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USA Federal Gov to Murder Bundy and Hammond

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  • #46
    We sit at the same table of information. The polluting of different water supplies, the Chem trails, the GMO foods and medications.....not to mention the poisoned flu, shingles, polio, etcetera shots that are given out for free. Buy a WaterWise distillation unit from the same name dot com and also one of the Pro type Pur or other similar water filtering devices for your continued health, both. Storable food that will store for at least 20 years. Buy enough for your family to last 7 to 10 years. A 3M mask that will help you breath if some train wreck of a disaster comes your way, a tyvek type suit, duct tape, rubber boots. Anything could happen, just inform the uneducated of ways and more people will survive and thrive.

    Do not store water in plastic bottles, BPA and BPS chemicals leach into the water, they are known to cause cancer. Use glass jugs.

    For my children are dying of ignorance.
    Which quote is this Bible passage?


    • #47

      The Oregon farmers were not prepared to go into full
      scale war with the Dirty FED's coming at them with military
      weapons. Corporate agents murdering for one low price.

      Yes clean water and a filter mask and you might last
      long enough to watch everyone else die first in the event
      civil war broke out. Depleted uranium shells are used in
      bullets and you can't filter that out. That dust is all over
      the battle zones in the middle east. They are dying from it
      while the males can not produce children anymore.

      The Oregon thing is small fry. If full scale war breaks out
      there won't be any life on earth in a few years.

      Just for the record, it won't go down like that.
      Enjoy your breath of air THE KING OF GLORY loves HIS

      Those who live behind a gun will die by the gun.

      Last edited by BroMikey; 09-10-2016, 05:09 AM.


      • #48
        The right to bare arms is now a criminal offense.

        However the DIRTY FBI carry M-16's on the front of their
        bodies as THEY talk down to civilians.

        Your fat butts are next, so run small fry.







        Last edited by BroMikey; 03-06-2016, 10:05 AM.


        • #49
          A now a word from our sponsor "BIG BROTHER" cares

          Last edited by BroMikey; 05-27-2021, 04:02 AM.


          • #50
            DIRTY FBI AND DIRTY GOVERNMENT coming after the Sheriff
            and protesters now. DIRTY GOVERNMENT over reach.


            Get ready for imprisonment by DIRTY FBI
            federal corporate agents. Hunting and fishing might
            put you under arrest.

            2 men claim wrongful arrest by FLDS police force; alleged corruption captured on tape | Cedar City News



            [VIDEO] cnzQbnYc2bJ0GaHYKjL_iOZA6jqvEWFC7F9VDPqyX7Bd3cI4gm DUocFg4VWoNxfVUSpSnsPw[/VIDEO]

            Last edited by BroMikey; 03-07-2016, 06:11 AM.


            • #51
              DIRTY FBI powered by USA government Tax dollars.
              This message is for the ants, remember an ant can
              carry 10 times it's own weight so run you pathetic
              Merc's/rolley pollies.

              Guess what new footage from the girl's cell phone
              proves the DIRTY SLOPPY FBI CORPORATE agents
              are lying through their teeth.

              More on that later, for now study this.

              THE DIRTY MAFIA GOVERNMENT selling USA ore's and mines
              to foreign powers as called for by "AGENDA 21" executive
              orders signed by OBAMA.

              Beat those slaves is what AGENDA 21 is all about. Shoot
              a few stupid farmers right? Who cares. Use Hollywood
              trick photography to say THEY were keeping us safe
              all spun from FOXNEWS at 6.

              And most of the yuppies keep drinkin the water.


              Last edited by BroMikey; 03-09-2016, 09:36 AM.


              • #52
                Dirty Obama administration dirty fbi issued 1000's
                of arrest warrants to round up Patriots who carried
                fire arms in the 2014 stand off. Any armed protestor will
                be sentenced to life in prison under multiple chargers
                ranging from obstructing dirty fbi justice to you name it.

                A warning is being released not to talk to Dirty FBI or
                FBI at all in Oregon. Oregon is very corrupt and they still
                think nobody knows it. Most of you don't either.

                Wake up and stay down.

                The young girl in the video is an official who has
                access and is watching and warning good people.

                This Oregon state is a criminal setup. Hillary sold
                out to the Russian Mafia who have FBI shirts and cars.
                Hillary gave them the keys to social security numbers
                you name it, they just walk right over our borders.

                The new ruling in Texas changes the BLM racket.


                Last edited by BroMikey; 03-21-2016, 09:43 AM.


                • #53

                  Obama has been hiring Mercenary groups who are given
                  temperary titles such as "FBI" to kill American's when
                  citizens stand their ground.

                  The Pinkerton's are still with us today. Listen to a man who
                  grew up listening to great granddad's war in the mines
                  up state Oregon. The Obama Admin is the most corrupt
                  of all time.

                  How would you like a group of mercs pointing their guns
                  at your heads all day long while you do your ranch work?
                  Would you like that? While the fony FBI mercs laugh at you.
                  Maybe it is time for a real stand off, stop trusting them.

                  If the FEDS are going to continue THEIR actions putting
                  THEIR murders above the law, are THEY in for a surprise.
                  Look what happens in other countries when Government
                  turns corrupt.

                  The people come out by the millions and burn down the
                  government buildings and murder THEIR officials. Mexico
                  is going down and Egypt went thru this.

                  The break down of the rule of law does end in mass murder.
                  This is what history teaches us time and time again.

                  Last edited by BroMikey; 03-29-2016, 11:07 AM.


                  • #54
                    For 8 years Obama has bypassed congress, opened the USA
                    boarders eliminating due process with it's checks and

                    An open board where any violent criminal government operation
                    can show THEIR military presences as if it were REAL FBI.

                    Trey Gowdy has taken the "oversight" in many recent congressional
                    hearings exposing corruption by showing that each department
                    has no power to act and can only refer criminal behavior from within
                    our system to the next agency, until it finally reaches Obama.

                    Our people inside are cowardly. You can witness that some from
                    within our capitol hill are clearly bought off and give whatever
                    answer that is most pleasing at these hearings on government

                    Others simply respond to questions in fear that they will be removed
                    or even executed in one form or another if they do not answer the
                    way that they were told to answer. Little ladies put in charge of
                    military men who are not even American's having no power to
                    enforce anything.

                    Mercenary groups freely come and go from outside of this
                    country to the inside of our highest offices in the land to
                    execute whatever justice the corporations inflict on the
                    American civilians.

                    They come and go, their names are not real or ever part
                    of the record. We have opened our boarders and no longer
                    have a country.

                    Last edited by BroMikey; 04-02-2016, 07:31 AM.


                    • #55
                      Executive orders are turning out to be a real bear
                      for Obama as he is getting his rear end suited up one
                      side and down the other for many unconstitutional crimes
                      according to the Senate and Judicial watch group.

                      Also Militia is grow up fast and protesting the wrongful
                      jailing of many honest tax paying citizens is the Obama/
                      Clinton coalition to grab uranium rich farm land.

                      Executive amnesty may cost Obama his freedom but here
                      is another pending document.

                      This filthy dirty Gov. has been killing the people and jailing
                      them to take their lands, the people do not trust their GOV.
                      Police shootings will increase as no one can tell who is dirty
                      and who is a clean cop.

                      It is a shame for the police to have to suffer this.

                      The militia has been running for office and one member just
                      got in, a Judge is going OUT in JUNE and the people are going
                      to eat the FED'S Launch in court.

                      Last edited by BroMikey; 05-25-2016, 09:10 AM.


                      • #56

                        The Trump campaign has recently pointed out Hillary's dealings
                        with RUSSIA promising URANIUM from our prize stock in Oregon
                        where Pete Santilli reported on the subject. Pete was locked up
                        to hide the evidence along side, many bullets to Lavoy's body who
                        having raised hands in the air the DIRTY FBI continued to follow
                        orders or else.

                        Dead people don't talk.

                        The Clinton mafia will fall.

                        The farmers who own the lands where the URANIUM stock pile exists
                        of which the mob wants to own have been silently arresting, making
                        up charges against innocent land owners in a federal LAND GRAB for
                        the past 10 years. The farmers are told that their cattle can not use
                        forest lands for grazing and are sent a bill if a cow eats any of that grass.

                        Some farmers owe millions based on these false charges and are
                        whisked off to jails in the night when impossible debts accrue. The
                        tea party in Oregon is not as strong as in Texas where the Federal
                        control freaks tried the same thing and met with the butt of a gun.

                        Ammon and his brother Ryan plus Dad are locked up but thousands
                        have been in jails for decades over this same governmental structure
                        of claiming lands either at death or other ways.

                        These officials in government today in Washington and in Oregon have
                        made THEIR big mistake by allowing Ammon Bundy to be seen on live
                        camera pleading for justice.

                        The Fed's should have murdered them all and will try anyway they can
                        to continue their reign of terror. These Fed's are not Americans, these
                        Fed's hate American and civil war will come to this region of the USA.

                        The mob has no idea what kind of a hornets nest they have stuck
                        THEIR noses in this time. One brother is being body slammed and
                        beaten in THEIR corrupt prison and they will be close to death if Hillary
                        has her way. Putin's taxi was just blown to pieces and do you think
                        HILARY had anything to do with that? The Clinton mafia has ruled 40
                        years people wake up.

                        THEIR gig is up. THEY are getting old and sloppy.

                        How long do you think YOU could stand the pressure of a DIRTY Federal
                        agent pointing a state of the art long range rifle at your head day and
                        night as a means of intimation, before YOU crack??

                        THE DIRTY FED'S have been doing that for 10 years now. Farmers don't
                        like it but what can they do? The DIRTY FED'S have 24 hrs 7 days a
                        week with unlimited funds to hunt it's own citizens.

                        Last edited by BroMikey; 09-10-2016, 06:54 AM.


                        • #57
                          Pro-Global Government Federal Shill Holds Kangaroo Court

                          Judge Anna Brown has been caught with her hand in the cookie
                          jar trying to rig the evidence in the Burns Trial. Hillary and Obama
                          have allotted $100 million dollars to steal farm land by bringing
                          false charges against American citizens.

                          Corporate media not with standing the system continued to beat the
                          slaves in court until some of the informants had a slip of the tongue.

                          Don't worry the government has another $100 million to nail the rest
                          of you defiant peasants who had better see the precedent being set so
                          fall in line or else.

                          The government once again is being caught rigging the witness
                          information and limiting the jury from a large portion. Judge Brown
                          is being petitioned now for impeachment. The Governments case
                          against these American Farmers has fallen to the ground.

                          Listen as the young girl in the courtroom gives us truth of Federal
                          corruption. She is a smart person.



                          • #58
                            This wasn't part of the FED plan

                   | Defendants in Oregon Standoff Trial Found Not Guilty


                            • #59
                              One big problem with this verdict, the supreme court will appeal this
                              against the will of the people and they do it all of the time. And if that is
                              not good enough, Ammon and his friends will now face jail time in Nevada.

                              They are all being sent to a new jail and this time the Bundy crew will
                              be killed in the jails. Our courts are corrupt and rigged, have been for over
                              40 years but the last 20 years has been rotten.

                              I'll bring you the next phase of their demises. This is a media stunt so
                              everyone declares victory and goes home. The FED'S will never let this
                              case rest. THEY want the URANIUM and THEY hate being out done.

                              The FED'S will spend a Billion dollars to show that these men are criminals.

                              Mark my word, it is not over. Once the Gov engages in an attack they
                              never stop till THEY have justified THEMSELVES. THEY hate THE PEOPLE.


                              • #60
                                Criminal Federal Government under OBAMA and HILLARY Clinton

                                Ammon Bunny and his group of protesters were released after 1
                                year of jail time being told sorry no charges and sent to another jail
                                in Nevada to under go the same treatment without bail.

                                Citizens can not spend $100 million dollars to defend themselves against
                                this tyrannical Obama regime, locked up in jails. The care takers of their
                                own land, the farmers were spied upon daily, threatened, lied on in the
                                news media, guns pointed at their heads on their own lands month after
                                month, false water charges racking into the millions.

                                False land rent charges against average agricultural and livestock farmers
                                going into millions of dollars so federal lawyers could then swat them out
                                of their homes.

                                The Fed's killed one of the protesters and are deliberately withholding
                                damning evidence exposing government over reach. The material shows
                                that the ranchers were terrorized by multinational corporate interests
                                that operate their military industrial complex anyway way they see fit
                                outside the constitution of WE THE PEOPLE. Major screw job for the
                                farmers. The Obama admin has spent $100 million dollars to silence these
                                good men and failed in Oregon.

                                Now Obama will spend another $100 million to seal the deaths of innocent
                                cowboys who seem to be easy prey. Good luck with that. Go to hell

                                Last edited by BroMikey; 12-27-2016, 06:05 AM.

