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One big idea has been banned from Physics.

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  • One big idea has been banned from Physics.

    One big idea has been banned from Physics.
    “ . . . . . at least one big idea is missing.
    How do we find that missing idea? “
    / Book: “ The trouble with Physics” By Lee Smolin, page 308 /

    Sorry, the “big idea” is not missing in Physics.
    In my opinion is more correct to say:
    “One big idea has been banned from Physics”
    What big idea is banished?
    The big banished idea in Physics is the endless infinite void –
    - the Vacuum, the Zero Vacuum: T=0K.
    Some scientists wrote:
    When the next revolution rocks physics, chances are it will be
    about nothing—the vacuum, that endless infinite void.
    Nothingness of Space Could Illuminate the Theory of Everything |
    “ The problem of the exact description of vacuum, in my opinion,
    is the basic problem now before physics. Really, if you can’t correctly
    describe the vacuum, how it is possible to expect a correct description
    of something more complex? “
    / Paul Dirac /
    "Vacuum -- the very name suggests emptiness and nothingness –
    is actually a realm rife with potentiality, courtesy of the laws
    of quantum electrodynamics (QED). According to QED,
    additional, albeit virtual, particles can be created in the vacuum,
    allowing light-light interactions."
    | American Institute of Physics
    “The most fundamental question facing 21st century physics will be:
    What is the vacuum? As quantum mechanics teaches us, with
    its zero point energy this vacuum is not empty and the word
    vacuum is a gross misnomer!”
    / Prof. Friedwardt Winterberg /
    "Now we know that the vacuum can have all sorts of wonderful effects
    over an enormous range of scales, from the microscopic to the cosmic,"
    said Peter Milonni
    from the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico.
    etc . . . . .
    ============. . .
    Today the “official physics” does not recognize the absolute,
    endless and infinite kingdom of vacuum: T=0K.
    Book : ‘Dreams of a final theory’ by Steven Weinberg. Page 138.
    ‘ It is true . . . there is such a thing as absolute zero; we cannot
    reach temperatures below absolute zero not because we are not
    sufficiently clever but because temperatures below absolute zero
    simple have no meaning.’
    / Steven Weinberg. The Nobel Prize in Physics 1979 /
    But . . . .
    S. Weinberg wrote another book: “The First Three Minutes”
    (A Modern View of the Origin of the Universe . . . after big bang)
    So, he know very well that in 1973 the temperature of the Universe
    as whole was 2,7K and in the time “X” it will come to absolute zero.
    But if the “temperatures below absolute zero simple have no meaning”
    then . . . “ Big Bang” also doesn’t have meaning.
    Someone must decide: “Where is logic in the Physics?”
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Not standard model of physics.
    In the study of particle physics, the most powerful tool is
    the accelerator. Two most important things need for accelerator:
    high energy and deep vacuum.
    The higher the energy and the deeper the vacuum levels that
    can be reached – and the tinier the structures that can be explored.
    The picture of modern particle physics is saddled with Standard Model.
    The Standard Model embraces a total of 18 particles.
    Thanks to accelerators more than 20 Nobel Prizes have been awarded
    to scientists who contributed to the Standard Model.
    If the accelerator is model of Nature then Nature itself must have
    infinite high energy and the deepest vacuum level. Then there isn’t
    place for the hot (!) singular point as beginning of existence.
    Temperature requires separation and movement of particles.
    A singularity is defined as to have no separation, no movement.
    Without movement there isn’t temperature.
    The high density of singular point is equal to the singular point of deep
    vacuum, therefor it is possible that nature started from singular point of
    vacuum, it means from singular quantum particle in the point of vacuum.
    The deepest vacuum level in Nature is the cosmic vacuum: T=0K.
    This deepest vacuum (T=0K) is itself some kind of infinite energy.
    This infinite energy gives birth to “virtual particles”: E=Mc^2.
    These virtual particles” was called “dark matter and dark energy”.
    “Dark masses and energy” of these “virtual particles” are more
    than 90% in the nature and they created a few % of visual matter
    in Nature.


    • #3
      One Sisyphus project in modern Physics.
      Scientists try to unify four fundamental forces:
      electromagnetic, strong, weak and gravity.
      In 1979 the Nobel Prize was awarded to physicists who
      merged electromagnetic and the weak nuclear forces in a single
      framework: electroweak theory.
      Uniting the strong force with the electroweak picture has not been easy.
      However, many physicists believe that at very high energies, the
      electroweak and the strong forces would behave as one.
      That unification is known as the search for a “grand unified theory”
      The theory that may finally include all four fundamental forces as one
      (electromagnetic, strong, weak and gravity) is known as the search
      for a “theory of everything”.
      My opinion.
      So, on a large macro cosmic scale scientists gathered all masses and
      energies into “ singular point” and on a micro scale this picture repeat
      itself when scientists try to merge all four forces at very high
      energies as one singular force.
      I call this scientific plan to understand micro world as a “Sisyphus project”.
      Because behavior of particles at very high energies was explained
      by Paul Dirac in 1928. According to Dirac at a “sea of vacuum”
      quantum particles (forces) will be changed into virtual particles
      with negative energy / mass: -E= Mc^2. (!)
      This “sea of vacuum” is an infinite continuum and it is some kind of
      infinite energy and it is full with infinite numbers of particles: –E=Mc^2.
      From these Dirac’s negative particles the creation and evolution of existence
      was started. “ The theory of everything” only begins its way from Dirac’s
      “sea of vacuum” and particles of negative energy/mass: -E= Mc^2.
      Best wishes.
      Israel Sadovnik Socratus.
      Attached Files


      • #4

        All the billions and billions of dollars wasted trying to find a particle that doesn't exist. not all the money is used for it anyway, redirected to corporate pockets.
        just another ploy to Steel tax payers money.

        yah ! we need another accelerator like America needs another Obama or Hitler bush.

        just think of all that money getting in the hands of free energy people. i could build millions of Figuera devices and sit back and laugh at Qm SR followers in their faces.

        imagine what Walter Russel could of done with that money.

        you pic above is exactly what present day scientist and physicist are doing today except the large ball is a ball bull crap.
        Last edited by marathonman; 09-08-2016, 04:24 AM.


        • #5
          Scientific “logic” as logic of science. / by Israel Socratus /
          Part one: macro – cosmic scientific logic.
          14 billion years ago the billions and billions of galaxies were
          compressed into a “hot singular point”. It means that the four
          forces of nature (electromagnetic, strong, weak and gravity) also
          were compressed into one “singular point”- into one “singular force”.
          During the earliest moments following big bang explosion –
          - roughly the first 10^-43 seconds – the temperature and density
          of the universe had cooled to a balmy 10^15 degrees Celsius
          and the four forces of nature went their separate ways.

          Part two: micro – quantum scientific logic.

          Scientists try to unify four fundamental forces of nature:
          In 1979 the Nobel Prize was awarded to physicists who
          merged electromagnetic and the weak nuclear forces in a single
          framework: electroweak theory.
          “ Although these two forces appear very different at everyday
          low energies, the theory models them as two different aspects
          of the same force. . . . . .
          The existence of the electroweak interactions was experimentally
          established in two stages, the first being the discovery of neutral
          currents in neutrino scattering by the Gargamelle collaboration
          in 1973, and the second in 1983 by the UA1 and the UA2
          collaborations that involved the discovery of the W and Z
          gauge bosons in proton–antiproton collisions at the converted
          Super Proton Synchrotron.”

          Physicists believe that at very high energies, the electroweak and
          the strong forces would behave as one.
          That unification is known as the search for a “grand unified theory”
          Physicists believe that at very – very high energies (!) all four
          fundamental forces of nature would behave as one. That project
          is known as the search for a “theory of everything”.
          My conclusion.
          At the earth’s conditions we cannot reach the cosmic conditions.
          It means we cannot merge all four fundamental forces of nature.
          It means we don’t need more powerful LHC (useless machine)
          It means the CERN project can be taken in archives.

          “But I don’t want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
          "Oh, you can’t help that," said the Cat:
          "we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad."
          "How do you know I’m mad?" said Alice.
          "You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn’t have come here.”
          ― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland



          • #6
            You can test and understand scientific plan to unify all four forces
            (electromagnetic, strong, weak and gravity) at very high energies
            into one singular force in your home conditions:
            a) take four eggs ,
            b) break them,
            c) make omelet with homogeneous structure,
            d) try to understand, what chicken is.

            Good appetite, and remember,
            in our eggs – our forces (more than four).


            • #7
              To have an omelet takes an outside energy source to make it happen.
              Exactly in this way the physicists work.
              They use outside energy and deep vacuum (LHC) to create
              new quantum particles.
              They don’t think about nature of energy itself.
              As Feynman said:
              “ It is important to realize that in physics today,
              we have no knowledge of what energy is.
              We do not have a picture that energy comes in little
              blobs of a definite amount.”
              LHC needs deep vacuum and high energy to create new tiny
              quantum particles. If LHC is model of the Universe then the
              absolute vacuum T=0K with infinite energy can also create
              tiny quantum particles: -E=Mc^2.
              And . . . if LHC isn’t model of the Universe (!) . . .
              . . then . . . why we need this big machine.


              • #8
                In the Alice’s Wonderland the people in the cosmology,
                gravity and particle programs don’t ask question
                “Where did the masses and forces (for singularity, big bang
                and existence) come from?”

                Another example of scientific “logic” as logic of science:
                What big bang creates black hole takes away . . . (into singular point?)


                • #9
                  T=0K and Reality.
                  We cannot reach the absolute vacuum T=0K by experiments
                  but this physical fact doesn’t say that the absolute vacuum is
                  hollow inside.
                  In absolute vacuum exists infinite numbers of potential “virtual
                  particles”. We cannot reach the density and other parameters of
                  “virtual particles” by experiments but this physical fact doesn’t
                  say that these “virtual particles” are pure abstraction.
                  The examples:
                  “ Its effects can be observed in various phenomena
                  (such as spontaneous emission, the Casimir effect, the
                  van der Waals bonds, or the Lamb shift), and it is thought
                  to have consequences for the behavior of the Universe
                  on cosmological scales. “
                  / Vacuum energy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                  Theoreticians say that leaving our ‘atomistic- matter’
                  paradigm behind, and taking ‘virtual antiparticles’,
                  we realized that the Cosmos / Vacuum ‘polarized ‘
                  itself, and the result of this polarization we know as our world.
                  Vacuum polarization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                  In quantum field theory, and specifically quantum electrodynamics,
                  vacuum polarization describes a process in which a background
                  electromagnetic field produces virtual electron–positron pairs that
                  change the distribution of charges and currents that generated
                  the original electromagnetic field. It is also sometimes referred
                  to as the self energy of the gauge boson (photon).
                  Vacuum polarization was observed experimentally in 1997 using
                  the TRISTAN particle accelerator in Japan.

                  Vacuum polarization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                  Light Created from a Vacuum:
                  Casimir Effect Observed in Superconducting Circuit
                  /Science Daily (Nov. 18, 2011) /
                  Chalmers scientists create light from vacuum
                  Chalmers scientists create light from vacuum | Chalmers



                  • #10
                    Can God create a Universe which physicists could not understand?
                    Because at the moment when God began to create the material world,
                    He needed to use physical laws, formulas and equations. Then we can
                    come to the moment of His creation and grip His hand, look His features
                    and understand the picture of the Existence.
                    But here is one problem.
                    The problem is, that at the moment when we grip His hand,
                    He disappears (according to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle)
                    in His an infinite unseen house: T=0K.
                    So, we see the beginning of creation (quantum vacuum’s polarization /
                    fluctuation / transformation) but cannot understand the essence
                    of what is happened because physicists banned T=0K from Physics.


                    • #11
                      For example.

                      Infinity / by Max Tegmark /

                      Our challenge as physicists is to discover this elegant way and
                      the infinity-free equations describing it—the true laws of physics.
                      To start this search in earnest, we need to question infinity.
                      I'm betting that we also need to let go of it.



                      Without “INFINITY” as T=0K we cannot understand
                      the essence of the true laws, formulas and equations of physics.
                      Israel Socratus
                      Attached Files


                      • #12
                        The essence of motion.
                        There are two states of love:
                        a) The state “I love”
                        b) The state “ to be loved”
                        Everybody knows that they are two different states.

                        There are two states of motion:
                        a) The state “I move” (self-motion)
                        b) The state “ to be moved”
                        Everybody knows that they are two different states.

                        What set particles / objects in motion?
                        a) Newton’s theory explains movement as subject of
                        “ to be moved”: outwards forces set objects in motion,
                        b) Quantum theory explains movement as subject of “ I move”
                        (self-motion): internal forces (h and h*) set particles in motion.
                        This deference doesn’t understand in Physics.

                        Newtonian macro-world was created from quantum micro-world.
                        It means that the source of all motion and change in Nature is
                        quantum’s own self-impulses: h and h*
                        This situation doesn’t understand in Physics.

                        Newton wrote:
                        “‘For the basic problem of philosophy seems to be to discover
                        the forces of nature from the phenomena of motions and then
                        to demonstrate the other phenomena from these forces.”
                        It means to take the quantum forces of nature h and h* and then
                        try to demonstrate all the other phenomena from these forces.
                        Israel Sadovnik Socratus.

