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US Presidential election 2016

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  • Come on AC try to put your thinin cap on for sec. The protesters are
    all mainly out of places like UCLA campus where each brain washed
    individual is willing to take out their social aggression for an extra $1500.
    The obvious problem with your thinking is it reduces everyone else who disagrees with you to be a paid shill. It dehumanizes them while reinforcing your own personal flavor of delusion. Do you really have to insult and degrade everyone else and why were there demonstrations in 5 major cities?. Oh I forgot everyone else in the world is a liar except you, my bad.

    It has been documents many times that these incidents are funded by
    the HOLLYWOOD ELITE and or George Soros. Not only did Bernie lose the
    primaries but was funded by the same people who worked together to
    have him smeared.
    It has also been documented bigfoot likes cheese and the little grey aliens like to go on joy what's your point if you have one?.

    The whole system has been rigged for 70 years. So the mighty whities
    have your hate?
    Right everything is rigged except the election which wasn't rigged as you said it was because you liked with the outcome, lmao.

    Last edited by Allcanadian; 11-11-2016, 07:58 PM.


    • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
      Bro Mikey, you want ancient prophecy?,,, I'll send you some ancient prophecy.
      Do the prophecies of St. Malachy suggest we are living in the end times? | Catholic Answers
      He prophesied that the current pope would be the LAST pope.
      Does this tie in with the Killshot? i have no idea.
      The Killshot: Approaching the Moment

      Yeah man, I want everything you got. Thanks, I'll give you my honest
      assessment. That video I posted is not my idea of the perfect one but
      it seems to work well across the board. Except for the guy doing all the
      tongue talking drama I would say that the prophecy to straight out
      of the scriptures.

      I noticed that even your common bar fly knows something is going on
      with TRUMP getting in and they all voted for him. God sees us all as helpless
      and easily swayed little lumpkins. HE really does love us. HE set us up to
      fail, this is what people miss.

      HE will now rescue the perishing in the USA and abroad.
      USA "Eagle-wings" Rising, in GOD WE TRUST a Christian Nation called by
      HIS NAME.

      The Catholics tell me that Padre Pio -channeled- made the same prediction.
      Just kidding around

      I'll look at the material.
      Last edited by BroMikey; 11-11-2016, 08:34 PM.


      • Election

        While it has been shown and proven voter fraud does take place. BUSH was 14 points behind in Florida the miraculously he ended up 14 points a head. really, any one with half a brain can see this was rigged and to not think our own government is rotten to the core is like saying the sun will not shine tomorrow.

        Hillary got busted trying to rig the system and people caught on. she failed at every thing she did because not only is she a perverted sick individual but her greed got in the way of her job. she was more interested in money, bribes and kickbacks than doing her elected job and America caught on and has spoken.

        while Trump may not be your ideal president good god look at the past few presidents and tell me about bad to worse. all of Bush's family should be in prison for a crime list as long as my body with ties to Nazi communism, treason, crimes against humanity, theft, plagiarism, Kennedy Assassination and the list goes on. Obama was born a bastard child because his mother was a loose woman then proceeded to spend 1 million dollars of tax payers money to cover it all up. he was groomed all his life by communist Nazi sympathizers and was a complete fraud. he has lied the entire time in office all the while selling off America to the world and the UN.

        Hillary Hitman Clinton is even worse than both Bush and Obutthead put together. the list of woman her husband raped and she covered up is ungodly. the death toll of people investigating the Clinton's is ungodly. the brides, kickbacks and sheer corruption of the Clinton's is ungodly. the list of shady deals, lies, deceits, unethical behavior and sheer corruption is beyond the realm of any American comprehension yet those completely ignorant fools voted for this sick corrupt individual. that alone in my book is the definition of sheer stupidity and insanity.

        Trump while not the greatest person in the world, is a very industrious business man with a lot of ties to get crap done. sure he has failed a few times, who hasn't but has come back every time. i personally think America should dump every politician in favor of a business man. our country needs to be run like a large business not an F-in free for all politician money grab that has been going on for 50 plus years. America is flat broke because of this behavior.

        why can't people just give Trump a chance instead of trying to string him up before the trial or verdict. just remember, Trump has 12 years of crap to sweep up before this country can be great again.

        sitting there calling each other names will never accomplish anything nor will the trump protesters. being truly hateful and acting a fool is not conducive to to the well being of our country nor to the overall balance of life.

        i for one will give him a chance as well as my neighbor that does not like him even though his iQ is 90. cussing him out will accomplish nothing as we as a human race must put out differences aside or will parish from our hatred and prejudice ways.

        uniting to one cause, the survival of the human race, is the only way we will continue to Exist. until we come to the point where material items are no longer needed we will be in jeopardy of extinction.

        Last edited by marathonman; 11-12-2016, 12:33 AM.


        • Hillary Girl wants to kill.

          Makin dat money, $1500 a pop Oh and Hillary cut off the flow of drugs
          Let's see 1000 people times $1500 = $1.5 million dollars chicken feed
          Police did not do their job, letting the town be destroyed. The truth is
          that the police were already informed by BLM heads that everyone had
          been briefed on limited to violent behavior in order to make the $1500
          that is promised to each of them.




          Last edited by BroMikey; 11-12-2016, 02:58 AM.


          • [VIDEO][/VIDEO]


            The TRUMPINATOR



            Mitt Romney is a piece of sh*t.



            • Rednecks beware.

              A Rednecks Hilarious Response To Trump Winning The Election



              • You're Fired!


                Jeb!'s Saddest Moments: A Compilation - YouTube

                You're fired!



                • @marathonman
                  why can't people just give Trump a chance instead of trying to string him up before the trial or verdict. just remember, Trump has 12 years of crap to sweep up before this country can be great again.
                  If a man assaulted your wife or daughter then called them a slob and a pig would you give them a chance?. If a man deported you and you lost everything because they did not like the color of your skin or the way you talk would you give them a chance?. If a man hired you to do months of work then refused to pay you causing great financial harm would you give him another chance?.

                  No you would probably not give them a chance so why would you think anyone else should give Trump a chance when he has been proven to have done all the above?.

                  In any case the election is over and Trump won. I think he should be given a chance however this in no way excuses his past actions as if they never existed. Thankfully Trump has toned down his extreme rhetoric and who knows...he may do a great job at cleaning up corruption in government?.



                  • Here is my response to the media warp

                    Originally posted by Allcanadian View Post
                    If a man assaulted your wife or daughter then called them a slob and a
                    pig would you give them a chance?.

                    Inside lying collusion from the media, VIA M. Kelly Trumps response?
                    "With finger pointed up "ONLY ROSIE O'DONNELL"


                    • Another lie that will be addressed

                      Originally posted by Allcanadian View Post
                      If a man deported you and you lost everything because they did not like
                      the color of your skin or the way you talk would you give them a chance?
                      Media lied on Trump when he talked about illegals who are criminals
                      besides not to mention allowing convicts who are illegally here to get
                      a get out of jail free pass, like Hillary.


                      • Originally posted by Allcanadian View Post
                        If a man hired you to do months of work then refused to pay you
                        causing great financial harm would you give him another chance?.

                        Third post failure response

                        I will keep trying to post this message in hopes that the machine will
                        allow it. Some combinations of words are rejected.

                        Nope can't post a text.

                        The pictures submitted in court of incomplete work gives a company
                        the right to deny payment on services not given. large corporations
                        pay out huge sums to initiate any work start up program for materials
                        and labor.

                        If the job is not done no further funds will be released. This is standard
                        business practice. Hillary really worked hard to find anything she could
                        to stop Trump from being elected, didn't she? She would lie, cheat, steal,
                        murder anyone uncovering her, while all of her chicks just follow her
                        around like good little chickens do.

                        Last edited by BroMikey; 11-13-2016, 12:32 AM.


                        • RT reports the WIKILEAKS "MOVE ON" planned protested paid out
                          millions to willing recipients.

                          $1500 a pop.



                          • Trump


                            ANONYMOUS - WAKE UP AMERICA they are COMING! - "Donald Trump" - YouTube




                            • Wikileaks show Trump protesters being paid $3500 a pop



                              • Killary specifically chose/supported Trump

                                For all of you who need to make some extra money, there is a good gig available.

