Originally posted by zartgirl
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Hmmmm... How to state this? Well for starters one of the conditions I have to stay living at the Domestic violence shelter is one to have been a victim and two I have to attend group therapy meetings held here once a week... When I moved in here, I was given what they refer to the domestic violence bible. It is a book designed to help women in this situation not repeat the situation, and was written by a man who treats abusers... He is an expert in abuse recovery... Most abusers were not abused as children, that is actually a myth. Men (I know there are some women who abuse men too and this would apply to them also) who abuse women have taught or learned beliefs either from their father, but not necessarily or circle of influence like maybe some college buddies. It is an attitude of control / ownership. The amazing thing is that there are tribes in Africa who have no western influence and a belief system of equality between the sexes who have little or no domestic violence... until television or western influence is introduced to them.
That to me was amazing! There are abusers who have been abused as kids, but the majority have not been... Although they will claim to have been, but when put through lie detector test... they have not been. Most men who were abused as boys grow up with the idea that the would never want to put another person through what they went through!
Okay, that said... After I got here, I chose to no longer be a victim... 1 as in I chose not to remain in that relationship, but more importantly on another level completely... A spiritual level! The LOA says that you will attract to you what you put the most feelings into... Therefore if you are afraid of being a victim then you will become one, because fear is a powerful attractor! But to take it to another level we all have a physical side and a spiritual side and both of those sides are one... The spiritual side is our true self or our Extended self! Our extended self creates limilting situations in each of our life games, and from those we can choose to grow, or stay put or whatever... In my life game being abused was one of those limiting situations that I as in my extended or spiritual self created for me to use, and it took a long time, but eventually because of the abuse and the hardships I have been through I have come to a place where I am remembering my true self! So if it is the case that my X husband who was playing an assigned part in my holographic universe that has brought me to a place of peace and understanding beyond anything imaginable... EVIL? Well it is kind of funny, since I have grown and remembered who I am HE is no longer allowed to abuse me! I have no desire to go back to him, but I have rewritten all his lines and his part in my life such that he is what I want him to be! I am doing that with everyone who has a part in my life hologram now. My daughter asked me since they have their own life hologram, what if they do not like my rewrite... My answer was then they can quit being in my life hologram!
My point is who am I to judge who is evil / bad and who is good? We are all just here on a journey to remember who we are! We are all one! And we all write the scripts for our holographic movie that our physical self lives out... I think it is easier for someone who has been in that seemingly bad situation to say that it was good and something I can be grateful for than someone who looks on with horror at where I have been and what situations I have lived through! I CREATED IT ALL! Just as you are creating everything in your life! Rejoice and be glad in it! Gratitude is the key for remembering who we really are!

Okay, that said... After I got here, I chose to no longer be a victim... 1 as in I chose not to remain in that relationship, but more importantly on another level completely... A spiritual level! The LOA says that you will attract to you what you put the most feelings into... Therefore if you are afraid of being a victim then you will become one, because fear is a powerful attractor! But to take it to another level we all have a physical side and a spiritual side and both of those sides are one... The spiritual side is our true self or our Extended self! Our extended self creates limilting situations in each of our life games, and from those we can choose to grow, or stay put or whatever... In my life game being abused was one of those limiting situations that I as in my extended or spiritual self created for me to use, and it took a long time, but eventually because of the abuse and the hardships I have been through I have come to a place where I am remembering my true self! So if it is the case that my X husband who was playing an assigned part in my holographic universe that has brought me to a place of peace and understanding beyond anything imaginable... EVIL? Well it is kind of funny, since I have grown and remembered who I am HE is no longer allowed to abuse me! I have no desire to go back to him, but I have rewritten all his lines and his part in my life such that he is what I want him to be! I am doing that with everyone who has a part in my life hologram now. My daughter asked me since they have their own life hologram, what if they do not like my rewrite... My answer was then they can quit being in my life hologram!

My point is who am I to judge who is evil / bad and who is good? We are all just here on a journey to remember who we are! We are all one! And we all write the scripts for our holographic movie that our physical self lives out... I think it is easier for someone who has been in that seemingly bad situation to say that it was good and something I can be grateful for than someone who looks on with horror at where I have been and what situations I have lived through! I CREATED IT ALL! Just as you are creating everything in your life! Rejoice and be glad in it! Gratitude is the key for remembering who we really are!
