        The ESTABLISHMENT is protecting HILLARY and attacking Trump.

        Hillary will look like Barbra Bush in a few short years.

        Hillary for Prison makes the most sense. The Dirty FBI behind the
        Clintons are aware of the CLEAN FBI and they all know one
        another. Insiders know who THEY are and what THE DIRTY
        FBI is like.

        THEY are waiting THEIR time, when the time is right THE CLEAN FBI
        will have no problems doing THEIR job on THESE FILTHY PEOPLE.

        THANK GOD there are still many young men and women in this
        Christian country who will never submit to evil though they are
        exposed to evil from within THEIR own ranks.

        Think about the letters FBI, people who are either hiding
        behind the idea of doing service for GOD and Country or
        those who really are PURE. Wen you as an FBI agent has that
        much power you begin to realize how easy it is to do whatever
        you please and get away with it.

        Absolute POWER and this is why a great number of FBI are very
        corrupt. The money is easy, killing is a way of life and glorified.

        The DIRTY FBI also serve the dark lords of the spirit, killing
        or blood lusts are part of THEIR being. THEY must fulfill that
        feeling periodically. Special forces will agree that once killing
        has been done that these people will change.

        I have witnessed this change in returning VETS who rejoice
        is THEIR metals with blood in their eyes. DIRTY FBI is the same
        way. Most of you have no clue what I am talking about.

        Let me spell it out for you, once the line is crossed and killing
        becomes part of a person they can never function in normal
        society. This is most often restricted to special forces who
        gain employment in other civilian special opts law enforcement.

        I call these DIRTY FBI because they MUST kill to get fulfillment
        in life. Even though the dirty FBI and the CLEAN FBI have a lose
        association with one another, the CLEAN FBI can not stand the
        filthy stench of the EVIL members.

        The showdown has come. You are watching the ESTABLISHMENT
        attack TRUMP on every front with everything they have got because
        THEY are afraid to be put in prison for the rest of THEIR lives.

        The Nations people of the world have had enough.



        Last edited by BroMikey; 03-31-2016, 02:34 AM.


        • #64
          Mexico Hates Trump. Drug Lords Hate Trump March 4th



          Last edited by BroMikey; 03-31-2016, 02:36 AM.


          • #65
            Scathing rebuke from an ESTABLISHMENT JUDGE

            Jeanine (What a Girl) who is smoking Mitt Romney's rear end.

            All on FOX NEWS? Goodness.



            Judge Jeanine Slams Romney: 'The Establishment Is Panicked'
            About Trump, But 'Not For Us'



            Listen to Rush say Ted Cruz is honest and never lies
            Rush is special interest and always has been. That means he is
            on the side of the big money, only. Smooth talker/liar.






            Last edited by BroMikey; 03-31-2016, 02:39 AM.


            • #66
              EX-DIRTY FBI agent inside sworn to secrecy for life
              states the inside battle raging at present. The are all
              covering one another. If one gets indicted they all burn.


              Last edited by BroMikey; 03-31-2016, 02:42 AM.


              • #67
                The ESTABLISHMENT front man for the currently entrenched
                DIRTY GOVERNMENT is TED CRUZ admits he won by fraud in Iowa.



                • #68
                  Multimillionaire Donald Trump could be sunning his rump
                  in Hawaiian Islands instead of going after world leaders.

                  It is time we woke up and got behind TRUMP. Snap to it.

                  Check this out.


                  Last edited by BroMikey; 03-10-2016, 03:04 AM.


                  • #69
                    Self -immoliation of both parties

                    This campaign may turn out to be one of the most important turning points in history. With republicans backing the Hildabeest, there is no more illusion about a "2 party system". They can't very well put that djin back in the bottle.
                    3/09 Indictment certain in Clinton email scandal before November – Ron Paul Institute
                    3/08 The week the Republican party melted down – Bloomberg
                    3/07 German vice chancellor: Trump a ‘threat to peace, prosperity’ – Times of ISRAEL Peace and prosperity of who?
                    Israeli Supporters Financing Clinton’s Campaign - Analysis
                    Is The Republican Party Just Too Stupid To Survive?
                    Dotcom Billionaires Meet Secretly To Plan To Stop Trump
                    Thanks To The Republican Civil War, Hillary Wins
                    So, the reps and dems back hildabeest,,, at the last minute, she gets indicted, both parties implode.

                    It doesn't matter if you hate Trump. Vote for him just to watch the criminals melt down.


                    • #70
                      Trojan Horse, etc.

                      It is just my opinion but I think the fix is in. There are critical deficits attached to each of the front runners. It is a trojan-horse-type situation. Pick your favorite among Trump/Cruz/Clinton/Sanders and things can easily go wrong. It does not really change the end result. Things are going to get very unfriendly for people that care about ethics, values, right and wrong, good judgment, etc. The evil powers seem to be behind each and every one of these leading nominees. I am hoping Trump or Cruz win, but I am under no illusion that either will prevent the collapse of civil society. I expect some form of martial law to become more and more likely. Sad, but I feel it is true. I hope this train wreck can be avoided, but that is how I see it.
                      There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


                      • #71
                        The NWO will "stamp out all resistance with the feet of it."

                        Remember? The feet refer to an armed occupation against
                        those who fight in the natural, our fight is not done this way.

                        "And the nations were angry and thy wrath has"

                        Remember? The wrath is not for you even tho we may suffer
                        the loss of all things during over throw. It is coming yes but
                        remember this, there must be a resistance because anyone
                        who gets caught going along to get alone sign their own 2nd death

                        "And those that do know there God will do great exploits"
                        'Some from among the people will instruct many"
                        "Many will be tested and purified and made white till the
                        time of the end'

                        Remember this those of us who love this great country
                        will always be the resistance against the destruction of
                        our traditional values of Love, Forgiveness and a righteous

                        There is no middle ground. The USA is known for all of
                        these values and this is what made us great. We can not
                        hide our candle. We The people stick out like a sore thumb.

                        We are the out casts among the Nations.

                        Yes total collapse will eventually come and this is where
                        all of our practicing days will pay off as we care for one
                        another outside and hungry as we can not be part of the
                        new systems of worship.

                        "HE WILL CAUSE ALL " and then we read "As many as did not"

                        Did not? Did not what? "As many as did not worship" see it?

                        To worship is an act of free will. Outside of this act of free
                        will worship we are the enemy.

                        All nations of the world have been under the power of this
                        NWO since before I was born in 1957. All of the nations
                        in the UN have grown to hate this lying beast that she is.

                        You are watching Trump speak out against this beast from
                        an international podium for the first time in many decades
                        using words to "Burn Her with fire" Remember?

                        And "Eat Her flesh" remember.

                        Make no mistake, more is going on in the world at the end
                        than what is taught in Sunday school where the Christians
                        all take it laying down with their heads on a block.

                        That is completely wrong.

                        We shall prevail. We along with many who do not know The
                        Self Existent One will go right thru this time of trouble just

                        We may burn but we can never bow.

                        It is our job as humans to help one another so this requires
                        we do more than take it bent over like some submissive boy
                        at the beckon call of the tyrants.

                        The reference "EAT HER FLESH refers to the use of the mouth
                        where not only the fire of words come to "BURN HER" be also
                        HER FLESH refers to all of those who side and work for HER.
                        (Special interest as Trump calls it)

                        This hate is righteous and justified.

                        SHE or as we use the term as it is written HER is an unfaithful
                        system who oversees the creation of the SELF EXISTENT ONE.

                        SHE has turned out to be a real Beast to live under.

                        The words of the righteous will burn her alive.

                        We are watching the only Presidential candidate in all of USA
                        history burn HER with the fire of words. After having lived a
                        sufficient number of years under HER evils, of course.

                        The Pope and the Catholic Church is also being burnt in
                        the fire of words as part of this beast winch who is the Mother
                        of pedophile rings world wide.

                        SHE is burning everyday and TRUMP is just one of many
                        who have been used to put this ditch witch in HER place before
                        the nations of the world. The people have known for decades
                        but now this old nasty beach is being striped nude for who she
                        is in Nation spotlight.

                        All eyes are on the USA elections all around the world.

                        The spirit of raw freedom will never die and is the rejoicing
                        of the people. It can be felt.

                        Revenge is filling the hearts of the nations against HER.

                        ‘SNL’ compares Trump’s rise to Hitler’s

                        Last edited by BroMikey; 03-10-2016, 06:16 AM.


                        • #72
                          Judge says someone is going to be indicted.

                          Hillary for Prison-dent.



                          • #73
                            Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                            This campaign may turn out to be one of the most important turning points in history........................

                            It doesn't matter if you hate Trump. Vote for him just to watch the criminals melt down.


                            The melt down is in progress. The FBI (The good one's) better
                            keep a gun near by because Clinton enemies disappear regular.
                            One rat will rat on the other, like a pen of squealing pigsliterally.

                            Witch Hilda's creep show is over.


                            Last edited by BroMikey; 03-10-2016, 10:40 AM.


                            • #74
                              Cutting off the GOV chow wagon

                              By "virtue" of regulatory capture, GOV spent $ 1.53 trillion of corporate welfare last year. All the fatcats lined up at the GOV food trough to make tons of money on boondoggles like the new fighter jet that doesn’t fly. The $1.53 trillion is just the welfare part, NOT the cost of actual business. The fatcats just told GOV that they would create tons of jobs.
                              Trump didn't become a billionaire by wasting money. The corporatocracy had a lock on politicians because it had become so expensive to run a campaign. They could easily buy every candidate. They owned everybody except for other billionaires.
                              Trump didn't make his money from war industries so, he didn't have a vested interest in continual war. The fatcats who depend on the GOV food trough are brainstorming how to keep the swill coming.
                              HuffPo's Grim: 54 Private Jets at Meeting to Stop Trump - Breitbart


                              • #75
                                More on presidential Democratic runner Hillary Clinton.



                                TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP!!!!!!


                                [VIDEO] lGjfkmx1nz-qN-e3fRtewdodl7BzmTuQ6Q0ueSDHJy4PSh36vZ6CChqg_lbVLIQd y2mOEeXw[/VIDEO]
                                Last edited by BroMikey; 03-11-2016, 10:24 AM.

