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USA Federal Gov to Murder Bundy and Hammond

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  • #61
    Government Over-reach reported on by Sean Hannity.

    Judge Napolitano Says Feds Using Stalinistic
    Show of Force to Intimidate Family



    • #62
      Recent WIKILEAKS show a Turkey Coup for URANIUM that caused
      the infiltration of foreign mercenary groups to threaten and kill
      Oregon farmers.

      Unless the people are represented in the WHITE-HOUSE they will
      continue to be killed and jailed so terrorist leaders can take over our

      This is the informant plant info so Gov could control the evidence.



      Last edited by BroMikey; 01-27-2017, 01:02 AM.


      • #63
        Trump Admin is directing the rep. Senate to sell off lands that the
        GOV owns unconstitutionally. The Oregon Farmers will be getting
        their claimed land returned to them with interest.

        Time for Trump to Sell off Federal Lands 2017

        Posted on January 25, 2017 by Tucson Libertarian — No Comments ↓

        Donald Trump has a lot on his mind, but one massive asset he’s probably
        not thinking about is federal lands. Trump, who likes a good real estate
        deal, should sell them off.

        I do mean massive. The federal government owns about 640 million
        acres, or 28 percent of all U.S. land. The West is disproportionately
        affected: In some states, a majority of land is owned by the feds,
        including a whopping 85 percent of Nevada. (National parks make
        up only 12.4 percent of federal lands, so let’s leave those off the

        Read more on staking your claim


        • #64
          A few days later the BILL is withdrawn. Today.

          U.S. lawmaker to scrap bill to sell public lands after backlash | Reuters

          GOP lawmaker withdraws bill to sell federal land | TheHill

          Here is a small clip

          When Chaffetz introduced the land transfer bill, he also reintroduced legislation to abolish
          the police forces of the Bureau of Land Management
          and the Forest Service, leaving local and state police to enforce
          laws in those areas.

          Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
          Trump Admin is directing the rep. Senate to sell off lands that the
          GOV owns unconstitutionally. The Oregon Farmers will be getting
          their claimed land returned to them with interest.

          Time for Trump to Sell off Federal Lands 2017
          Posted on January 25, 2017 by Tucson Libertarian — No Comments ↓

          Donald Trump has a lot on his mind, but one massive asset he’s probably
          not thinking about is federal lands. Trump, who likes a good real estate
          deal, should sell them off.

          I do mean massive. The federal government owns about 640 million
          acres, or 28 percent of all U.S. land. The West is disproportionately
          affected: In some states, a majority of land is owned by the feds,
          including a whopping 85 percent of Nevada. (National parks make
          up only 12.4 percent of federal lands, so let’s leave those off the

          Read more on staking your claim
          Last edited by BroMikey; 05-27-2021, 04:03 AM.


          • #65
            Nevada Jail women guards strip search the men as they cat call
            at the half naked men and then proceed to hold on to the male
            genitals and laughing.

            This is what is going on with the ranchers, the Bundy family this
            is his wife sharing. The men have been the right to a trial until
            they are proven guilty.

            The Oregon courts lost and passed these ranchers to Nevada where
            they are being detained without trial.


            Last edited by BroMikey; 02-07-2017, 09:37 AM.


            • #66
              Trump signs order to stop federal agents from killing our farmers
              for cattle grazing right and water regulations that bankrupt
              locals. Bundy has been acquitted in one court so the globalist 9th
              circuit judges have moved him to another so they can control the

              These Obama appointed globalist judges don't realize who they are
              messing with. Trump is going to drain the swamp.




              • #67
                9th circuit criminal law firm covering a large portion of the USA
                tortured Ammon Bundy last night bloody. No checks and balances
                in the 9th. knowing full well Ammon was not found guilty they must
                release what will be left of Ammon soon.

                THEY handcuffed Ammon, turned out arm behind his back 13 hours
                swollen and little circulation in the arms, bleeding leg irons, put him in
                a 3' X 3' cell made of bricks to basically die.

                On other fronts Trump is being fought by these same criminals.
                The honeymoon is over, you and I will be next unless we stand against
                prison torture.



                __________________________________________________ ____

                Last edited by BroMikey; 05-27-2021, 04:04 AM.


                • #68
                  Back in the Hole Naked for misplacing the rolled up shirt under his head
                  while he sleep. Legally Ammon will soon go free so THEY are making
                  an example out of his willingness to prove he is innocent.

                  Contact telephone information here for state representatives.

                  __________________________________________________ ________


                  • #69
                    9th circuit still trying to cover up the torture of innocent farmers
                    held without bail or due process. Same people who are criminal judges
                    stone walling the President on his immigration orders headed to the
                    high courts.

                    The NV jailed need to be closed down and prisoners moved to better
                    centers of fairness. Here is one of many



                    Last edited by BroMikey; 05-27-2021, 04:04 AM.


                    • #70
                      Ammon's dear wife Lisa, you and I are next on their menu. The
                      9th circuit is corrupt get out or get some of the same.



                      • #71
                        Harry Reed uranium deal causing land grabs by imprisoning
                        locals. The truth is out now.

                        The 9th circuit must be over hauled.




                        • #72
                          Uranium deals during the Obama admin with Reed/Clinton mafia
                          has murdered and jailed innocent farmers in a land grab.


                          .................................................. ..........................


                          • #73
                            3rd not Guilty Verdict by the Jury

                            Yet the Gov globalist are still spending millions to get another trial
                            against Bundy. THEY want the Uranium that the farmer have on their
                            land. So the corrupt Gov has changed the laws so cows can't eat
                            grass or if a puddle of water comes on a farmers land during a rain
                            then they must pay the Gov money for each drink some payment.

                            The Gov sent in gun men to but bullets into one of the leaders
                            and used FBI merc's to point guns at the heads of civilians each day
                            during farming work days til the cow boys started carrying their own
                            big guns.

                            The militia is a good thing and our Gov want them gone so THEY locked
                            up millions in the last few decades making up charges, taking land.

                            Many more still being held without bail or any due process. Treated
                            like the enemy. Civil war is coming and people will take the law into
                            their own hands just like happened at the Texas boarder when the FED's
                            tried to steal more land.

                            The globalist are going to continue to provoke a civil war and when it
                            comes it will back fire on those laying this trap.

                            People are not stupid forever, they learn the hard way but never the less
                            they learn.




                            Last edited by BroMikey; 05-27-2021, 04:05 AM.


                            • #74
                              Many are still being held against their rights to even defend themselves
                              all guilty til proven innocent. Here is another validation that Uranium was
                              what certain figure heads were after.

                              Ammon Bundy just got out of solitary after months, his genitals groped
                              almost weekly. Striped naked first.The Clintons killed farmers to get
                              their lands over the past many years.


                              Last edited by BroMikey; 05-27-2021, 04:05 AM.


                              • #75
                                Kill and jail the farmer so you can have their land for Uranium. thus
                                the Stand-Off's


