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US Presidential election 2016

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  • Monday, the start of big things

    Well, we're down to the wire. Tomorrow is going to be the start of BIG things. Trump may be sworn peacefully or he may not. The CIA is ABSOLUTELY FRANTIC about stopping him.
    Headlines from rense;
    Roberts - Striking Audacity Of The Coup In Progress
    Roberts - A CIA-Led Coup Against America Is Unfolding

    Paul Krugman Loses It - Hints At Trump 9/11-Style Attack
    Neocon Panic And Agony

    The Hillary Clinton Takeover Of The US

    Clintons, Soros Implicated In Norway Child
    Porn And Macedonia Fake News - Part 4

    There are so many skeletons in so many closets that thousands of criminals are blowing a gasket.
    Trump Will Decimate The CIA For Turning On Him
    "decimate" from the Latin,,, to kill one out of every ten
    Comey, Clapper Cave To Fierce Pressure
    And Now Claim Russia Helped Trump!!!
    FBI Flip-Flops Now Backs CIA
    Assessment On Russia Election

    Ron Paul - CIA Has Meddled In 100s Of Elections


    • @Bro
      I could go on. Trump is not a liar and you won't have to worry
      Damn, you and Danny are starting to sound like those ideological Liberals.
      So Trump and the boys have been ruthless businessmen all their lives in order to become billionaires and now all of a sudden ... you think they really care about you, Really?. As a Conservative I say when in Rome do as the Romans and if this is going to be a free for all last ditch money grab from the terminally misinformed then I'm okay with that. It's just business and wishful thinking is for suckers.

      Last edited by Allcanadian; 12-20-2016, 05:39 AM.


      • Originally posted by Allcanadian View Post

        Damn, you and Danny are starting to sound like those ideological Liberals.
        So Trump and the boys have been ruthless businessmen all their lives in order to become billionaires and now all of a sudden ... you think they really care about you, Really?. As a Conservative I say when in Rome do as the Romans and if this is going to be a free for all last ditch money grab from the terminally misinformed then I'm okay with that. It's just business and wishful thinking is for suckers.

        Ac, you missed a few things, yes Trump loved the many sweet dolls
        in Hollywood, yes Trump made lots of money but you forgot to see
        that 3 billion was taken from him in the 90's. Why was that?

        Trumps Daddy warned Donald about the masonic order and never need
        THEIR money because he already had money so THEY could not control
        him as easy as other average folks like Killary.

        The more you have the more you make. Fred Trump died and he was
        worth $300 million and Donald had already made 100's of millions.
        Now Trump is old. He doesn't get his rocks off on finding another hot
        legged young girl anymore, he has been there and done that. Anyway
        so what so has many men done that.

        Trump has worked himself silly and I am sure greed had become just as
        big of a problem as sex at some point in his life, so what. Greed is no
        new thing to the working man, so what.

        Trump made millions and used the only system he had to work with just
        like every 30 year old did and does when they want to make money with
        their millions, so what old hat, same ole news.

        Where am I going? Do you even ask yourself what I am leading up to?
        Okay are you ready? Here it is now, the punch line.

        This life is a setup to test men and to do that ALL men have a table set
        before them of 2 paths. One path leads to the right and the other to the
        left. It is a setup to try men by allowing each man to sample the evil
        and the good so that they may choose.

        Two bowls of fruit, both looking like a great choice yet one bowl of fruit
        is rotten so when you sample or bite into that test the taste is nasty.

        On the other hand the good stuff may not always look as appealing and
        will strengthen and nourish. This is the process for all men, whether it be
        for a man with $100 per week or one making $100 billion per week.

        The best man for any job is the one who knows the territory. In Trumps
        case he has tried it all and gotten old stating that he wants to give back
        to this great country. Trump has had it all but has learned that eating
        from the tree of life far surpasses any thrill.

        Also as Trump lived his arrogant life of "RILEY" keep in mind that he cared
        and continues to care for thousands of families inside his company. He
        has always had great responsibility.

        It takes one to know one and Trump can spot a greedy heartless dog
        in a micro-second. He will go the way of all men and die of old age.

        The SELF EXISTENT ONE always puts HIS sword in the hand of the most
        base men to accomplish HIS task. The tasks range from chastising HIS
        people to drawing HIS people under HIS wings.

        Now which task will TRUMP perform is the question? Trump is like all men
        in this world without hope if money idols are all that matter, Trump found
        that out.

        Have you?

        Listen to the cries of the USA children who lost their Daddy to a jail
        pleading with President Trump. The children know something you don't.

        Last edited by BroMikey; 12-20-2016, 07:13 AM.


        • I was happy to see Trump win the election. There is one thing however that I would like to caution people. All politicians (all men for that matter) have flaws that evil powers will exploit.

          I see one issue with Trump, I think he might be going to cause the 3rd Temple to be rebuilt in Jerusalem. He has mentioned a few times now that his idea of the ultimate "deal" to accomplish is a peace deal in the middle east. Every time I hear him say this it gives me chills because I know what the bible says about a "Deal" in the middle east and the 3rd temple. Basically these kind of events are thing that signify the return of Jesus Christ. However before that will be a world war and the Mark of the Beast tribulation period - caused by the Anti-Christ Ruler.

          So I will be watching closely to see what Trumps does in Jerusalem. We have Netanyahu, a strong leader in Israel and we have Trump, a strong leader in America. I think that means the 3rd Temple could be rebuilt in the next few years.
          The United Nations is the future Beast of Revelation, the Global Government just prior to Christs return. Do not take the Mark of the Beast (of the United Nations) or you will suffer eternal damnation.


          • There are a lot of rumblings going on about israel; The Real Reason Why America Has Been Given A Reprieve
            As far as a third temple goes, it is reported that it can be built in 3-4 years.
            Netanyahooo is a clown, NOT a statesman.


            • @Bro
              Also as Trump lived his arrogant life of "RILEY" keep in mind that he cared and continues to care for thousands of families inside his company. He
              has always had great responsibility.
              The measure of a man is not when times are good but when times are bad. If a company goes bankrupt the employees are always left for dead. We had large layoff's here at which point most all of the people I talked with got a good taste of reality. Not even so much as a thank you or meeting just a letter in the mail or text... your services are no longer required. Your sentimental liberal leanings thinking Trump should care are starting to show through again Bro.

              Now which task will TRUMP perform is the question? Trump is like all men in this world without hope if money idols are all that matter, Trump found that out.
              Of course he cares and that's why he is suing everyone who disagrees with him, why he is still ruthless in his business dealings and why he has stacked the government with like minded multi-millionaires. It's because he cares about you Bro and I'm sure he will be giving away all his money any day now.

              Your talking like another bleeding heart Liberal who presumes Trump or his government actually owes you something you have not earned. There is no free lunch Bro and nobody helps those who cannot help themselves... it is the Conservative way. If you have nothing tangible to offer in the way of goods or services then you have no value to society and don't get's that simple.



              • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                There are a lot of rumblings going on about israel; The Real Reason Why America Has Been Given A Reprieve
                As far as a third temple goes, it is reported that it can be built in 3-4 years.
                Netanyahooo is a clown, NOT a statesman.
                Just to correct the record, that golden statue was solely created by the artist, Netanyahu had nothing to do with it being created. This artist just decided to make it and set it up overnight in the main square. He had not sought permission. The artist was trying to make Netanyahu look like a dictator IMHO.
                Last edited by bjdea1; 12-20-2016, 07:24 PM.
                The United Nations is the future Beast of Revelation, the Global Government just prior to Christs return. Do not take the Mark of the Beast (of the United Nations) or you will suffer eternal damnation.


                • Originally posted by Allcanadian View Post

                  Of course he cares and that's why he is suing everyone who disagrees
                  with him, why he is still ruthless in his business dealings and why he
                  has stacked the government with like minded multi-millionaires.
                  Sarcasm???????? Here is what you missed. TRUMP has been slandered
                  by his attackers who say that he is a pedophile. THEY say Trump raped
                  100's of girls and uses his money to abuse women.

                  Now maybe you can understand why people are getting sued, well
                  maybe not because I noticed in your communications that you have
                  no respect. However other men who are honest and prestigious are
                  offended at such lies.

                  Maybe you would be just fine with that if it happened to you as
                  you also use these tactics. It stands to reason that this means nothing
                  to you but it means something to men with a reputation.

                  Stop parroting the liberal media talking points and learn the facts for
                  yourself. Why be a puppet for the lefts opinions? Why? And this is all
                  you have, just whatever you heard the CNN's of the world say.

                  Here is the list of your talking points.

                  1)Trump has orange hair
                  2)Trump is an egotistical maniac
                  3)Trump is a liar and a racist
                  4) Homophobic
                  5) xenophobic
                  6) Evil business dictator

                  The list goes on to child pedophile rapist to queer with no proof other
                  than the media saying it is true. The populous will recover even with
                  this brain freeze that you are displaying.

                  This is not about Trump being Lilly white, the spotless lamb, this is
                  about GOD HIMSELF turning back to HIS people to heal the ones who
                  have repented. Let the rest do whatever they want.

                  History is replete with the examples of one generation behind the next
                  going from a degenerating to a regenerating. We just happen to be in
                  an upswing and GOD will use whoever HE chooses to perform HIS strange

                  Look at the Trump documentaries for a better more well rounded view
                  of who Donald Trump was and is as a person. Then you will be ashamed
                  that you allowed the LEFT-WING news media to corrupt you.


                  • Originally posted by bjdea1 View Post
                    I was happy to see Trump win the election.

                    Every time I hear him say this it gives me chills because ...........

                    However before that will be a world war and the Mark of the Beast

                    I think that means the 3rd Temple could be rebuilt in the next few years.
                    Great post, gives me a chance to point out some things. In my view of
                    TRUMP and the timing of scriptures I see Trump as the leader of the
                    free world leading the nations to reject the NWO. This NWO has had
                    THEIR power for 1 day as stated. 1 hour = 40 years. Now the ten kings
                    of the earth are hating this wkore.

                    TRUMP is here to first preserve the peoples of the world who desire it.
                    Next is that "THE NATIONS ARE ANGRY AND THY WRATH HAS COME>

                    All one sentence because the anger of the nations have a direct link
                    to the wrath of GOD HIMSELF. The NWO satanists are who have peed off
                    the KING and it is going to be game over for THEM. They will cry for the
                    rocks and the mountains to fall on them.

                    Law and Order means vengeance for disorder so a TRUMP presidency
                    will be the administration of Vengeance. These be the days of vengeance
                    and TRUMP is going to be used to execute those who love the old
                    hatred. ISIS will fall during Trump's reign and this will be 1 phase
                    of our end spiral.

                    Rejoice and look up, the days of salvation for the tortured is coming.

                    The 3rd Temple is another completely different idea that will take place
                    so quickly that within a matter of days the return will come.

                    One thing at a time.

                    THESE BE THE DAYS OF VENGEANCE

                    TRUMP: WE ARE GOING TO WIPE OUT ISIS


                    • Here is the making of THE DONALD

                      This is only one documentaries of many. Start Here and I will show you
                      one more soon.


                      Here you will find the truth as written about in the past and present.

                      Last edited by BroMikey; 12-21-2016, 03:42 AM.


                      • @Bro
                        Now maybe you can understand why people are getting sued, well
                        maybe not because I noticed in your communications that you have
                        no respect. However other men who are honest and prestigious are
                        offended at such lies.

                        Maybe you would be just fine with that if it happened to you as
                        you also use these tactics. It stands to reason that this means nothing
                        to you but it means something to men with a reputation.
                        I learned early on that being honest is never having to remember what I said.

                        This is not about Trump being Lilly white, the spotless lamb, this is
                        about GOD HIMSELF turning back to HIS people to heal the ones who
                        have repented. Let the rest do whatever they want.

                        History is replete with the examples of one generation behind the next
                        going from a degenerating to a regenerating. We just happen to be in
                        an upswing and GOD will use whoever HE chooses to perform HIS strange
                        "GOD HIMSELF turning back to HIS people to heal the ones who
                        have repented"... That would be you wouldn't it Bro, HIS people?.

                        I have a very different theory, I generally think before I act and try my best not to do anything I would ever have to repent for. You could call it being proactive and acting like a responsible adult. Don't get me wrong I have done an insane amount of really stupid things in my life but I always knew exactly who to blame...Me.

                        Last edited by Allcanadian; 12-21-2016, 07:05 PM.


                        • Hello AC

                          GOD BLESS YOU

                          Forgive my desperation to break off the icy scales brought about by
                          society in general. Yes that remark about being a child of GOD's applies
                          to all who acknowledge the weakness of the beast nature, turn against it
                          and except the sacrifice written in the law givers book.

                          The man need not be ruled by it, tho almost all the talking points fed
                          to the masses are designed to rule over them thru pessimism because
                          these news agency animals see only the dark side,seeking to rule
                          by oppression/fear.

                          Trump it seems has followed the mystery, the mystery of faith. No man
                          is worthy unless the formula is followed. This requires that a man turn from
                          his old ways or selfishness.

                          It does appear that Trump is doing that and I might add that if one
                          man will acknowledge his darkness (that I might add he was setup to sample)
                          and turn away from it, all of the angelic hosts of heaven do rejoice.

                          Unto us a child is born in the city of David, unto us a SON is given and
                          the Government shall be upon HIS shoulders and HIS name shall be called
                          (meaning GOD with us)

                          It is a lightening of soul and this is measurable coming from a man. This
                          is why TRUMP won. The masses know the taste of right words and tho
                          often men only USE right words as a leverage to get their way, NOT ALL.

                          I do believe that the things you said about yourself are true and I hope
                          that all others can strive for such law abiding goodness. It is sweet.

                          Now finish it and live. Who would believe you?
                          Last edited by BroMikey; 12-21-2016, 08:24 PM.


                          • Drain The Swamp

                            Newt G. showing his true colors once again, Oops caught
                            with his pants down



                            • I think I'd win



                              • Trump was Right again.


