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Very brief electromagnetic history. / By Israel Socratus /

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  • Very brief electromagnetic history. / By Israel Socratus /

    Very brief electromagnetic history. / By Israel Socratus /
    Part one.
    Oersted demonstrated connection between electricity and magnetism.
    Ampere gave mathematical explanation to this effect.
    Faraday discovered the reverse effect: relationship between magnetic
    and electric fields. ( how to use magnetism to induce electricity)
    Maxwell (using mechanical model: balls, springs, hooks . . . etc.)
    found mathematical equations to describe Faraday’s idea.
    Oliver Heaviside reformulated twelve (12) Maxwell’s equations
    to the modern four (4) equations.
    Hertz discovered Maxwell’s electro- magnetic waves and . . .
    he wrote that . . . EM waves cannot be put into practice.
    But . . . . .
    Morse created the telegraph and Morse Code.
    Bell is often credited as the inventor of the telephone.
    Marconi developed the first effective system of radio.
    . . . etc . . . .

    Part two.
    Maxwell’s EM theory was theory about waves.
    The theory was not about particle - electron.
    It was Lorentz who introduced particle-electron in Maxwell theory.
    And it was Einstein who developed and leaded Maxwell / Lorentz
    EM theory into the “forest / jungles” of SRT.

    Part three.
    Planck united together long and short wavelengths and said that
    this unity is possible if they ( long waves and short waves) have
    something common. The common is – quantum, quantum of action.
    De Broglie decided vice versa:
    quantum discrete particle can be as a wave – as a "pilot-wave".
    Later SRT + QT created conditions for modern technological progress.

    My conclusion.
    Different waves ( long and short) have something common in behavior.
    The common is quantum- quantum of action- quantum particle in action.
    Planck’s “quantum of action” is quantum particle in action.
    It means that there isn’t EM waves without quantum particles in action.
    Different quantum particles in action create different kinds of waves.
    The source of all EM waves (and all phenomenons in Nature)
    are different quantum particles in action with energy E=h*f
    The particle’s energy of Gamma-Radiation waves is E=h*f ,
    The particle’s energy of Röntgen-Radiation waves is E=h*f,
    The particle’s (photon) energy of Light waves is E=h*f,
    The particle’s energy of Infra-red-waves is E=h*f ,
    The particle’s energy of Super/Ultra-High-TV waves is E=h*f,
    The particle’s energy of Radio waves is E=h*f . . . . etc . . . etc.
    What is difference between them?
    Frequencies make difference between quantum particles in action
    and their EM waves.
    Once more.
    Photon, electron, x rays, cosmic rays, microwaves, radio waves,
    TV-waves all they have in common one thing: frequency.
    Change the frequency and you can step from one to another particle.
    Frequency is the key to quantum particles.
    Frequency makes difference between particles (EM waves).
    " . . . photons with extremely high fluctuations (frequency) . . .
    in the experience was observed . . . . the remarkable phenomenon
    of transformation them in … … …electrons.
    Undoubtedly, a reverse process is also possible."
    /Book. " Isaac Newton ", page 94.By academician S. I. Vavilov./
    Planck’s quantum particles are quantum particles in actions.
    The results of these actions are different frequencies.
    Question: How did frequencies appear in actions, in nature?
    Answer: The frequencies are result of quantum particle’s high
    speed self-rotation (a particle behaves like having self- angular
    momentum) around its own axis. There are many different kinds
    of waves but all they were created by this one scheme: h*=h/2pi.
    This effect (spin) was found by Goudsmit and Uhlenbeck in 1925.
    And in spite of that this effect is well-known for a long time, until
    today it doesn’t adopt philosophical as real physical self-action of
    quantum particles, as real self-rotation process of quantum particles.
    Best wishes.
    Israel Sadovnik Socratus.
    ========= …

  • #2
    its amazing everything is the same atom just at different frequencies

    excellent informative post


    • #3
      Ha. Not really. Different electrochemical properties need different combinations of preset parameters to work for different valences.

      Atoms contain many components down to the smallest boson particle.

      Perhaps you are right.

      Women vibrate quite often, so do men, at different frequencies.


      • #4
        Faraday discovered relationship between magnetic and electric fields:
        how to use magnetism to induce electricity and therefore all our so-called
        “electrical” tools are “magneto-electrical”, they are artificial.
        Another effect, natural, is “electro-magnetic”, for example: photosynthesis . . . . .
        Attached Files
        Last edited by socratus; 05-04-2016, 03:13 PM.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Why-me View Post

          Women vibrate quite often, so do men, at different frequencies.
          . . . and neuron’s vibrations of your brain created this comment
          ============= . . .


          • #6
            Erowid Culture Vaults : Resonant Frequencies and the Human Brain


            Research has shown that the human brain operates at a wide range of
            frequencies, but generally stays in four major levels of awareness known
            as beta (13 to 30 cps), alpha (8 to 12 cps), theta (5 to 7 cps), and delta
            (1 to 4 cps). The highest level is beta, and in this state the brain is active
            and very awake.


            Attached Files

