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US Presidential election 2016

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  • Originally posted by Allcanadian View Post

    I hope you don't mean coal and other fossil fuel jobs because as you
    know they will all be obsolete the moment we get our free energy
    devices working in the near future. As well taxi drivers and truckers
    will all be unemployed due to autonomous vehicles, most pencil pushers
    due to AI and factory workers due to automation.

    What jobs do you mean Bro?.


    My opinion? My view is that for the last 50 years the population has
    been squelched and once they are unleashed, innovation will blossom.

    American made and American paid. Many view the world as already having
    done it's best, this is wrong. Trump will drain the swamp such as those
    who have golden showers every night all over their bodies.

    The CNN swamp, the Muslim swamp, the blood sucking corporate leaders
    who hate humanity and want to replace 5 billion with machines so THEY
    can incinerate them.

    They are destroying the earth with weather wars and corrupting the gene
    pool. Everybody knows that. All who destroy the earth and the people of
    the earth have been exposed. The ideology of death and more destruction.

    No one can stop the creative power of humanity, it's game over for the
    system as you see it now. So much better is coming.

    When 100 million American's finally go back to work the world will follow
    with our help and then nothing will be impossible.

    GM is coming back to my home town area in metro Detroit, Ford is also
    little by little the stimulus coming in many forms with make American jobs
    good enough to feed everyone without standing in line for can goods or
    going to a soup kitchen.

    Our cities are dying. Unless something changes as Trump is moving to
    do the cities will all become war zones. Of course this was the Soros plan
    but the 10 KINGS of the earth who had given allegiance to the one
    world UNITED NATIONS COUNSEL since the 1950's will no longer allow
    their people or lands to be invaded.

    The 10 KINGDOMS of the earth hate this old system and is identified
    in scripture as "THE WKORE OF BABYLON" SHE is unfaithful. SHE lied to
    us, telling us that if we get married to HER SHE would stay true.

    SHE lied to us and the 10 KINGS hate this sleazy one world system.

    HER officers will be jailed, HER groupies will be verbally torn to shreds.


    Yes millions will die, yes trouble is ahead, but human kind will emerge
    from the ruins victorious. Pray and ask GOD to reveal HIMSELF to
    you because this message is not mine.

    There is so much to say and I know you realize that something is
    happening but can't pinpoint it. You will see very soon.

    I know I talk tough but deep down I am just a big pussycat.

    Last edited by BroMikey; 01-18-2017, 09:21 AM.


    • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post

      The ideology of death and more destruction.
      If you could read and write in ancient Mesopotamia, you had a good life, and chances were pretty high you were born into that good life.
      In fact, some 70% of the scribes we know by name were the sons of society’s elite, including royalty.

      In her book Daily Life in Ancient Mesopotamia, Karen Rhea Nemet-Nejat wrote that women scribes were the daughters of the elite,
      some the daughters of scribes. Nemet-Nejat also points out that there were women scribes who were slaves:
      “Slaves with scribal skills were sometimes given to princesses as part of their dowries.”

      It is safe to say that the first scribes were contemporaries of their own lasting legacy,
      and the status they enjoyed was appropriate, whether they recorded sheep sales or wrote in code…

      “Without scribes, letters would not have been written or read, royal monuments would not have been carved with cuneiform,
      and stories would have been told and then forgotten.”

      Last edited by aljhoa; 01-18-2017, 05:54 PM. Reason: 16,047


      • As we all have heard women play a major roll in male dominance
        and stability. Such as Melania Trump covering for her Donald during
        these time when the ELITES smear his campaign.

        Here is an example of the roll of women in a non-Christian culture.

        Same as Muslim rule. Beat dem beaches and herd'em like cattle.

        Goddess worship was very common. Baal needed baby's to be burnt
        in the fires of ritual idols. The ELITES have passed down these patterns
        since then, all linking to those criminals who rule today.

        Hollywood ideology does worship MoLochthis is why THEY
        use the "Golden Sprinkles" attack on their enemies because they are
        full of witchcraft practices.

        Naturally over a period of 1000's of years mankind's God given creative
        abilities were in direct opposition to the slaughtering ideology of death
        cult worship.

        Whoever would have thought that a sign on a Baal statue would have
        read "MOLOCH wants you" much like our billboards read as a message to
        our youth "UNCLE SAM wants you"

        We are seeing this ideological war play out on planet earth now. The
        Elites are doing what they have always done passed down to them.
        The people have always been at THEIR disposable.

        When IRAN or IRAQ go to war they are only following their culture
        of death passed down to them since the beginning of records.

        Here we read of the LEGAL RIGHTS of women of that time zid=e56813949c55335cb1349564f8265984&p=WHIC%3AUHIC &action=2&catId=&documentId=GALE|CX3205100406&sour ce=Bookmark&u=mlin_s_orrjr&jsid=e0bc270c4f8f813430 2c11ea4a3e620e

        "women in Mesopotamia were second-class citizens who were fairly
        tightly regulated by their husbands and fathers".

        Ancient Mesopotamian texts and images carved into sculptures, cliffs,
        and palace walls monumentalized the primacy of the male ruler.

        Complementing such large-scale media, thousands of intaglio seals,
        and their innumerable impressions, legitimated male power through
        depictions of the ruler in audience with gods and goddesses. Indeed,
        a patriarchal power structure sustained Mesopotamian civilization.
        Even so, women played vital roles in all levels of society. In addition
        to their domestic and reproductive functions as mothers, wives,
        and daughters, elite women contributed to the male-dominated
        spheres of the arts, economy, religion, and government. Information
        about ancient Mesopotamian women of diverse social classes
        survives in cuneiform documents (including legal, economic, labor,
        marriage, adoption, and temple records, as well as personal letters),
        visual art (especially friezes depicting ritual and votive sculptures),
        Last edited by BroMikey; 01-18-2017, 10:38 PM.


        • TRUMP is coming in on the 20th of Jan 2017 and within the first
          100 days will stop the Muslims from coming into this country
          that want SHARIA LAW, either that of kiss this guys hand a lot?

          You got to kiss his hand. I don't think so.

          Maybe you want some acid? Huh?

          Maybe you just better run and hide you cowards. Don't watch you
          might freak out.

          I have a better idea, let's bomb the hell out of ISIS instead. You are
          not going to hide under the couch from these Muslims.







          Last edited by BroMikey; 01-19-2017, 09:19 AM.


          • Roberts, Trump and the CIA attack dogs

            Paul Craig Roberts has a good article on how Trump can turn all the slander from the CIA right back on them. Things will be bad enough because the PTB will probably crash the economy pretty fast just by tightening credit. Between the crash and the increasing attacks, Trump will have to act fast to keep a popular mandate. To the lefties, it won't really matter how much good he does. he will be attacked relentlessly.
            Trump vs. the CIA -- Paul Craig Roberts -


            • @Bro
              My opinion? My view is that for the last 50 years the population has
              been squelched and once they are unleashed, innovation will blossom.
              You may be right and there would seem to be a lack of common sense in most levels of government. We have no shortage of better technology what we lack is the will to implement them. Is Trump the man to getter done?, I think we all hope he is.



              • President Trump


                LIVE Donald Trump Inauguration Parade 2017 LIVE STREAM | TIME - YouTube

                God Bless President Trump!



                • President trump talks to america

                  Here is just the speech.

                  "I WILL NEVER LET YOU DOWN"



                  • Originally posted by Allcanadian View Post

                    You may be right and there would seem to be a lack of common sense in
                    most levels of government. We have no shortage of better technology what
                    we lack is the will to implement them. Is Trump the man to getter done?,
                    I think we all hope he is.

                    I hope so. Win, winning and winners club only. Weirdo beware.




                    Last edited by BroMikey; 01-21-2017, 12:42 AM.


                    • January 20th, 2017 is Day of Days!



                      Remember when $hillary thought she would win.




                      • Trump - MGTOW


                        Worldwide Libtard Meltdown - MGTOW - YouTube

                        This is great.

                        The press lies. They're liars.



                        • Donald Trump Gives Feminist The Red Pill


                          Donald Trump gives feminist the red pill MGTOW - YouTube

                          Donald Trump gives feminist the red pill.

                          This is too good.




                          • [VIDEO][/VIDEO]

                            Donald Trump's Funniest Insults and Comebacks - YouTube

                            Ha Ha




                            • Libtards Said Trump Couldn't Become President


                              "TRUMP CAN'T WIN!" [COMPILATION] - YouTube

                              Libtards are stupid.



                              • Foreigners braking windows and chanting "WE HATE AMERICA"

                                Same people who run criminal cartels, paid for by our tax dollars
                                compliments of the current justice system.

                                $50 per hr plus benefits. 14 hr days. Maybe someone should write
                                a "DEAR GEORGE SOROS LETTER"

                                Also some of you may not have noticed so I'll tell you now, I am using
                                the RT feed over the CNN because we can't get anything honest in
                                the USA. Russia is helping the USA by reporting unbiased news.

                                Thank You Russia. The CNN is controlled by Hollywood blood
                                money, pimping, trafficking children, drugs. Underground crime mobs
                                have ruled this country 50 years or better.

                                The big cities are full of dirty cops and filthy Judges who steal children
                                right out of America's homes using the welfare system litigation process
                                thru threats of intimation.

                                Mothers who do not want to subject their children to dangerous
                                programs of rigorous vaccine schedules are jailed, funds removed for
                                assistance so the state can capture their children.

                                I have met mothers on the run who refuse to continue these drug
                                programs that made their babies very sick, they live in fear everyday
                                that some agency will take their loved ones from them.

                                Since they have the right to bare arms all is well.

                                Last edited by BroMikey; 01-21-2017, 08:31 AM.

