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US Presidential election 2016

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  • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
    If anyone who understands who to vote
    for and why please post today.

    Officers are appointed by the board of directors to run the day-to-day operations of the corporation.



    • Well I early voted today and it was a short ballot very small.
      This election is being rigged at the voting booth so pay attention.
      If you vote republican in some locations where that state plays a
      big roll your vote often times will come up Democrat.

      We are going to have civil war inside the USA and these top officials
      will be targets. The purpose of rigging the elections out in the open and
      then nothing is done is to stick it in the face of the average person
      sending us all the message "WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT HUH?"

      This is deliberate with the intention to start internal opposition so the
      feds can crack down on the public even further to reaffirm their goals
      of the imposed feudalistic social structures.

      The American people will not stand by while our citizen are exposed to
      Syrian murdering hordes. When it all breaks down completely I suggest
      to each of you be ready to meet THE KING staying sober. Even here in the
      dust bowl in Dodge City and Garden City the Somalian Bernese Muslims
      have already shot up 2 Walmart.

      I know local military in their early 30's with inside intel. The media has
      covered these events over and the public is largely in the dark about
      Obama and Hillary's open board plan to take down America.

      According to sources here there are 1000 of these men from that
      country in these two locations and no one here understands who
      these men really are.

      I just hope it isn't your head that is severed before you take notice
      leaving your do nothing care nothing feel nothing mind set. The majority
      think that this is never going to happen to them.

      May God help each of you to see clearly. The biggest thing you can do
      is to be ready. Being caught by surprise is like going into battle with only
      a pair of shorts and sun glasses.

      VOTE TRUMP to "DRAIN THE SWAMP" of corruptions or dig your own
      graves and jump in. The banks are failing the money will go and your homes
      will go into default. In 2008 homes were sold for half of what the purchase
      price was and this time no one will have anything to buy with.

      Hillary has trafficked drugs, guns and people all of her life. A vote for her
      is a vote for more lawlessness that will finally crash our social structure.

      Sex drugs and Rock and Roll sounds funny when you are a teenager.
      When it eats your soul, it ain't as funny.

      Last edited by BroMikey; 10-26-2016, 08:51 AM.


      • Hillary's Special Halloween Video of the year.

        Not only does Hillary's secret service claim she traveled out to a witches
        cHurch for 30 yrs in L.A. but her book says she speaks with Eleanor Roosevelt
        who obviously is a very dead person. Bill Clinton talks about this spiritual
        matter on international media.




        • City vs country

          "To those ignored, suffering people, Donald Trump is a brick chucked through the window of the elites. "
          How Half Of America Lost Its F**king Mind | Zero Hedge

          Is This What Panic Looks Like? Reuters Polls Show Huge Shift In Electoral Map Toward Trump | Zero Hedge
          Last edited by Danny B; 10-26-2016, 02:47 PM. Reason: another link


          • Trump speech on the restoration of LAW and ORDER. FBI internal rumblings
            are forcing James to do things he doesn't want to do. Making America
            great again means that fairness and equality is restored.

            This time Trump talks about health care doubling and soon to triple under
            Hillary, should she be elected. According to many sources inside the FBI
            and high level names, HILLARY WILL BE INDICTED this time around
            Jan- Feb of 2017

            Last edited by BroMikey; 10-29-2016, 08:15 PM.


            • Hillary for PRISON and no joke this time. All of the nuts and bolts
              from a 30year old reporter.

              Hillary is going to fix the machines to flip to HILLARY. She is going to
              be president. HILLARY is all these filthy American's are worthy of.
              Hillary indictment? HA! Maybe after she is elected in Jan. Hillary
              and her supporters will be cast out into the open field to wallow
              with the beasts. "THERE IS NO CLASSIFIED INFORMATION" please
              erase and beach all records immediately.

              There is no smoking gun "WEANER" LOL There is no right or wrong
              just gather the facts first. Back into the trenches.

              Last edited by BroMikey; 10-30-2016, 03:41 AM.


              • The election,,, the jews,,, Russia

                Lichtman and his system for predicting the winner of the election.
                "Lynch Fighting With Comey To Protect Clinton Democrat Senators Furious "
                "Huma Says She Has No Idea How The Tens Of 1,000s Of Emails Got On Her And Weiner's Laptop!"
                "10/30 Throw Huma under the bus? Automatic Earth"
                "Atzmon - Top Five Donors To Clinton Campaign Are Jews "

                "Clinton Cancels ALL Events In 3 Critical Swing States"
                "Obama Cancels 12 Campaign Appearances With Hillary"
                "Ex US Attorney For DC Says New Hillary Email Probe Is The Result Of Huge 'Revolt' Inside FBI"
                "New FBI Probe Blows Up In Hillary's Face"
                "ABC Poll - Hillary Lead Cut In Half In Just Two Days"

                OK, Killary was the anointed one just like Obummer;
                She planned to steamroller anyone who got in her way. The FBI was having no part of that BS.
                STRANGE times;
                The cancellations seem to point to Killary dropping out of the race for health reasons to avoid indictment.
                By Soros blatantly rigging the vote, he would have precipitated a constitutional crisis. Killary would have eventually been indicted,,, I believe.

                The Jews went "all in" on candidates that they could control. BUT, these candidates that they had groomed for years eventually turned out to be un-electable. Obummer is/was a P.O.S. that had no qualifications. Killary has qualifications, all right. She's a monster.
                Russia has 11 time zones of natural resources. The Zionists were absolutely fixated on grabbing control of all of it. Killary was the point man for the job.

                2 years ago, everybody including Christine LaGarde was talking about the currency reset. Jim Willie reports that we blocked it from happening. This major crash in our standard of living would have thrown votes to Sanders. Trump will have no way to hold off the inevitable reset for any amount of time. It is speculated that this crash will be laid on the Republicans.
                If Killary drops out, the Dems may very well light the fuse on the default cascade.


                • Smoking guns. Huma running from her final destiny

                  Naturally, Obummer would pardon Killary. But Huma,,, NO WAY. She's headed for the meat grinder. LOTS of federal charges and she could do 20 years. She sees that Killary will never be president,,, never be able to protect her.
                  FBI Insider - Huma Seeking Immunity Deal With FBI
                  Report - Clinton Aides' Laptops Were NOT Destroyed

                  Jumping ship; Hillary Planning Her Escape After a Trump Win With a $1.8 BILLION Money Transfer to QATAR ? Eagle Rising
                  Last edited by Danny B; 10-31-2016, 04:17 AM. Reason: moar info


                  • 4 possibilities



                    • It is so clear. In college we are taught "SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST"
                      This mean when you are in trouble you throw everyone under the bus
                      in insure your safety. Everything and everyone else is expendable
                      as this is the code of ethics on the animal world. Cover your own azz
                      because you are the only one that matters in the end.

                      This is also known as "DOG EAT DOG" a world or code of honor in which
                      the kill is always shared in the form of left overs with all of the other dogs
                      as one big happy family. In Hillary's case she has always stolen billions
                      from the USA by diverting capitol thru litigation to the greasy palm.

                      China then sends a few morels back.

                      THEY are all afraid to be found out, but it is too late. So now THEY will
                      all do what THEY have all insisted on for generations, eat each other. This
                      is the best THEY are able to do because THEY are nothing better than the
                      beasts of the field.

                      THEY are all afraid. Fear is the driving force. On the other hand
                      "THERE IS NO FEAR IN LOVE" no one inside of the Hillary camp operates
                      in love, only fear.

                      Fear of being killed, fear of being separated from the pack, fear on losing
                      one's standing or worship of the crowd. Fear of being jailed for crimes
                      THEY all know that THEY are worthy of.

                      It is HER time, Hillary will now die the death politically. This to Hillary is
                      hell on earth. She wants the GLORY of which she has not earned nor
                      has she sacrificed anything to gain a position of such honor.
                      Last edited by BroMikey; 11-01-2016, 06:56 AM.


                      • Telltale headlines

                        These are from Alex Jones but, they are probably fairly accurate.
                        Internal Coup Against Hillary Clinton Has Begun: Red Alert
                        Did Huma Destroy Hillary?
                        BREAKING - WARRANT ISSUED FOR Huma Abedin EMAILS
                        BREAKING - FOX news reporting that the NSA leaked the emails.... NOT the Russians! HUGE NEWS COMING! NEWS TUBE
                        Oct 23
                        NSA-----> Assange;
                        Democrats Desert Hillary Clinton - Crime Family In Crisis: 10/30/16 Full Show The Alex Jones Channel

                        Weiner Afraid Hillary Was (Is?) Going To Have Him Murdered - Kept The
                        Hillary-Huma Emails On Their Laptop Computer As...'Life Insurance'
                        Both Weiner & Huma Know FAR Too Much & Are In Great Danger Now

                        The Clintons Are Trying To Take Over The United States
                        And Will Stop At Nothing - This Is An Attempted Coup
                        Insiders Expose Hillary's Pedophile Sex Ring

                        The PTB would like to maintain some appearance of legality of their actions. Killary just went too far. She is just too damaged. "They" can't very well afford to have a revolt in the FBI AND other agencies.
                        They also can't have BLATANT fraud in the election system. It has to be less obvious. They are going to dump her worthless carcass before she can do any more damage.

                        We have already seen the ready violence from her supporters. When she gets the boot, things will get really nasty. I'm sure that Soros already has a plan ready to go.


                        • Constitutional crisis

                          This is a fairly long article that starts out slow. It is well worth reading.
                          "Resultantly, if Secretary Clinton were to win the election he would have not only the legal authority but the duty to proceed the day she is inaugurated before she first sits down in the Oval Office because the Office of the Presidency is under the House’s jurisdiction to check the powers of the executive and judicial branches. But the proceedings would have much greater scope than this narrow matter and would wield absolute investigative power compared to the intentionally-hamstrung FBI proceedings. "

                          "They" are dumping Killary because she must be automatically investigated by the House. And, what would they find?

                          Wiki Just Released Hillary Full Isis Donor List With Names!
                          NYPD To FBI - Hillary, Huma & Weiner Part Of DC Pedo Ring
                          Insiders Expose Hillary's Pedophile Sex Ring
                          NYPD-FBI Insiders Leak - Hillary Email To Take A Sick Turn
                          HOW SICK?
                          Ex FBI - Clinton Emails Linked To Political Pedophile Sex
                          So, while a Trump presidency would be a catastrophe for the powers that be,,,, the outing of lots of politicians as pedophiles would, evidently, be a greater catastrophe.
                          Obummer could pardon some here and there but, he can't do a wholesale pardon. Even then Pres. Trump can always re-open the investigations. I believe that the Dems, pedophiles and various assorted criminals will agree to let the election go smoothly in exchange for avoiding public condemnation.


                          • SPY Chief came out and said the latest FBI re-investigation of
                            Anthony Weiners ping pong was them forcing Comey out from.

                            Spy Chief says the soft Coup is big and will not hurt anyone physically.
                            17 agencies are directly engaged in stopping the Clintons this time around.

                            That's better than every other patriot in town gearing up for ninja
                            maneuvers. The people don't realize how much love is on the inside for
                            our country. There are men who won't hesitate a mili-second in the face
                            of laying down their lives for their GOD and country.

                            Don't you people understand that one men can change all of history?



                            • This is along the same lines as what BroMikey wrote;
                              FBI Persevered Despite Corrupt DOJ Orders To Stop! The rank and file at the FBI knew that there was a short window before the election. They made the most of it.
                              FBI - Clinton Fdn Case Moving Toward Indictment
                              Obama Aides Want Comey Fired After Email Bombshell

                              Comey received $millions from the clinton foundation. BUT, Killary had made so many enemies that the NSA outed her. Now, the NYPD has put a torch to her dreams.

                              Clinton had dreams of being the first woman president of America. She was going to follow in the footsteps of the first black American president.
                              Obummer isn't black,,, isn't American,,, isn't president.
                              NOTE: Obama won in every state that did not require a Photo ID and lost in every state that did require a Photo ID in order to vote .
                              Killary wanted to follow in the footsteps of obummer and the first tranny. Vote fraud was the tried-and-true manner to get there.
                              The stupid 8itch amassed all that money and didn't take care of her body. She is going to go from Armani to,,,, Depends.


                              • SECOND AMERICAN REVOLT

                                HILLARY and BILL have been documented 30+ times flying
                                on the jet called LOLITA EXPRESS to the ISLAND of Jeffrey E. for sex
                                with minors.

                                Spy Chief inside this REVOLT talks again. Listen as he tells us who has been
                                involved with this revolt for decades.

                                THE CROOKED CLINTON'S ARE DONE. Of course THEIR media machine will
                                take years to catch up with the facts and will continue to attack TRUMP all
                                thru his presidency.

                                Spread this video.


